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Monkey 22-11-2006 03:21 AM

Soul mate wanted.
Okay, I am going to put this to the test. I hear that if you want something in life, you have to put it out into the cosmos. I think I have been afraid to trust that cosmos and probably guys also. I have had a few disappointments and as one usually does, decided that relationships and marriage wasn't for me. I think now though I have done enough personal questioning and work to revisit this. I believe now I am ready. I also think I have a clearer image of what type of person it is I am looking for.

This isn't a personal ad by the way, which is why I haven't said anything about myself or what I am looking for. Feel free to write me if you have some brother that you love but want to get rid of but I didn't write it for that. ;-p I have been thinking about whether I was ready for about a year now, but thinking it and putting it 'out there' are two different things. I think I needed to say it. And of course, why not do it in the most embarrassing, exposing way than this, doh! Ten minutes ago, I didn't know I was even going to do this. Just had this tape going in my head when I sat down here with the words, 'its time' going over and over. That I had to ask Spirit in a solid way, so here tis.

Please someone tell me I don't need to be embarrassed and I am not the only one doing things like this. Spirit can be very strong sometimes. Okay, now I am going to just go hide for a while.

Light Mage 22-11-2006 03:41 AM

Is that what they mean by the Law of Attraction?

It seems unusual that there is regarded to be something like that, yet at the same time I've often heard people commenting on things happening when you least expect them, or when you stop looking for love is when you find it.

Has anyone else heard sayings like that?

Perhaps they're both talking about the same situation. When you're no longer actively seeking love, you're more self-accepting and content with your life, which is why people are more open to your presence, perhaps? You're sending out "happy-partner" vibes and so you find one...

Seems a little counterintuative though, but then sometimes things do!

At least, that's currently what I've been inspired to suggest. :angel7:

Monkey 22-11-2006 03:55 AM

I haven't been actively looking, I have been happy with my own company but I think I have also been unconsciously giving 'no go' vibes to guys.

purplemint 22-11-2006 04:12 AM

I am a true example of this happening, Law of Attraction. May of 2004 I wrote list of the characteristic which I want in a Life Partner. I was pretty specific in age group, children 1 or 2, travel/lived outside of the U.S., spiritual or at less open to , someone who supported and encourage my growth, etc. In August 2005 He showed up on the other side of the U.S. and we are now together all the time. So go for it, know what you want, make sure that you have the same to offer, write it down or what ever and then the hardest part is to let it go and trust the Universe to Make all your Dreams come True.:hug3:

Monkey 22-11-2006 06:46 AM

Thank you! Phew! So I am not the only one. I will definitely write down a list of things I want from a partner and also from myself in a relationship. For one thing, if I want a healthy, confident man, then I had better develop that in myself. I could lose a few kilos and be nicer to myself, definitely due for a girly day shopping!

You know, I think this would be a good thread for people to voice their needs and desires to the cosmos.

Congrats on catching your guy.

Mother Goose 22-11-2006 02:53 PM


you have some brother that you love but want to get rid of
rofl...you're too funny! I love that! Sorry...I don't have a brother to offer you though. :wink:

But yes, putting it out there to the cosmos is an excellent step toward getting what you want.

LM...here's a link for you to check out about the law of attraction: http://healing.about.com/cs/selfactu...attraction.htm

GoldChord 22-11-2006 03:28 PM

Hi Monkey,

I'm with you my friend. I too am also a committed single girl - never thinking I would ever find a bloke who I could stand being around let alone share my life with. Seems to be a thing about Australian men - no offence to any Aussie guys on the site - you're all wonderful, georgeous, stunning men - but we do live in a really blokey conservative culture that amplifies the male literacies - hence our obsession with sport. I'm really looking forward to the Ashes by the way, (major cricketing tournament between Aust and UK for those not in the Commonwealth) - but I digress.

Anyhoo, I too got to a point after about eight years of single-dom that I thought it might be nice to get a cool young man to hang out with for a while. I really thought the best I could hope for was a nice fellow who kinda liked me and who I kinda liked and we could date for a while. But the universe had other plans and bam! - yes Bam! - I walked straight into a soulmate - me and Lapis call him VTM or Virgo Tantra Man.

The point of this rambling narrative is that if you put it out there it will happen. It's called being a co-creator in your own life. God does work in mysterious ways but you have free will - you can craft your own life. The only problem I have with this personally is I tend to take things back - that means I put it out there and then I get all unsure about what I really want. It's my weakness - weak mind. Body and spirit are pretty good, but the mind needs work. I'm good at sabotaging myself in this way.

Good luck with your request I have no doubt that it will be granted.

Take care.

Monkey 23-11-2006 09:41 AM

Thanks for the link Mother Goose.

Goldchord thanks for that. I know what you mean about wanting to take it back. The moment I finished typing, I thought, I must be nuts, I take it back, I take it back! Took some deep breaths and today, I met the type of guy I am looking for, only he is hitched. But it was good to meet him because he became a sort of vision of what it is I am looking for and hopefully my future. He wasn't some gorgeious guy, ordinary looking, but he has a heart of gold. Gentle, softly spoken, thoughtful, highly intelligent, quietly confident, successful (he is into personal growth, psychology, spirituality, etc) and happy.

It also brought into focus where I have to improve my life. Successful people like him, attract and are attracted to successful people. I don't mean rich by successful, I mean someone who is happy with their lives, love what they do, have balance and harmony in their lives - thats success. I am pretty good in some areas of my life, but really suck in others, must definately work on those. Back to they gym tomorrow.

You know, this could turn out to be a Monkey Jones' Diary!

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