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-   -   Jesus wrote on the ground. (https://www.spiritualforums.com/vb/showthread.php?t=148233)

sky 04-02-2024 11:46 AM

Jesus wrote on the ground.
We can't find any Scriptures that mention Jesus physically writing except in John 7:53-8:11.
What was He writing I wonder when He stooped down twice, mybe He didn't write anything but used the actions symbolically, He would have known the Scribes and Pharisees were trying to trick Him.... maybe He decided to say nothing which sometimes says it all :smile:

Molearner 04-02-2024 08:50 PM


Originally Posted by sky
We can't find any Scriptures that mention Jesus physically writing except in John 7:53-8:11.
What was He writing I wonder when He stooped down twice, mybe He didn't write anything but used the actions symbolically, He would have known the Scribes and Pharisees were trying to trick Him.... maybe He decided to say nothing which sometimes says it all :smile:


What little he did say….”Let he who is without sin cast the first stone” …had a profound effect on them. Suddenly they could understand it as the wisdom of karma.
The dirt thing is very interesting because it appears in the first verses of chapter 9. It is better not to share my ideas on this.

Miss Hepburn 04-02-2024 09:32 PM

Maybe he was just taking a pause for the agitated group...making them stop...to wonder what he was doing ...
an exercise in how distraction, a simple deflection from a problem deescalates a crowd.
Just a thought, that's all. He was so darn smart! See?

Ever say to a little kid crying, "LOOK! Look over there!!!!!" :tongue:

BigJohn 05-02-2024 05:57 AM

Miss Hepburn, I suspect you probably are right.

Some people were watching Jesus and wanted him dead which they later got as their 'wish'. He provided an answer but his adversaries probably were looking in the dirt for the answer instead of hearing what he was saying. Beautiful distraction.

sky 05-02-2024 06:47 AM


Originally Posted by Molearner
The dirt thing is very interesting because it appears in the first verses of chapter 9. It is better not to share my ideas on this.

Mybe He was referring to the Commandments which were written twice by the 'Finger of God'...

BigJohn 05-02-2024 06:49 AM

I think what Molearner is referring to is when Jesus spit in to some dirt and put that on the eyes of a blind man who, after washing, was able to see.

Molearner 05-02-2024 03:33 PM


Originally Posted by BigJohn
I think what Molearner is referring to is when Jesus spit in to some dirt and put that on the eyes of a blind man who, after washing, was able to see.


That is correct. Hard not to think of the symbolism that man was made out of dust……..the generation of life. Some people speak of the efficacy of mud baths…….I might be reading it wrong but it speaks of symbolism to me…..

Miss Hepburn 05-02-2024 06:10 PM

The mud on the eyes also reminds me how Jesus sometimes did not just snap his fingers to manifest things...
he used physical water to turn into wine, physical fish and loves to multiply them - spit and mud to heal.
Many yogis in the East do that. 'Something more from something already there'; using the 'stuff' we are all made of - atoms to rearrange.
The atoms of the water changed to walk on.
Using the Centurion's faith, he had never seen before in anyone, healing his servant.
Using wine and bread at the Last Supper...he could have said - In the future just think of me and you will have me there. No,
YOU start with bread and wine and change it.

I digressed maybe. I love the subject. :)

He was a Master and KNEW this was all illusion made of dreamstuff that could be manipulated; trying to show us what's what. Imo.

Trying to show, on topic --his wisdom ...like his finger moving in the sand. He was Brilliant!

Molearner 05-02-2024 07:09 PM


Originally Posted by Miss Hepburn
I digressed maybe. I love the subject. :)
He was a Master and KNEW this was all illusion made of dreamstuff that could be manipulated; trying to show us what's what. Imo.
Trying to show, on topic --his wisdom ...like his finger moving in the sand. He was Brilliant!

Hi…..I love the subject also. Jesus suddenly appearing to his disciples. God in action……so often changing energy into matter and matter into energy. Literally death into life, life into death……and how this is our story also……

Maisy 06-02-2024 08:35 AM


Originally Posted by Miss Hepburn
he used physical water to turn into wine,

That story sure is interesting to me. I have so many questions.

I think if everyone did not grow up with the story of a God making alcohol so people could drink at a wedding they might find it odd lol. Alcohol makes you drunk which typically would be unspiritual behavior. Why supply such a thing? God's powers can make alcohol? Beer also? They ran out of wine... I would have said too bad! Don't drink so much! The spiritual point of a wedding I don't think is to drink a lot. I've never seen alcohol at the spiritual weddings I have gone to.

Also Jesus sure made a lot of wine. Twenty to thirty gallons in each jar. Is like 120 gallons of wine normal?

John 2:1-11
New International Version
Jesus’ mother said to Jesus, “They have no more wine.” 4 “Woman, why do you involve me?” Jesus replied. “My hour has not yet come.”

I wonder why was Jesus's mother so concerned they ran out of wine? Did she drink?

5 His mother said to the servants, “Do whatever he tells you.”

Doesn't one have to be rich to have servants? So wine was being provided to rich people? Why would the servants answer to Mary's orders? Were they Mary's servants?

6 Nearby stood six stone water jars, the kind used by the Jews for ceremonial washing, each holding from twenty to thirty gallons.

7 Jesus said to the servants, “Fill the jars with water”; so they filled them to the brim.

Could the whole story be a metaphor? Did they drink wine instead of water in those days? That many gallons seems excessive to me. I wonder how many were at this wedding to need, assuming 4 jars, about 100 gallons of alcohol.

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