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SimpleMan 12-01-2019 12:16 AM

Lovers of themselves
2 Timothy 3:1-5 This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come.For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy,
Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good,
Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God;
Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away.

Are we not living in these times? Nowadays, it's all about "ME, ME, ME", the "SELF".

"In August, Treasurer Scott Morrison warned that “Australia has a generation growing up expecting government handouts”.

Researchers have labelled this the “Me Generation”. Some even say we are facing a “me, me, me epidemic”." - https://theconversation.com/its-all-...d-chores-66134

"Millennials: The Me Me Me Generation" - http://time.com/247/millennials-the-...me-generation/

Just two sources.Now, the new age movement, the #metoo movement, the feminist movement, the lgbt movement and I can go and on and on promote the very same thing, it's all about me, I am the universe, I am the...and so on...

Honza 12-01-2019 01:08 AM

I'm not sure what the #metoo, lgbt and feminist movements have got to with this???? They are not talking about selfishness.

SimpleMan 12-01-2019 01:14 AM


Originally Posted by Honza
I'm not sure what the #metoo and feminist movements have got to with this???? They are not talking about selfishness.

I was sure someone is going to say that, there's a big connection between the feminist and the #meetoo, and after all, why #metoo and not victim of abuse? It all started with some ladies then everything changed when men appeared and told their stories.Division, division and more division, the people from hollywood know what they do.Show that women are abused and change their minds towards men, I don't say it never happened but why now, why now.....LGBT is part of "their" plan, there's no serious man or woman that will go almost naked or in some "strange" outfits seeking understanding from the other people.

Feminist are all about destroying families.

Shivani Devi 12-01-2019 04:42 AM

Vanity of Vanities sayeth the Preacher. Vanity of Vanities. All is Vanity. - Ecclesiastes 1:2

I heard this Bible verse whilst watching an Eckhart Tolle video last night.

There is a very good reason why there is so much self interest lately and it is a vicious cycle.

The World has generally become a very uncaring place...It is human nature to want to feel acknowledged, appreciated and accepted as part of the society, so they look for purpose and meaning outside themselves to make them feel happy, peaceful and whole within and when that is not forthcoming (due to others being too preoccupied with THEMSELVES to even care or notice), they take matters into their own hands..."well, if nobody ELSE is prepared to love me..and I NEED that love to survive here, where else is it going to come from if I don't learn how to love and take care of my OWN ego and its requirements" and thus the cycle perpetuates..leaving the NEXT "victim" who needs love to survive as a casualty of war.

I eventually realised that the ONLY one who could fill that Loveless void was God...but humans are also generally NOT a "self sacrificing" species by nature and ESPECIALLY not to an Almighty Being they cannot even comprehend.

Also, the parents are FULLY to blame for this because they BUY the love of their children.

I was totally horrified last Christmas, when I saw my sister in law spend about 5 grand on each of her two children! The latest iPhones..New Reeboks and Sketchers...New scooters.. Gold jewellery...Front row seats at the Bon Jovi concert...All with a "look how much I love you" and of course, the kids just said the perfunctorily "love ya too" before putting all those gifts beside them on the couch and going: "got anything MORE for me?"

So, when the parents are out of the scene, who is gonna show them that love by giving them free handouts? Why, the Government will!

There needs to be a welfare crackdown..There ALSO needs to be an immediate cease to immigration because that is what is draining the Government coffers and stopping all the funding for Welfare agencies and mental health services...we just don't have the finances or infrastructure to keep up with this current level of population and it is slowly turning Australia into a mistrustful Third World country...but that's a story for another day.

Suffice to say, that in a word of almost 8 billion people, self promotion, selfishness and competition becomes necessary for SURVIVAL and it won't stop until God destroys us again and repopulates the planet (or what is left of it) with the handful of meek souls who remain...not holding my breath for that one however.

Shivani Devi 12-01-2019 04:48 AM

Just by the by, I have ALWAYS disagreed with the whole "I AM" and "I am the Universe" as it is a very egocentric stance to take IMHO.

I am just totally happy and fulfilled knowing that "God IS" and what "I AM" is just a miniscule, insignificant part OF it and I would never seek it to be any other way.

Zigzangle 12-01-2019 08:48 AM

Humans are the important ones not a god who in all probability doesn't exist.

I am so glad that gays can now marry and be accepted by most in the skin they are in. As I have said before it is possible Jesus was gay having a specific disciple, presumably male, whom he loved, according to the Bible.

sky 12-01-2019 09:04 AM


Originally Posted by Zigzangle
Humans are the important ones not a god who in all probability doesn't exist.

I am so glad that gays can now marry and be accepted by most in the skin they are in. As I have said before it is possible Jesus was gay having a specific disciple, presumably male, whom he loved, according to the Bible.

' Jesus was gay having a specific disciple, presumably male, whom he loved, according to the Bible.[/quote] '

And according to King James.

Shivani Devi 12-01-2019 09:18 AM


Originally Posted by Zigzangle
Humans are the important ones not a god who in all probability doesn't exist.

According to whom?

Shivani Devi 12-01-2019 11:07 AM

I shall just go on to say this..

I have personally experienced God's existence and I fully realise this means absolutely nothing to anybody else except for me!

Another may say that God does not exist...that makes no difference.
Another may call it "wishful thinking"...again, that makes no difference.
Another may say "prove it" but that is up to God... NOT me.

For what I have seen with my "inner vision" transcends belief into something that only the heart can know and not the mind, yet the mind fully accepts it nonetheless, as if it has been given no choice.

I am not trying to proselytize, convince or indoctrinate. I fully accept there are those who don't believe and that's fine too.

Yet for me, a conscious, intelligent designer of the multiverse is undeniable and it has absolutely nothing to do with a "Sky Daddy" sitting on a heavenly throne with a long white beard shooting thunderbolts from his fingertips (sorry if I offend)..God is way more complex than that..but above all, God is Love...pure, unconditional love.

Zigzangle 12-01-2019 11:13 AM


Originally Posted by Shivani Devi
According to whom?

What evidence is there any god exists, no one has ever come up with any that is verifiable.

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