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-   -   What do we know about Death from Near Death Experiences? (https://www.spiritualforums.com/vb/showthread.php?t=22123)

Xan 11-09-2011 02:48 AM

What do we know about Death from Near Death Experiences?
This is a very cool Near Death Experiences Video - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bExyT81hzwc&feature=fvst


Xan 11-09-2011 03:48 AM

This is an excerpt from an NDE story at the Near Death Experience Research Foundation website.

Next thing I knew I was mildly aware of hurling through a tunnel type atmosphere. Then I was situated in the midst of a startling, seemingly alive, white...white light. Still feeling a bit stunned and confused I wondered "where am I, what is going on?" Then it hit me. I thought to myself "oh shoot (not exactly the word, if you get my drift), I must be dead!"

Almost simultaneous with that realization, it seemed as if the light penetrated throughout me and I felt the most magnificent warmth and peace and acceptance imaginable. I felt awe. Loved and cradled. It was clear that the light loved me so completely, knew me through and through, had no hesitance in accepting my foibles and weaknesses, and felt quit a bit of humor about how seriously I took myself and my life.

As I settled into the love without condition, I realized more and more how utterly and absolutely intelligent light was. The sheer level of creativity and intellect was emotionally and psychologically beyond comprehension. I knew that because light was telepathically melded with me, allowing me to sense at least a minute degree of what was contained within.

There was so much thought and information that it felt as if zillions of scrolls of data about the true nature of reality just kept unraveling.

I was lost and overwhelmed and had no comprehension of what it all meant. Yet the central message came through loud and clear. Reality is SO much larger, multi-layered and multi-dimensional than we realize. Consciousness is able to experience so much more than what we commonly practice. Everything has purpose and meaning.

http://nderf.org - current nde's - Barbara E


Xan 11-09-2011 03:51 AM

I read this in an NDE story today:

This being of light said... "This is Love. It is always here, always streaming toward you, never diminishing, always loving you. All you have to do is open to it. Receive it. This will heal you...."

I have never found a way to truly describe what I saw there and resort to the only explanation I can give for something that defies our limited language. LOVE was boundless yet contained, no color and all color, nothing and all things, it was tangible, dense, mysterious, light. It was everything and nothing. It was an actual presence but not personality. It was all shape and no shape. I felt so joyous in the most peaceful quiet way...very grounded and accepting.

http://nderf.org - Current NDE's - Michaele S


Twinflamefound 11-09-2011 11:37 AM

Embraced by the Light...fabulous book by Betty Eadie (sp?) about her NDE, pretty much like what you're saying, Xan.

Aquatic_Dragon 11-09-2011 06:55 PM

Loved the video Xan. Very interested in this topic :smile:

LifeSpecialist 11-09-2011 07:17 PM

Any other good books on NDE's to recommend?

Silver 11-09-2011 07:41 PM

Thx Xan, I really loved the excerpt in #2 post of yours.

Aquatic_Dragon 12-09-2011 12:10 AM

This website may have been published before on NDE's, but I normally go to it to read up on new stories, very good website if you are interested in the subject :smile:


Xan 12-09-2011 12:49 AM


Originally Posted by LifeSpecialist
Any other good books on NDE's to recommend?

There are so many, LifeSpecialist. Just go to a bookstore and browse around the nde section until something catches your interest.


Soul Searching 12-09-2011 09:32 PM


Originally Posted by Xan
This is a very cool Near Death Experiences Video - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bExyT81hzwc&feature=fvst


Thanks for posting this Xan ........ I have always found this subject very interesting and thought provoking ....... I mean, who wouldn't be interested in this ...... we are all going to experience this one day ........ that is the only certain thing in life ....... death.

Personally, I believe all these accounts are real, and what they experienced gives us a small glimpse into what comes next ....... death is not the end, just a crossing from one plane to the next.

Thanks too for the link to nderf.org

I think I have a little reading to do !! :smile:

Xan 13-09-2011 01:57 AM

I'm posting this NDE story because it's typical of many I have read. It's from another site with a lot of information, research reports and personal stories - http://IANDS.org

No Words for the Presence

I was in a motorcycle accident at age 18. I have no memory of the accident or of many days following. I was in a coma for about 10 days. I had head injuries and was given a million to one chance of survival. I did not actually die and I don't think I ever stopped breathing. My experience occurred at some point in time before I regained consciousness.

I was aware of the presence of a friend of mine that had died approximately 10 months previously. He was communicating to me that there was nothing to be afraid of. I was then aware of a "presence." There isn't a way to describe it in words. The best available word is "light." The presence communicated with me, asking what I wanted, did I want to stay (in my life), or come. I can't explain where or what the non-life choice was. I wasn't afraid. I communicated that I would like to return to my life but that I would be ok with leaving too. I say "communicate" because there weren't actual words. I knew that there was going to be an answer. It seemed like there was a pause. Then there was the experience of an answer. I would return to my life. I was aware that by staying in my life, I would be caught up in all the emotions, worries, and challenges of life. That was part of being in this world. I was also aware that, in the other place these worries did not exist. I knew too, that this knowledge would fade.

After I woke from the coma, I sometimes thought I might have made the wrong decision. In the early days, when I was recovering, I thought, "If I can't handle this, I can just kill myself." I told my mother about the experience but had never heard of NDEs and did not share it with anyone else. I was astounded when I read Moody's book a few years later.


Xan 14-09-2011 02:19 AM

Found but Lost (excerpts)

One nurse shared with me that she was reading a book on near-death experiences. But I thought that was stupid because there is no such thing as death; it is only transition. Your body may die but your essence sure doesn't.

I have come to learn that there seems to be two sides to consciousness. The physical one we call the brain, which lets you mentally read, tell time and know how to communicate with others. Then there seems to be another one that is not physical but the "knowing" part of your essence or consciousness.

I spend the majority of my time on this side of consciousness. You can't explain it mentally but it just seems to exist. I believe it exists for everyone. Some don't believe in it. Others who do believe don't know how to tap into it.

- http://iands.org/experiences/nde-accounts.html


Xan 16-09-2011 01:16 AM

Sphere of Universal Communion - excerpts

Minutes after they placed me on the emergency room table and fit an oxygen mask over my face, I felt my heart stop beating and took my last breath. There was a brief pause while my personality grew puzzled that I did not gasp for breath nor seem concerned that my body had just died. I was suddenly cradled in my higher soul and catapulted, for that is the only word for it, catapulted, wide awake, out of my body and into the sphere of universal communion.

My whole life, it turned out, had been practice for the moment of dying: my higher soul stepped forward, speaking reassuringly about how it had been through this so many times before. While my lower soul, this lifetime’s personality, went mute in the face of the vast unknown. My higher soul catapulted with one last sigh of joy and gratitude. What a glorious Creation!

Once I had experienced what it feels like to recognize myself as a sphere of aware light in the bodiless state, I found I had become sensitive enough to perceive myself as that same sphere of communion here with a body. And, sensitive enough to recognize that everyone else is a similar sphere of aware light, as well.

- http://iands.org/experiences/nde-accounts/729-sphere-of-universal-communion.html

Xan 16-09-2011 01:37 AM

Still Vivid 40 Years Later - excerpts

While lying on the examination bed, I remember coming briefly to consciousness, though I wasn't able to open my eyes. I was in a significant amount of pain; it hurt to move. The next thing I recall was being above my body and looking down at it. I was completely free of all pain. In fact, I recall feeling wonderfully light and whole. I saw my parents sitting next to the examination bed holding each other. My mother was crying. I felt a deep compassion, but I knew in some way that they would be fine, even with my being gone.

The next thing I recall was being in a void or in space. It was as if I turned around and went from the physical world into some other reality. I had a vague sense of a tunnel, although that's not the right word. It was more of being pulled along a direction or path. I quickly became aware of someone, or some being, next to me. It was definitely feminine, and it seemed to embrace me with an inexplicably intense love. She seemed vaguely familiar, but full of comfort, peace and joy. We communicated in some way that didn't require words... I recall asking questions and coming to know so much. Of course, I don't recall what that knowledge was, but I still have the impression that during the experience, I knew more deeply than is possible in this life.

Even now, in middle age, I find myself continuing to search for ways to express compassion and love for others because I know (not just believe, but know) that this is what life is meant to be about. I trace this all back to that experience.

- http://iands.org/experiences/nde-accounts/718-still-vivid-40-years-later.html


Xan 16-09-2011 01:52 AM

Love will Happen Today - excerpts

It was a few days before I remembered my NDE. It so puzzled me. I went into complete darkness. As one person who had the same experience told me it was velvet dark, and I said, "YES!" It was velvet dark but as I write as a mortal I cannot put into words how peaceful, warm, protected, pain free, and most of all physical and emotional pain did not exist. I said earlier that I was so puzzled that I didn't see lights, tunnels or loved ones who had crossed over, none of that. I believe God gave me the perfect heaven.

Because of my conservative religious background the darkness puzzled me. I would have said before that darkness was evil and light was good. However, I would have been so wrong. I still can think of it a few minutes and go back to that place in my memory of the great protection and love.

- http://iands.org/experiences/nde-accounts/702-love-will-happen-today.html


Xan 17-09-2011 01:23 AM

An NDE during Child Birth (excerpts)

At first, I wondered why were lights shining in my eyes. Then I realized I was immersed in a white light all around me. I asked to please send me back to be with my new baby.... I don't know why I knew to converse with the light. It just felt right. I then felt my form of energy snap back into my body. I felt pain and heaviness again. It was like slipping back into an old shoe.

My life has not been the same as before the experience. I used to fear the unknown death experience. Now I know there is nothing on earth like the love that is felt in that white light. I am looking forward to someday experiencing that feeling again. In the meantime, I see the world as a different place than before.



Xan 17-09-2011 01:39 AM

My Spiritual Enlightenment (excerpts)

At this point, I moved through the dark void of the black tunnel which I found very frightening because I didn't know where I was going, but then saw a beautiful light at the end of the tunnel. I "knew" it was heaven. When I arrived in the light, which was of a beauty that words cannot describe, I was enveloped in love. The love too was beyond what one could ever experience while on earth. I was not aware of any beings per se but "knew" I was in the presence of God. That is just what it was; being in the presence of; a "knowing" sense; not a visual being.

I had a very quick life review and "curiously" realized that the children I fought so ferociously to be with to raise now seemed as insignificant as childhood toys. Everything took on a different perspective in that other realm. I was given the knowledge of the universe which filled me with wonder and amazement. (This knowledge is not kept when you return to the earthly realm.)

Looking back over the years, the experience has helped me tremendously. I usually feel a wonderful inner peace almost all the time, and lack a fear of death. Our brain or our consciousness is our soul which is what goes on forever and expands in the other realm. It is our eternal essence and is only housed very temporarily in our bodies. From the perspective of this other realm our bodies become completely insignificant. Their significance is only of the earthly realm.

While I enjoy life and feel life gets better with each passing year, I feel a longing to go home and not infrequently am jealous of those who pass on. I have compassion for loved ones who are left behind but find it very hard to grieve for anyone who has died. In honesty, its impossible for me to feel grief for the one who has passed.

My faith is rock solid, and I find at times I have a certain "knowing" about things that I cannot explain. I believe in miracles and angels or spirit guides and pray frequently everyday and throughout the day; it is ingrained and a complete part of my life. My prayers consist of talking and listening and giving thanks for all my blessings of which I believe I have many. Church, when I can attend, is a treat. I do not see it as a necessity.



Tammy 17-09-2011 07:36 AM

Oh i am loving these NDE encounters, i have never been on this page before, (i am kicking myself!) it really is comforting!!!!

Xan 18-09-2011 01:33 AM

17 Near-Death Experience Accounts from "Beyond the Light"by P.M.H. A****er (excerpts from #13)

Their statements 'We're losing her! We're losing her!' frightened me and I'd get ****ed all over again.

The scene changed and I was no longer in that room. I found myself in a place of such beauty and peace. It was timeless and spaceless. I was aware of delicate and shifting hues of colors with their accompanying rainbows of 'sound,' though there was no noise in this sound. It might have felt like wind and bells, were it earthly. I 'hung' there - floating.

Then I became aware of other loving, caring beings hovering near me. Their presence was so welcoming and nurturing. They appeared 'formless' in the way I was accustomed by now to seeing things. I don't know how to describe them. I was aware of some bearded male figures in white robes in a semicircle around me. The atmosphere became blended as though made of translucent clouds. I watched as these clouds and their delicate shifting colors moved through and around us.

A dialogue softly started with answers to my unfinished questions almost before I could form them. They said they were my guides and helpers as well as being God's Messengers. Even though they were assigned to me as a human and always available to me - they had other purposes, too. They were in charge of other realms in creation and had the capacity of being in several places simultaneously. They were also 'in charge' of several different levels of knowledge.

I became aware of an ecstasy and a joy that permeated the whole, unfolding beyond anything that I had experienced in my living twenty-five years, up to that point. Even having my two previous children, whom I wanted very much, couldn't touch the 'glow' of this special experience.

Then I was aware of an Immense Presence coming toward me, bathed in white, shimmering light that glowed and at times sparkled like diamonds. Everything else seen, the colors, beings, faded into the distance as the Light Being permeated everything. I was being addressed by an overwhelming presence. Even though I felt unworthy, I was being lifted into that which I could embrace. The Joy and Ecstasy were intoxicating. It was 'explained' that I could remain there if I wanted; it was a choice I could make.

There was much teaching going on, and I was just 'there' silently, quietly. I felt myself expanding and becoming part of All That Was in Total Freedom Unconditionally. I became aware again that I needed to make a choice. Part of me wanted to remain forever, but I finally realized I didn't want to leave a new baby motherless. I left with sadness and reluctance.

Almost instantly I felt reentry into my body through the silver cord at the top of my head. There was something skin to a physical bump. As soon as I entered, I heard someone near me say, 'Oh, we've got her back.'



Xan 18-09-2011 02:04 AM

17 Near-Death Experience Accounts from "Beyond the Light" by P.M.H. A****er (excerpts from #17 - Mellen-Thomas Benedict)

In 1982 Benedict was diagnosed as having inoperable cancer.... One morning he awakened knowing he would die the next day, and he did....

Just as he reached the light at the end of the tunnel, he shouted, "Stop a minute. This is my death and I want to think about this!" By consciously intervening, Benedict willfully changed his near-death scenario into an exploration of realms beyond imagining, and a complete overview of history from the Big Bang to four hundred years into the future.

Instantly he was pulled by light away from the tunnel, far away from earth, past stars and galaxies, past imagery and physical realities, to a multi-angled overview of all worlds and all creation, and past even that to the edge of existence where vibrations cease. He saw all wars from their beginnings, race as personality clusters, species operating like cells in a greater whole. By merging into the matrix of his soul, he confronted the "NO THING" from which all things emerge. Benedict saw planetary energy systems in detail and how human thoughts influence these systems in a simultaneous interplay between past, present, and future. He learned that the earth is a great cosmic being.

Benedict was aware of "walking" back into his body after deciding to return from his journey; as near as anyone can determine his experience took about ninety minutes. His doctor's assessment, though, was the most shocking - the cancer he had once had completely vanished.

"Because this happened to me my fear is gone, and my perspective has changed. You know, we are a very young species. The violence that formed the earth is in us, too. As the earth is mellowing, so are we as a people. Once pollution slows, we will reach a period of sustained consciousness. We have evolved as life forms from single-celled organisms to complex structures, and finally to a global brain. Employment levels will never again be as they once were, which will force a redefinition of human rights.

"We will adopt a more nurturing type of consciousness, freeing the mind for exceptional achievement. I now know that all the answers to the world's problems are just beneath the surface in US ALL. Nothing is unsolvable."



Xan 18-09-2011 02:17 AM

Sitting With Death (excerpts)

I was a very depressed person. I was not happy with my work, my girlfriend, or any other circumstances. I spent a lot of time smoking pot and drinking.

After not sleeping for 24 hours my mind began to repeat suicidal thoughts. I found my way to a local drug store and bought a family package of Benadryl, 65 tablets or so. I popped them all out of the package and proceeded to down as much as I could. I followed it with a little liquor, stayed on my sofa and thought I would just fall asleep forever. Strangely enough I can remember that moment vividly to this day.

At some point during my hallucinations I sat on my sofa and felt like I fell asleep.
I woke up looking into the distance at my wall. At this point I no longer felt that I was sleeping or alive or really awake. I was mostly confused, but I still knew I was in my apartment. From the wall I saw what looked like a black dot coming toward me. It got close very fast and became more clearly defined. As I looked closer, it had skin that was grey/white, like ash skin. It had clothing that looked like a robe that was pitch black and seemed to be deep as nothing. The feeling of nothing is also how I felt looking at this being. As I saw its face it was elongated and sunken in with some features of a skeletal face still with the same ash-like skin.

At first when I realized I was in the presence of a creature--death if you will--I was horrified, excited, sad and happy all at once. Then as quickly as the gamut of emotions, I felt completely at ease and emotionless. Then I was able to see myself sitting with Death.

I saw myself in a bubble-like thing quite impossible for me to really describe. The closest description I can think of may be like my auric bubble that was somewhat yellow. Death began to communicate with me telepathically and our conversation was instantaneous. To this day, I cannot remember what was said. I began to float upward and felt I was leaving my body. Death reached out an elongated skinny finger, not bone-like but just skinny. I sunk back into my body. I can remember Death shaking his head like saying 'no'. I still felt completely at ease while I began to fall asleep again.

As more years pass I have become Atheistic, but with the idea that what may lie beyond goes past our descriptions or definitions. Thus I am an Atheist to the beliefs of religion. The experience of death and the realistic feeling I had of it has taught me there are certainly things we know nothing about, yet one day we will. My NDE made me a better person as I grew beyond suicidal tendencies and began to concentrate on those around me more. I hope this proves helpful to readers.



Xan 18-09-2011 03:21 AM

The Essence of Life (excerpts)

I was in ICU after a bad car accident with internal injuries and bleeding.... At some point I found myself leaving my body.

My experience was completely mind and space. I didn't have any visions, but rather sensation and awareness. I went up to a dark space (I say dark even though I wasn’t seeing). There were many, many souls passing upward. It was like a train station with a lot of activity.

In this place, I was a highly enlightened being, absorbing knowledge through intuition. I understood that I was in the world of the afterlife where the soul reaches a higher level of consciousness. I dwelled for some time, absorbing knowledge and insight. I thought about many things that had happened in my life and about things that other people and I had done, especially my mentally ill mother who was abusive sometimes.

I was aware of experiencing this without judgement. I was aware that humans judge the actions of others, but that judgment is a kind of human folly. I understood that bad action is inevitable given the lower level of enlightenment of humans. I learned that the hurt from human life was not meaningful in the vast scheme. At the higher level there is no judgement; on the human level forgiveness, understanding how people behave from weakness, is what allows people to move forward.

I learned that what people think of as God is the energy of love, which binds the universe together, all life, all physics. The energy of love is the essence of life. I felt astounded and grateful to experience this state of enlightenment and to know 100% that there is only mortal death, but that the soul continues. I remember being surprised that I had ascended as an intact entity, still “me.”

Over the next 10 days of my recovery in the hospital, I felt a strong presence of one of those unearthly beings beside my bed. Although not Christian, I was surprised at thinking of this being as Jesus. I experienced an infusion of the love energy healing me quickly. I don’t remember telling anyone about my experience at the time. They wouldn’t believe me.



hawkmoth65 22-09-2011 11:21 PM

These really are fascinating Xan,not to mention moving.Death is a part of life isn't it,we are born...we die.But I find there is comfort in the testimonies,I sincerely hope there IS something after we die,and the thought of meeting loved ones again....my mum and my brother.Strangely I feel the urge to cry though :icon_frown:

Xan 23-09-2011 12:47 AM

One of the frequent reports in NDE stories is the sense of going Home, into the pure light and love in the spiritual realms. Like this earth life is just going away to school and dying here means coming home there. I sometimes feel a deep nostalgia and longing about that.


illusion 23-09-2011 07:43 AM

More from Mellon-Thomas Benedict:

One of my questions to the light was, "What is heaven?"

I was given a tour of all the heavens that have been created: the Nirvanas, the Happy Hunting Grounds, all of them. I went through them. These are thought form creations that we have created. We don't really go to heaven; we are reprocessed. But whatever we created, we leave a part of ourselves there. It is real, but it is not all of the soul.

I saw the Christian heaven. We expect it to be a beautiful place, and you stand in front of the throne, worshipping forever. I tried it. It is boring! This is all we are going to do? It is childlike. I do not mean to offend anyone. Some heavens are very interesting, and some are very boring. I found the ancient ones to be more interesting, like the Native American ones, the Happy Hunting Grounds. The Egyptians have fantastic ones. It goes on and on. There are so many of them. In each of them there is a fractal that is your particular interpretation, unless you are part of the group soul that believes in only the God of a particular religion. Then you are very close, in the same ball park together. But even then, each is a little bit different. That is a part of yourself that you leave there. Death is about life, not about heaven.


I had a descent into what you might call hell, and it was very surprising. I did not see Satan or evil. My descent into hell was a descent into each person's customized human misery, ignorance, and darkness of not-knowing. It seemed like a miserable eternity. But each of the millions of souls around me had a little star of light always available. But no one seemed to pay attention to it. They were so consumed with their own grief, trauma and misery. But, after what seemed an eternity, I started calling out to that light, like a child calling to a parent for help. Then the light opened up and formed a tunnel that came right to me an insulated me from all that fear and pain. That is what hell really is.

So what we are doing is learning to hold hands, to come together. The doors of hell are open now. We are going to link up, hold hands, and walk out of hell together.


I went over to the other side with a lot of fears about toxic waste, nuclear missiles, the population explosion, the rainforest. I came back loving every single problem. I love nuclear waste. I love the mushroom cloud; this is the holiest mandala that we have manifested to date, as an archetype. It, more than any religion or philosophy on Earth, brought us together all of a sudden, to a new level of consciousness. Knowing that maybe we can blow up the planet fifty times, or 500 times, we finally realize that maybe we are all here together now. For a period they had to keep setting off more bombs to get it in to us. Then we started saying, "We do not need this any more."

The whole experience in his own words, totally amazing:

Mellen-Thomas Benedict's Near-Death Experience

illusion 23-09-2011 08:00 AM

Before his near-death experience, Rev. Howard Storm, a Professor of Art at Northern Kentucky University, was not a very pleasant man. He was an avowed atheist and was hostile to every form of religion and those who practiced it. He often would use rage to control everyone around him and he didn't find joy in anything. Anything that wasn't seen, touched, or felt, he had no faith in. He knew with certainty that the material world was the full extent of everything that was. He considered all belief systems associated with religion to be fantasies for people to deceive themselves with. Beyond what science said, there was nothing else.

On June 1, 1985, at the age of 38, Howard Storm had a near-death experience due to a perforation of the stomach and his life was forever changed. His near-death experience is one of the most profound, if not the most profound, afterlife experience I have ever documented. His life was so immensely changed after his near-death experience that he resigned as a professor and devoted his time to attending the United Theological Seminary to become a United Church of Christ minister.

Too long to quote here, but too wonderful not to read:

Saved From Hell
Rev. Howard Storm's near-death experience

illusion 23-09-2011 08:10 AM


Originally Posted by Xan
One of the frequent reports in NDE stories is the sense of going Home, into the pure light and love in the spiritual realms. Like this earth life is just going away to school and dying here means coming home there. I sometimes feel a deep nostalgia and longing about that.


I sympathize with this so much. When I start getting too homesick I try to think about how much time and effort I probably spent preparing for and anticipating the journey to earth, how much I must have looked forward to all the joy and the sorrow and the challenge of being here. And what an honor it is to simply be alive and breathing.

Then I go eat a piece of chocolate, and remind myself that there are some things you can't do when you're dead.

Tammy 23-09-2011 11:39 AM


Originally Posted by illusion
Then I go eat a piece of chocolate, and remind myself that there are some things you can't do when you're dead.

LOVE it :D

Swingdance 23-09-2011 03:37 PM

NDE's almost always tell of the tunnel of light. Perhaps in some cultures this is already a pre ordained belief. The Tibetan Book of the Dead which is read aloud to a person dying or who had died instructs and advises the deceased in the initial journey into the afterlife. Part of which says to "follow the light" if I'm not mistaken.

rajakrsna 24-09-2011 12:24 AM

Death is birth & birth is death. Wakefulness is Sleeping & sleeping is wakefulness. When sleeping we are dead to the world of wakefulness. When are born we still can`t yet remember or have any conscious idea who we are. From birth to as far as we can remember our childhood days is what we call dreaming. Because our childhood experiences as we remember them is actually a dream then later made manifest as reality when we have grown up. The wakefulness we experience & perceive around us today is the result of what we were yesterday. The future is not made manifest until we do something today & the present we experience becomes the past, the future the present. Birth & death is but wakefulness & sleeping. When we sleep we die but awake in dreaming. In other words, if you can remember your dream last night note it down completely the scenario. That scenario is your future. If its a nightmare it can be remedied. Just do today what you postpone for tomorrow.

Xan 24-09-2011 02:32 AM

Thanks for posting this, illusion. I've been planning to post one of the hellish experiences that NDErs sometimes have, although it's only about 2%, and this is a clear perception of what's going then.

More from Mellon-Thomas Benedict:

I had a descent into what you might call hell, and it was very surprising. I did not see Satan or evil. My descent into hell was a descent into each person's customized human misery, ignorance, and darkness of not-knowing. It seemed like a miserable eternity.

But each of the millions of souls around me had a little star of light always available. But no one seemed to pay attention to it. They were so consumed with their own grief, trauma and misery. But, after what seemed an eternity, I started calling out to that light, like a child calling to a parent for help.

Then the light opened up and formed a tunnel that came right to me an insulated me from all that fear and pain. That is what hell really is.


Xan 24-09-2011 02:35 AM


Originally Posted by illusion
I sometimes feel a deep nostalgia and longing about that.

I sympathize with this so much. ...what an honor it is to simply be alive and breathing.

Then I go eat a piece of chocolate, and remind myself that there are some things you can't do when you're dead.

Yep... chocolate or sex or kittens... :smile:

For me it's only love that makes this world livable, so I go into my heart and find Home there.


rajakrsna 24-09-2011 02:45 AM


Originally Posted by Xan
Thanks for posting this, illusion. I've been planning to post one of the hellish experiences that NDErs sometimes have, although it's only about 2%, and this is a clear perception of what's going then.

More from Mellon-Thomas Benedict:

I had a descent into what you might call hell, and it was very surprising. I did not see Satan or evil. My descent into hell was a descent into each person's customized human misery, ignorance, and darkness of not-knowing. It seemed like a miserable eternity.

But each of the millions of souls around me had a little star of light always available. But no one seemed to pay attention to it. They were so consumed with their own grief, trauma and misery. But, after what seemed an eternity, I started calling out to that light, like a child calling to a parent for help.

Then the light opened up and formed a tunnel that came right to me an insulated me from all that fear and pain. That is what hell really is.


It`s in knowing the things as they are is what makes us a ZEN. Your parents Xan should have christened you Zenith or Zenaida. :hug3:

Xan 24-09-2011 02:53 AM

That's a sweet thought, rajakrsna... :smile:


rajakrsna 24-09-2011 03:54 AM


Originally Posted by Xan
That's a sweet thought, rajakrsna... :smile:



by Paramahansa Yogananda

With great devotion envoke the spirit of Christ within you. Remember, you too have been crucified. Now you are risen in Christ. You have a new birth in his consciousness. Let every cell in your body be resurrected with Christ Consciousness. Let every thought in your mind be resurrected with Christ Consciousness. Let your soul be lifted and resurrected in Christ. Fill your mind with Christ-power and wisdom. Fill your soul with Christ-bliss. Fill your body with Christ-vitality. Fill your mind with Christ-intelligence.

Christ must be felt. I want you all with the utmost devotion, to feel his presence. Fill your entire body and brain with Chirst Consciousness. Fill your heart with Christ- bliss. Behold Christ Consciousness enveloping the hills and the stars. Behold Him in the devotion of all churches. Worship Christ with the spirit of Jesus. As the Christ Consciousness was manifested in the body of Jesus, may the Christ consciousness be manifested in us, resurrecting us from disease and ignorance.

Xan 26-09-2011 12:18 AM

My Life's History Exploded into Consciousness

I was sitting in my parked car. My heart stopped beating. This happened with an intense sensation that started near my heart and rushed up my spine into my brain, where it appeared to continue out of the top of my head. It was a chaotic moment. I didn't know what had happened.

Out of this chaos came a deep state of tranquility; I experienced this incredibly intense and calm state of awareness. There was no drifting of consciousness as in the normal living state. It was an all-consuming state of awareness. I remember first becoming aware of how quiet everything had become, how incredibly quiet my reality had become.

I panicked for a moment, attempting to get up. I could not move any part of my body. I knew my heart had stopped beating and that I was dying. I understood immediately that I had no recourse but to experience my death.

My attention was drawn upward, out the top of my head into a tunnel of sort that had a bright light up in there. I could feel myself beginning to go into the tunnel.

My life's history exploded into my consciousness.
I thought I wasn't ready to go yet, I had more things to accomplish in this life, and I wanted another chance to do the things I needed to do. This light up in the tunnel turned into a lightning bolt that shot into my brain and down my spine into my heart, the most intense moment in my life.

My heart exploded with energy, beginning to beat again. The intense calm and quiet and the entire state of mind was gone with that flash of energy into my heart...
I had cardiovascular problems for quite a few years afterward, but I have rebuilt my cardiovascular health in the years since.

My experience is unique in my life's memories. Nothing in my life approaches that experience. It stands alone for what it was to me. Those thoughts about more to do in my life before I go have been with me every step of the way in all the years since. If I ever doubt the reason I am here doing what I do, I think of that moment.



Xan 26-09-2011 12:41 AM

All is Everything, Everything is One

I had a ruptured ectopic pregnancy. [During the surgery] I entered a dark channel, a corridor, a tunnel, a canal... I saw my entry into the world, one memory after another as distinct and as clear as if each were really happening. Most things were pleasant to see, some things made me very embarrassed.

In fact, revulsion and guilt took away any good feelings, making me so very sorry for certain things I had said or done. I hadn't just seen what I had done, but I felt and knew the repercussions of my actions. I felt the injury or pain of those who suffered because of my selfish or inappropriate behavior.... I was being pounded with the fears, pain, injuries, and anger I had caused in others, and the repercussions that had been passed on and on. I literally turned inside myself and as if going through a cleansing, turned outright again. These things were all behind me now, but I would know them and be with this knowledge.

I knew that all knowledge was in a structure with an enormous stairwell that went on forever up and to my left.... As I waited, I remembered what I had forgotten, which was everything. I was astonished at the simplicity of why, what, who, where...all of it. I knew it all. I remember thinking that it is so weird that we don't remember any of it on the other side.

I got excited to return, and thought how much I wanted to remember the knowledge, so I could explain it to others, ease fears of death, and inspire goodness. I thought... I would think of some words that perfectly described the knowledge in it's simplest form, and then remember the words. Then I'd associate the words and remember the knowledge. I came up with perfect words, "all is everything, everything is one".



Miss Hepburn 26-09-2011 01:06 AM

Just found this thread - since I think I have read every book and 100 NDE stories
and am an active member on an NDE Forum, plus read most books on reincarnation, past-life regressions, medium contacts with the Other Side, etc - to answer the topic question:
"What do we know about Death from Near Death Experiences?"

I'd say we could compare what we know from NDEs to knowing what a house is like by entering the foyer (and maybe peeking into the first room).
My opinion.

Xan 26-09-2011 01:11 AM

Well... at least the foyer is entered. :smile:

I later wished I had named the thread "What do we know about Death and Live from Near Death Experiences?"


Miss Hepburn 26-09-2011 01:26 AM


Originally Posted by Xan
Well... at least the foyer is entered. :smile:


You betcha! Imagine what could be beyond !

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