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NIRVANA 05-10-2012 01:31 AM

Would Jesus be horrified with Christianity
Imagine if Jesus came back and seen the christians have made a religion out of him. Would he be horrified?

Would christians attack him as a false prophet?:smile:

You could imagine what he would do with the bible :D

psychoslice 05-10-2012 01:53 AM

Well if he's got a good sense of humor, it should be Ok lol.:blob3:

Miss Hepburn 05-10-2012 02:01 AM

If you read what he has to say in the James E Padgett messages...he
makes what he feels AND details what he said pretty clearly...the parts
Left out for example, also.

7luminaries 13-01-2013 09:07 PM

Very interesting Miss H.
I took a quick look...clipped below from the site listed...and I'll have to read more later.

I am not up on these sorts of things and I appreciate the mention :)
Aside from the bolded part, these otherwise appear to be calls to walk with God, to self-examine and to strive to manifest your higher selves in your lives (to turn toward the good) and to live with integrity, all of which are common themes in the Jewish bible.
I still have a hard time accepting the bolded statement as something that would come from the mouth of a Jew...
and I believe Rev. Keith in fact had said these aspects are thought by academic biblical scholars to have been attributed to Jesus the man after his death & by others, and not by him. That sits much better with my understanding of a pious Jew, which he was supposed to have been, for all his perceived mystical eccentricities.
But otherwise, the rest appears to be exhortations to cleave to the Divine and work on the self :) All good things!
Thanks again for the source.

Peace & blessings,


It showed that in this development of soul Jesus was indeed his
Father's true Son, not in the metaphysical and mysterious way of a hypothetical virgin birth, but through the Holy
Spirit, that agency of the Father which conveys His Love into the souls of His creatures who seek it in earnest prayer.
It brings to light that Jesus was born of Mary and Joseph, of human parents like other human beings, but that he was
none the less the Messiah promised to the Hebrews and to mankind in the Old Testament
. For wherever he taught the
"glad tidings" that God's Love was available, and that it was this Love which bestowed immortality upon the soul
filled with this Love, Jesus brought with him the nature of God — the Kingdom of God. At the same time Jesus tells
us that neither was he God, nor was his mother Mary the mother of God, nor a virgin after her marriage to Joseph, but
that she was in truth the mother of eight children, of which he was the eldest, and that he had four brothers and three
sisters in the flesh, and not cousins, as some versions of the Bible relate.

In addition, he relates that he did not come to die on a cross, nor did, or does, his shed blood bring remission of
sins. He also shatters the time honored statements now found in the New Testament that he ever instituted a bread and
wine sacrament on the eve of his arrest at the Last Supper. This pious statement, he declares, was never his, nor did
any of his apostles or disciples ever teach it, but was inserted about a century later so that such a doctrine might accord
with the ideas then prevalent among the Greek converts to Christianity. Communion with the Heavenly Father can
never take place through the mistaken notion that he had to be impaled on a cross by Roman soldiers, on the order of
Pilate, the Procurator of Judaea, and in accord with the uncomprehending high priests, so that he could appear as a
sacrifice for sin. There is no sacrifice for sin, affirms Jesus, and his dried up blood cannot do what only man himself
must do, by turning in repentance and prayer to the Heavenly Father, to effect that change in his heart whereby his
soul will give up evil and sin, and embrace what is righteous. The Father's help in the elimination of sin from the
human soul is His Divine Love which, on entering the soul through prayer, removes sin and error from that soul and
provides not only purification but its transformation into a divine soul, at-one with the Father's great soul in nature.
This real communion, which Jesus himself had achieved, is, he declares, the only communion between God and His
children, which He has provided for their salvation and eternal life with Him. The vicarious atonement, Jesus states, is
a myth, and its appearance in the New Testament is one of many false statements inserted therein to make it harmonize
with later concepts concerning his relationship to the Father, which these later Greek and Roman copyists did not

ZechariahBenDovid 18-04-2013 11:19 PM

Yes. He would.

knightofalbion 18-04-2013 11:28 PM

He'd be horrified at the distorted Churchianity that masquerades in its name.

Time 19-04-2013 12:04 AM


Originally Posted by knightofalbion
He'd be horrified at the distorted Churchianity that masquerades in its name.

Wow knight, we agree on something :icon_eek: LOL

This is the way I see it. The whole temple thing, would look like a tea party compared to what he would do today (of course if you believe in it :P )

running 19-04-2013 05:32 PM

Let's look at history. I feel any sane person would be horrified. Unless one was ok with killing, torturing, and destroying cultures that don't bow to him.

Heck, I'm sick of looking at billboards telling me I'm going to hell. Persecution comes in many ways. This being another.

Amilius777 20-04-2013 12:06 AM

Amen Running!

I think all the masters of so many religions- Jesus, Buddha, Mohammed, Moses, and such are all depressed with the state of humanity and what religion has done.

Christopher Hitchens the journalist had a point and it's true.

The Boston thing going on right now is evidence of Hitchens' remark:

"If you want to make a moral person do and say disgusting things and acts just give him or her a religion and cult to worship".

Tobi 20-04-2013 12:31 AM

I think He probably would....but....


Originally Posted by psychoslice
Well if he's got a good sense of humor, it should be Ok lol.:blob3:

...This is always a happy possibility!

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