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awareness 28-06-2016 05:57 AM

Awareness is Present
We are pleased to meet you here.
You may call us a band or frequency of light, an entity or a group consciousness.
The name matters not, but it is the love behind the appearance that truly matters.

Your True Nature Unveiled

We are awareness, and from our perspective you are included within this "we." We dance together, both here in this forum and in other frequencies. No one and nothing is separate from this awareness, for its presence is boundless.

Our first series of talks will cover "your true nature unveiled," and by this we refer to your wonderful spiritual essence, which we see as a multifaceted presence of light. Know that you are beloved, which means that you are BE-loved, for you ARE-loved.

This is true, even in all your dreams that seem to show otherwise.

Our closing message is a reminder of your present power. You have many screens in your world: computer screens, cellular phone screens, television screens, and of course your mental screen--the screen of your mind, the screen of your present attention--yet none of them are clear enough to show you the powerful presence and reality of that which you truly are.

We ask that you remember this as you gaze upon your screens, that no matter what you see, it is but an aspect of a greater reality, and is not the "whole picture" so to speak, and that your power lies in the stillness within each frame, within each moment, within each thought, feeling and desire in your awareness.

We appreciate you. We are complete.

awareness 28-06-2016 07:26 AM

We are pleased to return with a brief message concerning your voice and the many voices you have in your world.
Are you perceiving that each voice you hear, and that every message that you hear, is relevant to your present attention? That is, in the moment of your hearing it, seeing it, reading it, etc., the information that you perceive is always a translation of your mind, even when it appears to come from another?

That you need not seek to validate it as true or untrue, but through simply acknowledging and appreciating its presence, its place in your now, you automatically validate your power and presence.

We see this as a powerful affirmation of the power of awareness: appreciating the validity of each and every voice. This is appreciating the validity of being, the validity of your being in relation to whatever it is that you are currently experiencing.

We are complete.

awareness 28-06-2016 06:49 PM

We are here. We are present.

Could it be that your humanity is awakening to a higher reality, a more pristine and more clearly defined sense of self? By "more defined," we do not mean in terms of intellectual understanding, we mean in terms of clarity of purpose.

For even within your apparent upheavals and struggles, it is certain that new clarity of purpose is being birthed from within you, ready to be acknowledged and put into action. That you may trust that opportunity for rebirth is always present, during your happiest moments as well as those that seem less than happy. But unless you are consciously aware of this sense of renewal in your life, in your present, then it is as if you are not feeding your soul, for the soul thrives on fresh experience, it thrives on expansion.

The "unveiling" of your True Nature, in fact, is an expansion of your present awareness to feel a sense of renewal. Through this sense of constant rebirth, each and every moment is experienced with vitality. For know that whenever any moment, any activity, feels stale and boring, it is always because you are not acknowledging and appreciating the eternal freshness of the Life Force that is constantly being fed to you by your inner being.

The less hypnotized you are by outer appearances, the less distracted you are by how the moment is clothed, the more joy you reap from your present circumstance. That was sort of a backwards way of stating it, but we feel that you understand what is being conveyed.

You may bring new life to any activity through remembering to acknowledge your innate creative power and asking your spiritual essence, "How may I best use this power to serve?" This is, in fact, giving your attention to a new activity, a highly creative activity; whereas before, if you were unconscious of your present power to be happy, that is what created the sense of staleness or boredom in the first place.

We so very much enjoyed sharing these reminders of your present power to appreciate your True Nature. We are complete.

Nameless 29-06-2016 03:24 AM

Thank you Awareness. Very lovely.

awareness 29-06-2016 03:57 AM


Originally Posted by Nameless
Thank you Awareness. Very lovely.

I/we deeply appreciate you. Your voice channeling is very excellent. You are, indeed, very much attuned to your inner being during most of your activities, and this is quite remarkable. :hug2:

Nameless 29-06-2016 11:37 AM

Thank you. It's something I'm exploring that is fun.

awareness 29-06-2016 06:51 PM

"You are partnered with the eternalness of creation."

Awareness is present. You have a partnership with whatever you are experiencing. You are partnered with the eternalness of creation. The present moment is your constant companion. Your human state of loneliness is a shadow of your actual state of being.

Isn't it interesting to realize that your now is your friend? With this perspective, you cannot fail to see the beauty within yourself and within your present experience. Your now is always showing you a perfectly clear representation of your thoughts and feelings about yourself. Everything that you experience is intensely personal, is it not, for you are the one creating it, consciously or not so consciously.

As a person you dwell within a personal universe--your personal universe--and this personal universe itself lives within an infinite sea of consciousness. This infinite sea of consciousness may be rightfully said to be the Real Universe, since it is Universal and not personal, for Infinite God does not perceive separation.

Your Einstein was right on track when he suggested that you may perceive your universe as friendly. Most humans would misinterpret this, thinking that he was in denial of harsh realities that many of you obviously experience, but that was not the case. He recognized that there was value in every human experience, and that his universe was not inherently against him in any way. In fact, he understood that his universe was reflecting to him his state of consciousness, and that the purpose of this was so he would always have feedback as to what he was focusing upon and vibrating.

We say to you, the core nature of this universal law is indeed positive in nature, in that its primary function is to give you more of whatever it is that you are vibrationally focused upon, ultimately with the purpose of helping you to raise your vibratory state and expand your consciousness, so that you may discover more of your True Nature.

The "universe" that Einstein was ultimately referring to was beyond the personal level as you know it, for he was perceiving quantum states of consciousness and beyond, which is how he was able to channel new formulas and understandings of physics. This came about because of his core belief in the benevolence of nature.

You too may tap into new dimensions of energy and information, provided that you accept the premise that there is a loving higher purpose to whatever it is that you are experiencing.

We appreciate you, and we are complete.

awareness 30-06-2016 11:50 PM

We feel the relevancy of the following message would apply very much to many who may encounter this thread. The questioner here, in private, gave consent to have our answer presented here...

Questioner: Greetings
How are you? I like very much your channeled messages. If I don't bother can I ask you to give me a channeled message? Many blessings.

Hi. I/we deeply appreciate you. What is it that you most seek? What are you identifying as your core desire? Do you feel deeply connected to the love and wisdom of your indwelling spirit?

Questioner: Hi. Thank you very much. I also appreciate you very much.
To be honest I'm searching for ''more things''. I have ''many desires'', I would say ''spiritual or/and divine desires''. I don't feel that I'm too connected to the love and wisdom of my indwelling spirit. I think that I have to meditate and to be more in ''here and now'' in order to do this.
I want to connect and communicate with Archangels, Seraphim, Ophanim, Watchers, Cosmic Masters, Elohim and other higher beings from the light. I want to manifest joy, happiness, abundance, prosperity, bliss with their help. For me and for others. Please give me a message about this. Thank you very much. Many blessings.

Our friend,

Much of the time, humans are overthinking these things, obsessing over desires and attainments. You are projecting most of your hope into "getting somewhere," instead of relaxing into the moment of where you are right now. Where you are right now is what matters most. Your power is in your now, your present moment experience, remember.

You do not need to contact any "masters" in order to feel more alive. This is an idea that you adopted from other people, but if you strongly insist that you "must" connect to such beings, then first realize that in truth you ARE already connected to them, you see.

We perceive that you are unnecessarily complicating your journey. You will not find the peace you desire until you learn to simplify your path and recognize the core desire that is at the heart of all desires.

You have been holding onto a concept of needing to hold many desires, yet in reality all desires are really about wanting to feel good. We strongly suggest that you take a more general approach, instead of complicating matters. For example, you generally want to feel more alive and more well-being, yes? Of course, for all beings inherently do. Then practice being more appreciative about the many wonderful treasures that you already possess.

You are not helping yourself by placing the Seraphim and such beings "above" your own self. You are looking at yourself as if you are "lowly" or "lower" than angels, when we see that you ARE an angelic being that is having a human experience. Ask yourself this, how can you possibly accept the love and light of "higher beings" if you insist that you are "lower" than them?

Our suggestion, beloved, is that you ease up, relax, be more easy about your life, and realize that there is nothing more important than your present moment experience, for where you are right now is just perfect for where you are heading. Life is not about "attaining" things, except for the realization that what you seek is already within you.

We promise you, the more you take delight in the simple pleasures of your world, every day, the more you will FEEL your Inner Light and divinity. Why chase after heavenly angels when you have angels in your everyday human experience, disguised as trees, as rocks, as birds, as other humans, as your own wonderful self? We kid you not; everything you truly desire IS available to you the more you acknowledge and appreciate the simple, everyday wonders of your world, including those experiences that you may think are not spiritual.

There are no separate beings in creation. All beings are really just energy frequencies of Universal Consciousness, but these frequencies are all really of one universal energy. As for meditation, we suggest that you meditate upon feeling connected to ALL of creation, and this is not about formal meditation. You have within you right now an ability to begin appreciating your wonderful human nature to a degree of joyousness that is beyond what you have allowed yourself to feel so far in your present lifetime!

Our key message to humanity is this: relax and enjoy where you are. It sounds too simplistic and suspicious to most of you, yet it is the same exact core message that all your so-called "spiritual masters" like Jesus and Buddha have given you. It is the same general message that the Seraphim and Ophanim teach. They want you to be happy where you are.

Your journey is not about climbing a spiritual mountain to get where they are. They are HERE and NOW, within your indwelling spirit. This is why we asked you if you felt connected to your indwelling spirit, because this is the "Kingdom within" that our friend Jesus asked you to seek first, and everything else is secondary to this.

...we feel your strong yearning for enlightenment, and we laugh because we see how are already an enlightened being, in terms of your true spiritual nature and state. We have an affirmation for you to use daily for a week, if you will use it, and it is this: "I can relax. I can be more easy about my life. I can let my path be easier and happier. I can let myself see Spirit in all things. I do this now. It is done."

And take a very deep breath, even three deep breaths if you will, and let the air out slowly, trusting that you are just fine where you are. We promise you, if you practice this often, many wonderful things will happen to you in a synchronistic manner that will show you how spiritually connected you really are. If you practice this for a week, your life will be transformed for the better. You will feel a new sense of clarity and self-empowerment.

This is our personal message for you, dear one. We love you and thank you for opening up to us, for WE ARE "angelic consciousness," with you as part of us.

We are complete.

barrynu 01-07-2016 07:28 PM

I like your messages.thanks:smile:

awareness 01-07-2016 09:59 PM


Originally Posted by barrynu
I like your messages.thanks:smile:

Blessed are you, friend. You are welcome to this free and open awareness that you are.

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