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windwhistle 20-07-2011 03:04 PM

Elemental color magic
Here's magic that works. It is based on the four colors assigned to the four elements. Water is bright blue, earth is green, air is yellow and fire is red.

If you have to take a test at school, write a paper, communicate by phone or e-mail, speak up in court...etc...this is under the AIR domain. So, ask the Goddess to please be with you and aid in my thinking as I take this test. Then imagine brilliant yellow light around the intended subject...they can be hundreds of miles away. It is the intensity of the color, the wildness and depth of the light and the will of the magician. Hold that person in your head and throw the light around them. Watch the light start at the crown chakra and flow down to the toes. See their entire aura six feet around in an elliptical shape as being completely bright yellow or lemon yellow light. Hold it for a few seconds, release and thank the Goddess.

You don't have to have a ritual to do magic...you don't have to have tools, you don't have to make a circle. All you need is your imagination, will and intent. Practice visualizing colors.

I also use elemental color magic to balance me when I am lacking a specific element or have too much of another. I use it's opposite. Fire is opposite of water and air of earth.

Thought it might be fun to list what elements have specifically helped you with. Don't repeat anything said in a book here. This is to be purely experiential.

AIR. Yellow light. Helped my teen three times with tests in last two weeks

WATER brilliant blue light. helped my inflamed, (too much fire) tendonitis in left shoulder.

EARTH bright green light. Helped my anxiety yesterday, (too much air)

FIRE bright red. Helps my husband wake up in the mornings

Anybody got anymore I can try for specific real life problems? Cuz it works!!!

Adrienne 20-07-2011 05:02 PM

Sounds very cool windwhistle !

Spiritlite 20-07-2011 08:46 PM

ooh I like the anxiety so how do I do the green for anxiety? I tend to feel anxious a lot....and worry about silly things.
Also I do have a lot of air in my astrological profile...so too much air is anxiety?

norseman 21-07-2011 08:41 AM

I am using a form of this to energise tarot cards. I use the four kings as the Lords of the Powers of the Elements and The Lady aka Goddess aka Mother Earth as the centre plus, obviously, Will and Intent. It is lined up in a specific orientation and can also be used as a focus for meditation.
discs - North - Earth - green - the physical plane, material things
wands - South - Fire - red - the spirit, will, creativity, vision, career
swords - East - Air - yellow - the mind, intellect, power of thought
cups - west - Water - blue - the emotions, intuition, psychic abilities.

Attached is what it looks like. I have mine in a cheap picture frame. "Old" Earth Magic, Craft stuff.

windwhistle 21-07-2011 11:51 PM

Spiritlite...for anxiety I would suggest visualizing the brightest green light all around and inside of you. Breathe it in. Feel the steady drum beat of the earth. Say, I am Earth, I am grounded, I am steady, My roots are planted deep in the soil...or whatever comes to you when you think of earth. I used to have terrible anxiety and had to take meds for it. Now I am off of them but it took awhile. Today I went with a friend to an orchard and we picked apples off the trees. I live in a desert and I always thought...nothing grows here...but I was wrong. It was a very rich, earthy, fun celebration of the earth element and I felt so much better about my life. Walking barefoot in green grass...and yes...tree hugging...all good for anxiety. Also eating root vegetables like potatoes and carrots...soothed my anxiety. I personally attribute anxiety to too much air, and I balance it out on those extra airy times with green earth light.

norseman...that's very cool...I'll have to try a meditation in that set up tonight. Those cards are beautiful...Sacred Circle? Also do you energize the whole deck by using just those cards and do you leave them out under a full moon? I wonder if the moon energies really effect the cards. I have tried it before but haven't noticed a big change....but that was a couple years ago...may try again. Also...I find it intriguing that you have career listed under wands...would that not be discs sence earth is about money-material things. Because I am in the middle of a new career change...possibly...or I may go back to old job...anyway, I have had the Ace of Wands come up a lot...could that mean a new job? Or would a new job fall under the Ace of Discs? I like the psychic abilities under water too...I've been trying to understand water more sense I am that but sometimes it's hard to see yourself when you're in yourself!

Dream angel...your pic is VERY cool...beautiful colors and light!

windwhistle 22-07-2011 12:14 AM

I'm wondering about a few others...

Say a person drinks a few too many beers...not all the time...but occasionally...would alcohol be too much water or is alcohol a blend of fire and water. You know the term fire-water?! Or would beer be earth sence it is made from hops or barley or something? What would you suggest as far as elemental healing...to counteract that situation?

Here's another one...Co-Dependant and/or enabling behaivors. Sense that relates to relationship matters I suppose it would fall under too much water?Fire may help as it gives an independence of spirit and a thrust to move forward and make positive change on an individual basis.

How about confusion...clouded thinking...difficulty with decisions because too many people are giving advice. Sounds like too much air...need some grounding green.

But then what does a lack of elemental balance look like. Say for instance depression...is that a lack of fire? But what is depression...is it air like, water like or earth like?

I am fascinated by this! Thanks everyone for being there!

Adrienne 22-07-2011 12:22 AM


Originally Posted by windwhistle
How about confusion...clouded thinking...difficulty with decisions because too many people are giving advice. Sounds like too much air...need some grounding green.

This happens frequently, thanks for suggesting a solution ! And thanks for the compliment on my avatar picture.:smile:

norseman 22-07-2011 10:39 AM

@windwhistle. My thinking was that the framework is a representation of Mother Earth.
Planning a career requires a vision and the will to succeed. A career is not physical, it's more a vision of your future.
I scanned and copied the 5 cards used and the originals went back into the pack. I then just stack the entire pack on top of the Mother Earth card. Invoke the Powers of the Elements and Mother Earth and that's it. Think of it as like a mobile phone charger :D. Someone who saw it said it looked like a grounding and protection set-up.
For more "heavy-duty" work, I add items to the frame e.g. a crystal of Galena to the Earth card, lighted candle to Fire, smoldering joss stick to show the air currents to Air, and a river-polished fluorite pebble to Water.

In meditation, focus on the King you want to work with, ask his permission to enter, and thank him when you leave. Good luck ! :smile:

windwhistle 22-07-2011 03:09 PM

Norseman...that is way cool. I love that you implement your own ideas into a framework like a cell phone charger. I totally get that. One question, why kings? Since I'm a girl I may use queens...or are kings the most powerful? I don't think of the court cards as a progression in strength...more different personality types like the MBTI. I am the Knight of Cups...gender doesn't matter. But kings are men...right...no...my new earthy friend came up as the King of Discs and she is female...I tend to work things out as I type...think in words!

I love your wands explanation. Now I understand fire energy a little better. That ace of wands is a new career vision...that's exactly where I am and I keep getting that card. Now if I got a job...and it was materialized such as...your schedule is this...your first day is here...park in the back...and I go to that job and I am paid and I work there. Now would the manifestation of the job be in keeping with the ace of discs or discs in general? So...planning, willing...firing up that career idea is Fire...but once the idea has come to life in the here and now is that then Earth?

Just trying to learn more about the nature of the energy of the elements so I can use them more effectively...so I can increase healing and magical prowess.

Thanks my fellow natural magician...hmmm....what court card are you identifying with of late...Norseman? You are a king...no doubt.

norseman 22-07-2011 06:47 PM

".what court card are you identifying with of late...Norseman?"

http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk267/norseman_photo/Tarot%20cards/8bd3981a.jpg :D Could only be this :D .

In Sacred Circle, the kings ARE the Lords of the Powers of the Elements.

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