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XeR0 10-10-2011 05:31 PM

Close to an OBE but failed
So a couple of nights ago, I laid down to go to sleep and felt extremely relaxed, I felt my body get very relaxed. Then I felt very powerful vibrations very similar to seizures. My heart rate also skyrocketed. I also felt a vibrating "finger" on my forehead....right where the "third eye" would be. Anyways, I rode the vibrations then....they just went away.

I'm wondering what this means. Why didn't I separate? I've had partial OBE's before and one full-on OBE last May. So I guess you could say I know what to look for in an OBE. I was under the impression that once the vibrations hit, there is no turning back. Why then didn't I separate when I felt the vibrations (which were very strong)?

edited by staff

Humm 10-10-2011 06:25 PM

OBE can be interrupted at any point.

The theory is that vibrations are caused by the energy surge required for separation. Perhaps you simply didn't have enough energy to see it through.

More likely though, you were simply on the thin edge of separating and, distracted by the vibrations, it was as much a failure of concentration.

Good work though - KEEP IT UP! :smile:

XeR0 10-10-2011 07:25 PM

It's comforting to know that I'm getting close. It seemed so self-induced and yet so spontaneous, I got frustrated when the vibrations went away. I'll keep trying though...

astralsuzy 10-10-2011 07:49 PM

When you get vibrations, it is important not to think of anything, such as how is it going, I am going to ap, etc. Any thoughts will end ap. That is from my experiences. When I get vibrations I had to stay relaxed including my mind. It was extremely important for my mind to stay relaxed otherwise the process will end.

XeR0 18-10-2011 09:48 AM

Well, last night and the night before I tried to induce an OBE and managed to get vibrations again. I know this means I'm very close but I still can't seem to leave my body. My mind is clear and I try as best as I can to make the excitement (fast heartbeat) subside but I still can't seem to separate.

I'm not complaining though. This is the closest I've ever gotten to being able to induce OBE's on my own. The simple fact that I can get to the vibrational stage whenever I please in comforting enough. However, the fact that I'm so close to leaving and yet still having difficulties is bothering me.....last night, I clocked my attempt to be 2 and 1/2 hours of constant vibrations that come and go. But I still failed to separate...

astralsuzy 18-10-2011 11:58 AM

That would be frustrating. You get so close but you do not make it. Next time try and stay completely relaxed, like a rag doll. Your mind has to be relaxed as well. Any thinking can end an ap. It depends on the ap sensation. I either make it happen or let it happen by itself. If I try and make it happen that can end an ap. Other times when I make ap happen it works. It depends on what happens when you get a sensation. A lot of times you do not have to do anything. Just stay completely relaxed as well as your mind. If you are able to do this you should ap.

XeR0 19-10-2011 10:21 AM

Last night's attempt didn't go as well as the others. I was COMPLETELY relaxed and "clear"...if that makes any sense. However, I got no vibrations and I felt just stuck somehow....like there was no where else to go from there. I think may be trying too hard and need to rest for a day or two before attempting to AP again. What do you think?

astralsuzy 19-10-2011 11:58 AM

Perhaps it is best to practice every day. I practice sahaja yoga meditation and I have been told I should practice twice a day even if I do not feel like it. I was told to practice as little as five minutes if I do not want to practice. Five minutes is better than nothing. I think with ap we have to think if ap happens that is great, if it does not happen, it was a good attempt and not to be disappointed. Also, if ap did not happen it is also good to think it was a great practice and I am getting closer to ap. If we do not think like that we can get too discouraged and not want to practice. I have times when ap will not happen and I may be doing everything right. When that happens, it is best to either give up and go to sleep or have a break. Do something else for a while and start again.
I think you are focusing on getting the vibrations too much. You can still ap without getting any vibrations. When we want to ap we have to be careful what we think. If we think I am stuck or this will take a long time then ap will probably be a lot harder. If you are determined and if you put your mind to it ap happens a lot easier. I hope this sounds alright. It is getting late and I am getting tired.

astralsuzy 21-10-2011 03:33 PM

Tonight I wanted to try to ap. I did not go to bed as for me that is a mistake. I do not ap. I just try for a little while and it does not work so I turn over and go to sleep.
This time I was lying down in the lounge room. First time I tried I had no success. To ap you have to get your mind right. I had this annoying problem on my mind. I got up and had a break and then I started again to try to ap. I was lying down for a while, I do not know how long. It did not seem that long. Anyway I felt very fierce vibrations. My body just kept vibrating. It was very intense. It felt like some sort of force inside me and I was ready to take off any moment. A bit like an airplane, except I did not take off. I knew what I had to do and that was to stay relaxed. I was relaxed but I did not go anywhere and the vibrations stopped. This happened about two or three times and I still got no where. I think where I went wrong is I had a thought on my mind to relax. Instead of just relaxing and letting it happen I had that thought. I tried again and just before the intense vibrations came I heard someone coming into the lounge room and he was saying you are still up with the TV on. I thought it was my husband. I just ignored him. I do not know why. I would not normally do that. Any way I imagined myself jumping on a trampoline. That worked. I could feel myself jumping up and down. I knew I was out of my body. It was very easy to imagine something when you are in a meditative state. As I said before anything will work when you are in a meditative state. Any technique you choose can be hard if you are not in a meditative state. I decided to go through the lounge room window and I said I want to see this person. When I was travelling I said a few times I can see but I could not see anything. I could feel myself travelling on and on and I came back into my body. I realise I have a bit of work to do during the day every day to get my astral travelling improved. I will say as often as I can when I am out of my body I can go anywhere in an instant to see someone or to go to some place. Also I can see straight away when I am out of my body. When I woke up I knew that no one came into the lounge room, not a physically person.
I do not normally get vibrations. I was surprised to get it. I should be prepared for anything different or usual to happen.

Xan 22-10-2011 01:14 AM


Originally Posted by XeR0
It's comforting to know that I'm getting close. It seemed so self-induced and yet so spontaneous, I got frustrated when the vibrations went away. I'll keep trying though...

XeR0... The vibrations only occur in the transition phase. Once we're separated from the body they disappear. So if you're focused on experiencing vibrations instead of going somewhere out of body you'll get stuck there.

Instead, you could select a target spot ahead of time - a familiar place in your house such as a doorway or a place where you often sit - and when you start feeling the signs just head over there.


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