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smilingsun 21-08-2018 03:11 PM

How do you contact your guides ?
How can i contact my guides and can i be able to listen clearly to them ?

Do they will answer the call, present themselves if they're asked ? Or can they choose not to ?

Does the communication is done in with precise words or can it consist only in vague feelings, sensations ?

John32241 22-08-2018 04:43 PM


My experience and my understanding is that we are all vastly unique. Which means each of us needs to figure out how to do this stuff on our own.


Empowers 23-08-2018 03:28 AM

Some people hear words and sounds, some people see pictures, some people feel things. Each of these translate into information. How I would recommend you start is to find a meditation, or create your own, that helps you learn what your received is. How do you sense energy... do you see, hear, feel? Use scenes from your memories, if you like, and let yourself discern how you are reliving/recalling. Once you understand what your energy sensing is, start using guided meditation to strengthen that sense. Eventually, you will be able to have your own relationship with the guides that are with you.

Be patient. This can take practice. But if you continue your practice, you will succeed.

Should you feel the need to say a protection beforehand, you can use "I am divinely guided and protected from within. Only goodness and light can come to me, only goodness and light can come from me."

smilingsun 24-08-2018 08:19 PM

John, Empowers

Thank you for your help this makes a lot of sense.

Nameless 26-08-2018 12:12 AM


Originally Posted by smilingsun
How can i contact my guides and can i be able to listen clearly to them ?

Do they will answer the call, present themselves if they're asked ? Or can they choose not to ?

Does the communication is done in with precise words or can it consist only in vague feelings, sensations ?

Anyone can contact their guides and hear clearly the answers.
They are always with you. They can change as you change. As you grow from one thing to another, your guides can change so the new guide/s can help with the new you. But some stay your whole life, and some come and go as you change. You also have access to a guide for everything. There is a computer guide and a cooking guide and a sailing guide, etc, etc, etc. Whatever you need help with, you can call on a specific guide to help with that.

If you don't ask, they can't answer. So a clear understanding of what you want will give you a clearer answer.

As to how you can hear them, it is like anything else that you have learned in your life. It takes a willing heart and practice, practice, practice. It is a skill, and it is like a muscle you have to learn to develop. Some people just have this skill - maybe they learned it in a past life, and remembered it early on - not sure how that works. I know I didn't want to learn how to contact my guides until my 50's and only then because my children could, and they told me I could as well. So, the children teaching the parents.

A good book to start with is Learning to Channel, by Sanaya Roman. It is ok to read a bit and think about it and do it on your own time line. Take it as it comes to you. If you get impulses, do that thing. Everyone is different, we all learn differently, but this is a good road map to get started with.

Hope this helps.

Oh, and yes, they are great with energy, and sending energy and love and clearing your energy. Even if you can't hear them, ask and allow that they are helping you and you will get the help, whether you can hear it or not. If you want, you can start at the top, with whoever your "guru" I guess you could say is. I'm speaking of Jesus, or Budda, or whoever you feel a connection with. That way there is no misinterpretation of who is helping you and it comes from the light.

scorpius_rex 11-09-2018 04:46 PM

I've recently realized who some of my guides are by looking into my family history... I suggest asking your parents, grandparents, uncles/aunts etc. about people who have passed away in your family.

The biggest place I've seen my guides is my dreams. This is how they come through to me - to you, they may have a different medium. I've always had vivid dreams my entire life, and that is my gift. I suggest you analyze your life and find an activity/outlet that you've always enjoyed, and more importantly you've enjoyed it so much you've felt a spiritual connection doing it, and while your doing that activity try to focus your energy/mind on the spiritual world and see what hear/see/taste/think...

It's during this time when your'e doing that activity that your vibrations are strongest, so tap into it! For me I've found this activities and dreaming and being near waterfalls. Maybe yours is painting, swimming, playing baseball, meditating, or going to a specific place in nature, or even in a bustling city! It's wherever you feel most happy/comfortable, whether that be doing an activity or going to special location. Everybody has their own unique way of raising their energy/vibration level. That's what makes us all special!

I've always had a dream about an old man my entire life. He's visited me about 4-5 times that I can remember. He's always sitting in my room, or standing, just watching/observing, not saying anything. I never got a bad feeling, I could always tell he was good, but just that I don't know the person. One day I had that dream and I remember seeing his face and I recognized him as my Great Grandfather. I recognized him because my Grandmother who is still alive has his exact same face, especially the same eyes (shape/color).

When I realized it was my Great Grandfather I felt nothing, because I didn't really know him. He passed away when I was around 4 or 5, and the only memory I have of him is when he wouldn't stop hugging me and I wanted to get away. This is when he started to go senile (dymensia). I was very young so I didn't understand why this man wouldn't let go of me. I found out (part) of the reason yesterday.

Last week I went to a beautiful/magical waterfall by my house by myself. I swam in it and enjoyed it. It was the last hot day of the summer before autumn, so it was good I enjoyed it while I could, because this week it's been cold and rainy. I've always felt very connected to waterfalls. I can tell because I get so happy whenever I see a waterfall, and it's my favorite thing in the world to swim in a waterfall. I spent about 2-3 hours at the waterfall by myself, swimming/relaxing/writing. It was very enjoyable.

That night I had a dream that my recently deceased Grandfather was at the waterfall with me. I was not alone! It was very good to see him there because he was beaming, smiling at me. The leaves around him were so green they were almost glowing.

Seeing my Grandfather in my dream made me remember how I've been seeing another deceased spirit all my life, which is my Great Grandfather as I've mentioned in the above paragraphs. When I made the connection it was an epiphone, because it made me realize that just as my Grandfather was watching over me at the waterfall, my Great Grandfather has been watching me my whole life. I am a woman, and I love being a woman and want to stay a woman, but my whole life I've always felt like I should've been born a boy. When I was very young I was always very tomboyish, wearing boys clothes, having almost all guy friends, etc. Today I work in a man's profession, Engineering. You always take up the qualities of your guide, for example if you are a man but your guide is a female, you will be in touch with your feminine side and can express emotions easily. So it made sense to me how it would be my Great Grandfather who is one of my guides, because he was a very tall 6 ft 2 MAN, and I've always felt I've had masculine qualities. When my grandfather was alive he was also very quiet, which makes sense because when I saw him in my dreams he always said nothing!

I told my Grandmother this, and she was very happy. I first told her how I saw my Grandfather (her recently deceased husband) in my dreams, and she was happy to hear that. When I told her I saw her Father (my Great Grandfather) she was extremely happy to hear that!

When I went to a psychic two years ago the first thing she told me was that I have a higher vibration level, and that I have 8-9 guides that filled the tiny room we were in. I've read recently that the first guide that comes out to speak is the one that has the most unfinished karma with you, and that's why they speak first, because they want to be heard. The first one to come out was my Great Grandmother, the wife of my Great Grandfather that I've been seeing in my dreams. The psychic was like oh this woman is very talkative , she's like Hello!!! Whats up!! How're you doing!!! She originally said it was my Mother's mother, aka my Grandmother who's still alive, aka the daughter of my Great Grandfather who I've been seeing in my dreams. The psychic asked is your Grandmother talkative?? And I was like no she's actually very quiet. That's how I knew the psychic got the bloodline slightly mixed up by one generation, she wasn't talking about my Grandmother (the quiet one), she was actually talking about my Great Grandmother (the talkative one).

She told me that this spirit is the carrier of all children in the family, she is the Mother of the family. All children come through her: My Great Grandmother.

I started thinking, what would be the Karmic reason for her to reach out to me first? What unfinished business did I have with her? I know that she stayed alive just to meet me when I was born, and she passed away shortly after. My mother would always say she felt my Great Grandmother stayed alive just to meet me. I also had the memory of my Great Grandfather (who outlived her by a few years) not wanting to let go when he hugged me when I was a small child.

I started putting the pieces together, and I knew that since this guide is a Mother from my Mother's side of the family, the best way to begin to deal with this issue is to look at my own Mother. I've always felt disconnected from my own Mother, like I wasn't her child. She was a great mother to all of us, but she would always pick on me. It started even before I was born, because I was the 3rd child born (there's 5 total), and the first 2 were girls. So, she wanted a boy. When she found out I was a girl she was dissappointed I felt like. So right from the get go she wanted me to be something I wasn't. Then when when I was younger I was quiet, and she would always pick on me like why don't you have more friends, why can't you be more social. Again, she wanted me to be something I was not. Whenever me and my siblings would fight, she would literally say, "If _______ is involved (talking about me), it's her fault." Like........ !!!!!!! What did I ever do to you Mom besides be myself !!!!

Yesterday I was on a particularly grueling day of my period, and my emotions were high and I had a bit of a fever. I sat and hung out with my real little sister and we talked and having a good time. I think having her there was important because it grounded me to my current family. As I was sitting with her the answers just came pouring into me head.... one thought after another.... and it all made sense.

My actual Mother had 5 children. The Psychic said my Great Grandmother was the Mother of all Children in my family. I keep on seeing my Great Grandfather in my dreams all my life (the "Mother of all Children"'s husband). The "Mother of all Children," my Great Grandmother, had only one child in real life, my Grandmother. She felt like she should have had more.

That night I asked my real mother about this person, my Great Grandmother. She mentioned some things about her personality, but then she said one thing that stuck with me .... My Great Grandmother and Great Grandfather had another child before my Grandmother, a son. He only lived one day, then he died in the hospital. There was some issue with her placenta or something.

Then I put all the pieces together, and I realized that I am my Great Grandmother and Great Grandfather's child. That's why my Great Grandfather has been coming to me and watching me in my dreams all my life .... that's why my Great Grandmother came through first with the psychic ... that's why I've always felt that I should have been born a boy. Because I had been born a boy before, as recently as in the 1930's-40's. That's also why I've felt I've always been attracted to that time period.

I'm very glad I realized this, because it makes me feel like my life makes a little more sense now. I feel like maybe my Mother knew subconsciously I wasn't really her child, and she might've been a little confused/alarmed/resentful of that.

I'm also glad I had this revelation while my Grandmother (my cosmic-sister, since we should've been siblings) is still alive, so I can express this to her, and break this Karmic tension with my real mother, my Great Grandmother, while half of her is still being lived out physically through my still-alive Grandmother/cosmic sister.

I also want to mention that my Grandmother gave me an elephant statue that my Great-Great Grandmother bought in Manhattan around 1900. This is my Great Grandmother (my Cosmic Grandmother)'s mother. My Grandmother recently gave me this elephant about 3 weeks ago, and ever since then I've been having these revelations. First feeling anger towards my real Mother, then having these dreams, then having these epiphones ... I feel like having that Physical object that my Cosmic Parents looked at every day was the catalyst towards this revelation that they were originally intended to be my real physical parents.

I know now that the reason that my Great Grandmother and Great Grandfather are sticking around Earth is because they want to raise me as their child. I'm so glad they love me. I also want their souls to move on and go to other places so they can feel even happier and experiences new world's/spiritual planes, so it was important for me to have these revelations so their souls can be at peace and move on. Soon I will burn incense for them and pray for their souls to move on.

In short, I truly feel like going to that Waterfall was the catalyst in me discovering these two guides. Waterfalls have always made me so happy when I see them, and made me feel so at peace like I am in Heavan ... so I suggest finding a place/object/activity that makes you feel a similar way, and spend more time doing that thing and see what comes to you!

Nameless 22-09-2018 02:52 AM

Scorpius rex - that was a very interesting read. Thanks for sharing. I'm sure I'm a lot older than you (you are a newbie, that's how I know LOL). Anyway, what came to mind was forgiveness. Forgiving your mom might help move your energy - forgiveness is all about you and not the person you are forgiving. A few months ago I ran into a powerful forgiveness exercise. I'll post these for you if you are interested. The first is where he explains it, then the second is where you can have a guided exercise. I am one who loves lists. Tell me how to do something by #1, #2, #3. I know it drives my guides crazy, but that's just me. So if this works for you, you might want to write down your own list of how to do this and what worked for you, because trust me, once you do this and realized how good it makes you feel, you are going to want to try this more than once, for more than one person :)

(Hmmm... I hope this link is allowable, it has a bad word in it. Well, it is really a made up word, so maybe that counts.


Forgiveness exercise included in this meditation


Happy trails........

RadiantPearl 22-09-2018 03:39 PM

Hi although I’ve never spoken with mine I have seen signs that would point me in a certain direction. I think how each guide chooses to communicate with a person is different.

John32241 22-09-2018 03:54 PM


I agree. Each of us is unique and quite different. However I would say that guide communication involves our intuition. Trusting in that would always be helpful.


BigJohn 23-09-2018 06:21 AM

Generally I have a one on one conversation.

Sometimes I pick up on clues. For example
i wake up and it is 1:23PM.

Unseeking Seeker 23-09-2018 11:16 AM

Interesting insights.. thanks to all

talha123 26-09-2018 05:14 PM

I agree. Each of us is unique and quite different

Akira 28-09-2018 12:07 AM


Originally Posted by smilingsun
How can i contact my guides and can i be able to listen clearly to them ?

Do they will answer the call, present themselves if they're asked ? Or can they choose not to ?

Does the communication is done in with precise words or can it consist only in vague feelings, sensations ?

Hi there

I would say first connect with your guides, get to know them and interact with them in general. My main guide used to take me to a library (in my meditations) when we first met and sometimes he would show me words. I was about to say he was not very helpful, however he is impressing upon me that it build our relationship up.

Every guide will communicate in their own particular way. So once you start to connect you will be able to recognise them. Think when a person that you know writes, you know their handwriting, or their voice. This is the same with your guide.

Remember you need to connect and build this connection so that you can know their handwriting, or their voice. Once you have got this part started you will start to feel them/ know them/recognise them.

I know mine so well now, however when we first connected I used to feel them standing by me.

As for the messages being able to understand can take time and it isn't really because they are not clear, it has more to do with the fact that we attach human thinking and reasoning to their message and then we often discount it.

So I recommend that you ask for the answers to come in a clear way that you will understand and trust what you feel. When people start with this, they tend to think that they are making up the answers. You need to trust.

Remember that your guide will never suggest anything to you that is not grounded in love.

Simple connection: Angel music and meditate - as you go deeper ask your guide/s to show themselves, ask if they have a message for you. Spend time communing with them. Journal anything that you learned from them. The more you commune with them in this way the stronger your connection will become. Over time you won't need to do this as much.

I've been connected to my guides for years and there were times when I flat out forgot that they were there and there were years and years when I just plain ignored them. They say now - when you connect with us we love to bring you more of what you need in your life, it is hard when we see you struggling, when we could help, just ask and we will pave the way for everything to be alright.

MissCreativeSpirit 29-09-2018 03:15 AM

Spirit guide communication

Originally Posted by smilingsun
How can i contact my guides and can i be able to listen clearly to them ?

Do they will answer the call, present themselves if they're asked ? Or can they choose not to ?

Does the communication is done in with precise words or can it consist only in vague feelings, sensations ?

I hear words...but they do not always identify themselves.

Winter Song 29-09-2018 06:39 PM

Only on rare occasions do I hear clear, spoken statements that I immediately understand, and they are always very short; the longest was only six words.

Some of my guides' communications with me come in the form of images, which will appear in my mind, and sometimes I will receive a word or two (usually the simple command to "Look!"). In those cases, it is something that will be significant when it appears, and they want me to be aware of its importance.

One of them uses a very specific shade of deep blue to indicate his presence, and that he is trying to communicate with me. The color appears in ceramic objects sometimes, but cars of that color are a favorite of his. Once, when I was in a lot of turmoil and not receptive, I witnessed a collision between two cars that were his exact shade of blue. They were of completely different makes, and different model years, but the exact same color, and they smashed into each other right in front of me. Let's just say he got my attention!

There are many, many shades of deep blue used on cars, but very few cars are a precise match to his color. I can look at 99 dark blue cars that are close, but not it, before spotting the one that is a perfect match. I could go days or weeks without seeing a perfect match, it is so rare. So when I see a car in that color, I know it is a communication from him.

Once, I was potentially facing a lawsuit and felt very unsafe, but after consulting with an attorney I left her office to find my car parked between two other cars (again, completely different makes and model years) that were his shade of blue. Not only that, but the car parked facing mine in the next row over was that shade of blue, and I saw three more on the way home. I had been upset earlier in the day, but after that I felt safe once again, and knew that everything was going to work out (as it did).

Some communications come as a sense of knowledge being impressed upon me. Perhaps I am in a confusing situation, and suddenly I know, with great clarity, exactly what I ought to do, and when I act it is with a power and certainty that is unlike my normal experience. Or perhaps I see something I've always had a mild interest in doing, and suddenly know that it is time to do that thing.

Most come as nudges, telling me to take the alternate route home, stop at a certain store, go to a particular event, or call a specific person. When I do, interesting things happen. Sometimes, I get a nudge to pay close attention to a certain famous person, or the events surrounding a news story, researching them in depth, and when I do I gain insight into something that is happening in my own life.

All of this comes because I know they are there, and open to their communications no matter how they might come. I don't have a pre-conceived notion of how they must communicate with me. I don't expect lengthy, detailed communications, just a nudge in the right direction if they are inclined to give me one.

They don't prevent me from making mistakes or doing something self-defeating, and they don't warn me of impending tragedy or disaster (or tell me anything about the future). What they will do is communicate afterward in ways that help me make sense of and learn from the experience, and see why it was important for me (and any others involved) to have it. They will not interfere with what is needed for my own growth (no matter how painful), because I agreed to it before coming into this body.

My guides are not protectors, nor are they there to solve all of my earthly problems; they are more like friends watching from the stands as I play in a sporting event. They know the rules of the game I am playing, and they have a wider view of the whole field and the relationships between players that I don't have while in the midst of the game. So they cheer me on and shout out plays I might make, and if I am lucky and the wind is right, I might hear them.

KryptoKnights 19-10-2018 04:06 PM

interesting... thanks for the sharing you guys!!

IndigoGeminiWolf 20-10-2018 03:32 AM

I do it energetically. I just ask to feel my guide, and I get a feeling of unconditional love. Depending on how deep I am meditatively, it can cause me to tremble with the power of it all.

He mostly stimulates my heart chakra. I'm getting used to his energy I think.

scorpius_rex 21-10-2018 08:15 PM


Originally Posted by Winter Song
My guides are not protectors, nor are they there to solve all of my earthly problems; they are more like friends watching from the stands as I play in a sporting event. They know the rules of the game I am playing, and they have a wider view of the whole field and the relationships between players that I don't have while in the midst of the game. So they cheer me on and shout out plays I might make, and if I am lucky and the wind is right, I might hear them.

Well said!

IndigoGeminiWolf 21-10-2018 10:52 PM

Just ask your guide to make his or her presence known.
Today I saw the number 4444 on a license plate.
Repeating 4's means your guides/angels are with you.

Astro 22-10-2018 07:10 PM


Originally Posted by smilingsun
How can i contact my guides and can i be able to listen clearly to them ?

Do they will answer the call, present themselves if they're asked ? Or can they choose not to ?

Does the communication is done in with precise words or can it consist only in vague feelings, sensations ?

To contact this type of spirit you would need to develop psychic abilities such as intuition & clairvoyance.

However by using these paranormal abilities there is no guarantee what type of spirits you will connect with. Some spirits are evil & will deceive you.

If your culture is accustomed to using such abilities I would recommend you consult with your seniors before engaging in any psychic practice. If not then I recommend that you avoid this kind of practice; in my experience it is dangerous.

Lucky 22-10-2018 07:41 PM

Great point by Astro. There were lots of great tips and lovely stories in this thread but I would proceed with a bit of caution. Wanting to connect with your guides is nice, but I believe the desire to must not come from a place of desperation. In other words, if you're in a major crisis or facing lots of rough patches and are desperately searching for answers, feeling alone, sad, depressed etc. you may just attract something of a similar negative vibe. I'm not saying this is how you feel, and I hope it's not, however if it is the reason you want to connect with your guides I would be very careful. I'm just giving my opinion.

I personally don't have a strong connection to my guides in a way that I know if they're male or female, their names, etc. and that's ok with me. However, I do see signs in synchronicity that surely get my attention and after I reflect on it and put together the pieces of the puzzle they do relay a message. Also I believe I get lots of clues in my dreams as well as random visitors in dreams, people I've never met in real life. They always send a powerful message but they make me work to figure it out..haha. I would suggest just being present and aware and learn to trust your intuition...it takes time as our ego always wants to get in the way, but at least when you recognize your ego getting in the way that's half the battle of learning to trust your intuition.

John32241 22-10-2018 11:32 PM


It is true that if a person is unable to discern good advice from bad advice then it is best to not listen to advice.

I would say that this applies to spirits and human advisors.


dream jo 22-10-2018 11:38 PM

u ask


camn evm
u can
in thm u
thm withh

kairi 26-10-2018 07:12 AM

It was sudden for me.They just started talking to me and gave me an advice when I needed it the most in what I was experiencing as an empath or whatever I am. They are always here when I ask and I hear them. One thing they told me since early was ask and you shall receive.Its not that I hear voices but totally different deeper inside me. I know their names and who is male, female

John32241 26-10-2018 02:15 PM

Hi Kairi,

Yes that is the way spiritual guidance like this can work.


kairi 27-10-2018 07:40 AM

Hi John,it can be tricky because you are open let's say not only to your guides. I had a little hard time at the beginning to understand that I was fooled let's say by something else but my guides where there. I don't know why they speak directly to me but I am starting to trust them more and more

John32241 27-10-2018 03:39 PM

Hi Kairi,

Along with our loving guides and divine aspects of self we also have our dark side awareness to contend with. So yes it can be tricky.

I find it best to discern what I get and evaluate the energy tones related to the guidance I am receiving. Wisdom feels differently than deceptive advice.


Selena Wishes 12-11-2018 09:15 PM

Contacting Spiritual Guides
Contacting your spiritual guides is not as complicated as people make it out to be. Due to misinformation (maybe too much tv/movies), people often expect to see visions, or get dream visitations, or see spirits or glowing orbs. While this does in fact happen for some, in my opinion, it is not the norm.
I've found that with patience and time we can learn to communicate with our guides. Just find a quiet place each day and close your eyes and relax. Ask questions and listen. Eventually, you will be able to distinguish your own wishful thinking responses from their guidance.
As always, read and research as much as you can on the subject. The more your mind is exposed to information, the more it becomes more open to accept all possibilities.
Remember, they always have our highest good at heart.
Here's a trick....ask a question, something like "if I need to work on forgiving people more, please send me a message in the form of this phrase...."
Make it a phrase that is not commonly heard, keep an open mind, and listen for this phrase, or song, event, whatever. This actually worked for me.

MissCreativeSpirit 15-11-2018 10:52 PM

I just ask questions in my mind and am open to responses that are not from me that come to me as if they are memories/thoughts I'm not evoking that I'm experiencing.

Chrysalis 18-11-2018 08:10 PM

books can help
When I began working with my guides, I started with my guardian angels who helped me develop and as I progressed I met new guides for more help. That was the beginning of developing a relationship. During that beginning stage, I read a book by Ted Andrews, "How to Meet & Work With Spirit Guides". I found it to be a useful guide book for getting started.

Jillity 20-11-2018 08:07 AM

I think the hardest part is knowing who is a guide and who is in your own imagination. Only once have I seen someone during meditation who I believe may be a guide. She had her back to me. She was wearing a brilliant blue dress and she had long blonde wavy hair. As she turned towards me she gave me the most radiant smile I have ever seen. It was quite unlike any other experience. Since then I have asked if she's with me and I've felt a very strong tingling down the spine. I don't know her name and she hasn't communicated to me directly with thoughts or in any other way except to indicate her presence. If she's a guide she will let me know.

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