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Hologram8 01-02-2021 08:38 PM

Ghosts moving things and stealing things
When I was a little kid there was a big dark figure that would stand at the end of my bed all night every night for several years ~ the bed would also shake

so ~ I spent most of my life in that room ~ several years ~ my whole childhood and young adulthood

when I was in that room ~ things would disappear and reappear and move from place to place
I would set something down right next to me and it would vanish off the face of the planet ~ I would look everywhere for it for hours ~ and then it would magically appear right back in the same spot where I set it down in the first place

I had forgotten about it after all these years until I was watching paranormal survivor ~ and the haunted videos on youtube and I saw ghosts doing that

I just watched the movie ~ the conjuring 2 ~ and it happened in that movie as well

so ~ now it is happening again all of the sudden ~ first things were being moved ~ now I set something down and it vanishes

it’s not someone else stealing things because there is no one around and I just set something right next to me and it disappears

I also use Tarot cards ~ and I have noticed a lot of card magic ~ the odds of the cards doing what they’re doing is impossible

I believe in magic because of the cards ~ but now I’m wondering if it’s the spirits who steal things making all the card magic happen

as of right now they are stealing things and not giving them back ~ something will literally disappear off the face of the planet while I'm standing there

Miss Hepburn 02-02-2021 12:34 AM

Sorry, this made me laugh, in a good way. You seem so calm about it, too!
Those crazy spirits! Gotta luvem. :tongue:

GlitterRose 02-02-2021 02:18 AM

Somewhere, they've got all our missing socks.

Must be a sock shortage in the afterlife.

The cards...that's something different. They seem to tap into a sort of universal knowledge, particularly when it's about something really important and not for personal gain.

Hologram8 02-02-2021 03:12 PM


Originally Posted by Miss Hepburn
You seem so calm about it, too!
Those crazy spirits! Gotta luvem. :tongue:

well they're not attacking me or anything ~ just kinda wondering if they are friendly or unfriendly .

I told them to put the stuff back that they stole but they didn't do it :icon_frown:

Hologram8 02-02-2021 04:26 PM


Originally Posted by GlitterRose
Somewhere, they've got all our missing socks.

Must be a sock shortage in the afterlife.

The cards...that's something different. They seem to tap into a sort of universal knowledge, particularly when it's about something really important and not for personal gain.

I had forgotten about the socks situation ~ I live somewhere warm and I just wear sandals or flip flops with no socks

did you know that Darn Tough socks are guaranteed for life ? ~ If they get holes in them they will replace them for free

Miss Hepburn 02-02-2021 04:37 PM


Originally Posted by Hologram8
well they're not attacking me or anything ~ just kinda wondering if they are friendly or unfriendly .

I told them to put the stuff back that they stole but they didn't do it :icon_frown:

Bad spirits, bad bad spirits. I know...they think it's fun!

Hologram8 02-02-2021 05:25 PM


Originally Posted by Miss Hepburn
Bad spirits, bad bad spirits. I know...they think it's fun!

they didn't take anything of value ~ just irrelevant stuff to show me that they could do it ~

I actually had some really negative thoughts before it happened because the dentist upset me and I wanted revenge ~ it's not like me to sink to their level ~ I hate them because they are evil and I know that they want me to be evil to ~ I've had my first ever desire to practice black magic on someone

the ghosts have been moving things around for a while already

blackraven 02-02-2021 09:22 PM


Originally Posted by Hologram8
When I was a little kid there was a big dark figure that would stand at the end of my bed all night every night for several years ~ the bed would also shake

so ~ I spent most of my life in that room ~ several years ~ my whole childhood and young adulthood

when I was in that room ~ things would disappear and reappear and move from place to place
I would set something down right next to me and it would vanish off the face of the planet ~ I would look everywhere for it for hours ~ and then it would magically appear right back in the same spot where I set it down in the first place

I had forgotten about it after all these years until I was watching paranormal survivor ~ and the haunted videos on youtube and I saw ghosts doing that

I just watched the movie ~ the conjuring 2 ~ and it happened in that movie as well

so ~ now it is happening again all of the sudden ~ first things were being moved ~ now I set something down and it vanishes

it’s not someone else stealing things because there is no one around and I just set something right next to me and it disappears

I also use Tarot cards ~ and I have noticed a lot of card magic ~ the odds of the cards doing what they’re doing is impossible

I believe in magic because of the cards ~ but now I’m wondering if it’s the spirits who steal things making all the card magic happen

as of right now they are stealing things and not giving them back ~ something will literally disappear off the face of the planet while I'm standing there

Hologram8 - I used to have pictures fly off the wall, doors close by themselves and even had a very large heavy jade tree move from the window spot to the center of the room with a loud thud. I too have laid in my bed and have it picked up off the floor and shake. Went with the territory of the home I lived in, but I never got used to it. The spirit world intrigues me, but I don't necessarily like being haunted.

Had a friend over one day and he heard footsteps upstairs like children running back and forth. No one was up there so I told him that's just the ghost(s) we live with. He went upstairs to look for himself. It was always interesting when a skeptic became a believer by visiting our house.

Sounds like you have a trickster poltergeist type spirit messing with you.

Hologram8 02-02-2021 10:02 PM

one time there was a big steel cauldron that was imbedded in concrete filled with dirt and had plants growing in it ~

and I threw my arms in that direction like in this picture and the cauldron flew out of the concrete and slammed on the ground ~

there were a whole bunch of people there who saw it and everyone got silent and started looking at each other ~ and I was looking at it like ~ did I do that ?

then 1 guy turned and looked at me and said " warlock"

I just turned around and went in the building ~ I didn't mean to do it ~ I don't know how it happened

I have also put things in my pocket and driven 45 miles away to someplace I've never been before and walked into the house and the things that were in my pocket were laying in the middle of the floor and were no longer in my pocket

Hologram8 02-02-2021 10:11 PM


Originally Posted by blackraven

Sounds like you have a trickster poltergeist type spirit messing with you.

I have already posted several threads about the demons that attack me with sleep paralysis ~ that has been going on for 13 years ~

but they haven't really been stealing things and moving things ~

they are not attacking me so much anymore because I have been rebuking them and it seems to be working ~

they got ma a little bit the other morning when I opened my eyes ~ there was a chainsaw noise ~ and the paralysis energy ~ it feels like electricity

my dad got me a chainsaw one time and he died ~ so I don't know if that was him or not ~

the spirits like to make a fuss when I open my eyes ~ they definitely let me know that they are around ~ sometimes but not always ~ it used to be a lot worse

the paralysis isn't really waking me up anymore because I have figured out how to rebuke them in my sleep ~ before they really get started

usually now if they try to paralyze me it's while I'm trying to go to sleep and they come with voices and paralysis before I'm asleep ~ or when I wake up but not until I open my eyes

I was also recently visited by the spirit of a deceased pet and it was a friendly spirit ~ I saw it's last moments of life and who killed it and how ~ I knew they did something evil to that dog that night ~ but I didn't know exactly what until now ~ then I saw Lucy Butler ~ I don't know if you've ever seen the television series millennium ~ but lucy butler is an evil woman~

that cauldron situation sounds like something a poltergeist would do ~ the people had upset me when I did that ~ but I didn't mean to do it ~
================================================== ===========================================

okay so I looked up poltergeist and it said ~ a ghost or other supernatural being supposedly responsible for physical disturbances such as loud noises and objects thrown around.

I have definitely had the loud noises going on for several years ~ I often wonder if I'm the only one who hears them ~ I would hate for my neighbors to think that I'm the one making all that noise ~ lots of loud crashing noises ~ and big bangs ~ sometimes it sounds like someone is dropping a bowling ball on the concrete floor ~ they used to do it all the time in the middle of the night ~ I always thought it was the neighbors ~ but at some point it got too strange and I began to wonder

one time the ground was shaking pretty bad ~ I thought there was an earthquake ~ I looked all over the internet for news about an earthquake that day in Phoenix Az ~ but there was no news of it anywhere
you probably think I'm a crazy weirdo or a freak but I promise you I'm normal

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