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Hemera 06-02-2024 05:06 PM

Blocked ears
My ears seem to produce excessive wax and I need to have them syringed. My doctor has told me to pour olive oil in them twice a day for two weeks to 'soften' the wax. It works out to be two weeks and 3 days until my appointment. Well three days on and my ears are more blocked than ever! I literally can't hear out of my left, which is the worst one. The thought of another 2 weeks like this is difficult to say the least. Has anyone else had a similar experience? I'm hoping it'll be worth it when they're syringed!

AngelBlue 07-02-2024 05:43 AM

Oh my goodness, and my left ear is currently blocked too !!!
Has been for a couple of days now. If I lay on my "good" ear at night I can't hear a thing which suits me fine as there are some noises just now which are keeping me awake so it's a blessed relief.

Only once did I have mine syringed .And boy did it work.
I must have been semi deaf for years because everything was SO loud and I ended up stuffing cotton wool in them to try to dull the noise LOL.

FairyCrystal 07-02-2024 11:39 AM

Celia Fenn posted an energy report yesterday since there is massive solar activity causing troubles with the head, but potentially also the entire body, joints etc.

But... she herself had a blocked ear! And a number of ppl replying had the same thing.
That was the 6th, could also be experienced today, the 7th.
My head was horrible yesterday, fuzzy & louder than normal tinnitus, tad dizzy.
Today I'm fine again.

So for you, if it's sudden and unexplained, it's likely that as well.

Also, olive oil in ear is okay to do once a day, and if you got to go in to have wax removed you can start 4-5 days prior. you don't have to do it for weeks on end, nor 2x a day.

Once it's removed you can do the olive oil 2x a week to prevent wax build-up. If you do that, don't skip a week, you will not soon get the wax again.
As you age you tend to get earwax buildup. I think it's hormonal. When younger I never had that, since I was somewhere in my 40s I suddenly needed to have them cleared.
Used to be approx. 1x a year, now it's more, unless I do the 2x a week olive oil :)

But seriously, doing that for such a long time prior to having it cleared isn't necessary. Nor 2x a day.

Hemera 07-02-2024 01:05 PM

Funnily enough a friend mentioned the solar flares, but I didn't equate it to my blocked ears!

My right is also blocked, but not as badly, and been told that one doesn't require syringing. My left ear is very itchy and I've got constant tinnitus in it.

Yes I will continue to use olive oil twice a week after my ears are cleared.

Thanks for the advice everyone. Sorry that some of you are also struggling with ears!

FairyCrystal 07-02-2024 02:39 PM


Originally Posted by Hemera
Deleted my posts, Miss H. :)

I've seen Americans recommend doing that, but I'd be hesitant to use that myself.
Reason being that itching in the ear is often a fungus infection and not sure but could be that hydrogen peroxide only irritates the ear canal further, meaning more problems than you already have.
Better go see your GP and have him/her look at what is causing the itching.
Granted earwax can cause sometimes be a tad itchy, but rarely to the point it is a big hindrance, plus if wax is the cause, it's deeper in the ear.
Ear wax can also be a wee bit achy, but again not too bad, not requiring painkiller or anything, just annoying.

In any case, if so itchy that it hinders you this much you best go see your GP.
And make sure the oil you use to put in your ear is clean! No crumbs or anything in it from cooking, no stale old oil either. Since you put it in your ear so often (too often) old/dusty/dirty oil will give problems.

If you haven't got a GP, you may want to look at homeopathic ear drops for itching. At least you won't do any damage with those and homeopathy is unbelievably powerful!

Redchic12 07-02-2024 03:42 PM

Ok my two bobs worth.

I have used castor oil for an ear infection and also when I experienced severe vertigo and two drops into the ear before going to bed, totally healed it.

My neighbour was on antibiotics which didn’t help her ear infection and the castor oil cleared it overnight. All my friends and neighbours use it now. It will also alleviate pain from rashes and stop itches.

I also got poked in the eye by a spiky plant which caused the eye to go red and it was painful. I put a drop of the oil in my eye before going to bed and the next day it was almost back to normal.

Edgar Cayce recommended this oil many times in his readings and if you want to know more, check out his website.

Believe me it is absolutely brilliant!

Just for the record the castor oil plant is called “Palma Christi”….. the hand of Christ.

Hemera 07-02-2024 05:21 PM

FairyCrystal - when the doctor looked in my ear, he said there was a lot of flaked skin or something which was causing the itching. He mentioned cream but am assuming he wants to get my ear syringed first.

Redchic - thanks for that! I don't have an infection currently, but I am prone to them in my left ear. I had three in the last year alone. I will definitely check this out.

FairyCrystal 07-02-2024 05:57 PM


Originally Posted by Hemera
FairyCrystal - when the doctor looked in my ear, he said there was a lot of flaked skin or something which was causing the itching. He mentioned cream but am assuming he wants to get my ear syringed first.

Redchic - thanks for that! I don't have an infection currently, but I am prone to them in my left ear. I had three in the last year alone. I will definitely check this out.

A shame you didn't take the cream. The cleaning of the ear with water won't affect that, nor will the cream affect the water treatment to flush the wax out.
It's just water, will dry fast and then you can (re) apply the cream.
Now you're waiting for a long time without treatment for the itching AND the wax removal, not really for any reason...

FairyCrystal 07-02-2024 07:04 PM

Good reminder of the Castor oil!
I'd forgotten. I did look into it when you mentioned it at the time when I had that ear infection that wouldn't go. But didn't get round to buying it in the end for whatever reason.
As it is not certain if the infection has totally gone nor if the hole in the eardrum has closed.
In that sense I'm a bit afraid to put anything in my ear :/
When showering I still block the ear with an earplug.
I will look into the Castor oil again.

Thanks for the reminder!!

FairyCrystal 07-02-2024 07:28 PM

Well, I just bought the Castor oil!
Should be coming in tomorrow. Wait and see, I do intend to put it in my ear. And my hair for hair loss, hihi.

I read one woman using it in a bodywrap on her belly as she's hoping to get pregnant. She'd only done that a few times, too soon to tell for the pregnancy test, but she had noticed her gut was feeling/acting differently?!
I would not have though that to be possible?
Lord knows it can help make my tinnitus less if I put it in my ear and/or use it to massage the area around it with Castor oil?

Do you have experience with it that way, RedChic?

And from what I read it does alleviate/get rid of infections etc. so I'd say it should help with inner ear itching as well.

In Dutch it's called miracle oil, the tree the miracle tree. I'm excited now, hihi.

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