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Amilius777 05-07-2016 03:24 PM

Jesus-Solar Lords/Mystery Schools
I found this mystic from American named Tricia McCannon and her work is amazing!

She talks about her mystical visions and clairvoyant experiences of Angels, Guides and Masters

One of the things I find most fascinating is her work on "The Solar Lords"

These Higher Entities are basically the direct expressions of the Father-God. There are four of them and one of them is the soul we knew as Jesus Christ. He is the "head" and called in ancient mystery schools- Sanat Kumara. This Divinity-energy incarnates into a world anytime He is needed and usually he dies or resurrects in some form or another. When it came to human history, when he came as Jesus he literally died on a cross and resurrected himself.

This Mystic found the missing links of Paganism, Christianity, Mysticism, Native-American Twisted Hair Elder Traditions, Wicca, and Hinduism and found all the connections through her own visions and work with Spirit-Guides.

The reason I find her work so affirming is that there is a current scholar named Dr. Michael Heiser who is an expert on the Old and New Testaments. He actually knows more than the biggie Bart Ehrman. Heiser has discovered in old texts that there are not only Aliens (Which Tricia McCannon also mentions in her works) but also a Divine Council of "Sons of God" and Angels who oversee and fit the categories of McCannon's visions.

If you always had trouble connecting the dots between the Christ-Mysteries, Horus Legends, Catholicism, Spirituality, Native -American shamanism here is the woman with the best answers. And it helps that she is a very well liked clairvoyant who has done thousands of readings.

I hope you enjoy. This video was presented by Dolores Cannon. A lot of you Spiritual Nerds like me know who she is. She fits in those categories with Edgar Cayce, James Van Praagh, etc


innerlight 05-07-2016 08:50 PM

You really like that Jesus fellow.

I will say that there has not really ever been a connection to Jesus and Sanat Kumara. As a Kumara, Jesus has been said to be Sanada Kumara. Sanat Kumara is usually always tied into Lucifer, the Ancient of Days. Helen Blavatsky speaks about such a thing in her books.

Amilius777 06-07-2016 04:48 AM

Yeah I do. A LOT

I don't know how accurate she was. A lot of her work to me feels like throwing the baby out with the bathwater- someone who seems a bit bitter with another Tradition

When I see a spiritual teacher who finds a connection with everything I gravitate towards them

I am not a fan of the Theosophical Society

innerlight 07-07-2016 12:18 AM

I also, have not been a fan of Blavatsky, or her Theosophical society. That said, Sanat Kumara seems to be in many belief systems, and not just that one. The Yezidi's seem Sanat, as the Peacock Angel, Tawsi Melek, who is also said to be Lucifer. The seven Holy Kumara's are found in other belief systems. It's Sanat who is the head of Shamballa, as well as the Great White Brotherhood. Yet, none list him as Jesus, that I have seen. Or perhaps they see Sanat as the actual Christ, and Jesus as a follower of Sanat? I think Sanat is also said to be Melchizedek. Sanat is said to be the hierarchic of Venus, hence the connection to Lucifer. Was said to bring 144,000 people with him when he same to earth. Jesus and Buddha was said to have come to Earth with him. It is also said Sanat is not still heiracrch of Earth, that that role was filled by Gautama Buddha.

Amilius777 14-07-2016 09:12 PM

I read more on this Tricia McCannon and I actually don't like her. I watched a radio podcast with her and she came off so smug, talkative, and impossible to debate with.

I usually know when someone is pulling our legs when they behave like this. This is why I don't completely subscribe to the whole "I Have more Knowledge of Spiritual Subjects than all the psychics in the world and I'm part of the 12th Keelon Galactic Sisterhood of Know It Alls"

Please lady...that's when I close your book and know your just another delusional person.

That's the scary part of spirituality is that we have our loons just like Religion has it's.

As much as I believe there is a link btween the teachings of the ancient Mystery Schools and Jesus, I don't think it's as massively fantastic and magically linked.

It' just all the same old Truths

Earth Healer 25-08-2016 01:18 PM

<Heiser has discovered in old texts that there are not only Aliens (Which Tricia McCannon also mentions in her works) but also a Divine Council of "Sons of God" and Angels who oversee and fit the categories of McCannon's visions.>

I think if you examine Heiser's work a little closer, you will find that he is actually critical of alien contact theories. His comments on the divine counsel refer to a cosmology that was common to most Mediterranean cultures of the distant past.

That does not negate any possibilities, of course. But one should be careful to keep the record straight.

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