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Moana 05-10-2018 07:21 PM

Ghost, entity,....alien?
So I just moved into my house which isn't even 10 years old, and I don't know what I experienced. I was up late around 1-2 a.m. Watching t.v. Because nursing my son ( 10 months) has my sleep cycle out of wack. My couch faces the t.v. And I can see down the hallway in the same direction. I suddenly felt afraid and that I was really about to "see" something. My nerves were on edge. I have never whitnessed anything paranormal and so I was really getting terrified. Out of nowhere, I see in my head this image of this very tall, shadowy, gray thing pop it's oblong head (with no facial features) from the back bedroom door like as if it looked at me and went back in the room. This really freaked me out so I just kept repeating to myself in my head ..." No, no ,no... I don't want to see that, I don't want to see that, I'm not ready to see anything" and that was it. After that the "feeling" of fear left and I did Not see anything physically with my eyes. Did I see something with my "minds eye"?

Lepus 06-10-2018 05:28 PM


Possibly. Was it a one time thing?

I remember when I was asleep I had about a few hours of sleep until I had to wake up to drop off my mother to work around 5:00 a.m. so I had around four hours asleep because I usually stay up really late at one in the morning. So I was in a state of being awake and asleep at the same time when I was getting ready to head out then suddenly I heard my name called out. I would say it sounded similar to my father but I knew he wasn't awake. I checked to see if he was but he wasn't and I even asked my mother if he was awake and she replied no. I thought it was strange. Maybe it had to do with your state of mind? Perhaps my clairaudience is opening up for me because this happened more than once.


Moana 06-10-2018 11:55 PM

Well, I thought that maybe I was imagining things and frightening myself because of our new house and so I decided not to mention anything to anyone. Until two weeks later, my husband awoke from a nap on the couch and he looked down the hallway and saw the same shadowy tall figure quickly pop it's head in and out of our bathroom. he said he got up and checked but there was no one. When he mentioned to me what he saw and described how tall and weirdly oval shaped the head was I knew What I had seen was real. It validated my experience but it freaked me out because I don't know what it was. I haven't had any weird vibes since then and no one else has seen anything so maybe it was a one time thing....? But what kind of thing is so tall that when it popped it's head out of the doorway, it's head nearly touched the ceiling?

Lepus 07-10-2018 07:07 PM


Have you ever heard about shadow people or dark beings? Because it sounds like you have a shadow person or dark being lurking in your home from reading your description.

Here's a webpage I've found that covers shadow people and dark beings and also how to get rid of them: Shadow People & Dark Beings.


Moana 08-10-2018 02:03 AM

Thank you, this provided a lot of insight for me. I will try the sage method in my home and see if that works.

Lepus 08-10-2018 09:52 PM


I would make sure not to smudge near your son since it could cause respiratory problems. Just filter out the smoke with an open window if you decide to burn sage. Good luck!


MissCreativeSpirit 26-10-2018 09:32 PM

It was a clairvoyant(clear seeing) event.A normal psychic vision. Not tangible in the real world. Often even an echo of a past real event in the same location because it's triggered by the location itself. Like a psychometry from a place not a small object.

dawn infinity 08-07-2019 01:23 AM

Hey moanna , about two or three yrs ago isaw something that looked very similar to what u saw i was paralyzed in my bed &this grey thing with no facial features it was moving its hands up &down i noticed my bracelet was off my arm matter of fact it came off my arm three nights in &row & than the third night i saw it it tryed to get between my legs i kicked at it woke myself up it disappeared i never seen it again &hope i don't ever i stayed up the whole night i called on my angels. , they will protect &i hope it ever comes again archangel micheal can lay the smackdown on it. i don't like to be invaded like that or anyone eles should be.

Little Creek77 07-08-2019 07:37 PM

You most likely dreamed it, at that hour. Try to connect it to what was going on in real life and how you were feeling.

Aethera 07-08-2019 10:11 PM

I agree with what Lepus said about them being a shadow or dark being. Definitely considering that both you and your husband have seen them at different hours, and it's good to pay attention to their form, and how they appear to make themselves be known.

And when that both you and your husband saw it, tho you didn't mention if he felt the same feeling when it was present, and I think that feeling could be what they want to invoke into other's. So I think it's good to pay attention to the feeling when those beings are around as a way to recognize their intentions.

It's good to hear that you haven't felt the same weird vibe that frightened you at the time.:icon_smile:

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