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GregoryScott 14-05-2012 07:45 AM

Hearing voices before falling asleep
Does anyone else hear music or voices just before they fall asleep? This has been with me all my life. I actually believed everyone could hear this so I never really talked to anyone about it, until now.

Although I’m not sure what to think anymore; everything I’ve read on the subject seems to change with each individual. At first I read that if you hear music or a lot of voices talking at once that they were ghost. But here lately I’ve read they may be spirits trying to communicate. Then another website suggest the voices could be inter-dimensional beings that may want to cause you harm. Others say they are demons; and others insist they are guides trying to help you. So now I am officially confused…

To be honest I’ve never once felt threatened by the voices. I can never make out what they are saying, but I do know they are speaking words that do sound English. But there are always so many talking at one time that the words always blend together. To me it sounds like 3 or 4 DJ’s at a radio station talking in rhythm and then breaks into song; then back to talking again. It never stops, of course until I fall asleep. I sleep with a fan every night just to fade them out, but most of the time it doesn’t work; they are just as loud as ever.

Okay, I’m bringing this up because the other night about 2 in the morning I get out of bed and go into the kitchen. Off in the distance I hear a woman’s voice, and the harder I listen the louder it gets. She was singing a lullaby in a soft whispering voice. My parents live with me so I was thinking that for some strange reason my mother decided to sing my father a lullaby… at 2am… So I peek into their room and both were sound asleep. I have never heard voices while walking around my own home before so to be honest it kind of freaked me out a bit. I fallowed it out to my garage and it ended as soon as I opened the door.

Does this happen to anyone else here? Also, what everyone’s take on this as to what these voices can possible be? Has anyone ever tried to communicate with the voices, and if so did you get a response and what happened?

I do apologize if this subject has recently been discussed.

BlueOwl 14-05-2012 09:42 AM

I get this too and yes there is a lot of debate to what causes the voices one being a form of hallucination-I cannot remember the proper term for it. Like you I have experienced it all my life. I once mentioned it to a medium and she said that she also gets this and as far as she is concerned it is spirits speaking. She said that all of her medium friends don't get this and she was suprised to be speaking to someone who also hears these night time/early morning hour voices. Like you, she and I thought everyone experience this. I do know on this forum there are quite a few who experience this too through.

I also hear music. singing, and general talk as if there is a couple of people or a group chatting away. At first I would just get snippets before I would fall back to sleep. I hear these voices etc when I am inbetween the sleep/awake stage and I have learnt to stay in this stage for sometime now before falling asleep so I am now hearing more then snippets and sometime full sentences which are always coherent and in context. I have also heard people speak in a foriegn language and the only language I speak is English.

But who knows. I also do not find these voices threatning and find that listening to them actually helps sooth me to sleep in a odd way.

Emmalevine 14-05-2012 11:24 AM

Yes the medical term for it is hypagogia


I started getting this after meditation so I certainly believe there is a spiritual cause. If we believe that the spiritual is in everything than there's no reason to separate hallucination from spiritual phenonema.

Berry 14-05-2012 12:46 PM

When I was little, I used to see and hear people talking right before I went to sleep. My eyes were closed but I could see individuals and zoom in on them, and hear their conversations. They always stood on a vast road. As I got older, I lost that ability.

I've had a lullaby experience too. When my daughter was a baby and in the middle of day, a spirit lady came into my home and sung a beautiful, old fashioned lullaby for 3 hours straight. Her voice was distant yet clear and seemed to stem from somewhere in our living room. I searched the entire house for her voice and could not quite pinpoint the source. She would return on and off over the years. I can sense her. Firends told me that I have ties to her, and that she is a very evolved soul. Unfortunately, I don't know how to communicate with her.

There's a child spirit that would occassionally visit my son. Once he sang to me and because I had a really bad headache that night, and a bit frightened, I kinda ignored him. He also sang a lullaby.

On occassions, epecially between 2010-2011, I would hear lots of partying, and lound music, but muffled. It would keep me from sleep. My son has told me that it was his spirit protectors. They love to party. I have no idea why they always partied to the left of my bed. I never told them to tone it down for fear of insulting them. Now that my son no longer sees them, I don't hear them any more.

Recently, I've been hearing a lot of humming in my right ear, occassionally on my left. When I meditate,or trying to sleep, I would hear bells, or some type of humming music.

I too, do not feel threatened upon hearing the voices/singing. I believe lullabyes are loving music/energies. The spirits are sending us their love.

I've never communicated with them and I wish I knew how to.

John32241 14-05-2012 02:30 PM

My experience is that the best way to communicate with voices is to start an imaginary conversation with them in your mind. That will get their attention and allow you to focus on them and what they would like to speak about.


Tammy 14-05-2012 02:52 PM

aaaaaahhhhh yes Hypngogia............i have been told this aswell, i dont hear the voices but i see the people, and only people and never the same person twice. they dont say a word, just look at me....some of them are rather creepy looking aswell.
I dont see shapes and gigantic spiders etc, that majority of people see.
So the question is, Hypngogia..scientific or spiritual....because as Wiki says "well-trodden and yet unmapped territory."

iScorpio 14-05-2012 10:49 PM

I experience this aswell except they aren't physically there.. I get random images of something or hear something before I fall asleep. One time I got an image of a women, and I think a golden retriever getting killed.. I don't know if this is just me before I fall asleep, but some of the images I get are really weird.

Jatd 14-05-2012 11:53 PM

I feel like I am talking to myself in my own head sometimes before I fall asleep, but I've been told that I am actually talking to my spirit guides. I don't really know.

GregoryScott 15-05-2012 08:17 AM

BlueOwl, I know what you mean about the voices being soothing at times. They seem to speak in continuous rhythm, so a lot of the times I will count the beats then doze off fairly quick after that. Although sometimes they become so loud that I have to get out of bed and walk around just to get them to stop.

GregoryScott 15-05-2012 08:27 AM

Very interesting Berry, that was something I use to hear all the time as well. It did, it sounded like a lot of people together yelling, laughing singing and caring on; like a huge party. For the past few years or so it’s just been a lot of chatter.

That was actually the first time hearing a lullaby though. It was also the first time hearing only one voice and not four or five talking at once. She had a distinct tone in her voice; so soft and beautiful. I felt she really cared deeply for whoever her singing was meant for. Like a mother humming her first lullaby to her newborn.

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