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Imperator 28-06-2018 12:28 PM

I don't understand
I have readings and they are positive and I get glimpses of what could be true and try my hardest but it doesn't happen and then I still get blamed for not making the positive prediction come true

What I don't get is that

1. If the psychics can see the potential energy, why can't they see the energy that goes wrong too

2. Why I keep getting positive predictions when a negative one would better prepare me for reality

What I feel is going on is that I can connect to a higher energy but I can't hold on to it for long enough and it makes everything extra cruel I can't trust anyone who gives me predictions and it ruins the previous relationship and I don't want it to happen

I don't get why they do it

I don't like it

It really infuriates me

I want someone to understand or leave me alone

Lynn 22-07-2018 11:05 PM


Readings are not carved in stone they are an outline like a message that we get from a Guide we have to do the work. A reading is like a dotted line on a road map that means gravel or unfinished road so caution is needed. Its the same with a reading.

At times some readers only want to put out the positive and not the negative but a good reading is a balance of both as life is not all "fluff" there has to be the ups and downs to life's path for us to grow.

At times one has to set smaller goals to get to the bigger goals. Seeing that there is a difference in a "want" and in a "need" in life's path.

As a Newbie on site your not yet able to access the "Reading Request" section of the site where we have members ( me included) that will do a reading for you. We have some novice readers and some professional readers on site here that freely give of their time and energy.

As for a previous relationship we have to remember that as a reader we only have the permissions to read the one asking for the reading. We can only get the reflections of the other person in how their energy falls to the one getting the reader. To dig deeper and "cold read" someone in a relationship situation is not right but many will do it.

Your looking to be understood so your looking for what as an "individual" you need to do to be whole. it is when we are whole that we then can let someone in our life path that compliments us too many times we are looking to be completed by someone.

We are individuals first and then we connect to another.

Feel free to PM me.


Golden Eagle 24-08-2018 09:39 PM


Originally Posted by Imperator
I have readings and they are positive and I get glimpses of what could be true and try my hardest but it doesn't happen and then I still get blamed for not making the positive prediction come true

What I don't get is that

1. If the psychics can see the potential energy, why can't they see the energy that goes wrong too

2. Why I keep getting positive predictions when a negative one would better prepare me for reality

What I feel is going on is that I can connect to a higher energy but I can't hold on to it for long enough and it makes everything extra cruel I can't trust anyone who gives me predictions and it ruins the previous relationship and I don't want it to happen

I don't get why they do it

I don't like it

It really infuriates me

I want someone to understand or leave me alone

You are just looking in the wrong places ..... outside , when the answers you seek are INSIDE ~

Predictions??? So you want Precognition, the REAL Precognition, it does NOT give only POSITIVE readings ..... quite oft a true reading sounds negative but is a Benefit to Hear and Learn from! In that you are 100% CORRECT!

Precognition of an ACCURATE Nature without ** is available to you directly. But you fear looking that deep within .....

Are bold enough to try Salvia Divinorum?? It is a CATALYST for this! But use CAUTION and have a sitter ..... a well trained Shaman-like one who knows all the pitfalls and can help INTERPRET the experience.

A slower but surer way can start with Dreamwork . Dreams: Your Magic Mirror by Elsie Sechrist is a great place to start~
A study of the Edgar Cayce readings would do you well! The Edgar Cayce Companion by B. Ernest Frejer ~

Spend time DAILY in NATURE ..... 3 hours walking a day. This will aid in Re-alignment of your inner energies and barefoot when possible .

Waste no more $$$ on such readings ..... invest in yourself instead.
No effort NO GAIN ~ All effort is rewarded and expands your Awareness.

Imperator 28-08-2018 02:24 AM

i am bold enough to do anything

i do not feel it is my fault if things are not legal where i am or i cannot source a good shaman or healer

i have vivid horrific dreams and vivid great dreams not always true

Clio_86 29-08-2018 04:57 AM

Ugh I know. I had a reading, which I get regularly from this same person, as a general reading for six months. The first month (July) she pulled a tarot card "environmental awareness" and said she sees something happening with my house. My kitchen literally flooded that month. I had a great predication for august, she saw some opportunities coming my way and I'd be feeling confident. I dont feel that confident and not sure where these opportunities are. :p Three more days in August. Lol.

Imperator 29-08-2018 11:10 PM

I also get that

I count down the days of the month or season when the reading was supposed to happen but I feel I have already lost faith

Or the first or negative reading comes true but the second or positive one does not

Or I am required to do something I need more support to do

Blue Tiger 30-08-2018 01:04 AM

Predictions are so iffy, to be honest. They can only be based on what the reader sees AT THE MOMENT THE READING IS DONE. Unfortunately that means that if you get a reading and CHANGE what you would normally have done, you may well change what the reader saw.

Why? Because the future is still somewhat fluid and not carved in stone. At any point in time you or someone who is involved in the prediction could make an unexpected decision or do the opposite of what was most likely they would do.

If a reader says you'll find a great guy with dark hair who is perfect for you.. and you actually ignore a wonderful fellow who's blond because of that prediction... you could miss the chance of a lifetime based on an unfortunately errant prediction.

So yes, you're quite right. You really cannot trust predictions. They might pan out... or they might end up being the reverse of reality.

Que sera, sera. Whatever will be, will be.

Blue Tiger 30-08-2018 01:11 PM


Originally Posted by Imperator
So then they shouldn't ****ing predict. ****ing idiots.

Honestly, you might be right. To my mind predictions probably have something like a 50-60% likelihood of being accurate.

But as long as there are people eager for a glimpse of what their future holds, there will be people willing to give it a try. No harm in asking about the future, just keep in mind that there are no guarantees. Just hearing the prediction might change things.

Imperator 30-08-2018 08:33 PM

There is a harm.

My life is proof there is a harm.

MissCreativeSpirit 13-09-2018 03:32 AM

Talking about specific types of great strife or personal loss is deemed inappropriately upsetting a sitter per the Spiritual Church I was trained through.

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