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Serana Windw 20-09-2017 03:42 AM

Shamanic ritual?
I don't know what it was exactly but I think is linked with astral projection or a out of body experience.

I was lying in a bed in my basement. It was not the bed I usually slept in but I couldn't get access to my room who is in a upper floor. I was lying on my back.

I was really stressed out at the time. I think it was in the morning. I was lying because I haven't slept very well for days and I was tired.

At one moment my body felt really strange. Hi don't know how to described it but it was definitively not normal. My visual perceptions began too be blurred. I was not totally sure if I was still in my room. It was like I was in two places at once. Sometimes, I saw a big sky over my head like I was on the outside. I began to ear people whispering in my ears. Like some sort of shamanic incantations. I felt that I was begining to fly. My head was still on the ground but my legs were attracted toward the sky like the sky wanted to attract me but my head and lower back cannot do it. I was kind of scared but not terrorized. After a while, it just stop. And I regained my everyday consciousness.

Luchiha 22-09-2017 11:19 PM

Seems like it was all of the above, a message from someone, you might have to do some digging yourself to find out the meaning... It could be any array of things, from a sign to look into shamanism to a sign that you will have more experiences such as this in order to understand the message.

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