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Lynn 05-10-2010 04:58 PM

Question on Atlantis and Lemuria and MORE WONDER's
Questions about Atlantis and Lemuria
Can tangible evidence of for the existence of Atlantis be found in the World today ?
It is said to be in many places around the World one newer theory is off the coast of Florida ?
Where do ye think it is / or do ye think it even exists to be found ?
I have to wonder if it was maybe here for a time but not created by the “men” that are of the Earth but of a civilization that visited our Earth. I do not feel we are alone in the existence we are that we have had visits from other Worlds that have lead us on a path.
If Atlantis did exist then how long do ye think it existed for ?

How do ye view the existence of something or some place ?

It could well be that ye see it as being a physical living and thriving city, or it could be that ye see it as existing as we still talk on it and have knowledge of it.

When does something start and stop in existence ?

Is it when the last person there leaves or dies off or it when there is no one left to remember it ?

Was there a continent of Lemuria ?

Is it possible that there is a lost continent one that sank to the Ocean bottom?

We do know that the Earth has plates that move so could this have maybe sunk an Island continent ?

Many claim to have past lives memories to this place but is it
Real or something one wants to be real ?


Chrysaetos 05-10-2010 05:56 PM

Have you read Plato's Timaeus, Critias en Republic?
Socrates was concerned with the ideal state. Atlantis, for all we know, could be made up.

Was Plato's cave a real place as well? No, it was an allegory.

It's also possible Atlantis was a combination of this ''ideal state'' and real events (Santorini).
Santorini gets as close as it gets if you're looking for an explanation.

All the other worldwide 'structures' under the sea are either natural, or not well investigated. If Atlantis was elsewhere we should see traces and stories elsewhere about it.

All the channelled messages are based on culture that is already familiar with Plato's account. So the one that receives these channelled messages already has beliefs prior to the experience. If Plato never wrote it down, we all would never heard the name Atlantis. Makes sense to me at least.

Lemuria is supposed to have been a continent, which is geologically impossible. Unless of course it was some place many millions of years ago, which is not supported as humans were not around yet.

Sorry if this may come across as harsh, but I see no point in believing in these old myths (same as El Dorado, Eden). If there were such places on earth, there would be evidence. And also important, we would have many traces and myths elsewhere about it. But there is not, despite some people cleverly using river flood tales (which many tribal people have experienced) as proof of Atlantis or Noach, which is of course preposterous.

Summerland 05-10-2010 10:28 PM

Lynn, my first memory of Atalantis was when I was 7 years old. It was a very detailed memory and VERY heartbreaking; things a 7 year old should know nothing about. I lived in a VERY, VERY smal town in Missouri and would have had no way of hearing or knowing anything about a lost continent from 10,000 years ago. I have had memories since then and still have very strong ties to Atlantis. It was my home.:hug3:

Roselove 05-10-2010 11:17 PM

i think they have found evidence but are still determing exact locations a couple I can think of off top my head are bermuda triangle and bermini road..

I haven't really studied it much in depth.. Crystalinks is a great site to check out for more information.. From what I know Atlatnis was sunk by the Gods or entities playing God but not everyone died in the flood some jumped paradigms and survived moved to another dimenision . The reason given for the sinking ego, abuse of power etc. there are numerous stories about two seperate brotherhoods one dark one light (see Thoth's tablets) same story as the true Eden (bible was taken from ancient sumerian mythology) but i disagree with this personally i feel Atlantis was sunk due to the civilization figuring out their true orgins, gaining power etc. realzing we are all part of the divine, all equal, all God!

seekseek 05-10-2010 11:37 PM

lynn:could you share any details of your memories at seven?

nephesh 07-10-2010 08:01 PM

I do think Atlantis existed. I have always been intrigued by it for as long as I can remember. I think it was around for thousands of years that just a feeling I get and not based on any “scientific” evidence.

I only recently learned of Lemuria but I am open to the possibility that it existed as well. I recently got a book on Atlantis and Lemuria and look forward to reading it.

Greenslade 07-10-2010 11:30 PM

I have some very clear memories of Atlantis and have had visions of me being there. I remember one vision very clearly that was echoed by Carole Chapman in her book. She described a scene through her eyes and I saw that very same scene through mine - quite a while before I read her book. That's enough to make anyone wonder. I've also finished off tales that other people have began with "You're going to think I'm crazy but....." I don't believe in coincidences, and when people have the very same memories without a single mention from me there has to be something there.

Atlantis was supposed to have been in about a dozen geographical locations, can all of them be correct? Supposing there was a nuclear holocaust tomorrow, and in two thousand years' time an archaeologist fond a coke machine in the Andes, would they think they had found America? If the tales of Atlantis are true, would they have confined themselves to a small corner of the globe? I doubt it.

That's about how I remember it, Rosewater - close to anyway.

You might also find this interesting - http://www.goldenageproject.org.uk/genesis.php

The Sumerians tell of a race of people who 'came from the east' and essentially gave them civilisation. Alternative Genesis happened in the Tigris/Euphrates valley.

Roselove 08-10-2010 12:24 AM

I'm not sure what your talking about greenslade. sumerian creation talks about entities from another planet (tablets had carvings/drawings of the aliens creating humans), this is what was translated from the tablets.. The Sumerian Gods created "Adamu" that was Adam. Apple represents spirtual knowledge which the snake wanted us to have i.e. EA and the other brother, one wanted us to have spirtual knowledge the other didn't..The word elohim (sp?) was a mistranslation, it doesn't mean God but those that came from the sky.. in the Bible there are several phrases where God is refered to as plural i.e. "lets make man in our own image" etc etc

Zagacat 08-10-2010 01:18 AM

Wow Summerland, I too would love to hear your accounts of your Atlantian memories. As for me, I know nothing more than the edgar Cayce readings that I study. I am so intregued and most of the cayce prophesies resonate with me strongly. Everything he has to say about atlantis makes sense to me and as time draws on seems to be falling into place.

inspirit 08-10-2010 01:23 AM

I watched a documentary once about some men that were using sonar at the bottom of the Mediterranean Sea and found a long wall with a right angle in it about a mile under water. They presumed that they had found "Atlantis."

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