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-   -   !Beware of Egoic "Traps" to Sap Your Life-Force! (https://www.spiritualforums.com/vb/showthread.php?t=51437)

Sourcerer 13-05-2013 01:58 PM

!Beware of Egoic "Traps" to Sap Your Life-Force!
No one can really "sap" your Life Force, but there are many who surely try, often in the guise of proclaiming 'The Way.' Beware of giving much attention to such people, for they are playing the very low-level character role (for example, "demonic") that they may label you as being.

The basic reason why such strong "fundamentalism" ("It's my way or the highway"-type attitudes) appears to be on the rise in many cases is simply because such people and groups notice that masses of people have been increasingly turning away ("turning the other cheek") from old-school, out-dated religious beliefs that no longer seem to satisfy their spiritual appetite.

In terms of Christian fundamentalism, for example, the common fear of the dramatic rise of interest in Mother Nature-based religions (animism is a root religion of ALL human cultures) is actually a vital part of the so-called "Second Coming," involving the Christ Consciousness that many New Age proponents speak of, which is quite ironic. This operates multidimensionally on many levels. One such level concerns the healing of the race consciousness (the human race) of the damage that was done largely through the European influence of using Christianity as a political force for control (for example, the entity known as the 'Catholic Church' was created as--and still is--a heavily political institution, having "borrowed" religious symbolism and myths from many religions). Another, more broad, level concerns the understanding of the Christos not in terms of a single individual (which was never what the term really esoterically meant), but rather as the consciousness, the awareness, of Agape, of Unconditional Love.

The gentle warning that this thread concerns is not a call to fear, but a Call for Love. The true Christ Consciousness is essentially nothing more than the Awareness of Oneness, and quite frankly (and humorously) this growing recognition in the collective human consciousness of the fact that there really is such a reality as Unconditional Love is scaring the 'bejesus' out of that part of the general human psyche that is self-righteous, tyrannical and desperately wants to perpetuate its delusion of a "vengeful God," an attitude that is still very much "alive" now, although as a belief it was never Life-affirming, and this fear-based belief has been increasingly declining in mass popularity. ANY belief in "vengeful justice" (even if you claim not to believe in "God") is the same old, fear-based belief such as typified by the Biblical Old Testament "Jehovah" (who is the same basic archetype as the Greek god, Zeus).

Beware of "feeding" the sheep that would play mindless games in order to "pull you" into their "influence" in order to prey upon you like a vampire. The obvious clue for you is that such people often point the finger of disrespect of the beliefs of others to the very people that they preach to! They are "shooting themselves in the foot" with their own proselytization, and even though they may succeed for awhile in gaining your sharp attention through debate, they actually weaken their own connection to Divine Life Force in the process, because instead of promoting a doctrine of Unconditional Love (for example, "God is love," states "Scripture" from many religious traditions), through their very attitudes and actions they often largely contradict the very loving Source that they pray to. (Such people are very adept at PREYING, not PRAYING in the positive sense of the word.) Religious intolerance is quickly becoming VERY OBVIOUS for most humans to see these days, just as both racial intolerance and intolerance toward gays is VERY OBVIOUS for growing numbers of people to notice.

Again, NO ONE can actually "sap" your Life Force, although you CAN "feed fuel for fear" for those with very fear-based beliefs who are like a wolf in sheep's clothing, who often wear a mask of pretending to be civil. Beware the negative traps of discussion that are designed to feed upon your Life Force in a very ego-based, "vampiric" way. It doesn't matter if such people do so under a guise of "religion" or "science," WHENEVER YOU SEE ANYONE ANYWHERE DESPERATELY WANTING YOU TO "SEE THE LIGHT" AS THEY PROCLAIM THE BELIEF SYSTEMS OF OTHERS TO BE "WRONG," BUT THEIR'S TO BE "RIGHT," IT IS A CALL FOR LOVE FOR YOU TO PEACEFULLY "TURN THE OTHER CHEEK," if you so wish to do so. And, by "turning the other cheek," this does not mean that you necessarily need to walk away (although in many cases that is wise), but IT DOES mean to shift your focus from feeding into fear to focusing on FEELING LOVE, if that be the case.

It is often very easy for most members to "lose their Soul" when interacting in online forums, or in ANY interaction with others, period. This simply means to once again temporarily forget the Soul, the SELF, the Oneness, the One Love, when reacting to--and interacting with--others. Yet with a simple decision to "turn the other cheek," one can lovingly SHIFT the tide of their own thinking and FEELING to that which is Life-affirming. Fear is death-affirming. Hatred is death-affirming. Bigotry is death-affirming. Yet the predominant attitude and psychic atmosphere of this here community is very much Life-affirming, as was the intent of the dear human angel who founded this blessed community. (My hat goes off to you, my brother. :hug3: )

ALL interactions and experiences are ultimately fruitful for the Soul, for they are all equally-valid experiences for growth, for spiritual awakening. My hat goes off to those members who have served as POWERFUL CATALYSTS for spiritual awakening. My hat goes off to ALL who have added focus and energy to this place. I tip my hat to ALL of you/us, for this certainly is a fun and fruitful journey for the Soul, no matter what transpires, for again I remind that the True Essence of ALL is Divine Love, AKA Spirit.

Be well as you serve fuel for FREEDOM instead of for fear. Amen.

Baile 13-05-2013 03:52 PM

I'd suggest the egoic need to attain knowledge is the primary reason people follow (fundamentalist) religious/spiritual paths and leaders. But intuitive people outgrow that need in good time. In that regard I don't look at it as a danger; it's more a spiritual lesson and education we all undergo in our earlier years.

Sourcerer 13-05-2013 04:19 PM


Originally Posted by Baile
I'd suggest the egoic need to attain knowledge is the primary reason people follow (fundamentalist) religious/spiritual paths and leaders. But intuitive people outgrow that need in good time. In that regard I don't look at it as a danger; it's more a spiritual lesson and education we all undergo in our earlier years.

Yes, there is no real danger. The "warning" is simply a reminder. Even "intuitive people" never outgrow seeking to attain "knowledge," for obviously they are still a Soul that, through the human experience, is still in "seeking mode," even if you are a so-called "realized master." All beings are still further "realizing," as far as the linear-time illusion goes.

The TRULY honest are those that admit to themselves that seeking is still going on, that their consciousness is still "doing it," for there is no real "post enlightenment" in the human experience. As long as you appear to exist in a body there is obvious seeking, which is expansion of consciousness, also known as "refinement of consciousness." Even in "letting go," there is still room for "attainment" of fresh experience and clarity as "the old" is let go of. Let this be clearly seen.

amy green 13-05-2013 04:23 PM

Sourcerer - this thread is insightful, very welcome and pertinent here .... particularly with regard to certain threads depicting that which your OP covers. Well done you!

Love lights our way. :hug3:

Baile 13-05-2013 04:29 PM


Originally Posted by Sourcerer
The TRULY honest are those that admit to themselves that seeking is still going on, that their consciousness is still "doing it," for there is no real "post enlightenment" in the human experience. As long as you appear to exist in a body there is obvious seeking, which is expansion of consciousness, also known as "refinement of consciousness." Even in "letting go," there is still room for "attainment" of fresh experience and clarity as "the old" is let go of. Let this be clearly seen.

Not sure what being TRULY honest has to do with any of that. Of course we all continue to learn and grow throughout the course of our life, that's a given. The difference is intuitive people learn to naturally gravitate away from those who insist they TRULY have all the answers.

Sourcerer 13-05-2013 04:29 PM


Originally Posted by amy green
Sourcerer - this thread is insightful, very welcome and pertinent here .... particularly with regard to certain threads depicting that which your OP covers. Well done you!

Love lights our way. :hug3:

Bless you, Amy. I also largely wrote it with you in mind, my friend, feeling that you would find inspiration. I enjoyed reading your insights in one of those threads that I found this morning here. Thank you, friend. :hug3:

Sourcerer 13-05-2013 04:34 PM


Originally Posted by Baile
Not sure what being TRULY honest has to do with any of that. Of course we all continue to learn and grow throughout the course of our life, that's a given. The difference is intuitive people learn to naturally gravitate away from those who insist they TRULY have all the answers.

You said it very well, my brother. :smile: By "TRULY honest" I actually refer to alignment with the honesty and integrity of That which I sometimes call the Higher Self, or one could call it the Inner Source of the Soul which inspires intuition.

amy green 13-05-2013 04:38 PM


Originally Posted by Sourcerer
Bless you, Amy. I also largely wrote it with you in mind, my friend, feeling that you would find inspiration. I enjoyed reading your insights in one of those threads that I found this morning here. Thank you, friend. :hug3:

Aww thanks so much - very kind of you.

Rest assured that, whilst it may not be in my nature to totally turn the other cheek (since I feel a certain duty to tackle misconceptions/oppressive posts), the fear that they come from does not in anyway 'feed' into me. (It's child's play to me; I feel strong and impervious to such mind games). I simply don't buy into that belief; also oppression requires the person's permission, i.e. I don't have a victim's mentality.

My light has been shining brightly for a long time now. :wink:

Sourcerer 13-05-2013 04:55 PM


Originally Posted by amy green
Aww thanks so much - very kind of you.

Rest assured that, whilst it may not be in my nature to totally turn the other cheek (since I feel a certain duty to tackle misconceptions/oppressive posts), the fear that they come from does not in anyway 'feed' into me. I simply don't buy into that belief; also oppression requires the person's permission, i.e. I don't have a victim's mentality.

My light has been shining brightly for a long time now. :wink:

You're very welcome. Indeed that makes much sense, Amy. You are very honest and CONSCIOUS about your choices here and now, and that is exactly the type of attitude that I referred to in my last Hinduism thread as the "deep, present-moment awareness."

Very true, oppression requires permission. I believe you; I see you as coming from a place of STRENGTH, and this inspires me to allow myself further clarification and purification of my "lenses" of perception. Deep thanks, Amy. :hug2: Awesome radiance!

Bluegreen 13-05-2013 05:29 PM

Sourcerer, I think that the people who want other people "to see the light" as you put it, do so because they sincerely believe that it would be for the good of those other people. There are exceptions of course.

You talk about "death-affirming." What/which death do you mean? The death of the physical body?

I have noticed that mind and knowledge are considered as next to useless. "Forget mind, forget knowledge, use the heart." But it was mind as well as heart which as a child made me 'reject' the God depicted in the OT.
Besides there is Universal Mind, isn't there? And didn't Cayce say "Mind is the Builder"?
So, yes, I am still seeking, still acquiring knowledge, still deducting, still comparing etc. and I love it.

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