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A human Being 31-08-2018 06:39 PM

Ugh, really feeling my heart blockages at the moment
Historically I've had pretty serious blockages in various parts of my body, but my heart has always been the most badly-affected; I was born that way, it seems (I'm told this relates to a traumatic event in a past life, though how true that is I couldn't say), and it's something that's had a profound effect on my life, as you might expect.

Triggered by an event in my personal life, the past eighteen months or so have been a time of great healing; it's been just so difficult and painful at times but thankfully I've almost come out the other side, largely thanks to a pretty intensive meditation practice (yoga also helped massively when I was struggling with severe anxiety). My lower chakras feel much clearer than they ever have, really, likewise the three chakras above my heart (I had quite a blocked throat a short while back, to the point that it was very painful to swallow, but that passed after a few days thankfully), and now it seems that it's starting to come to a head with regards to my heart, I'm feeling so much heaviness in that area at the moment and I can sense that there's a lot of anger and grief there too. Can't say I'm particularly relishing the prospect of releasing this stuff, but of course it's just something that needs to be done.

I think really it's just a matter of staying patient and having faith in the process, meditating when I feel I need to (at the moment I have periods when I meditate instensively and then take it easy for maybe a day or two to let the energy integrate), so I'm not so much looking for advice as just wanting to share, though if people do have advice then of course I'd be open to it :smile:

Michelle11 01-09-2018 11:22 AM

I had a lot of pent up anger, grief, sadness and self loathing stuck in my heart chakra. Did a meditation and had a vision of the area being enveloped by a thick toxic cloud of black smoke. I was bewildered how much it hurt. How much emotions hurt in a physical way. I was aware it wasn't a physical pain I was dealing with but it hurt just the same. For me though, the only way to truly clear it for good was to get to the root beliefs that were causing the pain in the first place. I did everything I could to try and either avoid the painful emotions but that just turned it into a dead spot in the core of me or I just tried to feel better but it didn't last long. It wasn't until I started getting into Mindfulness that I was able to truly start to heal the toxic negative emotions I had trapped inside.

Instead of just trying to feel better I started to get curious about why I felt bad. When the emotions would well up or get triggered I would stop and pay attention to my inner dialogue. It gave me a lot of clues to what misguided thinking was keeping me prisoner. I did a lot of self exploration and eventually shifted a lot of limiting beliefs around that is truly liberating me from feeling bad all the time. It's amazing the garbage beliefs we pick up along the way from other confused humans without realizing it. It was a difficult time but worth the effort. I no longer view dark emotions as a threat. I understand all emotions are really just there to give us a heads up to our thinking but it is the thinking that may need to shift for us to free ourselves from our emotional patterns of pain for good.

You may already do this but thought I'd throw it out there because meditating merely to realease the negative emotions may help us feel good for a time but odds are, if we don't address why they got stuck there in the first place the area will become blocked again. Best of luck.

A human Being 02-09-2018 11:27 AM


Originally Posted by Michelle11
I had a lot of pent up anger, grief, sadness and self loathing stuck in my heart chakra. Did a meditation and had a vision of the area being enveloped by a thick toxic cloud of black smoke. I was bewildered how much it hurt. How much emotions hurt in a physical way. I was aware it wasn't a physical pain I was dealing with but it hurt just the same. For me though, the only way to truly clear it for good was to get to the root beliefs that were causing the pain in the first place. I did everything I could to try and either avoid the painful emotions but that just turned it into a dead spot in the core of me or I just tried to feel better but it didn't last long. It wasn't until I started getting into Mindfulness that I was able to truly start to heal the toxic negative emotions I had trapped inside.

Instead of just trying to feel better I started to get curious about why I felt bad. When the emotions would well up or get triggered I would stop and pay attention to my inner dialogue. It gave me a lot of clues to what misguided thinking was keeping me prisoner. I did a lot of self exploration and eventually shifted a lot of limiting beliefs around that is truly liberating me from feeling bad all the time. It's amazing the garbage beliefs we pick up along the way from other confused humans without realizing it. It was a difficult time but worth the effort. I no longer view dark emotions as a threat. I understand all emotions are really just there to give us a heads up to our thinking but it is the thinking that may need to shift for us to free ourselves from our emotional patterns of pain for good.

You may already do this but thought I'd throw it out there because meditating merely to realease the negative emotions may help us feel good for a time but odds are, if we don't address why they got stuck there in the first place the area will become blocked again. Best of luck.

What I've come to realise from observing my own mental activity is that an awful lot of it is actually designed, unconsciously, to prevent me from having to feel the pain - it's a coping mechanism I developed in early-ish childhood because I simply wasn't getting much by way of emotional support from my care-givers and peers, and in fact grew to feel ashamed of my sensitivity (as I say, I was an extremely troubled and tearful child, for whatever reason). I've actually done a lot of self-inquiry already, unearthing those beliefs about myself - that I'm inherently shameful, unworthy, unlovable - so I'm very familiar with my psychology, and I feel, actually, that I've come to the limits of my intellectual understanding as far as that goes, the neurotic need to understand why I am the way I am had started to become a real hindrance to true healing. There was an unconscious belief, I think, that if I could somehow figure it all out mentally, I wouldn't have to feel actually feel the pain, but of course that isn't how it works - 'You can only heal what you can feel', as Teal Swan would say. And as you say, you come to realise that dark emotions aren't a threat as you'd previously thought they were.

So I'm at a stage now where I feel that I simply have to allow myself to feel the pain and trauma that I hadn't previously had the tools to process in a healthy way - which for me is the whole point of meditation, it's simply about sitting in a state of open, relaxed non-resistance and allowing to arise whatever needs to arise. It sounds simple enough in theory, but in practice it can be very challenging to do that, it does require a lot of patience, practice, and faith in the process as I say. I really have made a lot of progress just by practicing this very simple form of meditation, I do feel a lot clearer on the whole and I think it's just something I've got to persevere with.

Just on beliefs - I think the thing for me is, they are ultimately just beliefs, and in the end there's no such thing as a true belief. It is important, I feel, to become conscious of the limiting beliefs we have about ourselves, but the 'whys' of it all aren't very important to me any more (although perhaps that's simply because I feel like I've already gotten to the root of it). When you say you 'shifted around' a lot of limiting beliefs around, what exactly do you mean by that?

Thanks for your input :)

Michelle11 02-09-2018 01:47 PM


There was an unconscious belief, I think, that if I could somehow figure it all out mentally, I wouldn't have to feel actually feel the pain, but of course that isn't how it works
I have had that sense myself and read an article by a psychologist who said they often meet with people who do not realize that they are actually depressed. They know something is wrong but never connected the dots. When they get the aha that they have depression they somehow feel the knowing should fix it but it doesn't work that way. Depression is a response to something, likely some line of thinking, though it can be situational as well, like loss or illness. But the confusing depressions where we feel like we have nothing to be depressed about are generally tied to those conditioned beliefs and coping styles that we learned or picked up while growing up.

Awareness there is an issue is the first step. Allowing is step two because as you say we do have to feel it to heal it. It has taken me most of my life to get to recovery because I was doing everything in my power to not feel that dead spot and the darkness that was chasing me. Once I discovered what it was rooted in, I can see why I ran but it wasn't until I allowed myself to feel my pain regardless of it being right or wrong I was then able to challenge what was there. That is step three. Challenging what we find and shifting it from something demeaning or belittling to something supportive and life affirming. The difficulty with this is that there are many layers to our anger, pain and grief. We may need to shift one belief first to be able to shift the deeper ones. And it may not be as simple as noticing that we think in black and white or absolutes. It may take time to find a new way of thinking as we keep nurturing ourselves while we repeat old patterns.

I had high anxiety that I did everything in my power to deny because if I didn't I would not have been able to function. What I didn't realize is that my anxiety was rooted in fear and being in a constant state of feeling threatened. This was because my father seemed angry all the time and he was always focused on what was wrong so hyper critical. This created intense self doubt and a need to try and do things right so as not to get in trouble but all the while assuming I was doing it wrong because in my father's eyes it seemed I was always wrong. It undermined my ability to make decisions and be a flawed human. Criticism was a big threat because it caused me to turn on myself. My father being angry caused me to develop the habit of being angry at myself for my mistakes. How sad is that that I was not allowed to be mistaken ever. No wonder I was so afraid to move. No wonder I felt guilty and to blame for how others felt. Not knowing how to cope with this or fix it I became self destructive and somewhere along the line developed the idea that I was bad and needed to be annihilated soul and all. It made no sense really but that was what I initially felt and had to dig all the way down to the beginning to see how I got there.

As you are probably aware there are more layers, a need for control, perfectionism, worry. all the behaviors were hiding a belief system that was rooted in black and white. If I wasn't all good I was all bad. If I am not winning I am a loser. If I can't do it right, right off the bat, then I am incompetent. All in an effort to try and not be rejected by my father and unlovable. Of course I was always loved very deeply by my parents. My father did have my best interests at heart he just didn't have a very supportive way of raising kids. It was more of a tough love approach that doesn't necessarily work with sensitive highly emotional people.

So becoming aware of all of this and the rest I started to change my mind about things. Things like refusing to feel guilty for how others feel, stop taking blame for their moods. Allowing myself to be anxious and depressed without apologizing for it. Not that I showed that side of me to the world but I had to give myself permission to be human. Being human wasn't safe. There was a lot of brutal honesty without judgment. It was what was there whether I liked it or not but it was what I had to deal with.

So I shifted beliefs like thinking my depression and anxiety made me less of a person to understanding that those things didn't define me. They were simply coping responses to difficult emotions. Shifted the idea that I had to do things perfectly and make all the right decisions or my life would be over to the understanding that we can't get life wrong and we are where we are meant to be. Shifting the belief that I am to blame for things to no one is to blame. We aren't to blame because we are all in a sense blind and confused working from early conditioning we have subconsciously picked up along the way. Feeling like I need to prove my worth to have abundance in my life to knowing that we all deserve abundance regardless of our situation, abilities or station in life. I could actually keep going but the basic idea is to uncover what we belief and decide to change our minds about it. Once we decide to change our minds we will be led to information and experiences that help us to break the old thinking patterns.

As I am sure you are aware, it is very complicated and a crazy hard puzzle to put together but as you soul search and look back on your past, root out the unhelpful thinking styles and beliefs you will find new ways of thinking and responding to the world. It won't happen over night because there are layers that are affecting other layers but just keep challenging the ideas that surround your sensitive nature. is it bad to be sensitive? If that is your belief what can you shift it to. Who led you to believe being emotionally sensitive is bad? Do they have a lock on life and how it should be lived? So if you sense you know what your limiting beliefs are, the ones holding you hostage, ask yourself what you need to heal those unhelpful beliefs and coping patterns. You will get led to what you need to shift into a healthy more loving perspective.

Goodfish 02-09-2018 02:51 PM

Your Kundalini can open your heart if you adopt better habits eat raw and don't use your sexual energy outwardly

A human Being 03-09-2018 11:32 AM

I can relate to so much of what you say in terms of your issues - being afraid to make mistakes, feeling incompetent and worthless, making myself responsible for other people's emotional states, etc. Which I think stems largely from the fact that we had fathers who were similar in certain key respects, it's not easy for a sensitive child to grow up around that sort of influence - though of course they were only doing the best they could, and it does us no good to hold onto any resentment, anger, etc., that we may feel towards them.

As I say, though, I've done lots of introspecting and I am very familiar with my own psychology at this point, am aware of my issues, I've made certain changes in my life (creating firmer boundaries is a big one, that was always an issue for me and I'd often get drained by other people as a result) and at the moment I'm more focused on releasing the energetic blocks in my system that have resulted from emotional repression. I hear what you're saying, though.

A human Being 03-09-2018 11:35 AM


Originally Posted by Goodfish
Your Kundalini can open your heart if you adopt better habits eat raw and don't use your sexual energy outwardly

I was thinking about eating raw foods recently, funnily enough, no idea why :laugh: Thanks for the suggestions :)

SidneyRicketts 03-09-2018 05:31 PM

I get it too.

Originally Posted by A human Being
Historically I've had pretty serious blockages in various parts of my body, but my heart has always been the most badly-affected; I was born that way, it seems (I'm told this relates to a traumatic event in a past life, though how true that is I couldn't say), and it's something that's had a profound effect on my life, as you might expect.

Triggered by an event in my personal life, the past eighteen months or so have been a time of great healing; it's been just so difficult and painful at times but thankfully I've almost come out the other side, largely thanks to a pretty intensive meditation practice (yoga also helped massively when I was struggling with severe anxiety). My lower chakras feel much clearer than they ever have, really, likewise the three chakras above my heart (I had quite a blocked throat a short while back, to the point that it was very painful to swallow, but that passed after a few days thankfully), and now it seems that it's starting to come to a head with regards to my heart, I'm feeling so much heaviness in that area at the moment and I can sense that there's a lot of anger and grief there too. Can't say I'm particularly relishing the prospect of releasing this stuff, but of course it's just something that needs to be done.

I think really it's just a matter of staying patient and having faith in the process, meditating when I feel I need to (at the moment I have periods when I meditate instensively and then take it easy for maybe a day or two to let the energy integrate), so I'm not so much looking for advice as just wanting to share, though if people do have advice then of course I'd be open to it :smile:

I know...I guess smoking and drinking that bottle of Wray and nephews didn't help much Mr Ricketts...
We all make our own mistakes...

Miss Hepburn 03-09-2018 08:48 PM

Ha, my old friend...my prescription ...get every deep, tear jerker DVD you can ...turn the phone off...have a day alone
in front of the TV...have fun food and drink.

Then top it off with the John McCain Mem Service and Aretha service...tho you are in Eng.

Also, subscribe somehow to every love song every sung....listen all day, my younger friend...with the
little bond we have from yrs ago. xx :smile:
If you are a Gemini or with your Venus conflicted or in Gemini,
also ...your sunk!


It takes WORK to open up that chakra!!!! (that comes so easily to others!)

And yes, eating yin foods will help make you more sensitive!...Fruits and raw veggies...no meat,
cheese, alcohol and cigarettes.
**Also, volunteer at a Nursing Home...oh my God will your heart crack open holding a
wrinkled lonely hand listening to memories long gone..

So stop complaining and do every thing I say. :wink:

Anala 04-09-2018 03:29 AM

Thank you for sharing. I thought I was the only person who felt like this. When I had my first “metaphysical panic attack”, I called a friend who told me to hug a tree. It worked for me. :smile:

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