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LucidNinja 09-10-2012 07:28 AM

??? hunting, good or bad ???
what do you think of hunting? is it bad that you are taking a life, though i guess life just re-lives on after that and doesnt matter too much as the being in the animal will have another experience and be more experienced from being hunted? and hunting imo is only good if u use all the animal or atleast the meat.
whats your outlook? i used to be a heavy meat eater but just became vegetarian cos it "apparently" lowers your vibes and connection. and i used to hunt a bit but stopped though i am wondering this as me and a friend are going on a 2 day survival trip where we go into the bush and only take clothes, water and knives and tomahawks, and meat would be our really only source of food unless we found berries that we were confident to eat..
thoughts:D should i thank the animal for killing it?

Sevenofthrees 05-08-2015 11:08 PM

I don't see hunting as good or bad. I've never hunted before so I can't say from experience, but I do know people might see hunting just for sport or for trophies as wrong, while others see hunting as a pastime or whatever. I personally do not think hunting for trophies or sport is very nice or alligns with God. Hunting for food is something I can understand, as there are still a wholeeeeeee bunch of people who still eat meat, including me(doesn't justify it, though). I like how awareness for big game trophies has been raised lately. We should do what we can to raise modern issues. All in all, someday hunting will have its day just like everything else on Earth.

Tobi 05-08-2015 11:26 PM

Hey LucidNinja....
You have an interesting signature! Are you going to kill little critters in the bush, or take a back-pack with some vegetarian survival food (beans and rice, trail mix etc) in it? You have the power to choose. You wouldn't be letting yourself down if you did decide to do that. There are still plenty of challenges to survival in the wild, such as shelter building, making fire, navigation etc.
And you'd be letting a lot of critters run free for a while before someone less compassionate decides to do a bush survival trip....

Holly 05-08-2015 11:52 PM

I don't really believe it's bad to take a life...in some circumstances it's needed. Humans are omnivores for a reason - it's so we can adapt to any climate. It's one of the reasons our species is so successful and to be honest, when we're starving...all ideas of vegetarianism go out the window. If you're going to die of hunger and all you have is a raw fish or a rat...we eat meat to survive. That's instinct. We have that in us, it's part of our brain.

I think it's up to you, how killing sits with you. I think if you're going to kill it you should do it quickly, and not show the animal the blade, so to speak. Eat it and use as much as you can. I don't think it should be for sport, just for food.

2 days hunting, veggie the rest of the time...I think that's doable. It's only 2 days, isn't it? Not a patch on 365, 3 times a day like some people.

It can lower your vibration, yes. I find meat grounding, which is why I went back to it after being veggie for a long time. Wild meat might might not hit your vibration as hard as commercially raised animals - they endure more suffering and are often aware of others being killed as they await slaughter. Their flesh has more panic chemicals in it, and they've likely been fed horrible substances like growth hormones or their own species. I find wild meat feels bright and warm like the life of an animal doing what it was made to do and being content...and shop bought meat is dark and ashy and full of adrenaline.

Thank it if you want to. I think that part is mostly for our sake.

Lorelyen 06-08-2015 07:25 AM

I do believe that if people want to eat meat they should do the killing.
It may put a few people off but it would mesh their spirituality with their need for meat.
Getting someone else - some worker in an abattoir, say, to do the deed so
people can buy bits of a dead body from a shop chiller is to me a cop-out.

Hunting for the sake of killing has never been my pitch. But I come from a
spiritual background in which killing animals for food is highly ritualised -
a form of sacrifice in which the life of the animal is put to a spiritual


Pagandell 06-08-2015 08:18 AM

Love is all you need.
Hunting uuuurrrggghhhh :icon_eek:

Shaunc 06-08-2015 10:00 AM

Hunting and fishing are arguably the 2 oldest professions known to man. You can't have life without death the 2 go together like night and day, summer and winter, male and female. I keep poultry as a hobby and from time to time I have to kill one for various reasons. We all need to eat and I feel that we should all realize that meat doesn't come in a plastic bag.
I feel completely different about trophy hunting. After all you're taking a life and any animal will fight to survive, to take a life for the sake of it is wrong, a sin, a crime but to eat it has to be done. The wheel of life has to keep spinning.

Ivy 06-08-2015 10:16 AM

From an idealistic point of view, I don't believe that hunting for food is wrong, it's very natural. But it's very natural when we live in a nature based society - most of us here don't live with nature and this puts a different slant on hunting.

I understand the sentiment and agree that meat eaters should be aware of how their meat lives and is killed, but disagree that meat eaters should kill their own food - this would lead to inexperienced hunters causing a great deal of pain and suffering to animals and a lot of waste as people simply don't have those skills in our society.

For the same reasons, I don't feel that hunting on a 'survival' experience really justifies it, as it isn't really a survival scenario, it's 'playing' at survival for the enjoyment and enrichment of the experience. However, if a person learns to kill food with some reverence and respect for the animal, then it is perhaps more enriching for a meat eater to do this - but that would take teaching of those skills.

My family used to keep chickens, and having tried to kill a chicken themselves, they chose to use the local butcher as the chicken suffered less in expert hands.

For the record, I eat fish and foul.

Lorelyen 06-08-2015 11:38 AM


Originally Posted by Ivy
I understand the sentiment and agree that meat eaters should be aware of how their meat lives and is killed, but disagree that meat eaters should kill their own food - this would lead to inexperienced hunters causing a great deal of pain and suffering to animals and a lot of waste as people simply don't have those skills in our society.

Well I didn't mean just like that! They'd have to learn of course, just the same as with gutting an animal which can cause problems. My main point is that so much spirit is wasted with the factory provision of meat, not to forget entire bodies are sometimes just thrown away - a life wasted.

As to suffering - who knows how much some suffer from "approved" killing? After sticking a pig it's drained for 6 minutes, most of which time its heart must still be beating. That's before we get onto the practices of certain religions.

I'll add these are things I've never done myself. Chicken and some processed meats are all I touch these days and then only rarely.


knightofalbion 06-08-2015 12:34 PM

Hunting - good or bad? ....

I think you already know the answer to that.

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