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-   -   Did you know you can heal your teeth cavaties (https://www.spiritualforums.com/vb/showthread.php?t=58682)

renewe 01-11-2013 04:39 PM

Did you know you can heal your teeth cavaties
I've spend thousands of rands (hundreds of dollars) on my teeth this year, filling dental cavities. It's not that I don't brush and floss my teeth. It's actually because I've had a sensitivity for gluten for years, without realizing it, which has damaged my gut lining, and resulted in my body not being able to absorb all the minerals and vitamins that it actually needed. Good news: my body is healing since I'm eating gluten-free, organic and healthy food. More good news: I've recently found out that I can heal the cavities in my teeth by making sure I get enough Vit D, phosphorus, calcium and fat soluble vitamins. :brushteeth:

I love this article, just because I find the writing style hilarious and very enjoyable: [Web sight removed/Old and outdated]But you can find MUCH more information by Googling 'heal dental cavities naturally'.

RainbowAngel 01-11-2013 05:10 PM

Very intresting. Thanks for sharing ★

Miss Hepburn 02-11-2013 05:02 PM

I googled receding gum cure and am doing all they said...making pastes...
apparently gun does recover the exposed area, tho dentists want to do graft surdery.!
A lot of bee propolis involved...I have one tooth were the toothbrush makes first contact...
for DECADES!....Be warned of that, ha!


Sapphirez 06-11-2013 08:35 AM

this is interesting and very desirable of course.. I looked into healing cavities a year or two ago and found a couple things too.. but not anything I felt confident in implementing. one of the things is some sound apparatus.. I also saw something like that for wrinkle relieving. ah well anyway.. another thing that I remember was eating eggshells

I don't see anything definitive in that article.... but it is still nice
I ♥ this quote at the bottom..

"Love your teeth and even love the cavities for the gift of health they have brought into your future through changes you are making because of them."

it will be hard tho, my teeth are pretty bad and I am missing 4 from the rears.. *sigh* well at least it looks ok when I open my mouth normally lol... but they are getting more and more chipped as time goes on.. not real noticeable but scary cuz it could break at any time.. But, I have been trying to make myself stop eating bad stuff and prepare for a fast after a period of only fruits n vegetables anyways, so knowing that what I do will also please my teeth is extra incentive!

charly233 06-11-2013 09:06 AM

Yes it is great that you are healing your teeth cavities. Hopefully no more unpleasant fillings for you! I went to the dentist yesterday and they found some infection under one of my teeth. So I am doing affirmations to heal and dissolve the infection.

More challenging is my efforts to grow new teeth to replace those I have lost.

I have heard that this has been done so I am confident that this is achievable if you get into the right vibration and frame level of consciousness.

My affirmation - "I am God and I have new teeth to replace the lost ones."

By the way I healed my receding gum problem by doing less vigorous brushing and by brushing with just water and using toothpaste just once a week.

Sapphirez 08-11-2013 08:09 AM


Originally Posted by charly233
Yes it is great that you are healing your teeth cavities. Hopefully no more unpleasant fillings for you! I went to the dentist yesterday and they found some infection under one of my teeth. So I am doing affirmations to heal and dissolve the infection.

More challenging is my efforts to grow new teeth to replace those I have lost.

I have heard that this has been done so I am confident that this is achievable if you get into the right vibration and frame level of consciousness.

My affirmation - "I am God and I have new teeth to replace the lost ones."

By the way I healed my receding gum problem by doing less vigorous brushing and by brushing with just water and using toothpaste just once a week.

:icon_eek: I want to grow teeth back!!
something I read once said they could be restored if you didn't have a root canal, everything pulled out.. who knows if that's true even, but being able to grow new ones from scratch would be sooooo awesome
It's beyond ridiculous the state of dental health in this world with all the technology and advancement prevalent.. I guess it's probably a similar situation to the declining health of most people who adhere to mainstream cuz the people in control purposely make them sicker...
I do know that a lot of dentists lobby against fluoride truth getting out.. but some of them are surely just ignorant like most of the rest of the population
but yeah lol it's all too ridiculous... We've got smartphones and **** like that and can do all this amazing stuff yet we're still helpless when it comes to a toothache....

renewe 12-11-2013 11:51 AM

I think the most important thing to remember is that it will take time and commitment. It's about getting enough calcium, magnesium, Vit.D, and Omega 3 oils in your diet, your food needs to include a MAJORITY of veggies. It's about getting all the correct nutrition that your body needs in order to rebuild your teeth. So it's not a quick fix, it's not a fast solution, it's a lifestyle change. I, myself, tend to expect or want immediate results, and after taking a Vit.D supplement for 2 weeks, and changing my eating habits for 3 weeks, I'm hoping to see changes. But, of course, these are changes that won't be visible in such a short period of time. So keep this in mind - it's about a large-scale commitment and lifestyle change! These are the things I've been avoiding:
- Grains (this is easy, as I'm gluten sensitive anyway, so have been keeping away from white flour, wheat, rye, barley and oats for a couple of months already)
- sugar and sweets. I eat dark chocolate (85% and 70% cocao) and eat fruits to satisfy my sweet tooth.
- processed foods. If it's got more than 3-5 ingredients, then I don't buy it.

These are the things I've started to make part of my daily life:
- brushing my teeth after each meal, after lunch it's without tooth paste. I'm now making my own toothpaste, using baking soda and essential oils with anti-bacterial properties
- flossing my teeth every day
- Oil-pulling: using coconut oil as a mouth wash, swishing it around my mouth, when you get up in the morning. You actually need to do it between 15 and 20 minutes!
- I try eat 'whole' food as much as possible. And I add sprouted seeds and linseeds/flax seeds to about all my food.

A little bit more about oil-pulling: Oil itself has the ability to cut right through plaque to the tooth surface, and coconut oil in particular has rich, anti-bacterial properties. The oil draws toxins and bacteria out of the teeth, and becomes a vehicle to dispose of toxins.

Some great foods and herbs to eat & use:
Pink Himalayan salt
Coconut oil
Cashew oil
Fermented yoghurt
Green tea
Kiwi fruit
Sesame seeds
Neem tree twigs
Mint leaves
Black pepper
Wheatgrass juice
Red raspberry leaf
Lemon balm
Black walnut

(this list from http://curtisandcandice.com/2012/04/...ow-your-teeth/)

If you're not vegetarian or vegan, then you could also include the following your teeth-repairing lifestyle: grass-fed organic dairy (especially butter), grass-fed meats, seafood and liver.

lovingkind 13-11-2013 12:18 AM

Yes, it's amazing the things you can heal by what you put into your body.

Belle 17-11-2013 09:06 AM

Out of interest, what proportion of baking soda / essential oils would you use for toothpaste. For me, it's going to be small steps. I like the idea of mouthwashes and also growing gums back. I've great teeth on the whole and intend to keep them like that.

Burntfruit 02-06-2015 08:41 PM

Its funny - I was thinking about this. I had a cavity on the left side of my jaw, but the last month or so - I do not feel it. I was going to get it fixed but it has stopped bothering me now.

I take vitamins/omega 3 supplements etc, and use an ultrasonic brush.

I am not saying it has healed but could be!

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