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Soul Searching 01-10-2010 09:14 PM

Feathers And Other Signs.
Don't know what happened to the forum lately .... I lost count of the number of times I tried to find it, or find out what had happened to it. :confused:

But .... here we are again !! :hug3:

Many thanks to the Mods. and anyone else in the background who had a hand in getting us up and running again ....

I've not been on the site long .... only a few months, but I have met a lot of nice people here, and was really missing the place .... you know what I mean ?

Anyhow, I am starting this thread over again, so if you would like to post about any gifts you have received lately from your angels, or any other signs you have seen, or any synchronicities etc... feel free to post them.

I have posted a lot of things recently that have happened to me and my family over the past couple of years, but unfortunately they seem to be lost in the ether .... so to speak !! .... Still at least we are up and running again !!

I might post a few again here, if no one has any objections, as they may be of interest to someone out there .....

Bye for now. :color:

Soul Searching 01-10-2010 09:19 PM

Just realised, I have had a gift from the angels today .... this site is back up and running .... :color:

Now that is one thing I have been asking my angels to help with for the past couple of days .... :hug3:

Saira 01-10-2010 09:38 PM

Think there are more of use who asked them to help this site back up again :P

Soul Searching 01-10-2010 09:42 PM

You are right Saira !!

I bet there was a lot of positive thought directed towards getting this site working again over the past few days .... :hug3:

mei-ling 01-10-2010 11:47 PM

Yes how beautiful..........But nothing happens without a reason, so maybe it was a very good thing that SF was down for a while.............who knows....angels move in mysterious ways........:angel2::angel1::angel5::angel9::angel 7:

Soul Searching 02-10-2010 12:03 AM

You are right there mei-ling !!

Angels do work in mysterious ways .... who knows why SF went down, but it is certainly a good way of re-introducing everyone ..... :hug3:

I think this forum will thrive again though, as the many bonds of friendship that have been made over the years will be very hard to break.

Just reading the posts that people have left since the site came back on line, you can see the relief and joy at its re-emergence.

I for one missed it, even though it was only for a short time, I came to realise how much it has come to be a positive part of my life. :color:

Katiecat 02-10-2010 03:20 AM

I like this site, and I'm a firm believer in fresh starts! Although, I'm irritated about some of the lost posts....especially in the crystal area.... but oh well, that stuff happens... Much appreciation to the folks that worked hard to get this back up. Thank you. AND HELLO TO MY CHAT BUDDIES!!!!! I had such a busy week, I would not have been in much anyways.

Adrienne 02-10-2010 01:09 PM

hi Soul Searching ! :hug3:

I had the same problems you did last night, or early this morning, not being able to access the forum. I was happy to wake up this morning and find it still here !

Speaking of happy, I am very happy you are bringing back your " Feathers and other signs" thread. That was such a beautiful thread, so many lovely experiences shared. Perhaps there will be a miraculous recovery of lost posts, there is always hope, and of course a little help ( or a lot of help ) from the Angels is always appreciated ! Are you listening Angels ? just a small request, when you have a few moments, lol !

Dream Angel xx

Soul Searching 02-10-2010 02:15 PM

Hi Dream Angel :hug3:

Yes it's a pity that posts have been lost, but such is life !!

We move on .... at least the forum is back, and that to me is the most important thing.

I might still re-post some of my experiences, as they might be of value to people to read again.

One thing that happened this morning, that I take as a sign from my angels, is that a male Sparrow Hawk came and sat on our Garden fence, and stayed for about half an hour. As I have mentioned before, we never get hawks in or near our garden, even though you can see them in the distance over the woods at the back.

The garden is always full of birds, large and small, and he wasn't interested in "taking" any of them in the slightest. He just sat there, staring at us behind our patio window, where we were sat having our breakfast at the time.

Then he just flew off. I believe that this was a sign from my angels .... a kind of reassurance, now that the forum is back up and running, as it has become an important part of my life lately.

According to Lorna Byrne, in her book Stairways To Heaven, there are angels for everything, including an Angel of Birds. I believe, as does my wife, that we have been in the past, and were this morning, visited by this angel, as birds are an important part of our life too, and we would see the sign. :color:

Coming2 02-10-2010 11:31 PM

Yeah we are back up again!! I dont know about you all but I felt a bit lost without you all. I am having a hard time with everything being gone. There were so many great sticky's and posts in each forum. I guess everything needs a rebirth at some point. I noticed that some of the mods are going to each forum and posting alot of stuff to get things goin.

I know I had asked my Angel Helpers to rally together and bring us together again in some ways. I had a PM from a girl right before we went down and she was in desperate need of help. Hopefully and God willing she will be back!!

Anyway...look forward to the new posts and I hope that things pick up in a new and wonderful way!!


Deb did you get the cards???

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