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SoftKittyLover 10-10-2013 06:39 PM

Hi Guys,

I dunno if this is meant to go here, but I am terrified of dying and not that there is nothing but that I will go to a bad place, I try and be positive and help everyone and I have been told I am a nice person but inside im a mess I love helping people but I suffer with intrusive thoughts I am terrified that this means deep down I am an awful person, I try be kind and I have been told by mediums that I am not going to a bad place, but I have seen some dark things (like demons) in dreams and stuff and I am afraid that like attracts like and that I am an awful person, I believe in love and forgiveness and learning and I understand why people do things and I dont believe everyone is 100%...I just can't seem to be this way with myself I feel I dont deserve kindness or to go to a good place because of the intrusive thoughts.

I dunno what I want here maybe some comfort of something any advice would be much appreciated. :)

Thank you in advance xxxx

WhiteWarrior 10-10-2013 09:11 PM

When you die your physical body and your spirit parts ways, and your spirit - or soul, if you prefer - can roam somewhat about in the real world. But soon, maybe within seconds, the doorway to the Other Side opens for you and you can move over if you so choose. While the Other Side is technically a myriad of great and small havens, you basically enter the hallway first and then some time will pass before you perhaps go other places by your own will and that next area's allowance. Think of it as milling about in an 8 star hotel's reception area -you will be safe and warm and the security is AWESOME. The only ones who get a chilly reception are those who was committing very bad crimes against others while they lived.

But hey, it's only what I know from a hundred chats with spirits and not something I document with photos of. Haha.

Native spirit 10-10-2013 10:24 PM

:hug: Softkittylover,

Death is nothing to fear believe me you will not go to a bad place at all.how long have you been having these intrusive thoughts?.have you een a doctor about how you feel.there may be something underlying there that needs seeing to, you could ask to speak to a councellor who may help you figure out why you feel like you do,
there is no bad place when we die we all go to the same place,we go back to spirit,


Neville 10-10-2013 10:42 PM

The dying part is the thing that gets most people afright the nature of the crossing to that which you were before your physical inception and that which you will return to.

Having spoken to many people who thought they feared death, I was at length able to determine that the majority of them were not afraid of death at all, rather dying is what scared them, which on the face of it, is totally understandable.

Anyway, the dying aside, It is my belief that death itself is more familiar to most of us than we might imagine at first. I say this because every time I plumb the depths of deep , timeless , dreamless sleep ( Usually the very deep sleep that you go into each night when you are aware of nothing ) Is in my estimation the closest approximation to the state of Death.

This very deep sleep as measured on electroencephalograph machines is called Delta Brain Frequency which is when the cycles of the Brain slow right down and measures between 0 and 4 hz, 0 hz is clearly no Brain activity, Nil, Zilch which just so happens to be the frequency of a Brain that is no longer working.

So you see, hopefully, all of us come very close if not actually experience a mini death , each and every time we go to the place of the deepest sleep, which for a great many of us , is on a daily basis.

kris 10-10-2013 11:22 PM


There is no need to fear death. I am saying this as someone who believes in rebirth. Whenever bad thoughts take hold of you, close your eyes and think of Lord Shiva. "oM namaH shivAya" is a mantra that will help you stay focused on Shiva and you will soon conquer your fear of death.


Nameless 10-10-2013 11:32 PM

just a couple thoughts that might help:

#1) there is no devil, no guy in a red jump suit with a pitchfork. For me, when I came across that thought (it was in a Sylvia Browne book I was reading) it lit up my world, and I just KNEW there was no such thing as a devil, that the devil was made up by religions to scare people into going to church, because they felt they needed a reason to get people to the church, and what better way than to scare them - somethings gonna get them if they don't go. Works like a charm too. So that's the first thing that helped me.

#2) When you are exploring becoming more spiritually aware, and you are reading books and things that interest you on the subject, and maybe you are talking to people who believe what you believe and you are diving in and exploring it, something happens along the way, I think. And one day, you will just not be afraid of death anymore, because you have learned what an awesome place it is to be, because there is no death. None of us die, we just transform, the energy that makes us - us - leaves the physical body and returns to our non-physical inner being, our Soul, and then things get really really fun and interesting (I am really looking forward to it, but I am not done being me in this life yet, so there is plenty of time to get there LOL).

So, hope that helped to give you some comfort. There is no death, so there is no reason to fear it. If you believe in reincarnation, then maybe that helps too, because we "die" over and over and over, etc, etc, etc, and are reborn over and over and over, and so it is not death as in - The End. There is nothing like that.

If you don't believe in anything after this life, then that is something to think about. There are a lot of mediums on this planet who help bring people's loved ones in to speak with people, and they tell details that are undeniable. Try watching some episodes of Long Island Medium. Or John Edwards. Go on You Tube, there are lots of spinets there. If you can get a sense that these dearly departed loved ones are still around us (and they are) maybe that will help.

muileag 10-10-2013 11:39 PM

Blessings of peace and understanding to you, SoftKittyLover (((hug)))

If you view "death" from the perspective that this life that you're living now is the one and only life that you've ever lived, then death does seem a bit daunting. If you feel that being alive in this physical body is what "life" is, then death does seem to be the end of you. But that is simply not true. We've existed and will continue to exist in many shapes and forms that we simply do not have full understanding of at this time. Many people have had glimpses of these existences and have provided us with messages of love. Think of it as moving from your childhood home to a university abroad: you're nervous because you're going to miss the familiar surroundings and won't be able to see your loved ones every day, but you're going off to grow through new experiences and connections.

desert rat 10-10-2013 11:51 PM

Having bad thoughts or hearing voices does not make you a bad person . It could be from neg. beings , or a medical problem . On going to a bad place as a form of punishment from God , that is a myth . You might want to watch some of the you tube videos from people that have had a near death exp.

Tobi 11-10-2013 12:47 AM


Originally Posted by SoftKittyLover
Hi Guys,

I dunno if this is meant to go here, but I am terrified of dying and not that there is nothing but that I will go to a bad place, I try and be positive and help everyone and I have been told I am a nice person but inside im a mess I love helping people but I suffer with intrusive thoughts I am terrified that this means deep down I am an awful person, I try be kind and I have been told by mediums that I am not going to a bad place, but I have seen some dark things (like demons) in dreams and stuff and I am afraid that like attracts like and that I am an awful person, I believe in love and forgiveness and learning and I understand why people do things and I dont believe everyone is 100%...I just can't seem to be this way with myself I feel I dont deserve kindness or to go to a good place because of the intrusive thoughts.

I dunno what I want here maybe some comfort of something any advice would be much appreciated. :)

Thank you in advance xxxx

I have lived quite a while, and have had intrusive thoughts a LOT in my life. This does NOT mean you are a 'bad' person! It just means you are human.

No-one has lived a perfect example of a spiritual life 24/7 throughout their whole life either.

The issue is you are scared. Fear is a low vibration. It can also attract scary things. But even fear does not define who or what you are as a Soul. It is who/what you are at your CORE which will decide which area of the spiritual planes you gravitate to after your passing.
I can just sense -right here, right now, that you are OK as a person.

Please try not to be so scared. Read uplifting things (try not to watch nasty horror videos etc) focus your Soul some more on your core values in life. That will help you not to be so afraid.

What we call 'death' is not scary. It will be OK. There is some fear or apprehension, of course, about the process of illness or dying. But you will be so happy to leave the physical body when your time comes. It will feel natural and good. You will feel so free, and be greeted by loved ones, and lovely Souls.

desert rat 11-10-2013 03:40 PM

Do you have health problems , or are these just general fears ?

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