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twinkle77 06-09-2015 07:26 AM

Marr-ied and met twin flame - advice needed
Hi all

i was wondering if there were people out there in my situation? I know there is a force that brings you and your twin flame together and you will meet them if you're supposed to no matter what.

We both belong to a health club and i know he realised the connection way before i did...maybe when we first saw each other almost a year ago..with me the realization hit me about 3 months ago...then all the signs started...at the moment i keep seeing signs such as 11 on number plates, 11:11 on clocks, sometimes i'll see 11:11 on the clock and i'll look and see him and i hear/see his name everywhere. I can't stop thinking about him. At the club when we talk it's just hi and bye and small chitchat here or there.

Last week i could feel the tension building between us and i really felt like he wanted to talk to me but he couldn't..we kept looking at each other as we passed by each other and kind of kept ignoring each other...it truly is like a magnet...you can't stop looking/searching for them when they are not around.

Anyway, i went up to him to ask him if he wanted to talk about something as he kept hovering around me really really nervously..he said he did but he wasn't ready to/couldn't at that moment..

Then next day he started talking like there was no tension and he was ok again...so basically i feel like i broke the ice between us..and we will be more comfortable now..

i know what will happen next, he will want to be friends etc and i am worried to go to that next level..because yes i know he has strong feelings for me, and i am developing them too...i have been told to be open and stay balanced and let everything flow freely but it's not really that easy right?

They say you meet your twin when you are ready and are meant to meet them and you meet them because you are deserving finally of all that love, joy and bliss...

but what happens when you are married? You are not supposed to be with them if you are married?

Thanks for listening - i am sure there are loads of you in my situation and can help to guide me in the right direction..

scotch 06-09-2015 07:38 AM

hello twinkle .... thank you for sharing your story :hug2:

well....actually i am kind of same situation. :angel8:

I thought I need to follow my heart .....I wish you a lot of strength though x

loulou1986 06-09-2015 10:10 AM

Run for the hills.
I met mine last year, we were both married.
That is the advice id give myself if i could travel back in time.
Run run run!!!

Sabine 06-09-2015 10:00 PM

I'm in a similar situation. My situation is very complicated. I met my near twin and TF at the same time. Both near twin and TF are married. So am I. My marriage is on the rock from the beginning. My husband is a karmic soul mate. We made a commitment and he didn't keep his words with. I tried so hard and I'm to a point where he has said awful things to me I'm completely shut down with him. I had to fight time to spend with him and fight for him to spend time with his own year and a half daughter.

I met my near twin at an event my TF was holding a party for his daughter who was getting married. I thought my near twin was my TF at first in part to what an astrologer said until he,saw my TF chart. I told the astrolger I felt my TF was it. There was a mutual strong emotional connection to TF versus near twin. I love them both but the near twin was a remebered past life feeling. Near twin is 33 years older than me. TF is 24 years apart from me. My close friends know I have a strong aversion to older men so my attraction to these two men are highly unusual. My feelings for near twin is fondness but he's emotionally distant with me. My TF on the other hand, we just feel this overwhelming feeling of love and extreme sexual desire for each other. Like we want to merge with each other. He was attracted to me from first meeting two years ago. I paid no attention to any other men because I had the mindset when I'm married it was done. I have always been a faithful person.

But my husband has pushed me beyond my limits with his violent outbursts (destroying properties) and lack of contribution to raising our daughter. He had past histories of addiction and breaking the law but I believe in people's abilities to make positive changes. He has a lot of enabler around him. I don't believe in that. Communication is extremely poor with him also.

So it's only around the recent three months I realized my TF is my TF. He's unhappy in his marriage, staying with his wife because she loves him he said and in part he's afraid of the fall out with his older daughters. But we can't seem to stay away from each other physically like we needed to merge. She is the type to keep,a tight leash on him. Somehow I'm the only one who can turn him on. I told him I was leaving my marriage. I had told my husband also before anything ever happen with TF. He fought to keep us stay in misery. Marriage counseling didn't work because his priority is with video gaming live online versus time dedicated to his wife and child. And it's extremely miserable not being able to communicate when you're a communicator.

I don't know what your situation is in your marriage, but if you are happy in it I say work on your marriage. I used to believe in no divorce until this hell hole of a marriage I'm in changed my marriage. You must do what is right for your soul growth not what convention tells us. The social norms are there to keep people in line because it's what make people feel comfortable. I feel more married to my TF than the one I signed a legal document with.

My situation is not ideal. I rather he and I divorced our legal spouses before anything happened between us, but nothing is ever cut and dry in life for me. I'm usually very honest about my feelings and thoughts but I can't share it openly. I wanted to discuss my feelings of attractio for another man with the one I'm married but I can't even do that. And with past relationships, if I feel attraction to another person while I'm in a relationship it's a sign to me that it wasn't meant to be and let go of the relationship and remain friends with my exes. My legal husband told me if I ever leave him he'll never speak to me even though we have a child together.

I feel the love my TF and I have can help to add unconditional love to the world of we ever come together to stay instead of having to steal moments to be together. I dreamt of meeting my TF since I was a little girl. Intuitively I knew what race he was supposed to be also. So when I realized who he was it totally made sense to me.

Sabine 07-09-2015 01:15 AM

Double post

scotch 07-09-2015 06:19 PM

wow...Sabine.....thank you for your open words...... :hug2:

I wrote a bit earlier that I am in a similar situation, but I realized, that I can't write that easy about it. I guess because in my surroundings I have heard so much critics about me making a decision agains my husband and for my soulmate.

bmxbandit 08-09-2015 12:34 AM

left a private message for you.


Sabine 08-09-2015 12:45 AM

Scotch...I'm so glad you appreciate what I wrote. It was really difficult for me because as you said there are a lot of critical people. I don't care anymore. Your choices are between you and the Divine (if you believe in a Divine or Divines). You need to make choices that ring true to your spirit. I used to be a stickler for keeping it cut and dry.

My whole experience has changed my perspective on things. The Universe tend to do that to me. Like last night, my mother in law came to lecture me and my "husband" about selfish we are. She was there to lecture me most of all because I'm not willing to near and grin like she did. She was previously divorced and expect me to stay in a marriage that is not a marriage.

I understand that my so called " husband" and I have a child together, but dude barely spend time with her. Like today is Labor Day and he's no where to be found. Not home to spend time with his daughter. His mom made the excuse he works hard on his feet all day so that should count for something. I asked her if a man working a job is what it mea,s to be a father. Her husband was absent in my husband's life. No way in he'll I'm okay with that. My needs are as valid as his and my daughter's need to be accounted for also. Anyway, conversation with her and him last night strengthen my resolve to leave and after my conversation with her I don't give a flying fig what she and other think. Sometimes you have to be your own advocate when no one else will.

I was also a career woman. I made a choice to leave my career so we can be a family. Now he's begrudging me for staying home with my daughter. It's hard work to raise a child. I didn't think I was going to raise my daughter alone in a marriage. I didnt want to be a single mom but ironically I ended up one anyhow while legally married.

Marriage shouldn't be what's written on a legal document t but two souls committed to want to be in the relationship. There are still archaic ideas about what marriage stands for. Too many hypocrites preaching what marriage is. It's nauseating.

I hope you find your peace and happiness. You deserve the best love for yourself.

scotch 08-09-2015 04:47 AM

Sabine, thank you for your warmhearted words :hug2:

I am married and I have two children even. Because of him we moved several times to different cities. All my life I was working, but he did not want me to work...be there only for the children. I never felt so lonely in these cities. He did not take care for me....only critics ("he has seen better housewifes").
...shorten my story a bit :angel8: : I met my soulmate and I finaly left my family......as far to go travel to a different country. You wont believe how many people, friends and even family members were judeing me....especially my sister. She is not merried, she has no children, and I kind of destroyed her believe in the holy family. I am learning not to listen to all these people. A woman is not allowed to leave her so called husband. Listening to sentance like, he is a good guy....he is working hard.....etc...
but he was not there for me. I am not divorced yet....but working on it...saving up money for it. I made the choice for my soulmate.
WEll.....twinkle asked for advice.....I dont know how your husband is to you, how your relation ship is....I would give you the advise....to listen to your heart :angel8:

CrystalSong 08-09-2015 04:59 AM


Originally Posted by twinkle77
Hi all

They say you meet your twin when you are ready and are meant to meet them and you meet them because you are deserving finally of all that love, joy and bliss...

but what happens when you are married? You are not supposed to be with them if you are married?

Thanks for listening - i am sure there are loads of you in my situation and can help to guide me in the right direction..

Whoever this 'they' are who says its because you are finally deserving of joy and bliss should be seriously reprimanded. Not that you aren't deserving of it, you are as are we all. But to tie that in with the tf things is Wrong in my opinion, because you might now potentially justify blowing off your husband and marriage because you believe this 'tf' mythology is your well earned reward or something.
It's a line of thinking which is destructive in a large number of cases and an invitation to walk the hell realms first hand.

If I were you I would never return to that health club, try every thing you can to not think of him anymore and put everything you've got into rekindling your marriage, the man you promised your heart to be faithful too through good times and bad.
Balls in your court now, are you gonna keep your promise to him or let it all fall apart due to a guy in the gym who's making eyes at you around the same time as something named a Twin Flame was a wildly popular concept among certain social circles?

You don't want where this heads if you loose sight of the guy you married.

And forget this TF modern mythology. It breaks hearts and ruins marriages. The majority of these stories end in unrequited love and years of heart ache for all people involved.
Run the other way.

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