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Lynn 02-10-2010 01:12 AM

What is Heaven on Earth ?
What is Heaven on Earth

 Well first one must look to what Heaven is…..

Heaven is said to be a place people whom have died from the body go forth to for an afterlife. To some Heaven means simply the vastness of the very sky and universe. Heaven is said to be the holiest of places where one goes to if one has walked a path of virtue. Heaven is viewed as a place of happiness and at times even eternal happiness.

If one has followed a path of religious teachings and has learned the lessons in those teachings and has stayed from what is viewed as Sin then one earn a place in Heaven.

 Now to take this concept of Heaven and to apply that to an Earthly physical body life one would follow a religious ( spiritual path). One would stay from what is seen as sin. One would embrace fully the lessons given to one.

To have happiness well we might well create that in ourselves in the way we carry out our vary lives. In doing unto others how we would like to be treated. To show respects and to offer a times that hand up to other’s.

To find that happiness and to have that feeling last is easy to say but much harder to obtain and maintain. To stay from sin at times too gives one many a test. To say with the one ye are mated to as many a temptation may cross one’s path or view. To not harm one that has maybe done harm to ye in some way. To trust in the higher powers that be to care for that.

Happiness comes from within. Comes many a times from knowing one’s duties to be preformed and really bucking up to that and saying the course and following through. Embracing that maybe it is not what we see we WANT but it is truly what we NEED on our Spiritual Path of Development of the Soul.

Heaven on Earth achievable YES I feel it is. Like we know from the Biblical teachings some were cast from Heaven. So one has to remember that there is always that chance of that day when Heaven will pass from us. NOW this does not have to maybe be a permanent thing but one should be aware that might well happen.

Life often is one of struggles and one of duties….a responsibilities blessed is on if they are LOVed by someone along that path. Be that a friend…..
A friend

“A friend
Ye only need one
Pick wisely friend
In my choice I did
Always there
For a smile
For a tear

A good friend is always there
Even if for a minute, every one counts for something
A friend stays forever, one way or another
A friend is one ye never tire of nor know everything about”

Thoughts on what Heaven on Earth is to ye or mean's to ye ?



Miko 02-10-2010 01:26 AM

heaven on earth is love to me.
I've only been in this state once in my life and that was when I had my awakening, I wish it would get it again, but I only get small glimpses here and there.
I've been in love many times, but not as intense a couple years ago when I was cleanse and my heart chakra was opened in a dream I had.

Verunia 02-10-2010 01:40 AM

Heaven on Earth to me is simply the tranquility and the enjoyment of life, the acceptance of how things are.
Things come in abundance when we expect nothing of them.
I think it was Jesus who said the kingdom of heaven is within you, and I agree completely.

andrew g 02-10-2010 10:27 AM

For me, heaven on earth is being free to live truly spontaneously in each and every moment.

Lisa 02-10-2010 05:51 PM

The Earth IS Heaven. :color:

Leah85 29-10-2010 10:14 PM

Let's Make Heaven our Place on Earth...
Heaven on Earth is when you see a dream come true, when you feel inside something is so right, when you are so happy you just feel like giving thanks for being alive...

It is when you think the day is beautiful, wheither it is a shinny brightening sky or a rainy day... It's the peace, serenety and passion and excitement you feel all at the same time when you are with the one you love...

It is when you think that everything you went through was all worth it and you just wish everyone could have the abundance and blessings you find in your own life...

It is when you are truly, deeply happy, know it, recognise it and are thankful for it :hug3:

Love and Blessings

"THey say in Heaven Love comes first / Let's make Heaven our place on Earth" Belinda Carlisle - HEaven is a Place on Earth

A Glass named Esther 01-11-2010 04:43 PM

A Home for G-d: completing creation.
In Heaven on Earth we have made a dwelling place for G-d in the lowest of realms, the physical world.

We have helped G-d complete His plan for creation of this world. There is no need for death, only life.

G-d is revealed and we occupy ourselves with knowing G-d.

We all experience Oneness through Unity/Harmony (complimentary differences working together perfectly).

From G-d's perspective, this has already happened. May we experience it soon in our lifetime.

Baruch HaShem


Roselove 01-11-2010 05:04 PM

I think it's a matter of perception, everyone has their own version

mine invovles me, pina colodas and a few men lol

Spiritlite 01-11-2010 05:24 PM

TO me heaven on earth is a feeling of spiritual bliss.

BahaiRaelian 03-11-2010 11:47 AM


Heaven is said to be a place people whom have died from the body go forth to for an afterlife
Many groups, such as the Orthodox Christians, would say that resurrection is bodily and a continuation of life itself.
My view is that Heaven on Earth is the perfection of the bodily and spiritual nature of every individual and the use of our knowledge to reach personal immortality and interpersonal peace and productivity. My Heaven on Earth is transhumanist and libertarian in manifestation.

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