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waechter418 21-11-2016 05:18 PM

Why is Consciousness ...
....getting more and more discredited in Western civilization whose philosophers, artists, priests & poets held it, since the early Greeks, in high esteem.

Is it because modern western sciences pay little attention to consciousness, and if so, only to try to bind it into matter?

Or is it that people are increasingly captured by the material aspects of existence and thus become callous to consciousness?

What is the benefit of eliminating a concept that is accredited to have enriched Western cultures – and of course the grand civilizations of the East, who, by the way, keep its esprit since millennia well and alive.

Rawnrr 21-11-2016 05:25 PM

because it can't be quantified...and western science needs to measure in order believe something

Honza 21-11-2016 09:02 PM

I discredit consciousness because I feel there is something greater than that. It annoys me that the East implies consciousness is everything. I feel there is MORE!

Within Silence 22-11-2016 02:46 AM

what is discrediting consciousness but consciousness itself? Thus, its only fooling itself as if it wasn't for consciousness it couldn't consciously discredit itself.

I don't see how there is more, as that which would be more than consciousness would have to use consciousness to create the something more, but consciousness must be its foundation for creativity so, what could be more than that?

FallingLeaves 22-11-2016 02:59 AM


Originally Posted by Within Silence
what is discrediting consciousness but consciousness itself? Thus, its only fooling itself as if it wasn't for consciousness it couldn't consciously discredit itself.

I don't see how there is more, as that which would be more than consciousness would have to use consciousness to create the something more, but consciousness must be its foundation for creativity so, what could be more than that?

on the other hand, why does anything even exist? There seems to be no way it could?!?!?!? so putting limits on things may or may not work. But we like to do it anyway...

Within Silence 22-11-2016 06:59 AM

=FallingLeaves-on the other hand, why does anything even exist? Because it does.

There seems to be no way it could?!?!?!? Tthere seems to be a way it could because it does.

so putting limits on things may or may not work. But we like to do it anyway...we apply the limitations imposed by language when we attempt to explain things with words....words are the limitation

Busby 22-11-2016 08:20 AM

My impression is that scientific research today busies itself more and more with the puzzle set by consciousness. Science and especially physics connects it almost directly with quantum physics - the 'observer' being recognised at the moment as another puzzle.

Maguru 14-12-2016 06:30 AM


Originally Posted by waechter418
....getting more and more discredited in Western civilization whose philosophers, artists, priests & poets held it, since the early Greeks, in high esteem.

Is it because modern western sciences pay little attention to consciousness, and if so, only to try to bind it into matter?

Or is it that people are increasingly captured by the material aspects of existence and thus become callous to consciousness?

What is the benefit of eliminating a concept that is accredited to have enriched Western cultures – and of course the grand civilizations of the East, who, by the way, keep its esprit since millennia well and alive.

What is your definition of çonsciousness?

r6r6 14-12-2016 03:08 PM

Complex Universe Simplified

Originally Posted by Maguru
What is your definition of çonsciousness?

Twoness * * ergo threeness becuase of existence of line/vector -of-relationship between the two *---*

Minimally gravity is the relationship between any two particels of Universe.

Then there is a fourth aspect and that is differrentiation between the parts i.e. so observe individual parts.

In the simples sense we say we have the those three parts and each of them are differrentiated by the bacground. The background we can consider as the macro-infinite, non-occupied space.

So within the macro-infinite, non-occupied space, we have

non-occupied space *____* non-occupied space.
non-occupied space *O* non-occupied space

For practical purposes we can say there is just a background of pixels that are of a differrent color from our given three parts.

So we can conceptualize this scenario above as a finite, occupied space Uni{1}Verse composed of three integral{ unified } parts.

The one-verse exists eternally so the question of why it it exists is moot.

Finite physical/energy occupied space Universe cannot be created nor destroyed.

Why does occupied space exist. Because it is thay way eternally. There exists no before or after eternity.

Human existence is finite, and humans only observe finites, for most part ergo they tend to think mostly in beginning and ending terms. Our occupied space Universe is beyond those kinds of concepts.

Govind 17-12-2016 10:16 AM

Consciousness is a state of Awareness or Alertness for any circumstance. Its an awareness of ones own existence, thoughts, sensation etc.
By consciousness one can have knowledge of the external world or one’s own mental states.

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