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Mostly Harmless 28-01-2007 04:32 PM

I was wondering if anyone has any suggestions on treatments for fibromyalgia that may be helpful. Mine was brought on by nerve damage due to too much anthrax vaccine when I was in the service.
Any suggestions would be appreciated, thank you.

Moonflower 28-01-2007 07:43 PM

Hi Candi
Hi Candi :hug3:

Sorry to hear that you suffer from Fibromyalgia which by the very nature is debilitating I am not sure quite how much you know about it but it is often caused by low serotonin levels in the brain have you ever sufferd from depression in any way? Mostly people with this condition do not process lactic acid as normally as u should do & when the lactic acid builds up it creates pain in the muscles as well.

Has you GP checked you for your a low thyroid function as this can also be a factor? Without going into a lengthy reply about it I would strongly recommend that you try to eliminate as many toxins & allergens from your daily routine to allow your immune system to improve I would also recommend some either Swedish massage or Aromatherapy massage sessions to eliminate toxins from your body as well as improve the blood flow.

I hope this is of some help to you I would also recommend in addressing your diet although it is quite a difficult regime to follow that you may benefit greatly from following a Macrobiotic food lifestyle.

Love & Light Moonflower :hug: x

Mostly Harmless 28-01-2007 08:47 PM

Thanks, moonflower.

I've been recieving treatment for a couple of years now, it took nearly 8 years before I got a doctor who would really start to put things together and order tests...

I am on a high protien/low carb mostly vegetarian diet. I am on a couple of meds that help, I am up and about mostly every day.

I am just interested in seeing if anyone has suggestions for some other kinds of treatment that may help. I love getting massages, but can't afford to do it often. I also see a chiropractor at the VA hospital.

Moonflower 29-01-2007 08:14 AM

Hi Candi

the medication that your GP has you on has he ever discussed the benefits of Malic Acid & Magnesium as a treatment option?

Moonflower x

Woman Who Loves Nature 22-02-2007 01:26 AM

Hello There All, I suffered from fibromylgia for two years and the only treatment that even came close to helping me relieve the on going pain was a drug called Toradol it is in a shot form but the downfall of it was I could only have no more than five shots a month because it was really hard on the liver and kidneys. I used the drug for a time but then i learned about Colloidal Silver and began to use that. It took some time about two months but I began to relize that I wasn't having as many bouts of pain and had more energy as well as my immune system began to highly improve. Well buying it was getting spendy so I did a whole lot of research on it and began to make my own. I made my own generator (very simple) and bought pure 999.99 silver wire from a Silver Company in St Louis,MO. USA. and began to make my own Colloidal Silver Water. Just plain ole Distilled water, four nine volt batteries and the pure silver wire, and brown bottles to store it in. Well it has been over five years now since I began using the CS and to date I have not had anymore symptoms of Fibromylgia during all that time. I have also not been ill at all with colds, flu or any comman illnesses that go around. Most ppl hear that if you use CS you will turn blue, NOT TRUE. If it is made properly and that means without any additives other than what I described of Distilled Water, and the Pure Silver wire then one should have no problem. If a person is allergic to silver then I recommend they not use the Colloidal Silver Water. I am not saying this will do it for everyone who has Fibromylgia for each individual is different and one must find what works best for them. I just wanted to tell you all about what I tried and what worked for me. In my research I have read and tried this solution on other problems healthwise and domestically and discovered that this is some darn good stuff! Anyhow it is claimed that CS has been used for over 860 other diseases, pathogens, viruses, germs and parasites, some of which I can vouch to be true. I have experienced it for myself. If anyone out there wishes to learn about Colloidal Silver feel free to ask and I will send all information I have as well as addresses you may contact to gain more information about CS and its uses. I hope this may be of help to the sisters and brothers out there, for men can have Fibromylgia as well as women. Oh I forgot to say to make CS costs an initial investment of about $35.00 - $50.00 americian dollars! This is what it would cost to buy the wire, battery hookups, the silver and the batteries to make your own generator and CS. WWLN

janspirit 24-02-2007 01:27 AM

Fibro Myalgia

my sister had FM and I just told her about the CS and we tracked down some at a local health store online, so she is going to try it and see how she gets on with it. Will let u know.. and then if it works for her, maybe requesting that information re making ur own WWLN.. Thanks for the tips everyone..

love and light

jan :smile:

Woman Who Loves Nature 13-03-2007 07:02 AM

You are very welcome, do relize it will take a month or two before one feels noticeable results at taking 1/3 cup 3 X a day everyday. Like I said I too have FM and well CS worked for me but not all things work for others so you have to give it the good try and the good thing is CS is safe and will not interfere with prescription drugs either. If you have an allergy to silver itself then I strongly insist you not use CS, that is the only side effect I am aware of besides the cleaning of the intestines effect with some diarrhea. WWLN

Emmalevine 15-04-2007 12:14 PM

Hi, I also suffer from FM, but as part of my CFS/ME, so my experiences might be slightly different to yours, but I can tell you what has helped me so far. As Moonflower suggested, a microbiotic diet can be a real help. I totally avoid refined sugar as that has a terrible effect on me - my aching and pain increases almost straight away. Dairy is also not a good idea as it's mucus forming and acidic. Meat is also highly acidic and hard to digest, so not recommended in large amounts, but occasional white meat shoudn't hurt if you tolerate it. I don't have any processed food and stick to wholegrains, legumes, fish, fruit, and seeds. If you have stomach issues it's best to stick to gluten free grains, especially millet as that is non acid forming (constant pain can indicate acid build up). It's an individual thing as to what will work on your body but this type of wholefood diet is beneficial to most, and then you can work with that according to your particular food intolerances and preferences.
Magnesium supplements can also be a help, I take 500mg daily. I also take 3g vitamin C to eliminate toxins and a good multivitamin supplement.

Have you tried reflexology, and/or reiki? I have had both and found them highly benefifical, with decrease in pain for some time afterwards. It's best to have them done regularly if you can afford it. Some people recommend acupuncture, but I haven't had this done so I can't comment.

Regular meditation is also a great help, and gentle yoga, obviously taking care not to exceed your limits

Hope this has been some help. Good luck x

ManyHawksFollow 21-04-2007 11:47 PM

I'm happy to see this subject discussed as I have also had FM and RA for the last 14 years, meds on take away some of the pain, but there is much suffering still. As those of you who also suffer with it know, it can be quite frustrating and hard for those around to understand. Thanks for sharing the advice, I had heard about lo carb hi protein before, actually did it for almost a year and lost some weight with that too. I may need to get back to it. :wink:

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