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FairyCrystal 19-08-2019 11:41 AM

More Advanced Lightworkers here?
Nice to see there's a Lightworker thread :smile: After years on this forum I'd never seen it, hihi. Weird to stick it under religion, I guess that's why I missed it, but alas.

I'm a Lightworker and I've been looking for 'my tribe' for quite some time now, and so far I've not found it. I know the path of a Lightworker can be lonely but I feel I've reached the stage where you want togetherness, to share, and have my tribe around -or like-minded people- to learn and grow, have a bit of fun, relax, and so on.
I'm beginning to miss it more and more.
To be honest, I also don't know where such people hang out? Are there more advanced Lightworkers on here?
I'm busy with 5D subjects daily, do 5D/ascension visualizations and webinars on a regular basis, and follow teachers on the matter like Diana Cooper, Tim Whild, Kyle Gray etc.
On here I've never come across anyone who follows Diana Cooper, although she has thousands of followers and readers of her books.
So that's on visiting the Halls of Learning, expanding the chakras so they become 5D, working with dragons, Archangels, angels, Ascended Masters and so on, but on a different level. It's based on 'higher' information, not the old stuff that's out on the net.

I'm way beyond learning to ground and shield, protecting from negativity, talking about darkness and all that basic stuff.
No judgement, I've been there too, you got to start somewhere. But I so crave exchange with people who are (much) further than that.
So wondering and hoping there are some here!

dryad 20-08-2019 02:49 AM

I don't call myself a light worker but yeah I'm advanced. I looked up Diana Cooper. I wouldnt really call that stuff advanced but its a start. I would think you've gone about as far as you can go with it already though. It has a lot of inbuilt limitations. You need higher level stuff to keep going. I know you think its higher level but its really not. Its based on ancient fae lore.... And you know how fae can be tricksters.

I'd also be careful about writing off grounding, shielding and anything to do with darkness as beginner stuff. There are advanced versions of all of those. Even the beginner versions are usually misunderstood. And since most higher level abilities depend on those fundamental skills you don't want to skip over them too quickly.

Anyway drop me a line if you want to chat.
xx dryad

FairyCrystal 20-08-2019 11:24 AM

It's fine to not get what I'm talking about, to not feel resonance with it. Like I said, we all have to start somewhere and then grow and evolve from there. I did too.
But to then judge and belittle me and what I do and who I am and what I stand for... And do the same thing with one of the most advanced knowledgeable and wise teachers of this era, if not the most advanced one... Sorry. That says enough and tells me we are not on the same level at all.
It's okay to not get something yet but to then judge what you don't understand? That's very old and 3D...
And to judge Fairie lore... Not that that is what Diana Cooper is about, another thing you don't understand. But there's nothing wrong with Faerie lore at all. I know as it's part of what I studied to get to where I am now. One of MANY things.
I've tasted from most known things, which I feel is the best way to grow and evolve as you then have a very large & varied palette.

Anywho, I guess I've got to try my luck elsewhere.

dryad 20-08-2019 05:46 PM

And those are the limitations I was talking about. The assumption that there isn't anything higher than what you already know. That if I don't agree its because I don't understand. And if I don't agree I must be on a lower level than you. The emotional identification of your belief system with your identity. And the defensive reaction to the suggestion that maybe your not as advanced as you think you are.... Those that really want to learn see it as an opportunity not an attack. Sorry, I'm really not trying to judge or demean you. I was just pointing out that there is more to learn. Advanced is a relative term. In the system I use 5d ascension is one of the early stages. I'm not saying its wrong, just that there is more advanced levels beyond that. I've been where you are, and moved on. I understand more than you think.

I actually am Fae by bloodline. I'm not judging faerie lore. I just recognised the similarities between the 5d ascension beliefs and the ancient tradition of human to fae transformation. It puts everything in a different perspective. And by the way fae being tricksters is well known and a point of pride not an insult.

But since it seems you only want to talk to people that agree with you I won't waste any more time. Good luck finding your tribe. You may want to try some of the Facebook groups that focus on 5d ascension. There are thousands of people there that believe as you do.

John32241 08-09-2019 01:02 PM


Originally Posted by FairyCrystal
To be honest, I also don't know where such people hang out? Are there more advanced Lightworkers on here?

I find that there are different flavors of lightwork. It is kind of like Christians. There are many Christian religions. So finding your tribe is indeed what you want to do.


I'm way beyond learning to ground and shield, protecting from negativity, talking about darkness and all that basic stuff.
No judgement, I've been there too, you got to start somewhere. But I so crave exchange with people who are (much) further than that.
So wondering and hoping there are some here!

In my view, Ha Ha, I am also light years beyond these things. However my way of being most likely does not resonate with you or you would have clicked with me. No problem. Keep looking for your tribe.


FairyCrystal 08-09-2019 06:27 PM

Yes, you're right, there'll be different flavours. I'm hopeful to find my tribe at some point :D

BlackfoxNZ 08-09-2019 06:47 PM

1, How would you define advanced? I would call myself ahead of many other humans in terms of entity tracking, stealth, offensive and defensive energy working, but not advanced as there’s still huge amounts of information I’m yet to sort through and learn from

FairyCrystal 08-09-2019 07:52 PM

Difficult to describe. I'll post a text underneath that I feel does tell it really well.
First I want to make clear I mean no judgement with 'advanced'.

A Lightworker is anyone who devotes their life to being a bright light in the world. They understand that their actions (no matter how big or small) have the potential to raise the vibration of the planet. A Lightworker soul is awake, conscious that their presence matters and that they are part of something that is bigger than them.

Lightworkers are not just tie-dye wearing hippies and healers with dreads. Far from it. They are teachers and chefs, writers and singers, producers and cleaners, mothers and mediums. They’re at the country club and the nightclub, in the cafe and crèche, the boardroom and the art room.

A Lightworker is someone who makes a conscious decision to endeavour to answer the call of Source (light) over the call of the ego (fear).

There are two types of energy on this planet. Light and dark. Light energy is unlimited and comes from Source. It’s high vibrational, expansive and full of love. Dark energy is much more dense. It’s the manipulation, power struggle and fear. It sees us all as separate, rather than connected spiritual beings. It goes against the flow of The Universe.

Lightworkers turn their light on by following what lights them up and then effortlessly sharing that light with the world around them. They are in tune with the callings of their soul and act on its whispers regardless of fear. They do not need to convince anyone of anything, rather just be the light.

This is from Rebecca Campbell, who made the Work Your Light oracle card deck.
There's more on her site, where she describes two types of Lightworker (not that dark one, I personally don't see that as a Lightworker).


BlackfoxNZ 08-09-2019 10:22 PM

1, how dense energy is doesn’t make it good or evil, if water is denser than air does that make water a force of dark beings and evil? It is the being using the energy which decides if it will be used for good or evil in the eyes of the many

2, I don’t really care about what Rebecca Campbell has said, if I wanted to hear what she has to say I would ask her, I’m talking to you so I want to hear what you have to say not someone else.

FairyCrystal 09-09-2019 10:59 AM

1) That may be true, but negativity is never light/Light.
I do see that many people had / have to go through a phase of investigating the darker side of themselves, which most everyone has. You cannot be Light if you don't fully know your own darker side.
But I also believe the new souls that come in (Crystal & Rainbow children, many of them now adults btw) do not have to go there or not nearly so much.

2) I get that, but the fact I quote her means that that is how I see it. I made clear what part I don't agree with too.
It is all about being the Light, spreading Light by being yourself and doing what you do. And by that uplifting other people, help them to also feel lighter and better.
The reason I found it difficult to put in my own words is that I too had to go through quite the trial and tribulation in my life due to old stuff as I have been here on this planet before and most of my lives have not been pleasant.
I know I've been judged and killed and whatnot for being a Lightworker quite the few times in unpleasant ways, so for me it has been difficult to dare to stand up and shine my light.

Still plenty to learn and do, but at least I finally know who/what I am.

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