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Michael K. 10-12-2021 01:18 AM

Mediumship and meditation unity.
After a life threatening major life crisis back in 1974, my recovery took the form of meditation in the hope of finding inner calm and peace, i found much more than that, I took to meditation like a duck takes to water, and soon after meditating i discovered i was a natural medium, i got involved in the Spiritualist movement in England, and used to go to their headquarters in Belgravia square London. I found that i was a natural clairvoyant and clairaudience and went on to physical mediumship which started with wrapping's on the table and walls and then went onto develop transfiguration and the substance of ectoplasm which would cover my whole face, which felt like cobwebs on my skin, my face would vanish and another face would appear within the ectoplasm covering my face it would first appear as a pink like mask then details of an appearance would manifest and the one watching this would recognise this person. I would sometimes go into a Samasdhi state when meditation was more upfront than mediumship. No days i focus solely on meditation and have let the mediumship go on hold for the past 30 years.

BigJohn 10-12-2021 04:30 AM

Interesting..... very interesting.

I have had some experiences similar but far from being like yours.

The funniest experience I had was on an elevated rail car. As I stood standing, a voice told me to look at the people in the car. They were all women sitting down.

Then I was told to look again. Some of the women were sporting well defined mustaches.

I was told to look again, and more women had mustaches.

Finally I was told to look again and all the women had mustaches.

This all happened in the afternoon.

Michael K. 10-12-2021 11:01 AM

Thanks Big John.
Thanks again for your share John, we all have our own unique experiences along the pathway of expressed life, my path these days is sharing my experience of soul realization on my blog page on Blogger.com i have let go of the mediumship part for now, maybe there will be another opening in that direction one day who knows.

regards michael.

bobjob 10-12-2021 11:12 AM


Originally Posted by Michael K.
I found that i was a natural clairvoyant and clairaudience and went on to physical mediumship ...... No days i focus solely on meditation and have let the mediumship go on hold for the past 30 years.

I'm a nearly-four-decades Modern Spiritualist and someone who writes online, here and elsewhere, about mediumship etc., especially UK mediumship

Such a shame you didn't continue with mediumship because there's a perpetual dearth of mediums. Perhaps it's time you returned to serving the spirit via the gifts you were blessed with?

As a natural medium you would be able to use those gifts to help individuals most needing them and that would not compromise your meditation in any way.

blessings and welcome to SF :hug3:

Native spirit 10-12-2021 03:59 PM

Yeah I would Echo what Bobjob has said


Michael K. 10-12-2021 04:00 PM

Mediumship and mediation unity.
Thank you very much Bob job, for your wise council. I stopped using my mediumship abilities around 30 years ago, because I felt that was getting many pats on the back and being told by elderly ladies what a wonderful man I was, sounds like a dream, but this praise made me feel very uncomfortable and i felt that if I got used to this praise it could make me vain and arrogant and loose any humility I would have, I had just a few years previous began recovering from an alcohol addiction problem which almost killed me, i was giver just three months to live, The physical transfiguration mediumship i was doing was of such a degree that it could take place outside even in sunlight, no red lights were needed, i felt that those who needed red lights and a darkened room were somehow phony. I had visions of going to the USA and demonstrating in theatres there, this scared me, so i chose to just continue with the mediation and work with other recovering addicts, and i therefore ran several hostels and half way houses. this work kept my two feet firmly grounded. I take you point B ob job that maybe now at 76 years young and retired i could start again, as there are so many afraid of death, I too write hundreds of blogs called Soul realization which i publish on my website which is *Delted* website, thanks once again Bob would like to share some other experiences with you.
regards michael.

BigJohn 10-12-2021 05:40 PM

Physical Transfiguration Mediumship is not talked much about.

I enjoyed reading about such things. One book I enjoyed was about a place where seances were held during the day. The people would arrive but the vehicles left no tracks. Some of the people could be 'touched' but they were not 'real'. That author went on, along with another, and began one of the more influential religious movements of modern time. As the book was being released, that author was seated in a room listening to a discussion on how 'protectors' were 'created' to protect the pyramids. During that discussion, some of them decided to create their own organization. The author funded the new organization and the most vocal of the group 'created' individuals that many of us will recognize even to this day.

BigJohn 10-12-2021 05:41 PM

I use to teach a class were people could touch and feel a Spirit seated in a chair. Surprisingly, every one identified the Spirit as a young man.

bobjob 10-12-2021 06:19 PM

That's quite a story, Michael, and I totally understand your reasons for withdrawing from demonstrations of public mediumship. You've been through some difficult times and given yourself since to serving the spirit in ways that were perhaps what had been intended all along.

It sounds like you were an accomplished trance medium but I have long wondered how many are attracted by phenomena more than they are by the message of survival.

Links to personal websites are not allowed in the main pages but I'd appreciate your sending me it via private mail.

Michael K. 11-12-2021 02:36 PM

Mediumship and meditation unity.
I tend to agree with you Bobjob that many are attracted just for the phenomena and not so much the message, then there were those sad souls who were only looking for words of comfort from lost loved ones, problem with this is this was that so many were never satisfied with a few messages they kept wanting more and more, and if they did not get one, would become somewhat resentful and depressed. I also found many delusional souls in my years in spiritualism who thought they were Jesus or Gengis Khan, I got married to my first wife in a Spiritualist church in Exeter Devon many years ago now, She has long since died, have been married three times, third time lucky I hope.

regards michael,

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