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Serenity69 09-04-2018 01:48 PM

Time Travel
In The Year 2043 We Will Be Able To Visit Any Part Of The Galaxy

Spiritictus 25-11-2018 01:05 PM

In an instant? Wouldn't that mean having dominion over the space-time fabric itself then?

Lepus 08-12-2018 12:28 AM


I'm waiting for next year around January to see whether a proclaimed time traveler is telling the truth. He made a list of predictions starting from January through the whole year of next year. If his first prediction is true then he's not bluffing but in the meantime I'm still doubting his predictions especially claiming to come from the future via time travel.

I've heard about visiting any parts of the galaxy. Did they mentioned teleportation?


SeekerOfKnowledge 08-12-2018 04:58 AM

There was an experiment. Money was saved on a special account so that in the far future when they have the technology the money could used to build a time machine and send somebody back to December 12, 2012, location was somewhere in Australia. No time traveler appeared, but there were strange lights and such. The project still exists, forgot the name.

Would be interesting to see if the "predictions" (which would be history for somebody from the future) are right. Is there a link?

I have heard a theory about "wormholes" which are like shortcuts or tunnels so that you could reach points far away without having to teleport or the need to reach light speed or higher which would be impossible anyway.

Lepus 08-12-2018 07:59 PM


I wouldn't bother watching the video. I've found the video after going through a link on a website consisting paranormal topics and news. The story of the time traveler was at the top page so I clicked on the link to read it. The page took me to a video on YouTube where this guy claims to arrive from the future through time travel further going on what will happen next year. Most of his predictions take place in the USA but he has discussed the future of several countries outside the USA.

His first prediction is in January where a huge spike of UFOS will be visible to the masses. On February, there will be a massive snow storm in the mid-west. In April the first robotic eye will be made for any blind person to finally gain sight. And in somewhere around summer an implanted chip would allow those who are handicapped walk again. He mentioned Trump winning second term for presidency in 2020.

He also mentioned that the west coast and east coast will be submerged in water due to the rising waters. In Florida as well. I've actually read this before somewhere in an article but I don't recall where, it was a long time ago, unfortunately. This would happen around 2028-2030.

I mentioned teleporation because I did read that panels would be made to teleport humans to far locations including other planets. Of course, humans will need to have dominion over those locations.


SeekerOfKnowledge 08-12-2018 08:12 PM

Thanks a lot for listing the predictions, Lepus!
Will be interesting to see if anything of this will happen during the next months...

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