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-   -   I still feel "haunted" by Paul Walker's death, despite the fact that I didn't even kn (https://www.spiritualforums.com/vb/showthread.php?t=93891)

Aszpazia 22-11-2015 10:16 PM

I still feel "haunted" by Paul Walker's death, despite the fact that I didn't even kn
I've already posted this on Reddit, yet even tough I got a few interesting responses, I haven't managed to at least find a clue of why exactly this is happening to me. If you have any theory or opinion, please, feel free to share it, because I'm feeling very confused, and I don't know where to look for an answer anymore.

So... yeah. I'm sorry, I don't know if this is the right place to post this, but I couldn't think of another one, it's just [Edited by staff/swearing] strange, man. It's just a strange situation that I find myself in.

I've shared this with someone else before, and they told that it was because of his violent, sudden death at a young age reminded me of the unavoidable end of life, which I admit it makes pretty good sense, so, for a while, I just left it at that.

BUT it's been quite some time now, meanwhile my maternal grandmother passed away, and I while I did grieve her death, I still simply cannot shake off the overwhelming feeling of loss and pain that I get regulary over Paul Walker's passing.

I remember about him constantly without even wanting or indenting to, I sometimes feel like bawling my eyes out when I think about his death, and keep in mind, that I didn't even know who the [edited by staff/swearing] he was or watched any of his movies before finding out he passed away. If this was some actor or celebrity, artist that I admired or that I was a big fan of, I would understand, but this is not the case, however, I just can't snap out of it. I also know that I have dreams of him, but I never remember them, which is weird because I usually manage to remember most of my dreams.

Look, I know this probably has no place here, but I just wanted to share it and if someone, maybe even a single person, has ever had to deal with something similar to this?

Native spirit 22-11-2015 10:57 PM

This could be a case of delayed grieving as you say you didnt grieve for your grandmother but you did for someone,who you had never met, this happens in a lot of situations,people cannot grieve for their family members they keep it in,but anything that comes up that upsets you can start you grieving,you may not have known him but it was a realease for you to grieve.i have seen many people grieving over people they have never met it doesn't make the grieving less important,but it allowed you to grieve for other things that had happened in your life.


keokutah 23-11-2015 06:42 AM

This has happened to me a few times, the main common characteristic is that the random deaths I become strongly attatched to are all mysteries. It may just be the mystery itself that I sense that makes me become so connected to these strangers, because when it happens I feel such an ominous feeling like something does not add up.

Honestly I don't know anything about Paul Walker, but I just googled it quickly, and I think it feels really strange, and again, like a mystery, and there is blame being pointed at both his friend who also died or Porche, but the most ironic thing is I see that he starred in fast and furious.... that's a show about racing cars right? And he died in a really fast car. It's another mystery, and tragic, tragic death that shouldn't have happened, with a lot of unrest and pain.

People like solving mysteries, it's easy to become fixated and obsessed about things that don't add up, because you can feel the injustice, and all the pain and their spirits are not at rest because they didn't die right or maybe there was a murder involved and there are sometimes so many people that were hurt by their passing.

I have a really strong connection with Michael Hutchence, and from what I can see, a lot of people do because there was just something amazing about him and his presence, everyone that met him talks about how sensitive and charismatic he was. Yet I'm young enough that I never knew about him when he was alive, and yet when I think about his death I can't shake this terrible personal feeling that something wrong happened, that it wasn't supposed to happen that way. Maybe it's because his death was a mystery too.
It wasn't fair and there is so much pain from all his loved ones and all the people who never even expected that he was suicidal, so much disbelief, that it's hard to understand what really happened that night.

Yet my connection with him goes a lot deeper than that, it's such a personal feeling that he is someone that is very important to me.
I've asked my spirit guides and higher self and was told that a part of me is Michael Hutchence, that's who I was in a past life. My logical mind doesn't quite believe that, but I am adopted so sometimes I wonder if we are related, I truly do wonder that because there is a huge, unexplained connection to him - just everything I've read about his life and past, I have everything in common with him.

Last year a woman went missing in my town, and that happens enough that I normally wouldn't care, but one day when I heard people talking about whether or not they thought she was dead or not I just got this strong, overwhelming sense that she was still alive. Of course I became more interested, but then it became an obsession. Days went on and they still didn't find her and the whole situation made me feel really uneasy and like there was something they were not telling us. We still don't know if she's dead or alive but for many weeks I was really obsessed and couldn't shake the sense that there was something off about her dissapearance that really disturbed me, yet at the same time I didn't feel like she was dead. I was hoping for a best case scenario, that she staged a dissapearance and went to live a new life elsewhere. I know that's not really the same situation, but it's similar because she could have been dead - no one's found her, they had search parties for days until the family just decided to stop searching, which I thought was way too soon to stop searching and weird that they would, and that really upset me because I had such a strong feeling she was still alive at that time.

The other strange time it happened with a celebrity, is with OJ Simpson. But again I know I'm not the only one, a lot of people sense like we weren't told everything. Again it happened way before I was old enough to know anything about it but randomly one night I got this overwhelming sense to investigate into it and this sudden, strong connection. In this case, my connection was to him, not to Brown. And again there was a mystery and I felt this huge sense that something was off, something we weren't told. I even read his book, and researched the case files in depth. I know it's such a controversial subject so i wont state my opinion on it here, but I found out that I actually do have a soul connection to him, that we are soul mates and i was called to learn about his struggle in depth so that i could learn a really important lesson from it. I've even talked to him telepathically. I wish the truth would come out but i dont know if it ever will, and i think he will do everything in his power to keep it hidden.

A lot of death has been happening around me lately. I felt this feeling that something was off when I recently heard that a tour boat sunk and a boy and his father died, but again I think I only get that feeling and attatched when I sense something is off. And obviously in that case something is off. No one should have died. The tour boat should have supplied lifejackets to everyone but they didn't and it just seems suspicious in general.

And just last night, my friend told me his cousin froze to death in the parking lot because the homeless shelter kicked him out, I just feel so much injustice and it makes me feel really uneasy and disturbed thinking about it, I think even if his spirit is not at rest, the issue needs to be dealt with. I hope the homeless shelter takes responsibility for that and does something in the future to fix these things. This kind of thing happens all the time, but in this case, I sense there is more to it, something unsettling that I probably don't want to know.

Before that, a woman and baby was found in the river, she died but the baby survived, and of course the story the media gave us was a coverup for the real incident. They tried making it sound like it had been an accident. I sensed that it was more tragic than that, like I could feel her pain. I had bad feelings about it before, and then that day I happened to have a garage sale and meet a witness who told me first hand that he literally watched her park her car beside the bridge, take her baby in her arms and jump off the bridge into the river.

Death doesn't usually bother me unless there is something not at rest about the situation, and then I can easily get attatched to the mystery, but there is just so many tragic deaths happening lately that I am finding it best to not get involved at all.
I am quite sensitive - an empath if you will. So, it is easy for me to connect to people and things when I sense things aren't as they seem.

Aunt Bud 23-11-2015 01:32 PM

Around Easter time last spring I briefly pick up Paul Walkers light body. He was advancing in some ways. Fairly clear. I then it was gone. I knew about the accident but I had never seen any of his movies. I was kind of surprised but then again I just took it in stride.

baronesslucy 26-11-2015 02:29 AM

Is is possible that you feel a connection to him because of some unknown connection in the past that someone in your family or ancestor who might have had connect with his family. I know that this sounds crazy but sometimes this has been the case.

When I was a teen I had an interest in European royalty French and British. This was after reading a book about French royalty. I would spend hours reading books about British royalty. I read several books about Charles II and the Stewart Family but I was more interested in reading about their mistresses and their children. I felt a connection to these people and when i mentioned this to people, they thought this was crazy.

Years later found out that there is British royal blood in my ancestry going back to the period that the Stewart Family ruled England. The woman in question I'm guessing was a domestic servant and the royal was in the lower rungs on royalty (Earl, Lord). I was told she wasn't a equal and was of lower standing.

I never could prove a French connection. The fact that I started having dreams about Spanish royalty after my birth parents found me made me wonder if there was a connection there.

Aszpazia 29-11-2015 07:29 PM

Hey, guys!

First of all, I want to thank all of you for taking the time and replying to me, I appreciate it!

@Native Spirit
I'm not denying that might be a possibility, but the strange thing is that I've began feeling this way about him and his death before my grandmother passed away, this why I find it so strange.


Your thoughts and experiences are very interesting, thank you for sharing them with me. I, for one, don't think that what I am living right now is of the same intensity and connection as things you had regarding death and spiritual bonds with people who are/have been celebrities, but your post gave me a lot of food for thought about these things :D.


Wow, really? Can you share more about your experience? I would be interested to hear more about this or similar things that you've lived.


The possibility you are presenting is truly fascinating, and the fact that you always felt you had an inner connection with royalty only to find out later on that it was actually a real one, I would have freaked out.

As for me, I don't really think that could be the case, I mean, I am from Eastern Europe, and as far as I'm concerned, my family has always been from around these parts, while his was pretty much all American.

But it's thought provoking nonetheless.

Colorado 02-12-2015 02:05 AM

I had a similar thing happen to me when another celebrity died years ago. I actually saw his death before it happened. The funny part was, in his first movie....I couldn't stand him or his acting. The movie was good...but his role or him, whatever it was...really turned me off from the movie. I never watched his movies, and my feelings stuck with me about him, whenever a new movie he was in, came out. I wouldn't go watch it, because I just wasn't a fan of his.

Then very strangely, I was bored and broke...and had a movie given to me to watch by my sister. He was in it...and I reluctantly watched it. I became a big fan after that movie. He did a very good job, and I even found him attractive after that. Right after the movie was over...I don't know how to describe it, but I saw him dead in my head. I remember pushing the thought out instantly, thinking how ludicrous and ridiculous it was and where in the hell did it come from, anyways. Two years later, the actor died. He was very young and it was sudden.

I later read, that the movie I hated...and the reason why I didn't like his acting...was the same movie he hated, too. He hated his role in it.

I had a dream about him after that...I saw him on a bridge. He was crossing the bridge and we talked. I gave him a kiss good bye and it was over.

It has crossed my mind, why I saw his death, if I have some connection to him...possibly a past life, or some energetic connection...drawn from similar energy on the astral plane or some weird, paranormal thing.

Maybe because I am sensitive, I was able to feel such things about him. Maybe I saw something because of it. I dont know...

I did see the video of Paul Walker's death. It was tragic and heart breaking. I didn't know him before then. It upset me for a few weeks off and on when I read headlines online about his death...and how he was possibly alive when the car caught fire. I don't know why after all this time, you are still feeling these emotions....perhaps, you are having a similar thing happen to you, that I did. Perhaps for some reason, you are energetically connected on some level, somehow...and are feeling his emotions or thoughts because you are "sensitive". Im not sure...its only a theory...but nothing else makes sense, spiritually. You weren't a huge fan, you didnt watch his movies...so I am not sure why you have these feelings that otherwise, you shouldnt.

Aszpazia 07-12-2015 04:12 PM


Thank you for sharing your experience and for you thoughtful reply, what you experienced sounds so much more intense tough, I would have lost my mind for a little while if I was in your place, I'm not good at dealing with these things at all.

May I ask which actor was?

Yes, maybe I have the same thing happening to me as you, but honestly hope that's not the case, because I tend to get confused and scared very quickly, you seem so calm and collected when you talk about it.

The theory of being somehow energetically "connected" to him in a way is a frightening one to me, because of what you just said, it doesn't make any sense, spiritually wise, I really shouldn't have these feelings, there is no reason to. I wish it would just go away..

SemperVI 11-12-2015 04:45 AM

Hi Aszpazia,

I have seen your thread the last few days and just came across an interesting new video of an Afterlife Interview with Paul Walker through a reputable medium


Perhaps this will give you some perspective

MIND POWER 11-12-2015 03:42 PM

The same thing happened with Elvis.....

And of course you may have developed compassion, beyond the norm in society.

Hmmmm are there any women, that have this effect on me..? princess Diana..? nahh she has got bad choice in boys. But i always remember watching my Dad, shed a tear during her funeral (Again this is about compassion) caring for somebody outside of your immediate family and even life....

On the connection thing, some people vibrate similar to us! and maybe its those people that we connect with more easily! no matter how far apart you are, maybe its these people you are innately more empathetic with.

So when these people suffer or die! it hits you hard.

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