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Rikki 14-07-2011 04:39 PM

I'm new to the forum, but I came here to help you. I have the key to enlightenment.

It's a very bold claim, but i'd love to show anyone that's ready the gate.

This is no joke.

Let's do this people, our world is dying. It's time we woke up and saved it...

Topology 14-07-2011 04:56 PM

By all means, let's see what you got.

Rikki 14-07-2011 06:05 PM

Awesome, welcome.

Have you ever questioned the notion that there is no 'you'? There's no central CPU, no one in control?

The notion that who you believe yourself to be is a complete fantasy, a phantom?

Essentially, a collection of mind made thought patterns and emotions that is an illusion. An illusion that you've never questioned because no one ever told you to.

Take a look inside now. Can you locate you?

Free Bird 14-07-2011 06:30 PM

Ok, I am going to need this explained much more simply :D


Rikki 14-07-2011 06:44 PM

Welcome Free Bird. I'm going to need to you to look inside, I want you to see if you can find who 'you' are.

Can you say with 100% certainty, that 'this is me'?

Free Bird 14-07-2011 06:55 PM


Originally Posted by Enlightened
Welcome Free Bird. I'm going to need to you to look inside, I want you to see if you can find who 'you' are.

Can you say with 100% certainty, that 'this is me'?

Well not with 100% certainty, no. But I don't know what i'm looking for (if that makes sense) I know my thoughts create my reality. Do you mean we are not real? an illusion? Does this make our thoughts unreal? If so what is our purpose? and can you tell me exactly what it is you 'know' when you look nside yourself?

I just want the key! Pass it over! :tongue:

northstar 14-07-2011 07:06 PM

i think i get what you are saying... we and all of this is a projection?

Rikki 14-07-2011 07:08 PM

Ok, this is better.

It's not that our thoughts are unreal. They exist. But they have evolved over time and created a 'self'. A self that you believe is you.

Once we actually realise this, see this for ourselves, then pop, you're out.

You can't un-ring a bell. You can't un-see the pattern.

Liberated from the lie. It's essential not to believe this. You DO NOT want to add anything.

'No self. No problem.' - The truth has always been there, but it's been buried deeper and deeper over time.

There are no magic steps to this, no progress, no working towards.

It's actually very simple, it's our natural state. Humanity got lost in this and now it's time we broke free.

When I looked inside, I saw this process in action. Thoughts, emotions. They had created a 'me' that was essentially a lie. Once you've seen this fragile structure for what it is, bang.....you're done.

Eckhart Tolle - 'I cannot live with myself.' He stopped and realised what the thought meant. I and myself. Is there 1 or 2? Bang, he realised the illusion and that was that.

I can show you the gate, you must walk through it.

Free Bird 14-07-2011 07:16 PM

That makes sense. I have read 'the power of now' and understood the principle behind it.

Does this mean you think the 'ego' is a bad thing? Only there is a thread on here saying otherwise, maybe you should join the debate :smile:

Air Spirit 14-07-2011 07:18 PM


Originally Posted by Enlightened

Have you ever questioned the notion that there is no 'you'? There's no central CPU, no one in control?

The notion that who you believe yourself to be is a complete fantasy, a phantom?

Essentially, a collection of mind made thought patterns and emotions that is an illusion. An illusion that you've never questioned because no one ever told you to.

Take a look inside now. Can you locate you?

this is no mystery. i already know it. but it leaves the question why there is a yearning to be with another and a yearning for love

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