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ArtisticAthlete 05-01-2013 10:32 PM

Quitting Job --> Attracting a New Job
Hi All,

I have a dilemma--I strongly dislike (I'm trying to refrain from using the "H" word) my current job. It's starting to severely depress me (withdrawn, losing interests in activities, drinking more, etc.) and I know it's my fault for accepting the job so I've learned my lesson. I've identifies why I accepted it, which work environments would fit my personality, etc. So, now, I want a new one and I've read that when you want something new, you should create room for it. Does that mean I should quit my job to make space for a new one I'd enjoy?

Seriously, the thought of me having to go back to work brings tears to my eyes. (I'm a teacher so we're on break but school starts on Monday.) I've been looking for a new job since the first week of school but no luck. I spent the entire break looking for a new job but no luck. This is my first year teaching but I already know this isn't for me--the school and my students need someone who's passionate about teaching.


ArtisticAthlete 05-01-2013 10:40 PM

I tried to edit my OP but it wouldn't work. I just wanted to say that I've been trying to think positive about the situation and, perhaps, that barely got me through the first semester... I just know I won't make it another semester. And, it's just because I don't belong there. This is not my lot in life and I feel like I'm going against the path I'm supposed to be on.
For a passionate teacher, it's a great work environment, small classes, supportive parents and administration, etc--a teacher's dream!

Belle 06-01-2013 10:26 AM

I feel your pain.

I'm temping but unbearably unhappy. Monday's fill me with the glum, and so on. Yet, I need to eat, I can't walk away.

There is a healing of the self that needs to happen whereby you transform your perception - yes it's vile but it's better than no work. And whether it's a necessary evil, with your heart not in the role so you can dedicate your heart to other things in your life - is that a way of thinking for the meanwhile.

But how you open the doors to the nextness - well I'm scratching my head on that somewhat as well.

I have made it clear in my job that I feel trapped beyond belief and have turned down opportunities to make my intention clear to the people at work and that's scary - it's like shooting myself in the foot and I feel every situation is different so that might not be right for you. But where - where to go ?

But start to dip your toe in the big unknown and trust.

ArtisticAthlete 06-01-2013 09:57 PM

Hi Belle,

What do you mean you've turned down every opportunity to make yourself clear? At my job everyone already knows I don't like teaching. I don't put on a sour face but I give them honest answers when they ask me, "So, how are you liking it?" Most of them say they're shocked b/c I'm always smiling... All b/c I'm smiling--and trying to stay positive--doesn't mean I like coming to work. Lol.

And yes, I need to transform my perception but it's hard--I don't want to be there for another, entire semester. I'm someone who likes to put their all into a job and I can't put my all into teaching b/c I have no desire to do so. I thought I would before accepting the job...

I just want to know how I should go about attracting a new job? I seem to be able attract new jobs when I'm unemployed, but when I'm employed, it's much harder. That's why I wondering if I should make room in my life? Hhhmmm.

Belle 06-01-2013 10:32 PM

Hi - I've not turned down every opportunity - but I've rejected a couple of long term bookings - I explained that I didn't want to stay there indefinitely, that being there I felt trapped, that I don't like the company, etc and I have said that several times since I've been there. I have accepted one short term booking of a week. There is a meeting to discuss me tomorrow - one I will be present at and I am not clear on what I want to say but I know I will speak my truth.

But it's all taking a new angle and I feel that perhaps a complete career change, to go full-blown into the psychic world but I have no training or qualifications.

There is this big question mark in my head as to how I get from A to B.

It's really tough and troubling.

ArtisticAthlete 06-01-2013 10:39 PM

Ah, I see...

Well, there's a big question mark in my head too. How to get from A to B... But I'm not sure what B should be. Only time will tell, I guess.

Career troubles = The story of my life. So much for thinking you'd grow out of it and eventually know what you "want to be when you grow up".

Somnia 07-01-2013 12:04 AM

Are you financially able to quit your job? If so then go ahead and quit if it's affecting you so strongly. If not, then you can create space in your mind and heart for a new job instead of creating new space by quitting your job. You need to look at your financial needs at this moment. Focus on the things that you "need" to get by and in the mean time, focus your energy on finding another job while working the one you already have.

ArtisticAthlete 07-01-2013 12:11 AM

Hi Somnia,

No, I'm not financially able to quit my job; it'd be a risk that's tempting. I don't know how to create the positive energy that's needed to attract a new job when there's negative energy due to having to go to work everyday. That said, I've heard I'm an empath so I guess that makes things harder? I don't know how to explain it but there's always this feeling of, "I have to get away from here!" when I'm in the classroom. It's just a weird feeling that's not justified by my surroundings b/c everyone is extremely kind at work...

Belle 07-01-2013 06:37 AM

AA that's pretty much how I am at the mo - in this position by necessity and desperate to get out and trying to work out what that looks like and the question of how to create the right energy confounds me.

John32241 07-01-2013 11:15 AM


Originally Posted by ArtisticAthlete
Hi Somnia,

No, I'm not financially able to quit my job; it'd be a risk that's tempting. I don't know how to create the positive energy that's needed to attract a new job when there's negative energy due to having to go to work everyday. That said, I've heard I'm an empath so I guess that makes things harder? I don't know how to explain it but there's always this feeling of, "I have to get away from here!" when I'm in the classroom. It's just a weird feeling that's not justified by my surroundings b/c everyone is extremely kind at work...


There are a lot of very good people teaching a great deal of unproductive educational information. That energy to flee by escaping your circumstances is very understandable.

You are most likely the kind of teacher that the children so desperately need to have at this time. May I ask what kind of work you envisioned for yourself as a young child?


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