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alphabeta 26-07-2016 09:00 AM

My life is in danger I'm afraid
I posted here previously a message describing a telepathy sex abuse I suffered this spring, after having lived in second life for 5 months trying to set a sim for to rent houses and earn my real life living.
I have been tortured with telepathy rape and mind control (voices in the mind) in real life after I left second life and also a solar plexus distress (pain, difficulty to breath) that voices said it was an attempt to deprive me from my immortal soul or/end to kill me.
They used to not let me sleep, eat and all this ended in first of June as I desribed in this post, lasted all spring, but you removed my post from your forum.
Those last three or four days, the effects started again, and the voices do not let me sleep and I feel again the solar plexus distress. They say now they will kill me for good.
I have been struggling for my life, serenity and freedom a lot, but I'm afraid I might be in life danger right now and need help.

knightofalbion 26-07-2016 09:35 AM

Hello dear soul.

I'm sorry to hear you're having problems. And I'm sorry to hear your first/previous post was 'taken down'.
I suspect that was because your problem is beyond the remit of the forum and its aims.

My advice would be to seek face-to-face counselling with someone qualified, who you could talk your troubles over with.

No-one can deprive you of your immortal soul! Don't you worry about that.

On the pragmatic level, maybe wearing a 'talisman', like a crucifix or Star of David or pentagram, would help you in that such things embodied by faith can provide an aura of protection about you.

And why not put in a request in the prayer section?

Try not to worry. Good luck and God bless you.

alphabeta 27-07-2016 08:07 AM

Herebelow is my previous post deleted by admins.
Perhaps it will remain for a while before they erase it again.
I've been feeling my solar plexus hit or open or whatever, I have no knowledge at all about this sort of things, during 5 months now and even considered it might be a medical condition, they kept saying that they were trying to get my soul but this was difficult and they could not succeed.
The most horrible thing is the sexual harassment, I wonder how haven't I gone mad as yet because of this.
Who is responsible for spiritual crimes actually, so that to seek advise about it?
I am alive and struggling by miracle enduring this hell since march this year.

I have been in sl last november and somebody was stalking me, I left in march trying to avoid him, since anything else had failed.
Never had sex in sl with him or anyone else.
Immediately after leaving sl, the man communicated with me telepathically, in a very smart, clear and loud way, we talked for a while, and this was my first time ever I had this kind of communication.
I did have inner voices helping in difficulties, do this and do that, they were always rescuing me and thus were priceless for me and was trusting them, but talking like that as in the telephone, it never had occurred in the past.
I was amazed because of this fact and forgot how pressing and dangerous seemed in sl this person.
And in fact he ended this conversation saying that either I should accept to marry him in real life and go live with him wherever he was residing, or become his slave or if I would deny both, I should become an internet and even real life prostitute and did not have any other option whatsoever in my real life!
I denied and then started a living hell, I was told it was a destruction loop, from where I was to never exit.
First his "father" communicated telepathically with me, they were both trying to have telepathic sex with me, the one was in my house, the other in my car (invisible that is, just voices), I drove away my house, left the car and tried to find a refuge in the country, in a field, I was accompanied by my female dog, we lied down, the "son" had occupied as he said the dog, as we lied down he said "my love". And that's it, I was supposed having had sex with him. Did not feel anything sexual though.
Afterwards his father had sex with me, then they were supposed to having sold me to pimps, the pimps were supposed to having had paying unvisible (as all those roles were) clients visiting me, and cannot describe my suffering and real life loss.
I was driving my car away from home and the "son" was sitting in the back seat with his wife, mother and baby, he was making love to his wife and I was hearing her panting, while I was feeling sexual stimulation, (possibly penetration although this had never been very clear) and he said he posted an ad in the internet about me accepting paying invisible clients in the car in this route.
A real life police car stopped me (I was alone in the car as a living person I mean) and checked my papers, the invisible passengers told me they could drive them away, which they actually did, the policemen left (what could I have told them?) without doing anything to me, and them they kept on this torture, plus the "wife" was telling me "how could you possibly return home with us acting likewise in your car?".
I had a car accident this day when suffering this, I got out the crashed car intact by miracle (did not have a scratch on my body) and the car crashed on a tree, thus no other driver suffered a thing.
I went straight to a church asking to confess, the entities or telepaths or whatever they were tried hard to stop me, shouting from the car, then they said we are the "Jesus church from California, just tell them our name".
The priest told me "today I'm very busy, try to come tomorrow" he gave me some 5 euros as charity and I was in the middle of nowhere without a car without anything, on foot.
I managed to return home and the nightmare kept on during 4 months.
Some relative I contacted wanted me to visit a psychiatrist and take pills.
Also I was told that if I contact any other relatives of mine from within the loop (that is from my house, by telephone or the internet) they would become zombies and lose their soul.
Given that I had no car could not visit the town center (I am living in a remote house) to shop. I was starving.
They stopped me from sleeping regularly, I was sleepless for months.
I had to carry heavy shopping bags on foot for several kilometers whenever I was able to do so, for to eat something at least.
They ruined me financially as they caused my ex husband who was paying me a small amount of money during the last 20 years, he suddenly stopped without an explanation whatsoever and never gave this again to me.
They said they did it on purpose so that I should succumb and decide to become a prostitute.
The thing how I would become a paid prostitute never clarified as not only never did I receive any money (they were promising and advertising that if I would succumb I could have anything I should ask) but I am as good as a beggar right now.
Of course, then again, I did never succumb.
They said this was a role play game running telepathically having started in sl, that this man entered me in this game without having prevented me and that he could change the senario with whatever he liked, I could never escape, he would manipulate my life for ever.
I discovered afterwards there exist in second life role play games, sex slave games, that eventually they can exit in real life too, but I thought they are only actual games, running with visible avatars not completely telepathic situations.
Of course during the 5 months in second life had no clue whatever about all those things, I was just trying to buy land, build houses and rent them.
If I only had a suspicion about the hell I was going to live, I should have left sl immediately, not wait to build and landscape and finish my estate project.
I lost it afterwards during the destruction loop and the hell I lived.
I could not understand how a role play game could run telepathically, until I discovered in the net that some second life resident "practices astral travel and has his own private avatar in the real world.
...'channeling reveals further techlepathy resonating with both telecommunications and occult practice
...some of you have already spoken to me via telepathy using my limited mode of consciousness as a transmission medium".
Having discovered this, helped me not feeling mad.
That is, the above text says that second life residents may have real life avatars, invisible roles capable to communicate telepathically with humans outside of second life.
This explained at least the "how" this was happening to me.
I managed to exit the loop with a bicycle.
Once trying to escape my house I found accidentally a shop near me (some kilometers away as a matter of fact) renting bicycles and heard them talking, saying "if she takes one of them we'll lose her for good".
So initially I rented one.
Cannot describe the constant living hell they threw on me in the route from the shop to my house, pushing the bicycle as I did not remember how to drive it at first, they were telling me that I was pulling behind me a raw of invisible prostitutes and that my house would become a brothel and me a prostitute promoter.
It's not what they were telling me it's the evil way of deforming and commenting each and every thought you make, each and every breath you take.
I managed to fetch the rented bicycle at home and to remember how to ride it while brainwashed as above constantly.
I risked to fall and get hurt but I did not.
Then I discovered in the net a used bicycle advertised to be sold cheap, I found the money, I walked 8 kilometers away to buy it, returned on foot, as did not know how to handle the new bicycle, same as ususal brainwashed to fail, returned the rented bicycle to the owner and started using the owned one.
This was the end of the destruction loop.
They started visiting me to say good bye, raping me in the same time.
The loop ended but remained with me the sexual harassment.
Constant, either such as a hot feeling in the genital aerea (they said this was women raping me) or as needles in the vagina (they said this was children raping me) but not any more penetration.
Also if I talk aloud or to the mind they will reply.
I opted not to, although its tormenting me not knowing if I accept clients, or what is the recent senario of the raping, (they said my ex husband raped me, my sons who reside abroad raped me, my neighbours who hate me raped me) so its tormenting not knowing the recent senario, but still, as I avoid the hell of 24/7 voices in my head shouting hating nonsenses.
Literally nonsenses, with no logic and apparent connection to reality but exhibiting their hate for me.
They did into my head and phished every detail of my past life, I could not understand how they did it.
I was not afraid and did not have much or anything important to hide. They were seeking for guilt in order to subjugate me.
A couple of days ago I was terrorised as I saw a dream where I entered a chicken coop and was calling the devils to have sex with me, they could not in the first place, and I insisted until in fact invisible devils raped me and had a real orgasm during my sleep.
In the past I had orgasm dreams (years back) but with no devils whatsoever, they were dreams about real persons I used to know, past lovers that is. Besides, they were rare.
This time though, it was the first orgasm I had since all this started (I would remember it, nevertheless I did not dream at all in the loop as they were awakening me each 3 or 4 hours, during all those months I never entered the dream time of sleep)..
I was very much afraid because of that dream
Also it is constantly smelling burnt, around me, in my bag, even in my purse where I keep my papers.
When I'm in town, I'm afraid people might smell me. I wash as often as I can, but still.
I manage to do my necessary chores with the bicycle, cleaning the house thoroughly as this helps, and suffer the almost constant sexual irritation. Whenever this does not happen (if I am dealing with something interesting and pleasant, or on the contrary something difficult and intense such as carrying heavy burdens on foot, it seems to pause, except if I do not feel it then cause I'm elsewhere absorbed) I am the happiest person in the world. It does start all over again whenever I try to rest, sit down or lye on the bed.
Do not speak in the mind nor do I ask "what am I gonna do?" as this stimulates answers.
But it occurs I am desperate, and then they answer "oh my god, etc etc" but I do not hear or answer back.
I will try to study here and eventually apply some techniques to shut down telepathic links.
As per the sexual irritation I discovered in the net that weaving the etheric webbing around the sexual organs (sacral center) torn and requiring re-weaving is possible, but cannot do it myself.
I messaged two women in facebook claiming they can do it, but never answered to me.
Thanks for reading and most of all for any and all answers (hoping for one at least).

Christine 27-07-2016 03:24 PM

Hi alphabeta, if u send me a private message I am happy to have a Skype video session with u. I will not necessarily talk much but just trust in this. You have just gotten very dense and I can help clear it out. U have the power yourself

alphabeta 07-09-2016 01:00 PM

Each day and night the voices torture me in the mind. They say they are my neighbors and I must go and hurt them. I know this is happening in order that I'll have trouble, I know that this is happening in order to discredit me.
I do not go to ask the neighbors I stay here and suffer.
The only moments I feel better is when I go out with the bicycle.
The voices try to stop me whenever I get out of the house, but I go and always feel better.
I believe that if I change house it might get better.
I do not have money and my relatives do not help me.
The psychotherapist could spend time with me (as somebody from this forum told me) if I could pay him.
I feel how it is to be a victim and then be obliged to assume responsibility of your ennemies crimes because you have not the power to defend yourself.

alphamind 07-09-2016 03:47 PM


I know this is happening in order that I'll have trouble, I know that this is happening in order to discredit me.

That's a good sign. You are the power, don't forget that.

SerpentSun 07-09-2016 04:11 PM

I'd say your original post was taken down simply because it was too long. Not to be a grammar-nazi or anything haha, I've just noticed in my time on forums that a certain text format yields the best result. The easiest questions to answer are the easiest to read.

Try to keep posts short and sweet. I'm not so good at that, I'm a bit of rambler. So if "short and sweet" fails, I find it helps to chop up the message into smaller paragraphs; they're easier for readers to chew and digest. But you definitely divide up your sentences better than some people. :)

I wish I could help you with your problem though. I've been sexually attacked by entities before, but good advice ever came of it. For me, it just happens so fast, no time to defend myself before they're gone. At least it isn't very often though.

Dude 07-09-2016 04:34 PM

Hi, so sorry things have been so terrible but please the voices you are hearing are most definitely not speaking the truth and they will never turn family into zombies they are trying to manipulate you. I think speaking family is very important right now- please trust the family members you trusted before this happened. Also please look for a way to see a doctor, I am not sure how it works there, we are fortunate enough to get free health care but if there is no way to see a doctor maybe consider going to a hospital if that would be free. Listen to those you trust and not the voices- you already said you know they want to discredit you etc. Whatever the doctors suggest is definitely worth trying- even if you think it won't work or they are wrong you have nothing to loose by trying it and I am sure that it will have a good outcome if you stick with what they suggest.

alphabeta 05-03-2017 11:43 AM

In the edge breath
I have been struggling all alone up to now.
No money, doctors, hospital or anything but telepathic rape and recently constant talking in the mind except when asleep, all day long.
No help from family whatsoever.
A little before christmas voices said I was to give birth to some kind of satanic christ.
9 months earlier I had been told god raped me and I was predestined to give birth to his child but did not believe it of course as god would never do such a thing neither could ever be part of this torture I suffer.
Before christmas though I heard voices say that something was going to be done and I tried to prevent it whatever it would be.
The outcome was that this satanic christ did not appear and now they try again.
Last year some woman was passing by my house in front of my windows with a child in a baby wheel. I felt she was an ennemy and also ashamed that a mother and a baby were hostile to me. She looked uggly and neglected.
Then, after this story with the satanic christ they tried to give birth through me, I realized she was an ennemy after all.
In christmas night they were raping me non stop and I begged god to help me.
Next morning a plane crashed in Russia and I knew this bad thing they tried failed.
I also tried with my own poor means to stop and prevent satan to proceed furthermore during 2017, as I had heard that this year could be scheduled for such things.
I was happy as I believe this succeeded.
But then tortures, rape and voices became even worse.
It started to become apparent that my neighbours exploit me spiritually and have probably involved in this crime local authorities, mayor, church and police.
I struggle to find a way to move elsewhere but my family does not help.
Yesterday voices said that they will try again next christmas and now I will be raped again, local priest comes again and again and rapes me spiritually (as a voice) and once I visited town, the bells rang when I was in front of the church and simultaneously I felt the sexual harasment in the genital area.
I was told that the priest raped me.
No connection was ever done with voices and him (I reckon priests do exist in local church but ignore who) or other real life persons although I suffer enormous pressure to contact those neighburs who I know they are ennemies 15 years now.
They say I will never succeed to escape this trap.
Other voices say the neighbours collect big amounts of money for exploiting my soul, from this torture, don't know how this could be done.
I have seldom enough food to eat and they provoke accidents with all my electrical appliances which I starve in order to save money for to replace.
This include intensive hacking in my internet connection and computers, they steel passwords, exclude me from web accounts, I have 19 years experience in surfing and do recoveries, hard disk formats and so on, but they criminally insist and nobody stops them.
I denounced them in electronic crime police department locally and internationally and publish the documents in my facebook but nothing happens as politics my be involed in this situation.
The voices say they discredited me in society and everybody believes I am satanist and that they have the cooperation of church authorities for what they do.
Have no proof for this in real life as I have no relations and connections to ask.
Yesterday they said they raped and killed my god and I must surrender.
I am still struggling and on my feet.

DelilahD 16-03-2017 02:49 AM

Dear Alphabeta,
Your case is pure mental sickness called schizophrenia. These voices you hear are yours, and no one elses. Your reality can not be controlled by you. The worst part of your illness is that you don't believe it is an illness and that you need medical assistance at all the time. Your life is in real danger so please give up rationalizing your reality and seek immediate medical assistance.
Read this link:
Hope you get help soon.

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