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Lolly 17-07-2017 12:48 AM

Are Pendulum's Safe to Use ? I spooked myself....
After using my rose quartz crystal pendulum for the first time 4 days ago with a pendulum chart that had letters and numbers, I was astounded at the answers I knew to be true so believed the answers I was given to questions I didn't know the answers to and there were a lot of questions!

After questioning one answer, what I was communicating with suddenly revealed itself to not be my higher self as it had said it was but 'ok am malicious old man name FRI, I love being mean' and 'am only joking'. I asked if any of its answers were true and it stated 'no'.

Being my first time, I felt I was careful i.e. meditating first for 5 minutes or so, protecting myself with gold/white light, calling up on higher self to answer these questions and that I would only accept truthful answers from higher self etc.

I've been angry but more disappointed with myself for being too trusting so I threw my pendulum in the bin.

Has anybody here ever experienced anything like this?

Lolly 17-07-2017 02:00 PM

Is it possible for a moderator to move this to the thread 'Are pendulums safe to use?'.

Sorry, I've been reading through the threads willy nilly but I'm a little anxious and spooked (really not concentrating properly) so I should have asked in that thread.

Clover 17-07-2017 04:14 PM

From what I understand, you can use pretty much use any object to make a pendulum. Everyone has different experiences with it. Myself, I used a thin string and a diamond earing once. It was fascinating, however, the practice is not a personal preference of mine. I felt as if I invited random 'visitors' in and my gut/intuition wasn't comfortable with it. It's not a practice I care for.

Interesting though about a chart you used, I never heard of a pendulum chart. Sounds almost like how an ouija board works?

However, Id relax, and not give those negative thoughts you had with the pendulum attention. Let that day and event pass, it is behind you now, no need to give what you did power with your thoughts, and at the end of the day, that will be your greatest enemy; negative thinking. If there are protection techniques ( sageing) or blessing your space, I feel that is enough imho... I always sage my room at least once a week, I do practice the tarot. Clear out any energies or curious visitors who like to watch me play, heh :icon_wink:

Lolly 17-07-2017 11:44 PM

The chart I used was similar to what's called a rainbow chart or guides chart and I did think for a split second how it seemed like a similar process as the ouija board but it was on a very popular website that gave lots of information regarding pendulums so I gave it a go. It's been enlightening to find that pendulums are not just for the subconscious or higher self and had I not had this experience I never would have believed it.

I've calmed down a bit now and got things into perspective and yes, I'll be keeping negative thoughts away. I'll try the sage too.

Marimar_197 18-07-2017 10:04 PM

Hi Lolly - Ive been using a pendulum for a few weeks now. I normally take the pendulum and close my eyes and see myself surrounded by white light and ask that I be procted by God and St. Michael the Arch Angel. I then ask that only higher beings and my spirits and guardian angel speak to me. It has seem to work for me and I havent had any issues. I then ask for the pendulum to show me its energy or ask the usual questions to get it tuned with me that day.

I hope you clean the pendulum and then give it a go. I have made my own charts as well as printing some free ones online. I saw a post by the King Of pentacles I believe and he wrote a few questions down in separate little pieces of paper and then shuffled them. he then put the pendulum over each paper and asked for the answer. That way he wasnt manipulating the answer. Just a thought. See if that works for you. Good luck and let us know how it goes for you.

I also never use mine for more that 20 min. It does take lots of energy. and make sure to clear your mind and focus on breathing when you do use it. :)

Lolly 19-07-2017 10:42 AM

Hi Marimar_197

I only used it for 4 days. I grounded myself first, imagining roots from the soles of my feet penetrating to the earths core wrapping themselves around a quartz crystal. Then I imagined any negative energy running from the crown of my head right down to the tips of my toes to flow out down the roots and pure energy to come back up through the roots filling my whole body.....then I protected myself. I held my pendulum and called for god to surround and protect me with love and light whilst imagining a white/gold light cocooning me with god standing behind me, hands on my shoulders whilst repeating, I am sealed, I am protected. Then I called 'upon the higher self to answer these questions. I seek only absolutely truthful answers, which are aligned with the highest and greatest good for all concerned. I ask that god and higher self surround and protect me during this process and any time I use a pendulum'.

Then I used my pendulum......but I was still tricked. I threw the pendulum away and because of this experience I won't be using one again, it's not for me. I'm just going to stick with meditation. I'm glad yours is going well. I wear an energy pendant and wonder if that made me more vulnerable. I'm also wondering if the good intent from the pendant has been stripped or soiled in some way now too.

Marimar_197 19-07-2017 03:41 PM


Originally Posted by Lolly
Hi Marimar_197

I only used it for 4 days. I grounded myself first, imagining roots from the soles of my feet penetrating to the earths core wrapping themselves around a quartz crystal. Then I imagined any negative energy running from the crown of my head right down to the tips of my toes to flow out down the roots and pure energy to come back up through the roots filling my whole body.....then I protected myself. I held my pendulum and called for god to surround and protect me with love and light whilst imagining a white/gold light cocooning me with god standing behind me, hands on my shoulders whilst repeating, I am sealed, I am protected. Then I called 'upon the higher self to answer these questions. I seek only absolutely truthful answers, which are aligned with the highest and greatest good for all concerned. I ask that god and higher self surround and protect me during this process and any time I use a pendulum'.

Then I used my pendulum......but I was still tricked. I threw the pendulum away and because of this experience I won't be using one again, it's not for me. I'm just going to stick with meditation. I'm glad yours is going well. I wear an energy pendant and wonder if that made me more vulnerable. I'm also wondering if the good intent from the pendant has been stripped or soiled in some way now too.

I am sorry you had a bad experience. That must have been the worst feeling. Did you clean it before using? I wonder too. I do clean mine often as it is a crystal. It prefers to sit under moon and on occasion i will use sage. I am just now working on meditation and opening up my third eye. I wish you success. Have you done the tarot cards? I tried but it doesnt work for me. ;/

Lolly 21-07-2017 11:57 AM

I don't use tarot cards either, I used them when I was younger with a friend but we didn't really have a clue what we were doing. We'd get them out all the time and look at the meaning of the cards from the book that came with it......it makes me smile thinking about that now!

I've been in the process of opening my 3rd eye for a while. It's taken a bit of time to prepare myself for it so I'm going with the flow because I can be the impatient sort when I know I want something which I've had to work on (quite successfully) and slowed right down. Now I giggle at myself for ever being impatient, it seems silly to me now.

I did clean my crystal, it liked the sun through day and I smudged it. It's interesting because although I won't use one again, it makes me wonder how anyone can know who they're really communicating with whilst they think it's their higher self/spirit guides etc. How can you be sure?

TinyToad 06-08-2017 09:50 AM

Impossible for me to be sure, but it really sounds like you were indeed speaking to a part of yourself. From what you have shared, it also really sounds like it was protective in its nature. It sounds like you were on quite the roll asking questions, perhaps getting closer to some revelation, and then suddenly a part of yourself stepped in and heavily tried to throw you off, as though fearing you were not ready.

"ok am malicious old man name FRI, I love being mean"

Truly and deeply malicious beings generally don't identify themselves as such so soon into a 'game' of sorts. Typically they would lead you on for a very long time, attempting to insidiously drive you mad. Instead "FRI" seems to have come forward rather abruptly to try to stop you by scaring you, and their attempt seems rather childlike. "I'm a scary old mean man!" It's kind of a cute, in a way.

"am only joking"

A little jokester, eh? But there was no joke here. Nor was there anything all that malicious.

" I asked if any of its answers were true and it stated 'no'."

Again, a truly malicious trickster doesn't give up the gig before causing any chaos or suffering. This response also strongly signals, "No, none of this was true, please give up, please turn back."

This part of you, naturally, knows you quite well, it seems, since your gut response was to throw away your pendulum.

There is a strong possibility that you could make a friend.

Lolly 08-08-2017 12:48 AM

TinyToad it told the truth about some things but lied about some things I know to be true and I believe it read my mind. I don't think there's any chance of ever becoming friends. I'd be mortified if that was a part of me, I can't believe that at all, sorry.

In the beginning I asked if my higher self had a name I could use and it stated 'FRI'. It told me I needed to love myself more (that shocked me because I knew I already did) and that I wasn't meditating properly, that I had to call for 'FRI' during meditation so I could connect. That didn't feel right. (I initially used the pendulum because I didn't seem to be able to connect with my higher self during meditation). There were a lot of questions yes but at one point it spelt out 'make me moa'. The minute I saw that, my instinct told me my higher self wouldn't say something like that to me. This is when I started to question to myself what I was communicating with. It didn't finish the word 'moan' it left the 'n' off but it was randomly out of the blue, I hadn't asked a question when it spelt that. Some of the questions it said 'am not meant to say' then it would anyway. It told me I had no spirit guides/angels. I couldn't get my head round that, I wouldn't believe that.

I asked it why it had given me a day/date that was incorrect with regards to a question I asked, (Monday 13th August 2017) the 13th is a Sunday and it revealed itself starting with, ok, am name of name malicious old man called FRI, am only joking, am very, very old, I love being mean. I thought in my head, 'wow and I thought this earth was the only place full of d***heads, clearly not' and that thought was in my head before I could stop it and when it started spelling out 'I'm not a d......I didn't let it finish, I ripped up the chart and threw that with the pendulum in the bin.

I don't swear so it was a surprise to me to have that thought in the first place. I'm not sure why it referred to itself as a 'man' since I assume once we leave this earth and transcend we're no longer physical form but I figure it had a sense of humour since it made me laugh with answers to some of my questions. I wasn't scared when communicating I just felt something wasn't quite right so gave it an ear bashing about lying :icon_eek: and it revealed itself.

I was freaked out for a week or so after and even now I still sometimes think about some of the things it said although I stop them thoughts in their tracks straight away. That part hasn't been so pleasant. Can you imagine if I'd been calling out "FRI' during meditation? It's deeply unpleasant not knowing what I was communicating with.

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