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arlonicholson 25-06-2016 01:36 AM

Why Is Death A Part Of Life?
What is your theory about it?

knightofalbion 25-06-2016 09:25 AM

Man is spirit, spirit in a physical body. We don't 'die' just transmute into another state of being.

The various 'existences' are necessary for experience, and through this experience - to varying degrees, depending on our ability to grasp the opportunity - we grow in wisdom, love and understanding, which ultimately is the reason for the cycle of life.

H:O:R:A:C:E 25-06-2016 12:08 PM

passing through a doorway from one location into another is very
similar to death. my experience of "the hallway" dies when i have entered
"the kitchen". focus on the kitchen location would be diminished if i
retained awareness of the hallway.
death is just a transition.
passing from sleep into wakefulness is another death/transition.

cessation of being is not really an option...
even science indicates that this is so, since a principle of physics
is that energy (including matter) cannot be created nor destroyed,
but only transformed in it's expression of being.

Starman 25-06-2016 01:15 PM

Death is a part of life for the same reason why change is a part of life. Furthermore, whatever has a beginning has and ending, and human life has a beginning and thus it has and ending. If human life were eternal when would it begin, because those things which are eternal have no beginning or ending. That which has a beginning always has an ending; this is the premise behind the normal curve; things come into existence, they rise and then they fall. This is true of insects and the smallest of creatures as well as stars and planets. If no one ever died this planet would be incredibly overcrowded. Another similar question might be "why do we have to sleep?" I mean if at our core we are conscious awareness then we are awake/conscious/aware all the time, but why does the body have to sleep? I would guess for the same reason why the human body has to die.

MaryMagdaQueenofQueens 25-06-2016 02:32 PM

You three have summed it up quite nicely...
I concur.

shoni7510 25-06-2016 05:32 PM

Death is pert of the circle of life

Nixf1 26-06-2016 06:18 AM

The spirit must take a body and go through the corcle of karma.. life and death and then be reborn to pay for what he had done.. once he become aware of the inner consciousness and connect to it, he seeks for the ultimate knowledge.. and then he is free from the cycle of births and deaths... it is a part of the lifecycle of a soul.

Fairyana 29-06-2016 09:21 PM

I think the question is why does spirit pass through physical life. The best answer I came across was that this virtual physical reality has certain rule sets that help us learn and evolve faster.

Tobi 30-06-2016 12:14 AM

"Why is death a part of life?"

The way I see it death is a transformation. Transformation in many different forms is continually happening to us and to everything which surrounds us.

wolfgaze 30-06-2016 04:38 AM

Some other ways of framing/conceptualizing physical 'death' -

"Death is a natural transition of consciousness - a continuation of life." - William Buhlman

"A fantastic journey, an awe-inspiring adventure in consciousness" - Stanislav Grof M.D.

Somnia 30-06-2016 04:59 AM

I believe death is a part of life because it teaches us what we experience in the physical world is temporary, but most importantly that separation is an illusion and we never really "die"...we just transition from one state of being into another...

keokutah 30-06-2016 05:59 AM

Because life is cyclical, but I don't believe that it always has to be a part of life, I'm pretty sure in the future they are going to find a way to prevent death... that will definitely happen and then you'll probably still get people who want to die because it's natural and they long to move on, but for the most part if medical science was to invent a cure for death, I think a lot of people would be on board.
I mean... just ask anyone, would you rather live for thousands and thousands of years or would you rather die normally. I think most people would choose the latter, because living seems like torment to them lol. I would choose immortality myself because I love life.

shivatar 01-07-2016 10:49 AM

Death is the exhale of life, it is natural part of growth, a time to stop and assess everything, choose new methods of growth, and if available, move to higher dimensions of consciousness. If you are super lucky, God invites you to chill at his house rather than live in heaven or hell.

Lucyan28 06-07-2016 05:59 PM

Death and Life does not exist at all, they're illusions from the 3d physical reality.

There is a phrase to describe what we truly are experiencing: Eternal Existence with consciousness in a perpetual transformation.

Serrao 07-07-2016 04:58 AM


Originally Posted by arlonicholson
What is your theory about it?

In my view, nature prevents overpopulation this way.

lauterb 07-07-2016 12:47 PM

First we are immortal spirits, not eternal, we had a beginning since God create us all, we cannot be eternal otherwise we would be Gods too and that is not possible.

Second our real life is not here in a perishable body, our real life is the spiritual life (in the other side) where we are unperishable; here is just school time for learning and evolving towards our common goal : being perfects like Jesus.

For this we cannot, in one single life, abandon all our bad habits, addictions, bad trends that we have and change for good habits, acquire all good virtues, develop our moral and our knowledge to know everything (film Luci had interesting approach, apart to be pure fiction, on this matter acquiring all knowledge of the world).

Reincarnation is the key to obtain that is the only way! Without reincarnation nothing makes sense, the equation of life does not work!

Instead of moving from room to another room, I would simple say; change your clothes for new ones, clean ones, since the old one cannot be cleaned.

By these dynamics, death is necessary. Also don’t consider death a bad thing, if you see the other way around when you will receive a new baby in the family, someone is pregnant, everybody is happy, waiting the day of arrival, all relatives and friends visit the new born and so one. The happiness in the spiritual world is much bigger when a winner spirit that fulfilled his reincarnation program with honor, overcame their trials and difficulties with resignation and returns to spiritual fatherland the welcome “party” is really big!

I hope these comments help the discussion.

Rakoontay 20-07-2016 01:40 PM

I always think of lives as being a learning experience stop-over on the way back home. Home being the 'afterlife' of course. The more you learn the higher your vibration raises. I like the hallway/kitchen door way theory posted above. Good analogy.

Beloved_of_Set 20-07-2016 02:00 PM

Death is the same as birth into a new state of being. Every time we improve or damage ourselves we die, reborn as a new version of ourselves. Without death there could be no growth or change. The "big" death it just our body as a whole rather than the mind.

Burntfruit 20-07-2016 03:57 PM

Some people are born disabled or impaired.

Would it really be fair if such people had to endure life without death?

Death and aging are natural parts of life.

Native spirit 20-07-2016 04:00 PM

You cant have Death without life just as much as you cant have life without death they are part of the same path,


Jared.L 16-09-2016 11:49 AM

Because when we die we do not cease to exist..we just change the form of life and that is it.

Govind 27-10-2016 09:28 AM

Yes Death is a part of life because everyone who is born or created will definitely die. Life is temporary but death is permanent.

metal68 27-10-2016 02:51 PM


Originally Posted by Govind
Yes Death is a part of life because everyone who is born or created will definitely die. Life is temporary but death is permanent.

Do you not believe that something of us survives?

Burntfruit 27-10-2016 06:05 PM

Another question could be 'why is life a part of the death state'?

The death state is more permanent - life is short.

SaraTherase 27-10-2016 07:24 PM

Because every ending leads to a new beginning so without any endings there would be no beginnings :smile:

Imagine having to live this life forever, could get a bit limiting and boring or exhausting and soul destroying.

I like to think of death as the dessert that awaits you after your dinner lol

Tobi 27-10-2016 10:37 PM

Why is 'death' a part of life?
Because there isn't really such a thing as 'death'. Only the non-functioning of a body or vehicle.
Why does a spider shed its old outworn body-case? Or a snake shed its skin? Does the egg die when the bird hatches out of it? Or was it just a place the little bird grew in, and broke out of when its time came to be elsewhere?
Did yesterday 'die' or just move on into today?

Theophila 27-10-2016 11:44 PM

I don't really have much to add, I think the previous posts were very well said.
I can only add that this world is not an easy place to come to for a soul.
I am not young yet not old and at this midway point after all my experiences death does not seem doom and gloom.
It's the circumstances around premature deaths which of course sadde me even though I know I've been taught that not all souls are meant to be hear for a full life term .
It's a very raw world , and something beautiful can to horribly ugly which is the most frightening...whether it be relationships, financial situations, health ..etc..

Through a few devastating experiences I've experienced many types of "death"
And coming out the other end a different person...yet in essence my own same self....just transformed ...
Each "death " I've felt a shedding of sorts as I think another member has mentioned so I could easily understand how the actual shedding of our own body would just be another transformation.
I really don't know what other worlds feel like where the souls have been or come from...but here on earth everything is very intense.
The physical body has the ability to feel pure ecstasy yet also pure pain...
I agree also with another member who had mentioned how if we were to stay here forever how mundane it could be.
The thing is that in this world or bodies are like fruit ....we have an expiration date. So as we are given this flesh caseing we owe it back to the earth.
From my home country there is a saying...
Everything in this life is on loan :smile:

Starman 28-10-2016 05:36 AM

Can you imagine if no human being died how populated this earth would be? What about war, murder, car crashes, etc. People would kill people but no one would die. Prisons would be much more overcrowded than they are now, no one would eat food, or they would eat too much food, because they would not die from poor heath; no one would starve to death. Death in many ways is a mercy, a release from limited human existence. Death is actually transformation and without it I don't think anyone would grow spiritually. Imagine if all human beings were immortal and all we had was human birth and no human death.

Busby 28-10-2016 05:53 AM


Originally Posted by Starman
Can you imagine if no human being died how populated this earth would be? What about war, murder, car crashes, etc. People would kill people but no one would die. Prisons would be much more overcrowded than they are now, no one would eat food, or they would eat too much food, because they would not die from poor heath; no one would starve to death. Death in many ways is a mercy, a release from limited human existence. Death is actually transformation and without it I don't think anyone would grow spiritually. Imagine if all human beings were immortal and all we had was human birth and no human death.

There can be no birth without death so we'd never get into such a situation. Why, because that which we know as nature recycles everything. All there is in any form in this universe runs in cycles and circles aka rhythms. Some call these circles and rhythms vibrations. All is one. On one side of the circle is heat and the other side is cold, one side of the circle is below and the other is above. it's the same thing.

Everything turns, becomes exposed and then is hidden.

Starman 28-10-2016 08:05 AM


Originally Posted by Busby
There can be no birth without death so we'd never get into such a situation. Why, because that which we know as nature recycles everything. All there is in any form in this universe runs in cycles and circles aka rhythms. Some call these circles and rhythms vibrations. All is one. On one side of the circle is heat and the other side is cold, one side of the circle is below and the other is above. it's the same thing.

Everything turns, becomes exposed and then is hidden.

Yes, but the cycles and rhythms vary for different things, a star (sun) is born and many last for eons before dying, contrary to that the mayfly lives for only 1-day. How long is forever, no one really knows, so we say what if people lived forever, and that in an of itself is a misnomer, so anything which is stated after that is fictitious.

Time is an illusion; by today's standards we live much longer than people did thousands of years ago. If a human being lived for 1-thousand years would they still be wondering why they have to die? To me it is all relative, that is to say in relation to something or other. Yes, there are cycles and rhythms and those cycles and rhythms are different for different species and other things. But human being are learning how to extend those cycles and master rhythms. I agree that which has a beginning also has an end, but that which we truly are is without beginning or end; so maybe in my wild speculation the day will come when immortal souls can come into this world and not die but leave of their own accord if they so desired; truth being stranger than fiction.:smile:

Busby 28-10-2016 12:57 PM


Originally Posted by Starman
Yes, but the cycles and rhythms vary for different things, a star (sun) is born and many last for eons before dying, contrary to that the mayfly lives for only 1-day. How long is forever, no one really knows, so we say what if people lived forever, and that in an of itself is a misnomer, so anything which is stated after that is fictitious.

Time is an illusion; by today's standards we live much longer than people did thousands of years ago. If a human being lived for 1-thousand years would they still be wondering why they have to die? To me it is all relative, that is to say in relation to something or other. Yes, there are cycles and rhythms and those cycles and rhythms are different for different species and other things. But human being are learning how to extend those cycles and master rhythms. I agree that which has a beginning also has an end, but that which we truly are is without beginning or end; so maybe in my wild speculation the day will come when immortal souls can come into this world and not die but leave of their own accord if they so desired; truth being stranger than fiction.:smile:

If a 'soul' is immortal then it has always been and always will be. It was never born and will never die. If you mean that such an immortal 'soul' can enter a physical form and not die (thus retaining the physical condition and so not returning to its 'soul' condition) then you haven't taken into account that Everything physical is made of atoms and atoms disperse. You, for instance, have a few of those trillions of atoms in your body which originally made up Napoleon's body. A thing is either eternal or not, eating only cabbage leaves (or whatever) won't prevent this basic law functioning. Only non-physical things can be eternal.

Starman 28-10-2016 02:49 PM


Originally Posted by Busby
If a 'soul' is immortal then it has always been and always will be. It was never born and will never die. If you mean that such an immortal 'soul' can enter a physical form and not die (thus retaining the physical condition and so not returning to its 'soul' condition) then you haven't taken into account that Everything physical is made of atoms and atoms disperse. You, for instance, have a few of those trillions of atoms in your body which originally made up Napoleon's body. A thing is either eternal or not, eating only cabbage leaves (or whatever) won't prevent this basic law functioning. Only non-physical things can be eternal.

To live in this world and know that you are not of this world. One can keep their soul condition while inhabiting a physical human form. Everything is immortal, nothing is destroyed rather everything is transformed. The destruction of something is a matter of perception. Everything is made of spirit and talking about beginnings and endings is but a current human point of view which possibly is subject to change with more enlightenment of the human species. Our reality is interpreted by the experience of our senses.


cc111me 19-11-2016 05:47 PM

When my wife first came to this country she thought all the trees around our house were dead (she's from West Africa, it was November). We are the tree and our life on earth is a leaf! This world is a transient place so everything here is temporary also. Learn what you can and move on!

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