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15ahayes 15-11-2016 12:48 AM

Suicide and the afterlife
what happens to a person in the afterlife when they commit suicide? I'm not gonna lie, I'm what many people would label as an somewhere between an indigo/crystal child (I don't like the labels but its a good way to say how I think and feel I guess) and being alive kinda feels torturous, literally, like I feel like a bipolar schizo times 10 with a dose of daily meth and heroin (not literally haha) and so sometimes I feel suicidal so if something were to happen (not saying i will commit suicide and not saying i wont) what would happen in the afterlife?

Tobi 15-11-2016 02:06 AM

You feel different, you feel weird, life can be a bummer, and it can all get too much sometimes, but stick it out, shine your light. The world needs sensitive people like you to be strong warriors.

I don't literally know, first-hand, every detail of what happens to suicides. The whole concept of 'suicide' is so vast anyway. There are so many millions of intentions, and so many different situations and reasons for opting out of life in the physical. It's not 'one size fits all'. But the intent will be the thing which is carried over.

I have heard all sorts of accounts, from one thing to another, but the overall situation seems to be gradual healing and learning in a stronger and better way, and to overcome those things which became intolerable. I hear there is a state of compassion once the impact of what happened is fully assimilated.
But far better it is done while a Soul is here, while it is in the incarnation where it chose to face such challenges!

So have a re-think, please, and soldier on, because there can be a brighter tomorrow -always. And it's always good to pass over naturally with a task fulfilled.

Suicide can never be an escape. Only a choice.

astralsuzy 15-11-2016 02:42 AM

No one knows what happens if someone commits suicide. I do know that there is no point in doing it as you will still have problems in the afterlife. Suicide is not the answer. You might reincarnate back on earth again for committing suicide. I admit life can get hard and I think people think about ending it but as I said it is not the answer. We must go on. One day everyone will die so until then make the most of what you have here.

Bubbles 15-11-2016 03:55 AM


Originally Posted by astralsuzy
You might reincarnate back on earth again for committing suicide.

Way to go.. bravo... Telling a possibly suicidal person on a forum that if he kills himself, he/she will get a fresh start, new family, new country..life etc...

what the hell man?
Well, let's see.. i ain't no better.. so after watching a video on youtube about someone using ouija and talking with ~~~~ he was told that people that suicide goes to different places depending.. but usually it sucks and they would cry for an eternity wishing they didn't commited suicide.

just because some guy on youtube said it, doesn't mean we now all know what's going on.

either way, suiciding in my idea is the dumbest thing a person can do. unless he is already in a submarine that's sinking and etc..

Watch the movie I Origins (2014) including the scene after credits.

astralsuzy 15-11-2016 06:15 AM

There is no guarantee that you are going to go to a better place if you reincarnate. You could be in poverty or have other awful problems. Even if you do come back to a better life who would want to come back here. I certainly would not. There are too many problems and challenges that we usually have to face. I have it quite good but I do not want to reincarnate here again. That would be very disappointing.
I have been told many times that you cannot believe what you are told playing with a Ouija board. The deceased people or entities whatever they are, are usually evil and will tell you lies and try to make your life miserable.

Völvawitch 15-11-2016 11:25 AM

No one knows what happens.

I personally believe that it is rubbish someone gets punished for commiting suicide since in some cultures like the Japanese it was considered honerable and brave to commit seppuku (amongst samurai) Here in the western world we see suicide as a bad thing.

I think the same thing happens to you after death regardless of how you die.
(I believe in rebirth and as long as your soul is still learning, you will be reborn regardless of the way you died or lived)

Liliel 15-11-2016 11:44 AM

I don't know what happens, but for some time already I have believed in reincarnation and found it logical from my point of view. I guess it's coming back and having to redo some lessons, but not as someone stated above, a fresh new cool start, like creating a new character in game. I read somewhere that suicide makes a person leave body in a pretty bad energetic shape. I'm not an expert, just sharing info I found somewhere. It doesn't sound improbable to me.
Whatever happens after death, it still doesn't make suicide a good solution in any case. There are ways to find your path here, the fact that you may feel it didn't happen yet, doesn't mean it's impossible, or that it won't happen. I know what it means to feel that life is torturous, but I have already learnt that there are ways to find peace,maybe not 100% of time, but still. :) It's better to treat sensitivity as a gift than as a curse.

Burntfruit 15-11-2016 07:15 PM

Suicide is generally discouraged.

Are you really suffering that badly? I am certain that there are methods in this life you can use that will make things better.

astralsuzy 15-11-2016 07:43 PM

May be this happens if you commit suicide or may be something else happens. Who knows what really happens. One thing the above posts agree on is suicide is not the answer. If you are thinking about suicide get help or professional help. Suicide affects everyone. The people left behind are grieving and wondering why did they do it.

Native spirit 15-11-2016 10:13 PM

When a person passes through suicide they go into Healing in the spirit world .there are many reasons why a person commits suicide ,and to them death is seen as a release.


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