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-   -   why does God lie inside and not outside? (https://www.spiritualforums.com/vb/showthread.php?t=148550)

Honza 22-03-2024 05:02 AM

why does God lie inside and not outside?
People who claim to know state God lies within. We all accept that but no one asks why. What is wrong with the outside? Why is it so harsh and transitory? How long has it been like that?

If God cannot reach the outside then there is some issue going on IMO. If there is an inside then there must be an outside. Can there be one without the other? Why can't God be everywhere? etc.

Miss Hepburn 22-03-2024 11:09 AM

I would say this Creator is everywhere within every atom and outside of them.
But, because we are existing at the moment in the Third Dimension ...our senses are woefully limited.
However, this Creator God, Spiritual Being, Divine Intellect/Consciousness made our brains so magnificently - we have the ability
to see Divine Light within us and the Kingdom of Heaven within and many other things not seen with our eyes open.

Why, if the electromagnetic spectrum (google it from, Gamma waves to Radio waves) were drawn as 6 inches long ....
we can only see about 1/8 -1/4 inch of colors on that scale.

Now, can we feel this Being's Divine Presence? Oh, yes.
Can 'He' speak to us telepathically in full sentences? Oh yes, from my experience.

BUT, is there a Game being played? Is there a Cosmic Dance of Hide and Seek going on?
Oh yeah.

Miss Hepburn 22-03-2024 11:24 AM

Electromagnetc spectrum
This is all we can see with our eyes open. :)

Wagner 22-03-2024 01:56 PM


Originally Posted by Honza
People who claim to know state God lies within. We all accept that but no one asks why.
Why can't God be everywhere? etc.

It's just that terms like "inside" and "outside" are points of view relative to a very fixed perspective. Sort of like how the ubiquitous north, south, east and west of planet Earth are meaningless in outer space.

I'll give the Advaita Vedanta interpretation for a slightly different angle. Think of an endless ocean. Now, imagine a jar, filled with the water of that ocean, floating in the water. There's the water inside the jar, called atman, and there's the water outside the jar, called brahman. The jar itself is called the jiva or Ego, and it is that which creates the appearance of an inside and an outside. However, if that specific manifestation of perspective were to be made to diminish and disappear and give way to universal, impersonal being, which is the aim of many spiritual paths, then the water on the outside and the water on the inside are realized to be one and the same, as they always were. There never was a difference, nor an inside and outside; there only seemed to be because of the partitioning influence of the jar, the Ego.


Originally Posted by Miss Hepburn
BUT, is there a Game being played? Is there a Cosmic Dance of Hide and Seek going on?
Oh yeah.

Lila! :smile:

Miss Hepburn 22-03-2024 03:18 PM

Fascinating you did not capitalize Atman nor Brahman...yet, you did Ego?
Yes, Lila - the Cosmic Dance or Play in Hindi.

''...they only seemed to be....''...thank you for saying that part. :smile: LOVED the jar and Ocean analogy!

*Couple things, good for everyone here to remember:
Rem the Admin has asked to quote only 2-3 sentences...and since this is an English speaking Forum,
if you feel you must use a Hindi or Sanskrit word or Italian!...please give a definition.

Wagner 22-03-2024 03:33 PM


Originally Posted by Miss Hepburn
Fascinating you did not capitalize Atman nor Brahman...yet, you did Ego?

Of all the things that you can think of, which one would want its word capitalized the most? :wink: I capitalize it to symbolize its nature of self-importance. *shrugs*

Miss Hepburn 22-03-2024 07:15 PM


Originally Posted by Wagner
Of all the things that you can think of, which one would want its word capitalized the most? :wink: I capitalize it to symbolize its nature of self-importance. *shrugs*

Interesting, thank you. :)

charly233 23-03-2024 08:07 AM

According to the gospel of Thomas (saying 22) Jesus said "when you make the two one and when you make the inside as the outside and the outside as the inside and the upper as the lower ..... then shall you enter the Kingdom."

Miss Hepburn 23-03-2024 02:47 PM


Originally Posted by charly233
According to the gospel of Thomas (saying 22) Jesus said "when you make the two one and
when you make the inside as the outside and the outside as the inside and the upper as the lower .....
then shall you enter the Kingdom."

Big smile. :hug3:

HITESH SHAH 31-03-2024 05:31 AM

God within / outside

Originally Posted by Honza
but no one asks why. What is wrong with the outside? Why is it so harsh and transitory? How long has it been like that?

God is indeed omnipresent ,omniscient and omnipotent . So if u think there is no inside-outside for Him.

Problems arises when
1. When one keeps on searching God outside forgetting it within too OR
2. when one keeps believing God within ignoring / disrespecting / ridiculing God outside too OR
3. when one ignores God within and God outside both and restricts God only to places of worship like church , temple , masjid ,synagogue . All other places there is no God. So God does not know what's happening outside these places of worship! This can be a serious insult - strictures on God which He never accepts / honors .
4. when the seeker keeps dividing Him inside outside perennially and does not want move beyond the discussion.

I could not understand where you got to know God is not outside. If u can elaborate , forum members can give more qualified response.

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