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Holly 15-12-2015 05:04 PM

Done with the New Age
I'm done with the new age movement. It was fine when I still enjoyed mentally examining life, spirit and morality ad infinitum searching for truth but not anymore.

The downside to the new age is the consensus of belief can make it very hard for people to believe in their right to become enlightened ALL ON THEIR OWN. No angels, channels, psychics, spiritual practises, "raising of vibration" or beliefs in Gods involved!

So many contradictions in the new age community, and no centralisation. People are basically making their own God, their own religion - which is fine, but then they go and argue about who's right! Ugh. Exhausting. I did it too, and I'm relieved to say it was just a learning phase and I can no longer be bothered.

I've said it (and practised it long before I came to this site or encountered new age philosophy) - the only thing you need to become enlightened, is meditation. That's it. Nothing else.

Enlightenment states are very easy. Half the stuff the New Age philosophy puts in your mind is just overcomplication and actually an obstacle to achieving self awareness.

Just my random pre-christmas 2 pence.

CrystalSong 15-12-2015 05:38 PM

LOL I feel like a broken record sometimes saying "Meditate". 'You'll find that answer in Meditation', 'meditation will get you to the place to have that ability', 'meditate', 'meditate', meditate!

We must be on different definitions of what New Age is. I do suppose there's many of them out there.

The first 3 years of my awakening I was traveling a lot all over America and internationally too going where Spirit led me and met many people, most would claim themselves New Age, if anything at all , and very few of them had ever had a guru other than their Higher Self or some Guides that were with them for a while.

They would all agree that meditation is the KEY to practically everything - or at least learning that instant mental shift so that one can always hear Angels/Guides/HS. Many no longer needed to meditate daily and lived instead in an on-going walking meditation state.
Almost all of them had psychic abilities - usually numerous ones, all believed in some form of Creator/Divinity/All that IS, and all of them were of the opinion that no one could do it for anyone else - each had to go Within to find the Divine and establish relationship with it and to discover the true nature of the self.

They were also very careful to say things like 'for me', 'in my experience', how I learned that..' and so on as to them each path was unique and while their advice or sharing of experience might be illuminating for another in that such things could happen, that ultimately that person would have their own experience which would unlikely be like anyone else's.

One of the big things they were all saying in their own way was 'You have everything you need inside you already, you don't need a middle man to find what's inside you - you just need to pay attention and be in silence".

Most of the people I met didn't want to intellectualize it, talk about it for too long, debate it or in anyway go on about it. In fact just the opposite - they said talking about it too much devalued it, gave the mind control of one's spirituality, and it was much better to keep one's treasures to themselves. Many of them said not to talk about peak experiences very often, if at all, as it would dilute the experience and remove some of the wonder with each telling of it.

Perhaps you are talking about the Lecture circuit New Age speakers? The one's all over YouTube and out touring and selling books? If so I must agree with you. Teaching and becoming a mini-guru is fine, but I find it takes a lot of energy that could also be used for other things but then again maybe it doesn't matter? The hours of this life are ours to spend as we wish and the 'guru circuit teachers' do put a lot of energy out there and help a lot of people who otherwise might not give them selves permission to explore within.

Mr Interesting 15-12-2015 06:19 PM

I kinda have the same thing with Steampunk in that long before it became an established thing I was running around enjoying the mix of what was available and then Steampunk became a thing and I kinda joined in for a bit but it was funny how 'they' were still just defining what it might be and I was already somewhere else... but, you know.

Then the other week this chap came up while I had all my stuff out and he had a top hat on and I thought oh no here we go... but he didn't even mention it, ye gods, has it passed into that territory where others mix'n'match to suit and the stiff and unyeilding cling to it as a me'ness more rules than possibility?

Long before something becomes political it has almost always had it's day, it has flowered and thrown out it's pollen and the flower wilts... but the pollen is out.

Lorelyen 15-12-2015 07:00 PM


Originally Posted by Holly
Enlightenment states are very easy. Half the stuff the New Age philosophy puts in your mind is just overcomplication and actually an obstacle to achieving self awareness.

It's good for business though. Much is spiritual snake oil, a lot is prostitution of tradition and/or exotic philosophies, practices, imported terms and buzzwords - it sells. The new age glitter excites the unwary looking for something more enchanting than banality.

Worryingly, some of these are so misleading they can be dangerous. They could worsen people's problems.

If it helps someone feel better, great. If a seeker exceeds its scope and moves on, great.

About some newcomers:
"As a result, they’re caught up in the dazzling lights of the New Age Pinball Machine, and bounced around between experiences, groups and teachers, never finding themselves or getting to their core issues and drives." (Jason Louv)


Mr Interesting 15-12-2015 07:43 PM

That's why they say in skydiving though... as soon as you can learn to pack your own parachute.

MIND POWER 15-12-2015 07:47 PM

Mankind is in a process of trying to redefine itself, and understand what true human nature is! (Because this is what we have forgotten, or be lied to about). And essentially that's what new age spirituality is for many people, and because if this..? we have many people here with different theories on things, and different perspectives! which, you might disagree with and actually be quite offended with!

I too! see things within this new age spirituality movement which i disagree with! i see behaviors which on the surface look all innocent, but i know are very destruction and endorse evil or negativity! whatever you want to call it.

I disagree with people, getting all aura struck over extraterrestrials, its just another box to put humans in, and keep us looking up in amazement! in this way we are distracted! instead of looking at ourselves, instead of us being the God's, the Goddess! or angels that we want to be! and maybe.? that we once where. (That's why we get so much attention maybe).

Because if anybody wants to change the world (And this outer reality), first that change starts with you! and being the best that you can be. But if you still sitting around, waiting for a messiah or archangel! or maybe now in the new age? some extraterrestrials! all this conveys to me, is that human's still don't want to do it for themselves. (I may not be totally right, but that's just my perspective right about now)...

So yes i agree with what you stated about enlightenment (But i don't like to use that word), the need to be lead can backfire on you sometimes. And it looks like it has backfired on humans throughout history. All these wars, and human sacrifices are a result of humans who can't lead themselves! there the ones who fight the wars! not the royalty or the people who build statues of themselves! and lied about history.

But yes in this new age, spiritual lobbying is going on right about now! a spiritual democracy of some sorts! from people with very differing perspectives, and maybe with dark agenda's even..:icon_eek: i am wise to this, i am not too passive and all forgiving just about yet!

But yes ultimately the new age is a jumble of everything, and mainly because in my opinion we have forgotten true human nature! we are suffering from amnesia. We are not evolving we are just trying to remember! now more than ever. And i understand that there are allot of distractions, trying to prevent us from doing just that! And maybe even some people in the new age, trying to prevent just that. (You have to keep one foot in the system, and another foot in the real stuff i suppose! that's life baby)....

But ultimately if i don't like something, if its not coherent with my heart and mind after evaluation! then i just stuff it! and there are many moments like that in the new age, but this is all part of the process.

Of trying to remember..........

"Know thyself"..

TheGlow 15-12-2015 09:24 PM


Originally Posted by Holly
I'm done with the new age movement. It was fine when I still enjoyed mentally examining life, spirit and morality ad infinitum searching for truth but not anymore.

The downside to the new age is the consensus of belief can make it very hard for people to believe in their right to become enlightened ALL ON THEIR OWN. No angels, channels, psychics, spiritual practises, "raising of vibration" or beliefs in Gods involved!

So many contradictions in the new age community, and no centralisation. People are basically making their own God, their own religion - which is fine, but then they go and argue about who's right! Ugh. Exhausting. I did it too, and I'm relieved to say it was just a learning phase and I can no longer be bothered.

I've said it (and practised it long before I came to this site or encountered new age philosophy) - the only thing you need to become enlightened, is meditation. That's it. Nothing else.

Enlightenment states are very easy. Half the stuff the New Age philosophy puts in your mind is just overcomplication and actually an obstacle to achieving self awareness.

Just my random pre-christmas 2 pence.

Try not to worry about it Holly. If someone is telling you there is a recipe or secret rules to follow, or only one way spirituality is experienced you just know they are stuck somewhere along the path. We all must find our own path.

No one has the answer because there isn't just one answer. Society is a conglomeration. Like pointalism where a bunch of tiny dots create a beautiful picture. The diversity is needed so the picture can apear.

Trust yourself, and trust that others will eventually get where they are going.

Rokon 15-12-2015 09:47 PM


Originally Posted by Holly
I'm done with the new age movement. It was fine when I still enjoyed mentally examining life, spirit and morality ad infinitum searching for truth but not anymore.

The downside to the new age is the consensus of belief can make it very hard for people to believe in their right to become enlightened ALL ON THEIR OWN. No angels, channels, psychics, spiritual practises, "raising of vibration" or beliefs in Gods involved!

So many contradictions in the new age community, and no centralisation. People are basically making their own God, their own religion - which is fine, but then they go and argue about who's right! Ugh. Exhausting. I did it too, and I'm relieved to say it was just a learning phase and I can no longer be bothered.

I've said it (and practised it long before I came to this site or encountered new age philosophy) - the only thing you need to become enlightened, is meditation. That's it. Nothing else.

Enlightenment states are very easy. Half the stuff the New Age philosophy puts in your mind is just overcomplication and actually an obstacle to achieving self awareness.

Just my random pre-christmas 2 pence.

The new age movement can be very boring and unsatisfactory for a go-getter, spiritual seeker. But if I only concentrated on my meditation practice, I would become equally bored. Meditation is like Darvon, or Valium, a tool, not a "burning of the bosom" answer for ascension in my opinion.

Rah nam 15-12-2015 09:56 PM

The so called "New Age" movement is not any different then any other religion or spiritual practice, they are infiltrated by those forces that are trying to prevent a transition.
I am not a proponent of any movement or religion. But I would say any one of those groups has the ability to bring their students to the next level.
Just stick to the core principles.

Holly 15-12-2015 09:59 PM

@CrystalSong - sounds like quite an adventure. Nice people too! I agree it's better to keep your treasures and not over intellectualize.

@Lorelyen - I think you've hit the nail on the head :) Spot on.

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