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jinivha 01-03-2015 03:44 AM

your thoughts on pescetarianism?
I have been thinking about going to a vegetarian diet and have read that many people that follow this diet for spiritual practices tend to find themselves later going into veganism. The only action i've taken to switch to vegetarian is eating way less meat.
I was talking to a friend and she suggested i try pescetarianism. I love fish so i was all for that lol so far i feel great but i wonder if it will still benefit me spiritually. Has anyone tried this diet? What would your opinions be?

Rah nam 01-03-2015 04:40 AM

It might be a step away from Carnism but it is still Carnism.

Everly 01-03-2015 10:06 AM

You don't love fish, you love eating dead ones. There's a difference.

I agree with Rah nam above. Flesh is flesh, and there's no difference between eating the flesh of a cow and eating the flesh of a fish.

Emmalevine 01-03-2015 01:53 PM

Hiya, I'm pescetarian purely because my chronic health issues worsened on a fully vegetarian/vegan diet. I don't like it but it's the only way to do it. I can't advise on whether it will benefit you spiritually because I don't know enough about that side of things. I do think that eating with a conscience can only benefit you. Some people have found that eating meat is the only way they can retain or improve their health so the issue is far from clear cut. But my decision stemmed from desire to do as little harm as possible. Think about your reasons for what you eat and the rest will fall into place.

knightofalbion 01-03-2015 02:07 PM

Crushed and suffocated to death in a trawlerman's net ... This is somehow morally agreeable.
As the others have said, flesh is flesh. A life is taken and horribly so.

The fish heads on the 'If Slaughterhouses Had Glass Walls' video ... No words.

Kiran65 07-04-2015 11:15 PM

I'm Hindu and have been vegetarian all my life. I do not believe in eating meat, I know it is healthier not to, and I do not really understand how anyone can choose to.

That being said, that is why I don't eat meat, and never will. This is a personal choice, and one only you can make. No one should try to push or guilt you into it. If you find it easier to taper off, do that, or to become pescetarian, great, at least you are making an effort, and I heartily applaud that. If you change your mind, or don't succeed, you've still done more than many I know.

If you'd like some suggestions for meat substitutes, pm me. My son loves fish subs (he loves seaweed, and we found that meant a lot of fish substitutes appealed to him), and we found a wonderful place for them, as well as other meat subs, and recipes.

Olorin 08-04-2015 05:51 AM

The less animals we eat the better, imo.
Eating some meat is better than being a carnivore.
Being a pescetarian is better than eating many more species of creature.
Being a vegan is better still.
Anybody who wants to cut down on the amount of animal they eat should be encouraged in my book. Better to eat one cow in one's lifetime than 500 I reckon.

Kiran65 08-04-2015 05:29 PM


Originally Posted by Olorin
The less animals we eat the better, imo.
Eating some meat is better than being a carnivore.
Being a pescetarian is better than eating many more species of creature.
Being a vegan is better still.
Anybody who wants to cut down on the amount of animal they eat should be encouraged in my book. Better to eat one cow in one's lifetime than 500 I reckon.

I concur completely!!!!

sunsoul 08-04-2015 05:37 PM

Yes, I am all for letting people take their own decisions and presenting points of view but not pushing anything on to them..

I think it can only help your body to give up meat and just eat fish and vegetables in a nutshell... It is not for others to say what is wrong or right. None of these types of decisions are taken in isolation to general lifestyle choices, anyway.

Pagandell 08-04-2015 06:05 PM

You are what you eat.
I was brought up in a meat eating family but at 8-9 yrs old I became a veggie.
I cant eat dead flesh it would make me vomit, but I try not to judge people who do :D

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