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Unseeking Seeker 16-04-2024 04:26 AM

Christ consciousness
I found this video simple and straightforward in explaining what Christ consciousness is ~


Yes, it is 50min long … in case you have the patience to watch it, let me know what you think about it :smile:

Or alternatively plunge in right away on what your understanding of Christ consciousness is.

JustBe 16-04-2024 06:24 AM

Yes it’s too long.. hehe

As I skimmed through it all fits as I see it.

Worshipping the cross as suffering is something I’ve had to turn around in myself. That part is true, people worship his sufffering more than he’s aliveness. Through fear to let that go. That keeps them stuck as I see it.

I also see the second coming as your second chance to live your life beyond ego death. Where the cross becomes your new beginning. Like a major crossroad where you leave the old world as you’ve known it behind. When we make that crossing, often the Christ consciousness is resurrected through the heart’s deeper openings. That’s how I experienced that passing through stage of my own ‘crossing’ ..

J_A_S_G 16-04-2024 07:22 PM

I'm only 10 minutes in and I think I agree with what the content creator is saying. Now here's where I get radical. :biggrin:

'Whatsoever you do to the least among you, you do to me' and 'I and the Father are one'.

I can only interpret that one way and that is there is no separation between me, you, Christ & God. Classic nonduality. Of course that's speaking from an Absolute and not a relative perspective.

Furthermore it stands even if we don't Realize it. :wink:

Starman 16-04-2024 10:51 PM

My radical non-Christian point of view: his birth name was Yesuha, although the Romans called him Jesus. They also gave him the title “Christ,” which is Latin, meaning “the anointed one,” or “the Messiah.” Christian Gnostics embraced that title as a state of consciousness. In my opinion Christ Consciousness is a mystical term which refers to an evolved state of being.

I and the father are one does refer to a state of non-duality; the Christian theology of a “Trinity” three in one God, speaks to a singularity of being. Hinduism also has a trinity. There are many world religions which have a trinity doctrine at its Godhead. Merging into one heart is also a common theme in many religions. This to me is what the Christ Consciousness is all about.

Unseeking Seeker 17-04-2024 01:59 AM

Leaving scriptures aside, in direct experience, here now, in the physical, which is where we for now we dwell, what does Christ consciousness represent, not as a concept but in as felt?

In a state of deep meditation, one day I ‘saw’ my ego fall off, literally fall off, like a dead leaf dropping from a tree. Then all there was, was light of Self, bright, soft white, renewing itself within itself, in a singularity, in time and space dissolved ineffable peace, feeling complete, without attributes, simply resplendent in its own light. The translation of the offering, when back in duality, manifests often as a vivid magnetic sensation in the centre of the chest, standing erect. This is not the kundalini, what it is, is the crystallised essence of Self within.

So we have two instruments we are looking at in the physical, the head ovoid and the toroidal heart. The head is where the cosmic egg, Hiranyagarbha hatches, wherefrom male and female polarities descend to the heart, igniting the central vein* (*not in spine but a central funnel, vertical), resulting in bliss in permanence. The heart seems to have three ‘components’, left side, physical, right side, spiritual and the Self, central.

Of course, this is a depiction of how I feel it, identify it, just as we may say we hear from the ears and not the toes, to be matter of fact.

Then, Christ consciousness ~ the threefold aspects seem to be love, wisdom and power. Love, as in detached compassion, wisdom as in intuitive understanding as it in-pours from universal consciousness and power as the ability to contour a vibration which is in misalignment with love and wisdom.

Back to singularity, the feeling of completeness, with unbound freedom yet lacks the threefold aspects of Christ consciousness therein. All there is, is pure awareness, wondrous but if we reflect, the awareness is barren. As such, the reason then why we ‘descend’ so to speak, (bilocate may be a more apt word) from singularity to duality, is to imbibe Christ consciousness in our essence, an offering available here, by overcoming adversity because there are no challenges in singularity and hence no learning.

J_A_S_G 17-04-2024 09:36 AM


Originally Posted by Unseeking Seeker
Leaving scriptures aside, in direct experience, here now, in the physical, which is where we for now we dwell, what does Christ consciousness represent, not as a concept but in as felt?

I'll tie the two pieces of scripture I referenced to experience - the waking equivalent of a lucid dream. In essence I Awakened from objective reality. Objective reality was still there, however there was another 'knowing' aside from the knowing gathered by the sense organs. I could clearly 'see' it (including the it/thing that is my mind-body) was all Me. There was another aspect of everything that was intimately familiar.

One way it felt was like being lost forever and finally understanding I was never lost. There are no words to do it justice. How can I describe looking into another's eyes and 'knowing' I was looking right back to the point of expecting a knowing wink back?

I guess I could describe it as Muktananda and I'm paraphrasing - "Earth, Moon, Sun and stars revolve inside me'. No separation.

Unseeking Seeker 17-04-2024 02:43 PM

@ JASG ~ I guess it is difficult to put into words. Usually I still attempt to do so, since metaphors and vague depictions are not helpful, neither to the reader, nor to the writer. If we have been, seen and so known, then what is imbibed in direct experience is definitive and we can probably express it as well.

Your experience seems to be profound in that whilst in duality, you were simultaneously lucidly in oneness as well, with a higher knowing, in as far as I could gather from your post. In my case, it is either this duality in subject-object awareness or that singularity in subjective awareness (where there are no other objects), so not the same thing. I have on a few occasions though found the universe within me and then becoming the breath of God, breathing all forms, yes, that was something!

J_A_S_G 17-04-2024 03:20 PM


Originally Posted by Unseeking Seeker
@ JASGYour experience seems to be profound in that whilst in duality, you were simultaneously lucidly in oneness as well, with a higher knowing, in as far as I could gather from your post.

Yes, you gather correctly. :wink:

The other experience I can try to relate is one of deep effortless meditation. Do-nothing, choiceless awareness, Shikantaza. It's been very rare and the times I was 'there' can be counted on one hand with a couple of fingers to spare. LOL!

It seems to be a 'place' beyond space and time as when the timer went off it was like the sitting was a blink of the eyes to mind, however not to awareness. In other words when I reflect back afterward it seems to have been Awareness minus mind, if that makes sense? I'm tempted to say it was ultimate serenity, silence, stillness but that's not exactly right. Maybe Existence untethered from objects, including objects of mind (serenity, silence, stillness)?

One hypothesis of mine is the Lucid Waking experience was this state of being unveiled while being fully awake and mind being fully active.

Unseeking Seeker 17-04-2024 03:37 PM

@ JASG ~ awareness minus mind, whilst at peace, empty and blissful, that’s me, as a default state :smile:

Beyond space time is samadhi. Interestingly, we have samadhi without control (who controls when there is no one there?) and with control too, as Self, living light in singularity. On another occasion I was present as formless egoless awareness in a zone of absolute soundless humming stillness where there was neither light nor darkness ~ surreal.

charly233 17-04-2024 04:24 PM


Originally Posted by Unseeking Seeker
I found this video simple and straightforward in explaining what Christ consciousness is

Yes interesting video. Thanks.

I like the emphasis on celebrating the risen and ascended Christ rather than dwelling on the crucifixion.

But it is a bit too negative about the ego for me. I like to love and to integrate my ego. I am not into ego death and ego elimination.

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