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ljepotica 12-03-2007 01:15 AM

Hello people:hug:

I've been wanting to learn more about this place.

It has always sounded like home to me and if I could say where I'd like to live and be born I'd say Shangri-La...it feels as if some part of me belongs there and was always there...

Does anybody know a good site where I can find info on it? I tried google but all I got was a list of hotels and casinos called Shangri-La:icon_frown:

Has anybody been there:wink:

Seriously I'd love to find out more and so would love to hear from you guys.

Thank you,

Lots of love,

S xxxx

Whisperer 13-03-2007 10:34 PM

Hi S,

I don't know anything specific about the place but I found this cracking link on the BBC that might help a bit!


ljepotica 13-03-2007 10:59 PM

Oh thank you for that Whisperer,

It's very fascinating isn't it?

The name Shangri-La inspires mysticism and it's interesting that they mention mountains for I believe that there is magic and kindgoms living in mountains but far from the "real world" that we know and live in.

Taker care and lots of love,

S xxxx

janspirit 13-03-2007 11:51 PM

hi Lj

U put some v interesting posts up, thanks..

Have to have a looksee at that one from the Bbc... u know, just wonderin' mayb that's where we're all headed, be cool eh.. just wanted to share with u guys... in the mid' 90's I was meditating and was shown the earth being covered in water, and there were these like spaceships and people were being beamed up in their etheric bodies - the bodies were made of light and they were in a sleep state and being stored carefully in these ships... then they were beamed back down on earth after the waters receded... didn't see any more, but hey, mayb that'll be our shangri la ? who knows.. anyone else seen anything like this in meditation?

Two friends of mine who were in a meditation group told me in the late 80's they'd meditated together and seen the earth covered in water after the pole shift... hmmmm

love n light

Janspirit x :hug3: :D :blob3:

ljepotica 14-03-2007 12:07 AM

Hmmmm I've not seen the water but when I look at the sky and see just how beautiful the world and life is (I love looking at the sky come rain or shine, night or day) I somehow see clouds in the shape of mountains in my minds eye...I always see mountains in my minds eye when I think of mysticism and think of ascending-though I reckon it'll be many years before I come anywhere near ascension:))
I do see bodies made of light...

I always think of all the knowledge of the world contained in the mysterious kingdoms of the mountains...ok will shut up about mountains now:))

Take care and lots of love,

S xxxx

~Jay~ 14-03-2007 11:09 AM

Janspirit, your post reminded me of something similar I remember reading about Shangri-la before....I think it was Drunvalo Melchiezedek (sp?) who mentions the underground caves somewhere in Tibet. He talks of Noah's ark being a spaceship too, and of there still being "sleepers" buried underground in places like this, and under the pyramids in Egypt, waiting to be woken up....damn, my memory is just not good enough at times!!! lol.:D

But it might be worth checking his work out Lj...there's a particular website called V_J Enterprises which I will try & get a link for. Your post has actually been bugging me ever since I first read it, as I have read a fair bit about Shangri-la, Xanadu & other underground kingdoms before - but like I say, my brain's like a seive at times! :rolleyes:

~Jay~ 14-03-2007 11:26 AM

Okaaay...so I've found it, and just had a quick scan, but can't find any mention of Shangri-la! :rolleyes: But I'll post the link anyway, as it's interesting, and does mention the underground cities, hehe.


janspirit 14-03-2007 04:34 PM

Thanks Jaycee for the link, love reading stuff like that, but my concentration not too good at present, will bookmark it tho for those long nites on the computer...LOL...

It's interesting what u say about the sleepers and Noahs Ark being a spaceship... wouldn't at all be surprised...

Well, the universe is full of amazing stuff and I'm learning all the time...

love n light to u all

Janspirit xx :hug3:

PS a good website with over 6 million members just like us!!! :

http://www.care2.com/ check it out guys... x

dreamer 14-03-2007 06:16 PM

I saw an interesting program on the BBC a while back about the legend of Shambhala, it was looking at the legend behind the book Shangrilla, I was stoned at the time of watching, was noticing loads of coincidences and was a bit freaked out because the main character in the book was called Conway - which is my surname lol.

Ascended Master 09-04-2007 08:26 PM


Originally Posted by dreamer
I was stoned at the time of watching, was noticing loads of coincidences and was a bit freaked out because the main character in the book was called Conway - which is my surname lol.

lol lol lol! :D

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