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Redchic12 17-04-2024 11:22 AM

Dr Greer
Brilliant short video from Dr. Greer. Very very interesting.


Would love to hear your comments

Klaatu24 19-04-2024 01:40 AM

Great to see a recent video of Dr. Greer! :smile:

I'm inclined to agree with what he says. Because ages ago I saw him talk twice at UFO conferences. The last time I saw him, there were two ETs over on the left from where I was sitting. They were standing against the wall of the conference room. A third, a young ET was going around sitting quietly on different people's laps! The people seemed like they didn't notice him at all. (In Earth years, he was probably around 6 or 7?) He'd sit on their laps for a few minutes then walked really quickly and switched to someone else's lap. It was so hard to focus on Dr. Greer, because I kept glancing at the young ET.

Then the young ET looked at me and thought "I remember you." And he sat on my lap! (I didn't remember him though.) I wanted to put my arms around him, or at least rub his back because he seemed so sweet, but I didn't because I was sitting in the audience and thought it'd look too strange to anyone else who might see. So, I tried lifting my right arm astrally and rubbed his back softly a lot, but I don't know if this worked or if he felt it. But I definitely kept glancing at him a lot and kept smiling at him. Hopefully, he caught my good vibes for him. He seemed very quiet in his mind and just sat there looking ahead, I assumed at other people. After sitting with me for a few minutes he went to someone else.

The two ETs over on the left -- one was tall (maybe around 7 feet tall -- am not exactly sure) and seemed to be a male. The other one seemed to be female and was smaller (maybe around 4 feet), and had a lot of gorgeous white hair. Got the feeling that they worked with Dr. Greer (but I'm not 100 percent sure).

I really like seeing Dr. Greer talk. He described in one of the talks about how he began working with the ETs.

Since I saw the ETs there at his talk, I'm very inclined to believe what he says.

Redchic12 19-04-2024 08:23 AM

Klaatu. Thanks so much for your feedback.

Wow what a great experience for you. Sounds brilliant. I would love to go to one of his conferences or outside meditations but America is just too far for me to travel to nowadays with all the hassles with flights, boarding and queuing. Just couldn’t handle that anymore. If he decides to come to Australia then I’ll be the first to sign up! Lol

Yes I’ve been following Dr Greer for a few years now and I really think he is the “real deal”.

I really hope that more people can wake up and see what the Governments have been hiding from us all and then as a collective perhaps we can demand changes.

Free energy and the med beds are the biggest loss for mankind as they could have prevented a lot of pollution on this planet and saved a lot of lives as well. Fifty years withholding this information is criminal IMO

I just hope Dr Greer is successful in getting the Government to disclose this information.

Klaatu24 24-04-2024 06:54 AM

That'd be fantastic if Dr. Greer would give a talk or one of his contacting ET sessions in Australia! (I forgot what he calls the ET contacting sessions, and am not sure if he still does them.) If he has a "how to contact" him on his webpage or something, maybe you could suggest he visit Australia.

It sure seems that parts of governments are so strongly against people finding out about ETs and contacting them, and accepting their help with the environment.

Redchic12 24-04-2024 08:10 AM

Klaatu. I did ask him if he intended to come to Australia anytime soon and was told that they were not.

Bit of a shame really because he would have thousands of people attending here.

Klaatu24 27-04-2024 03:43 AM

So sorry to read that Australia's not on the map for Dr. Greer! But since you asked "anytime soon" -- hopefully that means sometime in the future he'll be headed your way. I'm sure you all have tons of amazing UFO sightings already!

If you want to, you could always meditate, or just think of the ETs when you're calm, and send love or gratitude towards them. They may or may not respond (they're usually super busy whenever I try this). But at least they'll have more good vibes heading their way (which they may not be getting too much of from us on Earth right now).

entenmanns 09-07-2024 07:01 PM

I honestly Did not trust. Greer.
Some things he said. seemed over the top but all these months later, I scarily believe him.

SapphireBlue 15-09-2024 01:01 AM

This must be the latest documentary. I've seen I think 4 of his other ones. I remember one where he was "outting" every government official/authority that was trying to stop and stonewall him. He said all this stonewalling has put humanity back a hundred years (a lot of the secretiveness has to do with reverse engineering of their technology and humanity trying to weaponise it which to me contradicts their messages over the years, particularly the number of school sightings and what children have relayed from their interactions with the ETs).
I didn't watch Dr Greer's conference last year but I know he was trying to get funds for a huge world wide database and looking for some tech people to help with that.

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