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django 01-07-2017 09:35 AM

Buddhism and kundalini
Buddha is sometimes depicted as having an upright cobra flared over his head, in fact multiple cobras, which is classic kundalini iconography, and yet original Buddhism doesn't seem to have anything to say about kundalini. So this made me curious - what is the Buddhist attitude to kundalini?

sky 01-07-2017 09:51 AM


Originally Posted by django
Buddha is sometimes depicted as having an upright cobra flared over his head, in fact multiple cobras, which is classic kundalini iconography, and yet original Buddhism doesn't seem to have anything to say about kundalini. So this made me curious - what is the Buddhist attitude to kundalini?

There is no mention of kundalini in the Pali Canon.

AlwaysDayAfterYesterday 01-07-2017 02:58 PM


Originally Posted by django
Buddha is sometimes depicted as having an upright cobra flared over his head, in fact multiple cobras, which is classic kundalini iconography, and yet original Buddhism doesn't seem to have anything to say about kundalini. So this made me curious - what is the Buddhist attitude to kundalini?

Mara is illusion, or the six regions of lower Triloka. Tamas is represented by the three snakes on the left (ignorance / form). Rajas the three on the right (passion / time). Sattva is the larger snake, or the appearance of enlightenment from overcoming Mara. BUDH means to awaken. Sattva is our true mind in the 7th dimension. Overcoming space / time is the process to defeat Mara. Mara is Buddha's mother. Prajapati (Lord of People) is the next Mother, or the higher nature requiring Buddha to become the BodhiSattva, returning to overcome the ignorance of others. "How will you impart strength to others?" Compassion.

Mara and Prajapati are sisters (direct relatives to one thing). MIND! Naga is Mind shedding a skin, or the same snake reborn. Dragon head eating snake tale is wisdom still consuming itself with remainder.



AlwaysDayAfterYesterday 01-07-2017 03:11 PM


Originally Posted by django
Buddha is sometimes depicted as having an upright cobra flared over his head, in fact multiple cobras, which is classic kundalini iconography, and yet original Buddhism doesn't seem to have anything to say about kundalini. So this made me curious - what is the Buddhist attitude to kundalini?

What did Huxley learn after writing Brave New World and Island?

"If I were now to rewrite the book, I would offer the Savage a third alternative. Between the Utopian and primitive horns of his dilemma would lie the possibility of sanity... In this community economics would be decentralist and Henry-Georgian, politics Kropotkinesque and co-operative. Science and technology would be used as though, like the Sabbath, they had been made for man, not (as at present and still more so in the Brave New World) as though man were to be adapted and enslaved to them. Religion would be the conscious and intelligent pursuit of man's Final End, the unitive knowledge of immanent Tao or Logos, the transcendent Godhead or Brahman. And the prevailing philosophy of life would be a kind of Higher Utilitarianism, in which the Greatest Happiness principle would be secondary to the Final End principle – the first question to be asked and answered in every contingency of life being: "How will this thought or action contribute to, or interfere with, the achievement, by me and the greatest possible number of other individuals, of man's Final End?"

Jeremy Bong 01-07-2017 03:34 PM


Originally Posted by django
Buddha is sometimes depicted as having an upright cobra flared over his head, in fact multiple cobras, which is classic kundalini iconography, and yet original Buddhism doesn't seem to have anything to say about kundalini. So this made me curious - what is the Buddhist attitude to kundalini?

How kundalini connect with Buddha? It seems to be something that making up by someone deliberately. Kundalini is chakras practice or yoga practice, they're Hinduism but not Buddhism. So the drawing is imagination and Buddhism is avoiding something that can't be explained or seen for proofing.

django 01-07-2017 10:23 PM


Originally Posted by AlwaysDayAfterYesterday
Mara is illusion, or the six regions of lower Triloka. Tamas is represented by the three snakes on the left (ignorance / form). Rajas the three on the right (passion / time). Sattva is the larger snake, or the appearance of enlightenment from overcoming Mara. BUDH means to awaken. Sattva is our true mind in the 7th dimension. Overcoming space / time is the process to defeat Mara. Mara is Buddha's mother. Prajapati (Lord of People) is the next Mother, or the higher nature requiring Buddha to become the BodhiSattva, returning to overcome the ignorance of others. "How will you impart strength to others?" Compassion.

Mara and Prajapati are sisters (direct relatives to one thing). MIND! Naga is Mind shedding a skin, or the same snake reborn. Dragon head eating snake tale is wisdom still consuming itself with remainder.



Thankyou for this explanation :smile:

Valerian 02-07-2017 02:09 PM

I have never come across a mention of the kundalini in Buddhism, and as has been previously said, raising the kundalini is normally associated with yoga and Hinduism.

I started practicing Samatha meditation in a Theravadan Buddhist school. I had already practiced Transcendental Meditation in another school of belief. In my second year of the samatha practice as I was sitting practicing in the group under the supervision of our tutor, my mind fell into total silence. Then I felt this amazing, absolutely beautiful spiritual connection as though my breath was entering into another being above me and 'his' outbreath became my inbreath. A highly sexual feeling started in the base of my spine and gently but powerfully ascended. When it got to my throat I needed all my will power to stop it rising further as I had a mental picture of myself dancing around the Buddha statue and screaming like a demented demon! Certainly not something to do in the middle of a quiet sitting practice.

I felt too embarrassed for a few weeks to mention it to any of the tutors as it was such a sexual experience and when I did it was clear that they had no idea what had happened to me. It was eventually described as 'uplifting piti'.

Two years later I mentioned it when attending a Buddhist meditation retreat and our tutor simple said, "I do not subscribe to that".

Then a few years ago, I described it to my current friend/teacher who is a totally remarkable and enlightened man. He said it was the kundalini, and if I had allowed it to rise through the crown of the head, one of three things would have happened: I would have been instantly enlightened; I would have become mentally ill; or I would have died.

I am writing this because I feel strongly that whatever faiths we have, whatever 'religions' we practice, they do not fall into tidy packages. If our hearts are open all things are possible. Regarding the image posted, someone, somewhere felt this connection. :smile:

Valerian 02-07-2017 06:55 PM

"hard to keep people within the lines"

Yes, our Buddhist teacher who was a lecturer in comparative religion told us that we should not mix 'medicines'. He said it is as irresponsible as taking a mixture of dangerous drugs from the back of a pharmacy and swallowing the lot. He said he had dealt with several meditators who had ignored his warnings and that they had set their practice back by years.

As for me, well, in my experience there comes a point when one sees the Oneness is all things and one is guided part by one's Higher Self and part by the compassion of and instruction by Buddha. _/\_

django 03-07-2017 01:14 AM


Originally Posted by Valerian
I have never come across a mention of the kundalini in Buddhism, and as has been previously said, raising the kundalini is normally associated with yoga and Hinduism.

I started practicing Samatha meditation in a Theravadan Buddhist school. I had already practiced Transcendental Meditation in another school of belief. In my second year of the samatha practice as I was sitting practicing in the group under the supervision of our tutor, my mind fell into total silence. Then I felt this amazing, absolutely beautiful spiritual connection as though my breath was entering into another being above me and 'his' outbreath became my inbreath. A highly sexual feeling started in the base of my spine and gently but powerfully ascended. When it got to my throat I needed all my will power to stop it rising further as I had a mental picture of myself dancing around the Buddha statue and screaming like a demented demon! Certainly not something to do in the middle of a quiet sitting practice.

I felt too embarrassed for a few weeks to mention it to any of the tutors as it was such a sexual experience and when I did it was clear that they had no idea what had happened to me. It was eventually described as 'uplifting piti'.

Two years later I mentioned it when attending a Buddhist meditation retreat and our tutor simple said, "I do not subscribe to that".

Then a few years ago, I described it to my current friend/teacher who is a totally remarkable and enlightened man. He said it was the kundalini, and if I had allowed it to rise through the crown of the head, one of three things would have happened: I would have been instantly enlightened; I would have become mentally ill; or I would have died.

I am writing this because I feel strongly that whatever faiths we have, whatever 'religions' we practice, they do not fall into tidy packages. If our hearts are open all things are possible. Regarding the image posted, someone, somewhere felt this connection. :smile:

I've also heard people with active kundalini who turn up at Buddhist centres get sent out to work in the garden.

But if the Buddha never mentioned it, it does seem to be unimportant in gaining the enlightenment he experienced.

When you had the vision of you dancing around the Buddha statue and screaming like a demented demon, it's interesting that that was enough to make you resist the rising energy. In retrospect what do you make of this vision now? Do you think it led you in the right direction?

sky 03-07-2017 06:14 AM


Originally Posted by Bohdiyana
But he was "mixing medicines" in his lectures on comparative religion? Humans are sure funny animals. Like extremely intelligent and extremely stupid at the same time. Just today I was channel surfing and some politician was on the news saying how we need thousands of new nuclear power plants in the usa and how safe they are, clean energy, and on and on and yea, did he forget Japan's nuclear plant just ruined the Pacific Ocean? There is radiation being detected on the beaches on the west coast of the usa now. Large sections in the pacific ocean are now radioactive. Just today I was at the beach thinking how dumb do humans have to be to ruin something so beautiful. Why do anything that would put earths treasures at risk? We only have one planet.

A classic tale.... the lecturer wants his listeners to do what he says not what he does :smile:

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