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adamkade 05-12-2012 11:37 PM


Indeed, he that has an ear let him listen. He that is ready and willing to receive the Divine Ambrosia, allow that man to drink from the cup of truth and receive that which is his due.

I do not wish, even for one moment to keep the truths from those who wish to partake. I will not linger with this cup, it is not mine, I am merely the bearer. As I have been liberally given to, by the same token I give. I will not let your garden go unattended, each to their responsibility, each to their own understanding.

We are but a diamond a float upon an endless sea. A diamond with many facets, we are one yet many. Enthroned upon high is the Supreme, yet also within every dew drop and crimson shade; within an infinite array of sun particles, and within the speck of dust that rests and glides. How can we believe that God sits upon a cloud or throne? Though what couldn’t He do? I am sure he is capable of doing nearly anything. I say nearly for a very good reason. God cannot transgress His own laws, every man must reap that which he has sown, divine law cannot be compromised or used for ill. Through the Christ which exists within all of our Father’s children our Father expresses himself.

We have difficulties but what are they? Are they not our substance and our meat? Through toil and snare we are consumed, then when we ready we are strengthened. We are strengthened in this way in order to be better able to sup (Or in other words: we are then better able to appreciate our Father’s continuous baptism. After all what is appreciation? Is it not merely the ability of an individual to be able to receive Spiritual food,) truly that which is within us will save. Without trial how can we partake of the fruit? What need would we have to do so? We would stagnate and crumble into dust. It is requisite that we have mountains to climb.

So then we have them, these mountains, and these troubles of dissolution. What then are we to do? We must disembark and put ashore our boat of doubt, and cast a side our oars and trouble not others with wicked thoughts. Whatever can come from anger, from vengeance, from jealousy, from any of the base emotions?

Have you ever called a cat to coax it to come? Using soft or angry tones? It can neither be commanded nor coaxed, the feline comes of its own accord or not at all. The Spirit of a person is the same, it must come of its own violation or not at all. We have become disenchanted with that which we cannot command or predict. Understand that inherent within every circumstance there is an opportunity to know and express who you really are.

The real question that we must ask is what then are we to do in relation to who we truly are?

We must to change, or to attempt to influence, that which is ours to bear upon in a positive way. We must endeavour to understand our role, our part to play in breaching the schism. This is what me must do and will.

Why do I use the word “schism”?

There is a very good reason why I use the word schism. A schism is a gap between. There is no gap between myself and you other than that which has been placed there by me, by you or by others. Others have taught you valuable lessons and have drawn you closer to God because of their increased understanding. However there have been things that they too have misunderstood. I am a child of God as are you, let there be no schism between you or I. We are brothers and sisters in Christ.

There is knowledge within man, there is reason, to this reason I implore, to this part I speak. Man, like God, is a self contained house with many rooms. To the centre room I speak. Within this centre room the Spirit resides. We must speak to the kernel, that part which is made in the image of our Father, it is the only perfect part. To the centre we must communicate, one to the other with love and truth.

We need not only speak with the lips and tongue, or listen with the ears. The inner sanctum, to the epoch of the heart we must speak, and from the mantel of our own we must receive. Communicate to others in the same way as you would like to be communicated to. Allow your love to create an atmosphere in an environment. The more love that is given and received the clearer the communication becomes. With patience let us construct a bridge, smooth beams the intentions and temperance. Christ to Christ, let there be no preconceptions between us. I shall receive you as you are. I hope you will also receive me in the same way.

Tempt not the feline with the morsel. Instead, let the true seeker come. When the tepid moment beckons and the tempest follows, thank our Father for the opportunity for new instruction. Let the schism be decreased, allow the gap that has been between become closed. With a listening ear and a patient heart we will over come and take the blessed instruction to our mind and heart.

adamkade 05-12-2012 11:42 PM


Allow the moment to ascend. Listen, to the Christ within. How can we break such a moment with gongs and trumpets?

Silence is not to be trespassed upon. Lo the strangers tread that thwarts the Lama’s solitude. Indeed, there are many that wish to encroach, using words designed to unbalance the steady hitter. Their efforts are in vain, the chain and ball is not so easily lifted.

What need we to argue? We are not “Sophists”. We intend to bring knowledge, to inform, not to delude. To place aside doubt and alleviate fear, to reinstate ambivalence, and to consign to the outer limits the concept of destruction. We will never perish or cease to be. We must put our old fears aside. We are simply here to learn and to create ourselves and our lives as we see fit. We shall experience our creation and decide if it is to our liking or otherwise. We are here to learn, to experience and to enquire after the truth. We must taste of our own thoughts and drink the broth of who we truly are. Every thought that has ever been will manifest in the external world. Eventually we shall reap that which we have sown, every last bit and morsel.

For lo the days of man are like that of a leaf. Through the act of descent the leaf finds meaning. With the leaf’s journey the wind lends aid. Adrift hither and thither the leaf is cast finally to the moistened sod. To the Earth Mother the leaf, to her the predestined.

The leaf becomes reconstituted in order to enrich the soil, thus maintaining the tree. Likewise too the Spirit of an individual. The wind may blow and circumstances may change, but we must remain true to the inner voice. We do not descend though, we ascend, moving closer and closer to God. We are travelling towards the Heavenly kingdom and towards eternal peace. Each service that we do for another brings us one step closer. When we do a service for any living creature we are giving service to our loving Father.

To the Heavenly kingdom we come from and to, through service to the tree of life, to our Heavenly Father, through the son, helped and aided by the Holy Spirit, which is the cosmic tide, channelled through by our Father’s Angelic Brethren and every other able hand.

adamkade 05-12-2012 11:51 PM


Indeed there has been a falling away, humankind has wandered far from the path that had been set aside for him. We are the children of God, we have released ourselves from the Apostasy. Many of our Brethren, from the many different religions of the world have aided humankind with this transition. Finally the era has passed, and now we have a new opportunity for growth. The Church of our Father can become whole. As our Father in Heaven is whole, then also His Church on Earth is to be whole. This is our Father’s plan for us, and herein lays our hope. Let the poor come and be filled with a righteous supper. Let the humble and true in the present and past be recognised and appreciated.


Jesus our brother along with the Angel Brethren has been exalted. They are the raindrops within the cloud, each singular having a contribution to give. Abreast of the clouds, whom should I expectant eyes see? Who other than our Lord Jesus can usher in a new era?

There are those which do not believe. I have no problem them who seek further evidence. To the believer and non believer the message is the same: place the seeds in the garden to grow.

We are all at different stages of development. We all hunger spiritually, and we are all waiting with anticipation. Our dreams will come true, we must hearken to the voice within, it speaks no other truth than what Jesus would say, or indeed any wise councillor. The wise adhere to their inner voice and spell it out to those who choose to ignore it. My Christ, theirs and yours vibrates in sympathy one with the other. Blessed are those which receive well into the garden the good seed.

Merely by being, by our true thoughts we create a vibration. Good habitual thought precedes a constructive attitude, which in turn precedes productive beneficial action. Merely by truly being we create a vibration, in this way we are giving true thanks to our Father. There is a time for the trumpet, and the ecclesiastical; and yet also for silent devotion. Let us practice holding long silences in the presence of each other, giving true salutation to our true Deity – the one true God, the God of our Fathers, Mothers and ancient ancestors, the Supreme Ambassador of truth.

Let us be aware of the true life, of our true duty which our Christ denotes to us, that our Christ calls us towards. The true life – our destiny, to live according to our Father’s will. To do this we need not sacrifice our own will, though sometimes by sacrificing our will we express who we truly are to a greater degree. Always our Father is trying to set us free, attempting continuously to reach us and show us real solutions to our problems. We must cultivate our garden, planting the seeds that the Holy one has given us. To find meaning in good practices, through them our thirst can finally be quenched. Good thoughts, humble thoughts inevitably lead to positive constructive action. Use all the tools that are needed, exclude none. Tools are picked up and put down, they are merely a means to an end, nothing more, nothing less. We are the disciples of our Divine Father, we shall accomplish the work of our Father. We shall place aside the foolish ramblings of strangers. We need not tread the Lama’s path to know that it is long.

Peace encourages and recognises good practise. We become enriched, and no longer feel the urge to pursue pleasures purely for the sake of them. Therefore we are no longer entrenched. We can commune. There is no barrier between you or me other than that which we place. Between the Supreme and the individual there is no barrier than that which has been placed there by the human hand, word or deed. We have been led astray by the thoughts, words and actions of fools, indeed the lost sheep have turned away from the good shepherd, they have trusted and believed in another to lead them and naturally have erred. There is no harm that Man has done which cannot be healed by God, there is however a part that we must play within the healing process….

adamkade 05-12-2012 11:54 PM


Finally the purification period has come to an end. Praise be to our Father and to Jesus and all the Saints that this time has come. We must continue to be what our Father wishes us to be. Our Father wishes us to be what we truly desire to be, to be true and courageous, to be able to love without condemnation.

He that turns his back on the truth is already condemned (One must understand the truth to turn away from it). All shall be drawn and saved, Jesus draws all that are true to him, that they may be sanctified and made whole, immersed in the pure white light which precedes from the heart of the Father.

It is true that Jesus was born a man, in this way he humbled himself. He clothed himself in flesh, he came amongst us and lived as a man. He drank His fill From the Earthly sphere that the Earth may be lifted up, that we may receive the spirit, that comfort may be truly known. Worlds can merge, we can know the brethren of the light. We can become part of the community of the exalted one’s. I speak not only of Angels, there are other beings in the universe that the children of God may know and communicate with, beings which have walked the spiritual path a lot longer than we.

My exuberance causes me to jump ahead of myself.

Jesus needed to become physical and to live in a tabernacle of clay, it was imperative that he descend into the city of Hades (In that place, beneath the opal moon there are many false prophets,) to break every lock and chain, to open every door, to decree that if any man or woman had a desire to be free that it would be so, each according to their Faith.

He came to fulfil the law that whosoever believed in his name, though suffering and joy may be set free. He came to the world, from a vast richness to an impoverished place because of His great love, because of His great desire to help all of His brothers and sisters who remain lost.


My tongue too is glad of the works of yester yore. Now I am rested. Be careful though what you except as true, there have been many that have spoken of things, which although believed in, had not full understanding of.

There has been many of the faithful that have erred in the past. I ask none to take up their bag and tent, instead let us remain where we are situated and attempt to enlighten those which are around us, to give true service to them that are worthy. As a house has many rooms, the church of God has the same. We may pass from one room to another without fear of hypocrisy. We will become of one accord, we will become one flesh, and with silent devotion we will love one another. We will become established, our Father will sanctify our work. He will come into our tabernacle, through the gateway of the Christ. Through the holy temple our Father will embrace and hold concourse with the administration.

The Lord does not test, He reveals. For those who are willing to hear the sighing of the wind and the hackle of the gate. Acknowledge the humanist call: heed the tongue of the universe. Are you so enwrapped not to notice? Forgive my forward approach: although beckoning we must come, as a horse draws a carriage, like-wise the righteous lead and continuously urge the rest of Mankind toward salvation.

God knows our mettle and girth, even the follicles are not over looked. Truly our Father is omniscient, omnipotent and ubiquitous.

How can we shy away from fallacy, from false teachings? By reason, by propagation of the word (The word is that which we know to be true) and by not turning away from those that seek the truth. If there is a lost soul, lead them to the light, according to their capacity to receive and according to your capacity to give.

We are known by God, everything is taken in consideration and made allowance for. We have not been deserted, God even at this moment is revealing the very substance of our being. With patience He is unfolding, leaf by tender leaf, Divine inclination. Through the circumstances of our life He is helping us become more aware. Indeed, understanding that the way is being revealed is oft times the very part which is being taught by the Father, to the recipient. To trust in the way, to give oneself to discipline, opening the shutters of the fettered mind and surrendering the will (the false will – ego) to our Father is not an easy task, through the fresh situations in our life we are given new opportunity to demonstrate the depth of our trust.

Within the garden of the mind the messages are to be received, this was always the place where enlightenment was first meant to be met. For eons Mankind has denied himself the comfort of this benefit.

There have been individuals, throughout history’s tide that has been aware of this subtle truth. Their understanding consequently has been expanded. Others of similar ilk have attempted to bridge the gulf between Religion and philosophy. Their efforts have been frustrated, there has been a fear of incurring righteous wrath or the lance of their particular society.

adamkade 05-12-2012 11:57 PM


Man cannot raise himself unless it is by his own faith, though always the faith that we have is enough. Our Father would not build our confidence and belief then cause us to fall. He would not take our wings and dash them upon the rocks of misfortune. However, we must reap what we sow, the law of cause and effect is absolute. When we are strong enough and wise enough to be able to receive the consequences of all our actions then we will do so. For those that are able to fathom and obtain the Cardinal knowledge there is much to be grateful for, yet the opportunity to be greater is there for everyone. We rise or fall upon our own efforts.

We will not be plundered, we will not be plagued by deceit and condemnation. He who drives my pen and strengthens my will through adversity will continue to so. Through my patience and fortitude, throughout my ordeals I shall continue to embrace the Holy Trinity with all my heart and with the whole of my being. Where the many paths of my life lead I do not know, though I am sure footed and able to listen to the semblance within.


The Saddest Moment:

Jesus then came with his disciples to a place called Gethsemane. He said to them, “Sit here while I go over there to pray”. He took with him Peter and the two sons of Zebedee. Anguish and dismay came over him, and he said to them “My heart is ready to break with grief. Stop here, and stay awake with me.” He went on a little, fell on his face in prayer, and said, “My Father, if it is possible, let this cup pass by. Yet not as I will, but as thou wilt”.

adamkade 06-12-2012 12:00 AM


The great wheel of time rolls endlessly and tirelessly. Justice never sleeps. We are encouraged to meet our destiny, there is nothing other that we can do but. We must reap what we sow, this is the natural law. We all have a time when we reap; we cannot slip by the way, and escape. Truth is inescapable.

We can choose how we meet our destiny, we can decide how we will think and react in response to the many threads of our life. We can decide who we are in relation to the whirlwind that comes upon us. What then is the whirlwind that I speak of? It the sum total of our thoughts and actions, it is the natural enfoldment of consequences, one leaf bound up within another. For many years a single thought will be carried on History’s tide. This is the destiny of every thought: at sometime, often unbeknown to the thinker; the thought will find expression within the lattice. Like a pebble that has been thrown in a pool, the consequences will ripple and ripple, to the edge and beneath the surface. To the very bottom the vibration will be felt as it continues through the many layers of the universe. The pebble continues to influence, to be carried by our intention which lends it weight and purpose.

What of the thoughts that only caress the mind? They remain within, afloat on the inner pond, a pistol waiting for the wind to carry the seeds far and wide.
Within our circumference, through our aura, our thoughts and feelings are expressed. Through our words and action we find expression. We are multi facetted beings living in a multi-dimensional universe. We have periods of expression, we take from our hearts and pour liberally to all we meet. Other’s are sometimes silent and are the very misers of it. There are those whom though silent are no less active. They listen and their efforts are no less arduous than those which are taken by the word. Yet there is a communication which moves beyond that which only words can convey. The vocal sounds are merely vehicles for which the movement of ideas and sentience can be conveyed. In short we communicate from one moment to another with our minds. The utterances of the individual, the inflection which is used are merely there to bring the other in sync with the one who wishes to communicate.


If word spoken or written are not weighted with good intention how can we hope to lift another’s heart? Particles of dust have more temperance than us if our Father’s presence is far. When our intentions become aligned with our Father we seek to further our pursuit of truth. Words spoken or written are bold yet if they are not spoken from the province of conviction they will fall from the ear and get caught up on the garbled tongue.

We seek to be understood by others. To communicate with one another is perhaps our greatest task. It is to be a priority, an ends in itself, a joyous occasion. Through strengthening our conviction our communication is wrought.

It is not thought alone that allows us to traverse the schism between. Through trial and error our intention becomes more perfect, consequently we become closer to the source of all life. We become aware of its purpose and pre-destination, we give this power a name and try to make it our own. Many have attempted to lay claim that theirs is the sole province from which this magnificent power inhabits. That any of another jurisdiction would be bereft of any illumination and comfort.

Yet the wind blows where it listeth.

If there is good intention, and a genuine need, then the wind (Which is the Holy Spirit) will find a way of manifesting within. It is a warm wind and gentle is its nature, it does not seek to be little or to harm. This glorious power only wishes to take up residence within, to fill a tabernacle and every tabernacle with an abundance of goodness. We will feel uplifted upon its arrival, joy when it takes up residence within our hearts. Unbound pleasure, good pleasure of the physical world yet not only constrained to the earthly senses. Of the mind also, our Father’s love allows us to understand and become truly receptive. The doors of the mind can be opened, the hinges which have previously become rusted are oiled. The door opens, another avenue of approach beckons, the individual Spirit unfolds and becomes aware of its potential and responsibility. The universe has given the child of God a place within the tapestry of life.

We can choose how we serve. Our Father knows the gifts which are within us and attempts to help us unfold them. We can deny the gifts and choose not to follow the spiritual path. Free choice has been given by our Father to us in order that the first law of progression may be satisfied. The first law of progression states: “Everyone must walk their own path and be free to do so.” Everyone must freely choose to work alongside our Father or not at all. It is entirely against our Father’s wishes for us to force or coerce others in any way, or to be forced or coerced for any reason other than to protect them or ourselves. We must follow our own perceptions of Divine will. Those that choose to follow the darkened path do so because they do not truly understand what they are being offered. This too is made allowance for within the Divine plan. We go always to the most appropriate place which is attuned to our Spiritual needs. We seek understanding and naturally move to the place from which that understanding can be met.

We are own pupil and our own teacher.

If a person is ready for understanding to take place, a vehicle will come and act as a conduit for that knowledge and love to come. We draw the knowledge towards us, the vessel that acts as the conduit has the privilege of playing a part in the Divine plan. The vessel can refrain from doing any kind of service. Every service which is done for the Lord is done freely are not at all. If the vessel chooses not to do the service, the power and knowledge will find another way to reach the worthy recipient.

We have glorified the messenger and not the message. Through the ages this has continued to occur. We all serve the truth. The Prophets, the saints and even our Lord Jesus Christ was and is the servant of the truth. It is enough. We have been given the knowledge and privilege of being a participant within the Divine path – a servant seeks nothing from the plan, merely to become a part of the divine enfoldment is enough.

We are in the exact place that we need to be to learn the lessons that life has to offer. We are learning these lessons so that we can bring about the fulfilment of our dreams. In the process of bringing about our own dreams we have the opportunity to aid others in the pursuit of theirs. The dreams that we have are not going to be given to us on a plate. We must bring about our desires by our own will. Our Father through the circumstances of our life is giving us ample opportunity to create, to express and recreate who we are.

We must continue to seek yet also be who we are in the present moment. We will no longer settle for half answers. We must receive the truth, we will not settle for anything less than the truth. We must be determined. Let us cut away the drivel and splice the membrane to reveal the pearl within.

adamkade 06-12-2012 12:03 AM


We exist to serve. We serve in ignorance or in the light of reason, the choice is ours. Cast down your sovereign on the table of life and decide what to invest in. You shall reap as I decidedly sow, you shall take the seed which I give, and you shall tend and nurture it with care. It shall grow and eventually bear fruit. Surely I will consume the fruit and cast it about my feet.

The seed which I have given to another I shall eventually receive in the form of a fruit or tree. The seed is the thought: through word and deed we cast the illustrious seed. Our actions are driven by our intention, and our intention is wrought by our will, which is tempered through life’s trials. We shall reap according to our intention.

We may have a good intention and we may follow through with word and deed. The reaction may be unexpected. Others may respond with aggression, contention may also come forth.

We can transform the aggression of others through the power of forgiveness. We are given yet another opportunity to recreate who we are. We do not need to remain encompassed by the hate and aggression or by any of the base emotions. We can receive the sharp edged vibrations and transform them into vibrations of love. Why deflect sharp vibrations when one can transform them? Did not our friend and Lord Jesus Christ have many embittered words and actions thrown at him whilst walking on the material world, did he not bare betrayal by his friend Judas Iscariot yet instantly forgive him? In our trials and tribulations we must attempt to be as he was and is.

Through the process of forgiveness we can transform pain and suffering into Joy and true appreciation. Receive the good seed from a stranger, friend or neighbour willingly. Know that the seed received is a progeny of the one that was given away by you an eon ago.

Here are the mechanics of the matter. Although the seed when returned is unrecognised, there is often a familiarity, a feeling that perhaps this is not such an unknown quantity being received. Know that everything that has happened and will happen in your life is due to a combination of Divine will and our own. Some actions were done long ago in another physical incarnation. The conditions that was left within the previous incarnation, must one day be met again, we must play our part in healing the harm that has been done. Also we must receive the blessings from those we have helped so long ago. One cannot escape the law of cause and effect we all must reap what we sow.

The peals of laughter which reveal fountains of tears, allows a steady hand to offer a well to drink from. A thirsty tongue does not easily forget the liquor that brought hope to a forgetful heart.


This is the fruit which our Father has given us. This is the work which our Brother, our mentor, our deliverer had begun, we must continue the good work, we must be brave and love each other, we must support each other, in order to know our Father and know His love. He has shown us the way, let us be worthy of him and each other.


To forgive is to release the negative energy within us. When we forgive we are allowing the negative energy to find a place other than in our own hearts. Our hate and anger has little effect on those whom we hate, though our emotional turbulence has a profound effect on those who we love and are loved by.

We must release pent up feelings through forgiveness. When we forgive ourselves and others, the negative energy that has been within transmutes turning from negative to positive. If other’s then attempt to send similar negative energy often it will reflect and find a way back to the instigator. Though if one is extremely loving one can transmute the negative energy of others, this always requires a sacrifice though, a sacrifice that few are willing to make. Such sacrifices, small or great are performed by those who have an understanding of Divine love and Divine mercy. They are profoundly aware of the effect that God’s love and mercy has had on them, consequently they are willing to attempt to follow God’s great example and the great examples of the great sages in the past. They are willing to go to great extents in order to bring about a greater awareness in others. Some have given up their freedom, they have suffered great hardships even to the extent of being persecuted for their entire physical existence. These souls are rarely written about in the history books, if they are it is usually littered with false information. Nonetheless, to these humble souls we owe so much. There is very little we can do to recompense them, we can merely attempt to walk the Spiritual path with a fragment of their courage and faith.

There are those whose life has been a constant suffering because of the actions of one or many. There is often a sense of injustice, there is an urgent need often to retaliate against the aggressors. The motivational emotion behind this response is often fear, there is need to defend the self, family members and even the country where one lives There is a belief that through the infliction of pain order can be found, that through lies and corruption violent proceedings can be altered.

Regardless of the ideas of many people, order has little to do with the meting out of pain. Order has more to do with compassion than fear. There is a belief that through the infliction of pain pleasure can be found, or pain alleviated. Perhaps pleasure can be found when inflicting pain on another. Maybe through torturing a torturer we may find a small measure of satisfaction or perhaps a refuge from our own pain. The refuge would be short lived. The consequences of such actions would ripple through the cosmic chain into eternity. To cause pain to another, in the long term, does more damage to the person inflicting than the one receiving. When the victim has been healed, the tormentor will have pain to come. Divine Justice never sleeps, no one can escape the cosmic tide. Cause naturally precedes effect. Be assured that cosmic justice prevails even when our own efforts fail.


The way forward is to find peace, when darkness caresses the fringes of the mind, when reason and logic is shrouded in mist, ask and it shall be given. You shall wait and receive nothing, this is because you are receiving yesterday’s liberation, please wait for tomorrow’s…

You are a facet of a magnificent diamond, you whose face is smiling can reflect the sun’s radiance so that others too may be able to benefit. The light which is reflected through you can reach others, who then can carry the torch to those who merely dance within the shadows.

I see many candles within a magnificent temple, each one a soul who wishes to do good. Together the smallest of churches can be a cathedral of light.

One of these candles may be blown out. A servant of the temple lifts and leans it against another and the flame continues.
Again the flame continues and again there are many shining faces, more than can be ever known.

adamkade 06-12-2012 12:08 AM


The union of the counterparts: the mind, body and soul. The Christ within, the higher self, the quite gentle voice channels the power through and is made manifest within.

This is the gentle way tune in, tune out, respond to the constant flow – the rhythm of life, the constantly seeking force; infinity. The individual Spirit is a child of God, a child of the universe, finite – the sublime semblance. Its ways shoot up out and down, the lower mind created by the higher most exalted self feels God and bows its head with infinite humility. The child looks to the heavens – the mountain of consciousness expands. To the heights the innocent eyes look, marvelling, lost in wonder and awe, joyous that it is, appreciative that the Supreme Spirit has been, and always will be generous.

Again the flower grows and is still. The wind blows yet still it stands relinquishing its essence. The time shall come bethinks the child, when the storm shall roll above and below. Still the flower raises its petals high. Who then can witness its splendour and yet cannot know? Can you not watch the dew drops fall and wonder why the sun sits by your side?

The time shall come bethinks the child, when the storm shall roll to tumble from the sky. You and I shall tumble with the storm, and observe as the storm dances around the still such child.

The blue circle of fire encircles the flower, the child and the dancing circling storm.


The perpetual discipline is made manifest within the echoing chambers of reality. Everything have consequence, the disorganised human thoughts they too have a place within the fabric of life’s rosary.
The membrane demands constant dedication, from moment, to communion, to ascension…


Sometimes I have felt that I am everything there are other times when I felt as fragile as a lady bird – the wheel turns to the left and right, nothing can be achieved which has no reaction.

That which I believe I become, that which I influence I am influenced by. All that I am is figment of another’s imagination; an imagination within an imagination.

Strive for control over the self yet also be aware of the ever changing tide. Every turn is the will of she who was before the all, know that the dichotomy which the Mistress created within all of life, know that pleasure and pain are part of the continuum. Love remains untouched and pure. The energy that we call love enwraps us, surrounding us with tendrils of comfort. Love remains within the Christ, waiting to return to the Christ that first gave it freedom. The love which we receive and give freely away, bounces between people, animals and plants. Love traverses through all barriers, bouncing between species, moving through time and dimension, moving through animate and inanimate objects, moving at the speed of thought. The energy that we name love knows no bounds.

We disguise love as hate. Sometimes we do not understand the true nature of love or its purpose. Love's purpose is to make whole that which is separate. Love moves us to greater expression, inspiring us to make better choices, in order that we may attain a greater state of being.


Truth comes from within, from the conscience, from that which I call “Christ” the Son of man, the sublime semblance exists within and is the perfect part of Man.

When a child is in distress do we look within the pages of the bible to discover what to do? We look toward the Christ. The Christ within is true knowledge, understanding this truth is the first step. The person who finds a child in distress and looks within will know what to do, or know what not to do, the son of man answers all questions correctly. For those that have an ear, let them listen to quite voice within.

The son of the world might well say, “It is common sense to help such a child!” What then is common sense? Surely the one who has an abundance of common sense has obtained wisdom.

It is time for the knowledge of God to grow, for the truth to expand to the four corners, for the seed to germinate. We will come to know and except that Gnosticism is not a new idea. Every day people use it to some extent, when you talk to God you intuitively understand that you need not speak aloud, our very thoughts are known by God.

Do you need the bible to verify this truth?

When you read the Bible, how do you understand? You understand by enquiring within. If you use your brain and only your brain, then lies and truth become as one.


There are old men, and women who too are old. There are children who are young and feel their youth within the very footsteps they take. There are elderly people that feel youthful and there are children that feel aged and alone. All of these people respond to the joy and pain in their lives differently.

Although we are all individuals, there are certain impulses, certain threads of desire that lead us on a road of discovery, allowing us to enter through the portals of re-evaluation. To bring forward these dreams, to fuel them with our imagination is the destiny of every living creature. The random impulses soon become vast landscapes of beauty, tranquillity and peace. The gentle and infinite truths which we know to be within us are ready to unfold manifesting in our external reality. All that is required is the knowledge, courage and strength which are inherent within us.

Ask and the road will reveal itself.

There are religions and belief systems, what binds them together. what separates them are the extent to which the truth is portrayed. Truth binds itself to itself and repels what is other than, truth unites lies divide. Love brings together those of similar ilk, hate brings conflict and corruption, weakening and isolating those whom allow themselves to continue with their loathing. When we hate another we hate only ourselves. Other’s thoughts, attitude and behaviour are aspects of our own personality. An individual is like a diamond, a diamond with many facets. The many facets cover the surface of the diamond from the highest point to the lowest. The facets at the utmost part are aspects of the spiritual self, the lower regions belong to the animal. From the animal we are evolving, to the Spiritual apex we are evolving towards. When we hate another, we merely hate the part or parts of ourselves which we have chosen to repress. The hidden part or parts belong either to our higher self or lower self. However, every facet belongs to and is part of the whole. We cannot disown or repress any aspect without strengthening the facets hold over the diamond as a whole. We can, if we have a desire to, except every part of our self, recognising each part with an objective mind. We can meditate and look for new approaches, praying for wisdom and healing. Whilst doing so we can give time for meditation and service to others. If we first recognise, then gradually except, we can begin to love. To embrace the Spiritual path is to actively choose to express the highest truth of who we really are.

The jewel is not merely two dimensional, also there is depth and width. The diamond is made up of smaller diamonds, each having facets of their own. We are the diamonds and the facets are our traits. Clusters of these diamonds come together to form yet another diamond – at the centre – the Christos “The anointed One.”

The truth is also like a diamond, a diamond within a diamond. There are as many facets to the truth as there is to the human Spirit. We will fathom these truths together and then with them establish order, together we shall come to know ourselves and each other.


Each step of the way we can re-evaluate. If we have a will to we can transform negative emotion, we can choose not to become immersed within the pool of pain, we can choose another way. Pain and suffering has never been a necessary path to salvation. If we choose to feel pain then we can. Indeed God can be found in and through pain. Pain and the experience of it have been chosen collectively by humanity to be experienced. When Man has drunk enough of this beverage he will choose another path.

When the broth has been consumed the robe of discontent can descend to the mosaic floor. The robe of discontent can be removed, it is not a permanent fixture and can be dispensed with if we actively choose to live in harmony.

One most choose in every moment the highest choice in regard to one's own being. In every moment we are being: our thoughts create energy, swirling currents which influence the energy of others. We are constantly interacting with our environment and as a consequence we are constantly creating and recreating who we are. We respond from our subconscious often to stimuli which are hidden to our normal senses, our behaviour then adjust accordingly. Often we are surprised when we feel an emotion yet do not know why we feel the way that we do.

Others often receive information from an unknown source and use it as a lie to reassure others that they have had from a reliable source (Doctors, teachers or books.) The choices we make now determine our future, the choices we make today determine how we view past events, whether we judge them to be negative or positive.

We are always at the point of creation. We are the ones that determine who we are. Actions are a natural result of our thought process. Our thoughts are fuelled by emotion, all emotions originate from two emotions: Love and fear. All belief systems are a progeny of the marriage between the two, all thoughts and actions stem from the creative moment, the consequences of which run true to the motive. The motive is in constant flux, under the influence of love and fear. We determine our thoughts and actions in relation to the two emotions, the circumstances we find ourselves in and through our concept of self.

The choices we make align us within Divine will or separate. As the Supreme Spirit is the source of all joy and happiness. It would be in our best interests to become with Him. It is only wise to point out though that God’s will is always is always in alignment with our Christ Within, which is the true will of an individual. The purpose of the true will is to know itself in its experience. The only way for the sublime self to know itself is to express its self in the external reality. The properties of One’s circumstances (and the personages pertaining to the circumstances) are a reflection of the true self as we are the reflections of others.

adamkade 06-12-2012 12:14 AM


Each step of the way we can re-evaluate. If we have a will to we can transform negative emotion, we can choose not to become immersed within the pool of pain, we can choose another way. Pain and suffering has never been a necessary path to salvation. If we choose to feel pain then we can. Indeed God can be found in and through pain. Pain and the experience of it have been chosen collectively by humanity to be experienced. When Man has drunk enough of this beverage he will choose another path.

When the broth has been consumed the robe of discontent can descend to the mosaic floor. The robe of discontent can be removed, it is not a permanent fixture and can be dispensed with if we actively choose to live in harmony.

One most choose in every moment the highest choice in regard to one's own being. In every moment we are being: our thoughts create energy, swirling currents which influence the energy of others. We are constantly interacting with our environment and as a consequence we are constantly creating and recreating who we are. We respond from our subconscious often to stimuli which are hidden to our normal senses, our behaviour then adjust accordingly. Often we are surprised when we feel an emotion yet do not know why we feel the way that we do.

Others often receive information from an unknown source and use it as a lie to reassure others that they have had from a reliable source (Doctors, teachers or books.) The choices we make now determine our future, the choices we make today determine how we view past events, whether we judge them to be negative or positive.

We are always at the point of creation. We are the ones that determine who we are. Actions are a natural result of our thought process. Our thoughts are fuelled by emotion, all emotions originate from two emotions: Love and fear. All belief systems are a progeny of the marriage between the two, all thoughts and actions stem from the creative moment, the consequences of which run true to the motive. The motive is in constant flux, under the influence of love and fear. We determine our thoughts and actions in relation to the two emotions, the circumstances we find ourselves in and through our concept of self.

The choices we make align us within Divine will or separate. As the Supreme Spirit is the source of all joy and happiness. It would be in our best interests to become with Him. It is only wise to point out though that God’s will is always is always in alignment with our Christ Within, which is the true will of an individual. The purpose of the true will is to know itself in its experience. The only way for the sublime self to know itself is to express its self in the external reality. The properties of One’s circumstances (and the personages pertaining to the circumstances) are a reflection of the true self as we are the reflections of others.


To live in harmony with yourself, to touch upon the truth of who you really are is the destiny of every living creature. We are the children of the Supreme, the Spirit within us, the Christ at the centre is the only true progeny.

Jesus came to the earth to demonstrate this truth. To announce that Jesus the Nazarene is the only son would be to misconstrue the truth. When one lives in harmony with the Christ within, then we become as our Father intended (His progeny) one becomes the living embodiment of “The way.” “The Way” will spin you into its weave, you will be as much a part of the way as any individual as any human can be. You will be able to say: “I am the way, the life and resurrection” with absolute sincerity (More shall be written expanding upon this truth a little later in the book).

The Christ within understands this truth.

There is another truth that one eventually becomes aware: The Christ within is a gateway through which our gracious Sovereign Lord communicates. Helping the individual to become aware of their transgressions (There is not one of us without them.) When one becomes aware of these transgressions from the voice of God then a great sadness comes upon us and we feel the true repentance. With this repentance we feel unworthy, and indeed we are unworthy (How can we be worthy of God's mercy.) We feel then God’s mercy and forgiveness and become truly humble. From this moment we are born, at this moment we receive a spiritual baptism. An understanding of God’s infinite mercy is given and we are forever changed, born more in the likeness of God than Man. Here we begin our Spiritual journey, at this point we are the sapling which breaks the surface and feels the first rays of the sun.


“I am the son of God”, these are the words that Jesus spoke often. The Christ within Jesus was at full ascendance when he uttered these words. When one's Christ is in full ascendance we recognise that we are all the progeny of our Father, that we have been created and that we have a creator. Our Christ's are at different stages of growth. Imagine if you will a pot with soil within. Beneath the soil there is a seed, with a little water and a little sunshine the seed will grow. The seed within the soil represents the Spirit within Man, the soil is the material plane, the sunshine the love of God, the rain is the truth. Our purpose is Spiritual development, we are growing Spirituality like a flower. We break through the soil, we reach upwards, we unfold petal by petal, leaf by tender leaf.

Jesus came to the Earth with his Christ in full ascendance. He was given an opportunity to render Man a great service, to lift the whole of humanity closer to God, thus enabling the two world’s greater communication. After his death and resurrection humanity was able to communicate with the Holy Spirit to a much greater degree.

“No man can come to the Father lest it be through me”. This statement has a twofold meaning: Our esteemed brother decided to take the opportunity that our father presented to him. He was an Angel and being an Angel he was the living embodiment of light, love and truth. He was the word made flesh. He was the only being, born through the mortal womb with his Christ in full ascendance.

Like attracts like, we are continuously drawing others of similar ilk, we resonate, we vibrate. By being within the same vicinity we attract or retract from those whom truly seek the truth. Jesus resonated at the same frequency as our Father/Mother Creator and thus could act as a channel for the Spirit to manifest. Also, through his great sacrifice humanity was finally lifted. This enabled humanity to receive a clearer communication with the “Great comforter” – the Holy Spirit. So quite literally through the sacrifice of Jesus we are now able to communicate and truly know God through the Holy Spirit. In affect the only way to know God is through the Holy Spirit, and the only reason we are able to communicate with the Holy Spirit is because Jesus removed the final obstacle in our way. As a direct consequence of this we are now able to communicate and receive healing from God through the Holy Spirit. There is no man or woman since the resurrection of Jesus the Christ of God that has not been touched in some way by this great occurrence.

When one’s Christ is in full ascendance every other part becomes aligned. One's emotions, intellect and awareness, every centre join and become at one with the center of centers. At this point we become in alignment with God, we become the Christ of God.

No man comes to God lest it be through the Christ, the center of his being. This is the second fold of the meaning: The Christ within is the portal through which heaven can be known and experienced. Through the center one comes to know God and His Angel brethren, the kings and Queens of heaven. Theirs is a continuous worship, every thought and action of theirs is a benediction. They do not rest yet theirs is a continuous rest, they work yet do not consider their work laborious. They have passed through the womb many times on a quest to release themselves from the mortal coil, on an apprenticeship seeking to become a master. Having accomplished the rank of master they now begin another journey.

The kings and Queens, they to have their King, he has often been recognised as the King of Kings – the exalted One.


We are entering a new stage of evolution. The minds of men and women are being prepared across the globe. There are many hands which labour, attempting to give aid, to lighten the footstep, seeking to strengthen the arms of humanity.

In many occupations there are those who have become enlightened, who have found Spiritual ways to influence the world of Men, women and children. They thank the Great Spirit and continuously seek other means to penetrate the gloom born from the material mind. They have been given more than a mere glance through the shadows, they have perceived another world and attempt to fashion the material world using the Spiritual world as a model.

There are other possibilities for our race to explore. Before we do so however we need to learn to appreciate.

This is a great moment in humanity's evolution, the opportunity has occurred for humanity to shred another layer of his many skins, to finally recognise and except his true nature. This change is there for humanity to take, the journey however must be made on an individual level. Each one of us is growing spiritually, eventually we will meet and become of one accord.

The reality: The course of Man’s destiny has been determined by his own thoughts and actions, by the choices which have occurred on an individual level throughout history, prehistory, the present day and the future.


We have been called brethren, we are your ancestors. We have attempted to inspire hope, we have encouraged human endeavour, we have struggled to be impartial, we have not made muddy footprints through Mankind’s evolution. We have only attempted to give aid, to give service to Mankind as a whole.

When a physician decides to treat a patient, if the physician is wise the health of the entire patient needs to be checked, before treatment can begin. We are not unlike the physician, treating the whole is preferable than to a portion. When the body works in union to its counterpart’s then health can be realised. The nations of the world are the same, we treat the nations of the world as we would a patient, devoting time to the whole rather than any one particular part.

adamkade 06-12-2012 12:20 AM

Our Divine Father’s universe is like a machine, an infinite machine, capable and perfect. All minds that have perceived the expanse strive to mimic its perfection. Only the Divine can perceive entirely, we as individuals can only see in part. To a large extent we can only witness Divinity in motion and be contented within its flow. We are the observers and participants. Know that the “Machine” is perfect, know that God is the Creator and is continuing to create. Know the dichotomy which exists within all things. Know that the that humanity is collectively creating his experience. Know that nothing that humanity creates will ever be greater than that of a single snowflake.

Why then do I use the word “Machine”? Nothing that humanity has created has been more precise than that of machines. There is limited means to perceive events within the universe, many occurrences need precision to quantify. Through a lens, using calculus, with reason and spiritual insight humanity can learn to understand and appreciate with greater avidity the great machine which is the universe.

The universe is like a great machine. What other word would suffice? What other would best describe precision than that which the human mind, or indeed any mind could perceive. No matter how great any one mind can become, theirs is only one vantage point and thus limited.
Upon the precipice, aghast at an imagined horizon the wise sit in awe.


The spiritual law cannot be compromised, it cannot be bent or used for ill. We are part of the Creator, we are a link in the eternal chain, this will not cease because an individual or group believe otherwise. The spirit laws stand outside of time and space, the truth is unchanging and affects every living creature. What are they in essence? They are the very building blocks, the foundation from which all things are created.

Patience are the wings of creation, faith are the shoulders that carry.

Humanity has attempted to usurp the natural laws, humanity has chosen to ignore wise council, choosing to turn away from illumination, believing that ignorance would shield from the natural enfoldment of consequences. Humanity has made mistakes and needs to become aware of them. This will help humanity transmute pain and loss into joy and happiness. First he must become in touch with his inner being. Only through the gateway of the developed conscience can full knowledge and thus full responsibility be realised.

Mistakes are valuable to the student of truth, indeed they are our greatest teachers. We can look at our mistakes as friends and allies. We can embrace and listen to their council, or ignore and remain in ignorance.

Very often the proof is in the pudding, we create our life then consume our creation. Allow me to explain: if I were to make a soup, I would not expect you to taste the tomato puree if I had not added this ingredient in. The choices in our lives determine the ingredients within the soup. Some people have had misfortune and tragedy, they feel the injustices of life as evidence of the non existence of God. Perhaps there is an ingredient which they have chosen not to add. The ingredient which has been withheld: The pinch of an open mind.

The existence of God is a reality for those that know. There truth I have also found to be. When the night has come and the work of the day is complete, come with me and bask in the radiance of God’s love.

What need have I of God? What difference would there be to me if there was no God?

To feel God’s unconditional love, to feel the liberation that comes within its encompassing arms is enough of a reason in and of itself. However, to feel God’s love is only the first thread within our Father’s magnificent tapestry of life.

All things have consequence, even the thoughts within the mind. They ripple through the aura and travel through the currents of time. Thought is instantaneous, all things are influenced by the presence of them. Our thoughts are like seeds, we cast them into the world, there they find a home in others, they germinate and continue to grow until ripe. When the signs can be read, the recipient will feel a stirring within the bowels of the conscience, knowing that a time of reaping is at hand.

We cannot reap that which we have not sown. The ripe plum cannot contain the seeds of the grape. The seed is as true to the fruit as the fruit is to the seed. Every thought is carried by the intention. Every thought, every action will be true to the original intention. We yearn to know the true source, the reason why we do what we do, and the reason why we feel what we feel. The motive will ignite resulting in a chain reaction, all of which will seem to confound the intention. However, all actions will be true to the original intent.

Indeed the soup we create we consume. Our thoughts are our responsibility as are our feelings and actions.

We sometimes blame others for the way that we feel and the resulting action. We say: “I wouldn’t have done this if you hadn’t done that.” When doing this we err. We control the way we feel and respond, we control how we wish to perceive unfolding occurrences. We make the judgements as to whether they are beneficial or harmful. The unfolding consequences of the decisions we make will have an impact on those around us. How they wish to respond, how they wish to think, feel and act is their value judgement, the consequences of which will be on their shoulders. We are always given the opportunity to create and recreate who we are – our own being is in a constant state of flux. Our Spirit, our soul, our being – mine and yours are linked, entwined – energy flows from and too each of us, ending not, circling, expanding, encompassing: the life energy fills and replenishes. Rejoicing often follows such an occurrence and is often the precursor. True praise is instantly rewarding, true compassion lightens the footsteps of the weary, true wisdom calms inner turmoil. We choose how we wish to feel, we are bound only by our cognitive limits.


We have entered the Earth plane to taste of the fruit that could not be tasted in any other place. Forbidden, yet not so – we are here to taste embroilment. We can do what we wish, we can do our will, we can choose. We must take the consequence, the harmonious and disharmonious are ours to make.

We have been told that the good fruit we can taste, that the bad is not for the lips of men or women. The magnanimous fruit we can taste and drink of, the fruit which has been disallowed can be tasted too. Our Lord does not prevent us from doing so. Every one of us has, at point or another, become aware that we are either going to make a disharmonious choice, or have already done so. To the extent that we are aware of our conscience, of the quiet yet persistent voice. To this we are judged, with infinite patient, tolerance and understanding: the judgement is love. Pain is the natural consequence sprung from a disharmonious choice. The full consequence often is not received immediately, our Father’s mercy often protects us from consequences that would destroy us. When the time is right, when the recipient is ready the gates of heaven will open and our Father will give us our just rewards. Pain is given to the individual to awaken the impoverished soul, to help the spirit unfold, to help the spiritual eyes to open and see the golden shore. Pain and suffering are great blessings, they are the vehicles that God has chosen (Amongst many others) to bring the lost home.

Many are the ways God, blessed are those who try to understand them. Alas the ways of God are not the ways of humanity. Until humanity chooses to align himself with the Christ within (And thus Divine will) then pain will not cease, love will not conquer and illness will manifest. Nothing eludes Divine law: Divinity is in motion. Blind eyes may be unwilling to see yet still it prevails. Taste from the fruit: the snake was right, drink from the Elysium spring, feed from the Ambrosia and be grateful.

How many times must the law be learnt? How many times must man strive against what he knows to be right? How many voices must call to the encroaching darkness, pleading for her not to come? Pleading for the darkened states to leave and plague no more the footsteps of those who love and those whom are loved by.

Thank our Father for the way! Trust that the circumstances of one’s life are there to benefit the individual. Ask for illumination, humbly ask that you may know more of the path that the Supreme Spirit has given to you.

Whatever has been known by thou? Every day has been a day for trust! Yes there has been evidence and the evidence has been substantial. Have we brought our preconceptions to the experience? Our preconception of the experience blinds us to the value of the experience, blinding us to the instruction inherent within the experience, shrouding the illumination, muffling the sound of the universes voice. The Supreme Mother/Father talks to us, using the medium of our experience to enlighten and instruct, helping us to break the vicious circle of abuse that we often find our self in. We must not allow the experiences of others, or rather the perception of their experiences, to corrupt our experience, or rather our perception of our past experiences or indeed future experiences. To corrupt our own perception before we have entered into an experience robs us of Divine communication which our beloved Deity is giving. Therefore take in to consideration others words but do not take them as Gospel (curious that I should use the word “Gospel”, are not the “Gospels” merely the perceptions of others pertaining to the nature of God. Through the ages we have been persuaded by those who “know better,”) from those who are “intermediaries between us and God”, that we are encouraged to believe in the Spiritual experience of others before our own). Ever have we believed in the utterances of strangers, their mutterings have confused and belied us, even unto death.

We should trust Jehovah, allowing Him to find a home within. We must become clean. Our motives, thoughts and actions are the cause for the whirlwind and storm.

How then are we to become clean?

By living a truthful existence, by becoming the true children of Jehovah, to shine our inner diamond, to glorify our Lord with all that we are, by being in every moment that which our beloved Father desires, which is our inner most desire: the true application of our will. The situation of our lives has been placed there for a reason, nothing happens by accident, there is no misfortune, everything happens at our Father’s behest, everything is a Divine occurrence.

There is nothing that is greater than you, yet also there is nothing that can be regarded as less than. How do we value those who are around us? By which gauge do we measure by? Yours or mine? We are the artists: The pictures that we paint, the fabric that we weave are from the threads of our thoughts. The pigment on our brush is spread evenly upon the canvas, our intent fuels the movement of the brush, our colours with which we paint are the spiritual truths. We are like our Father, we too create from the fabric of our being, the product of which are the occurrences of our life.

The proof of the pudding is in the eating. Peace my friends align yourselves, tread carefully yet do not believe that our Father is angry with you. He is not. Do you think that you could, through thought or action, cause the great infinite all powerful being to feel anything other than love? Do not think that he seeks vengeance. He does not? He is teaching you. Or rather, He is allowing you to teach yourself. You are learning, you are drawing towards yourself the very lesson you need to learn. There is no rush, there is no race. It does not matter who comes first, the hare or the tortoise. Observe those that compete, step outside of the illusion. Often the very lesson that needs to be learnt is that there is no lesson. There is only a gradual enfoldment, a gradual deepening of understanding. Like the leaves of a tree, they open without haste, they open when the time is right. The pre-destined rain drops hit the leaf and follows the path of least resistance. The raindrop was destined to meet the leaf, the leaf was destined to wait until the raindrop struck. If the raindrop has a destiny perhaps you have also.

Please Lord God help me to anchor myself in truth. Peace devoted ones, speak not that which would cause harm, do not abuse the love which our Father has given freely. Forget not our Brother Jesus the Nazarene, through his blood and our Father’s mercy we have been saved. Through His divine grace we have been delivered, we now are able to move forward. Cleave unto your own Christ. Be ready to sacrifice if there be need. Know that you are not alone, draw comfort from this knowledge. Know that you have companions in the higher, inner spiritual spheres, no that they can aid, according to your own faith. know that they, as are you are part of a much greater plan.

We are looking for new avenues of approach, we must bend and unshackle our minds and find repentance. Repentance is often thought of as harsh, repentance can be a delight. Through repentance we can find humility, indeed humility is to the humble as a fruit is to the tree. I am talking my friend about realising humility and the price of pride.

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