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jim78 31-07-2016 01:12 PM

Famous past lives
I have famous past lives and it kind of annoys me. Even getting over the hurdle of some peoples non belief in reincarnation is a chore but to state that you were a famous figure from the past verges on lunacy.

My spiritual experiences have had a profound effect on my life and just like anyone else that discovers past lives I had to take ownership of and accept who I've been...I would just find it a hell of a lot easier if I hadnt been known in history.

On the plus side it does make researching my past lives easier and I have a clearer roadmap of my souls journey than if I'd been an unkown figure.

The problem is that todays culture is a celebrity driven one. Everyone it seems wants to be famous. To many people it would smack of laziness to state you were famous in a past life...almost like you didnt have to acheive anything in this life. Its a fallacy mind and there is much judgement on those with spiritual beliefs. I know who I've been and I havent changed much since those past lives. I even remember some of it.

I just find that for all the positives of having a famous past life in terms of research purposes I find that my credibility is stretched thin enough as it is talking about reincarnation with people. To outright state that you were such and such a person is to lose credibility altogether.

Perhaps I should seek the answers within myself instead of without. I cant get feedback on the issue from people in my life because 'celebrity' clouds the issue.

Thoughts please?

CrystalKitty777 31-07-2016 04:08 PM

Always search for answers within, because no 'answer' that you receive externally will be enough. At least, that's how I see things.
I was [and still am] fascinated by Ancient Egyptian culture [especially their mythology], and I was looking at a book about mummies when I was little, and in it there was a section on the 'famous' mummy at the Royal Ontario Museum: Djed [her full name is rather hard to pronounce]. Even now when I look at that book, I find myself thinking 'I knew her." I wonder if that means anything at all? :confused:

Somnia 31-07-2016 04:44 PM

I believe it's entirely possible for someone to be the reincarnation of a famous person in history but when you have hundreds and hundreds of people all claiming to be the reincarnation of the same person it makes me feel skeptical on who is actually the real reincarnation of the famous person... :icon_scratch:

Melahin 31-07-2016 04:58 PM

Would it make you feel better to be mundane? to remember lives where your beauty was not challenged? Maybe you are only challenged because they cannot yet see your stories in you :wink:

I am not certain what a past life is anymore, neither does it matter if I have been this or that person. What matter is that I can draw things in from these memories / visons to improve my life. My current life.

jim78 31-07-2016 05:44 PM

Thanks CrystalKitty. You see, my problem is that I've had very traumatic, wartorn lives and like anyone with such experiences the understanding and support of others is paramount in learning how to live with ones experiences.

Its only two years since my experiences with reincarnation and as I said, I need feedback to come to terms with and understand my experiences, instead I get incredulity.

I never felt a connection to any particular person, place or thing myself. I'm confrontational which is how I discovered some of my past lives. Now its not so much a connection I feel to those lives but more of a continuation of my souls journey. I remember some of that stuff....its all me whether I like it or not.

Have you ever looked into your past lives?

jim78 31-07-2016 05:54 PM


Originally Posted by Somnia
I believe it's entirely possible for someone to be the reincarnation of a famous person in history but when you have hundreds and hundreds of people all claiming to be the reincarnation of the same person it makes me feel skeptical on who is actually the real reincarnation of the famous person... :icon_scratch:

I know what you mean Somnia. I once saw a documentary about a man who claimed to be the reincarnation of a famous person, the same person I'm the reincarnation of.

I actually mentioned it when I was told who I was. I was simply told he was wrong ( I've had 47 years of flashbacks to that life since I was told so I definately know the chap in the documentary was full of it ).

Skeptical is the word of the decade for me. Skeptics are all I seem to deal with in my day to day life. Its frustrating when you know beyond all doubt that your are those people.

Melahin 31-07-2016 05:55 PM

I once were shown the life of Balderus in a way similar to how Saxo wrote it. This is who the norse knew as Baldr. I have seen Orpheus. I have seen Atilla. I have seen Alexander the Great. I have seen Robert the first of Scotland. I have seen Achilles. I have seen plus felt many things. But it is not about the past but about the present. What is it you feel lacking from your life?

jim78 31-07-2016 06:02 PM

By the way Somnia. The only reason I'm not famous in this life is because of what I believe to be a correct decision I made on this turn on the wheel. A decision opposite to decisions in all of my past lives. I've grown in spirit and as a result I've forfeited the status that I've enjoyed in other lives. Gods all about irony it seems.

What I'm saying is that there are patterns and commonalities in each life that point to the truth of who a soul is. I've lived an atypical life again this time around. Had I not I would never have believed it when I was told who I've been. I hope that makes sense to you.

jim78 31-07-2016 06:07 PM

Thanks Melahin. The status of my past lives doesnt matter. Its the content that matters. I just wish I could brush away the nonsense of who those people were and get to the truth that they were just another soul on a journey...my soul.

I dunno what to draw from those past lives generally because I've never had a true forum in which to explore those lives and there consequences.

Right now I exist in a quagmire of hellish images and the awareness of consequences to those past lives.

I havent learned that level of objectivity yet.

jim78 31-07-2016 06:13 PM


Originally Posted by Melahin
I once were shown the life of Balderus in a way similar to how Saxo wrote it. This is who the norse knew as Baldr. I have seen Orpheus. I have seen Atilla. I have seen Alexander the Great. I have seen Robert the first of Scotland. I have seen Achilles. I have seen plus felt many things. But it is not about the past but about the present. What is it you feel lacking from your life?

Its not whats lacking from my life Melahin. I've been charged with performing a certain task by God and I must see it through to its bitter end despite the dire consequences to this incarnation of me.

I want to use my time in this life wisely and explore the choices and journeys that my soul has taken along the way.

I want to evolve...but no man is an island.

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