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Evangeline 77 04-01-2019 09:27 PM

Can I heal my past by rewriting it?
I had a painful, lonely childhood, my teenage years were not better either and my adult life was a result of my bad experience.

I have been thinking what if I would rewrite my past? Maybe start a diary with "memories" I would love to have or alternative endings of the things that happened to me.

Is this a good idea at all? Could this heal me a bit or pointless?

Sum number 04-01-2019 10:27 PM

Shucking memories is like hard work. Any body that has the gift to do this act is just a mortal.

Jefferson 05-01-2019 08:07 AM

Try writing them down as you remember them. Don't hold anything back. That would be more cathartic.


Originally Posted by Evangeline 77
I had a painful, lonely childhood, my teenage years were not better either and my adult life was a result of my bad experience.

I have been thinking what if I would rewrite my past? Maybe start a diary with "memories" I would love to have or alternative endings of the things that happened to me.

Is this a good idea at all? Could this heal me a bit or pointless?

OEN34 05-01-2019 09:15 AM

Yes, I truly believe writing can be a form of healing for sure.

Let it flow naturally when pen touches paper. Try not to think of what to write, but instead see what comes out from within.

Heatherkey 05-01-2019 10:53 AM

When I was a child, I use to dream up alternate endings to situations that couldnt be changed. I think it helped by reminding me that there are alternate possibilities, therefore, the next time I came across a similar situation, I was open to the possibility of an alternate ending. It also provided respite and a bit of escapism, which is useful in the short term.
As an adult, it has at times provided me with a positive outlook and a dream to aim for, and perhaps it has been a crutch to help me through some really tough times. But it has also made me slower to accept that something bad has happened and thats just the way it is, because I hang on to the positive dream that a situation can be fixed.

Having said all that, Im 45 now and when I do look back at my past self, I could never have believed that the healing and the changes its brought, were even possible. So although, its easy in hindsight to say when this method might have helped or hindered me on my journey - I think trusting your intuition to try the methods that come to you, will take you on the healing journey that works for you as an individual.

linen53 05-01-2019 07:20 PM


Originally Posted by Evangeline 77
Is this a good idea at all? Could this heal me a bit or pointless?

What a neat idea. Write your life how you wanted it to be. Loving, supportive family, tons of friends in school, excelling in your academics, loads of fun with theater or sports. Give it your all.

7luminaries 07-01-2019 01:09 PM

It sounds like it could genuinely help.
You could imagine the best on paper and then realise that the reality may have sometimes had moments of kindness or decency amidst the harsher day-to-day reality. In even your worst times (childhood, teens), you may have experienced a joy in this existence, a taste of what may come when you are able to better nurture and surround yourself with kindness and respect.

Some folks are genuinely nice or kind to most folks and many others are nice if you are nice to them. Others see people and situations as things to be used to their advantage.

Generally, it is healthy to have standards of kindness as well as respect & courtesy for those in your life as an adult. You don't have to associate with parents much or at all, if they cannot meet these minimum standards, which are reasonable. Likewise, for the rest of your life...put a focus, a premium, on kindness and respect...and go to and be with those people and places and those areas where you are accepted and treated well.

The key is that you have to find out for yourself where to draw your line at minimum decency, minimum kindness, and minimum respect or regard. You may not have had good models to show you that by example or by their treatment of you. You may need to set the bar much higher on kindness and respect than you have experienced...and you need to protect yourself and walk away when you are not receiving the bare minimum of human decency.

Writing about your ideal personal narrative for your childhood, teens, etc., can help you better understand where those "lines in the sand" are moving forward, i.e. how you think it should be and needs to be...and IMO that is where the healing will continue :hug2:

Peace & blessings :hug3:

indefinable 07-01-2019 04:01 PM

it's just foreign energy, let it go

Native spirit 07-01-2019 04:05 PM

Writting things down and getting it off your chest is always a good idea another way is to write it down and burn it.you cant control the past but you do for the future. do an affimation every morning for positivity that should help also


Sapphirez 08-01-2019 03:44 AM

You might be interested in trying EFT - Emotional Freedom Technique, which is a simple yet profound technique that helps rewire your brain and being basically.. it's even got scientific research behind it, including showing how it helps heal or reorganize the brain better. but anyways it can help you resolve ill feelings towards your past or current unwanted feelings. there's also a slew of variations of it, my favorite book was about one called Emotional Self Management, book titled Instant Emotional Healing. and there's also another variation called Matrix Reimprinting which probably involves more of what you are talking about doing. but either way, my wise friend that does EFT type healing professionally says that writing or journaling through the process is very important, so I would suggest you to look around and check out EFT and try it for yourself along with your desire to write a better life. There are lots of youtube videos and forums and sites online about EFT. Look through a few people or places til you find one(s) that you feel most aligned with. it is something you can do completely by yourself though, but it helps to watch others' videos to get an idea of the premise and method of doing it. and in my opinion the more creativity and unique spins that you add to a healing technique, the better it can potentially work

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