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SpiritofZoe 27-03-2018 03:05 AM

why are kids so mean
what is it about normal human development that so many youth are willing to strike out in sadistic ways against one another? I know we talk like Indigos are different, that starseeds have some cliche exception to learning cruelty which of course they do not,but maybe they are less likely to just copy other people and turn out like that- being a sadistic jerk just because your peers are. at any rate- what are they to do - I fear many are in too deep in an Earth culture that is going to ruin them one way or another.
Seems like I'm in one of those bleak moods about this topic, YKWIM?

John32241 27-03-2018 08:21 AM


This Earth culture you speak about has been taught to our children. Kids emulate what they see from adults.

When society has strict rules and punishment systems in place, it is very hard to evolve compassionate thought patterns.

Gradually over time society will discover the value of compassionate actions. The tone of our religious teachings, laws of the land and educational conditioning will shift from sadistic ways to more humane approaches to these things. Then the model a child grows up with and follows will change for the better.


Inika 27-03-2018 05:52 PM


so many youth are willing to strike out in sadistic ways against one another?

to divert the other kid from finding out they still poo the bed. wet themselves. Get beaten at home for losing a sock.Having an odd extra bit of skin on their nipple.

they are shamed of their own self. others should be too. will make them feel shame.

Nameless 28-03-2018 02:11 AM


Originally Posted by Inika
to divert the other kid from finding out they still poo the bed. wet themselves. Get beaten at home for losing a sock.Having an odd extra bit of skin on their nipple.

they are shamed of their own self. others should be too. will make them feel shame.

Wow. Very powerful answer.

Busby 28-03-2018 11:56 AM


Originally Posted by John32241

This Earth culture you speak about has been taught to our children. Kids emulate what they see from adults.

When society has strict rules and punishment systems in place, it is very hard to evolve compassionate thought patterns.

Gradually over time society will discover the value of compassionate actions. The tone of our religious teachings, laws of the land and educational conditioning will shift from sadistic ways to more humane approaches to these things. Then the model a child grows up with and follows will change for the better.


You are undoubtedly right. I think we are beginning to notice this change today. In many small ways, ways again and again unfortunately disturbed by old habits and understandings but with a tendency to improvement.
In my society this change is noticeable in the generations. My grandparents lived trouble and strife. My generation not so much - and when I see my grandchildren and their peers it like watching a new sun rise.

Let's not give up on our ideals.

SpiritofZoe 08-04-2018 08:50 PM


Originally Posted by Busby
You are undoubtedly right. I think we are beginning to notice this change today. In many small ways, ways again and again unfortunately disturbed by old habits and understandings but with a tendency to improvement.
In my society this change is noticeable in the generations. My grandparents lived trouble and strife. My generation not so much - and when I see my grandchildren and their peers it like watching a new sun rise.

Let's not give up on our ideals.


Thank you. I see this in many families as well. There are heartening trends to appreciate as well.

Badcopyinc 08-04-2018 09:52 PM


Originally Posted by John32241

This Earth culture you speak about has been taught to our children. Kids emulate what they see from adults.

When society has strict rules and punishment systems in place, it is very hard to evolve compassionate thought patterns.

Gradually over time society will discover the value of compassionate actions. The tone of our religious teachings, laws of the land and educational conditioning will shift from sadistic ways to more humane approaches to these things. Then the model a child grows up with and follows will change for the better.


Exactly what I wanted to say...

My parents gave me a huge list of don’t do’s.
I ended up doing All of them anyway.

As a parent it hit me no matter what I say, my kids will do what they see me do.
So I decided to set a better example for them. Then one day it really dawned on me that we’re all still children. Which is my daily inspiration to be better instead of trying to tell others what I know. My kids have changed dramatically from my actions. I don’t teach them much. I just show them patience and compassion for others ignorance. And they unknowingly follow my lead.

dream jo 22-04-2018 04:11 PM

dnt no why ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

jro5139 26-05-2018 11:51 PM

Children's behavior is learned at home. Many of the "bullies" are bullied/ abused themselves at home. They can't really lash out at their parents because that would just get them more abuse, so they go to school and lash out at a peer. It's learned behavior. Generally, one or 2 in a group are the ring leaders. The rest go along with the ring leader because they are too scared to do anything else (if they stood up to the ring leader, then the leader would turn on them, so they follow along because it keeps them from being the target).
I work in a school (this year in a middle school). From what I see of the school, they are too scared of the parents (for some reason) to discipline the children while at school, so they basically let the kids do whatever they want and this is the scenario that ensues. Some kids even bully some teachers and get away with it. I'm not sure why the school is so scared of the parents though (money? reputation?... those are my best guesses). It's a public school so they aren't getting tuition, however, the parents do pay for a lot of things that in the past were free. It's sad, but the school seems to be more of business than an education system sometimes.

o0A0o 27-05-2018 01:37 AM

One other aspect of this is a child's natural empathy. Kids absorb the environment and react. One could produce gentle and calm behavior while another could produce bickering brats. Unfortunately parents hold their children accountable for their bad behavior when the parents are largely responsible for the home environment. This injustice is then mirrored and spread by the children. Being "mean" is being cruel. Children do not consciously choose to be mean or kind. They just express how they feel. Some children are naturally kind in spite of their environment. They might even participate in a relatively cruel activity as part of growing and trying different things. But a kind child will feel the pain they inflict on other living things and quickly learn not to repeat the action. But there will be many times throughout life when that child will have the potential to veer off and not come back rendering them partially corrupted. Some naturally kind souls sustain kindness throughout their lives while others become increasingly corrupted. In this way some of society's offenders are in truth kind souls who might well have "left home" never to return because they mistakenly thought their behavior defined who they are or they could not forgive themselves.

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