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Heaven 30-09-2014 11:39 AM

Getting Toned
I want to get tone and it seems like its taking me forever!!! I know I been slacking off lately, I only been to the gym like once a week and I know that's no good. Hopefully I can make it at least 3 times a week. I just don't know if that's enough for toning or if I need to workout more. Lately I been lifting more weights when I'm at the gym but I still not happy. I'm getting confused with should I do more cardio or more weight training to get tone?? I don't want to be super skinny. I just want to be tone. Since I stop eating meat, the only problem that I'm having is that I'm having cravings for sweet and I know that doesn't help with toning. Any advice I appreciated, so much information online, its confusing the heck out of me.

Clover 30-09-2014 12:02 PM

Yoga and pilates give you a nice toned looked. I am a weight free person, I feel using weights bulk me up, and I don't like that look ( I am very pettie). Maybe try a plank challenge? So easy to do at home, very challenging!

I do at least 200-300 squats every other day (or three lol). I got a really toned butt,:D LOL! Something that the machines don't do because you are using your own muscles and weight. I started with the 30 day squat challenge, which starts you low. I did that and grew my amount with time. Google it sometime as well as planks challange. You don't have to leave the home :)

Heaven 01-10-2014 02:29 PM


Originally Posted by BlueClover
Yoga and pilates give you a nice toned looked. I am a weight free person, I feel using weights bulk me up, and I don't like that look ( I am very pettie). Maybe try a plank challenge? So easy to do at home, very challenging!

I do at least 200-300 squats every other day (or three lol). I got a really toned butt,:D LOL! Something that the machines don't do because you are using your own muscles and weight. I started with the 30 day squat challenge, which starts you low. I did that and grew my amount with time. Google it sometime as well as planks challange. You don't have to leave the home :)

Thanks for your advice!! The plank challenge sounds interesting. I have to give you credit 200-300 squats is not easy at all. The most I can do so far is 100 squats. I have to get better at it. I wish I could stay at home and do more workouts instead of going to the gym. The reason I go to the gym is because when I'm at home constantly I'm getting interrupted and its very frustrating. It be nice cause I can't stand going to the gym and having perverts stare at me while I'm working out (very annoying).

MIND POWER 01-10-2014 10:55 PM

Always do a full body-workout in the gym, and stick to compound exercises........

But you see, i think you would honestly be more suited to circuit training classes of some sort! they should have these at your gym. And when you are doing full body resistance working out 3 times aweek is fine! most people go the gym and do one body part, which in my opinion is nonsense. If you are a body builder fairplay, but for overall fitness i don't agree with this. You want a full body workout, and you want to be producing lactate acid! once your body starts doing this, you naturally start producing more growth hormone which leans you up. That's why i think circuit training will be a good thing do you...

Women's bodies naturally want to be plump and store more fat in certain places, this is due to the dominant hormone in women being estrogen! this is not a bad thing. Some women have higher estrogen than others, its the female sex hormone. Just like testosterone is the male sex hormone, and they will promote gender characteristics. Women always mention that they want to tone up, because their bodies are naturally more plump. You just have to work with your body, and don't stress yourself out!!!

If not i would take @Bluecover's advice, and do a circuit at home.

And just like bluecover, i would do squats, planks, push ups every other day 3 times per week. I am not sure what they squat challenge is, but i am a massive fan of squats! I have seen allot of birds talking about that squat challenge when i had my twitter up etc....

I would workout in the morning aswell.

Gym's can be annoying, i am canceling mine tomorrow. Too packed and full of busy bodies, i didn't mind the birds though.

I will train in my garage.

Gracey 02-10-2014 12:42 AM

I go to the gym 5 days a week. i love working out. i do 60 minutes cardio and full body workout for 2 hours with weights and some circuit.

if you want to be just toned, light weights (5 pounds or less), more reps. isometrics will help also. isometrics work the muscle closest to your bones. be sure to stretch afterwards also. this will help lengthen your muscles. be sure to change your routine and food intake to trick your body so you dont plateau.

Heaven 02-10-2014 04:04 PM

Thanks Mind Power and Gracey for your advice! I will take a little bit of each one of your advice and try it at home. I have only been able to go to the gym either Sat. or Sundays. So whether I like it or not I have to start working out at home. I don't mean to sound naïve but first time I heard of circuit training and for sure I will try it. I have a punching bag at home and when I'm in the mood I do kicks and punches (I used to do martial arts before) but I get bore of doing the same thing. Now that I'm aware of the circuit training I will try to incorporate everything into it. :icon_thumleft: Oh and Gracey thanks for reminding to stretch!

Clover 02-10-2014 04:10 PM


Originally Posted by Heaven
Thanks Mind Power and Gracey for your advice! I will take a little bit of each one of your advice and try it at home. I have only been able to go to the gym either Sat. or Sundays. So whether I like it or not I have to start working out at home. I don't mean to sound naïve but first time I heard of circuit training and for sure I will try it. I have a punching bag at home and when I'm in the mood I do kicks and punches (I used to do martial arts before) but I get bore of doing the same thing. Now that I'm aware of the circuit training I will try to incorporate everything into it. :icon_thumleft:

Ugh, a punching bag. That is what I NEED! I want one Lol. I have too much aggression built up with chauffeuring the family around, I need to punch something, LOL

@Gracey, woah, I don't want to mess with you! That's great tho, and yes,keeping it less than 5 pounds is good if you don't want to build too much, but keep it toned.

Good luck Heaven, this reminds me I need a gym membership!

Heaven 03-10-2014 01:19 AM


Originally Posted by BlueClover
Ugh, a punching bag. That is what I NEED! I want one Lol. I have too much aggression built up with chauffeuring the family around, I need to punch something, LOL

lol Its awesome! I recommend it to anyone, great stress reliever and a good workout too! :D

Faith33 21-10-2014 03:13 PM

Since this thread is about toning and working out, If I may pose a question...

Do any of you suffer from migraines or normal (haha) headaches after your workouts? Have you ever linked a headache to a workout?

Heaven 21-10-2014 03:27 PM

Not for me Hope! When I get headaches is usually cause I'm hungry or I need to drink water. I never put them both together cause usually I feel good after a good workout. But is a great questions!

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