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Lynn 02-10-2010 04:13 AM

Reincarnations Do we have a Choice ?
The word Reincarnation means to make new again.

It is said to be when the Soul leaves the body and is freed at the time of death of the physical body to come forth again to a new body. When one dies from the physical body I feel that the Soul is what goes to the Light to be re born or to come to a new body for more in the body learning’s and experiences. That said I do wonder on having a choice where we come to or that we might or might not want to come back.

Do we have a choice on where we come back to ?

Do we have a choice to maybe NOT come back ?



EmergingPath 02-10-2010 04:18 AM

Based upon what I've read (like Michael Newton "Journey of Souls" "Destiny of Souls") we do have a choice and the point of reincarnation is to develop the soul to the point where we no longer incarnate and move beyond that to whats next...

StephenK 02-10-2010 05:47 AM


Originally Posted by Lynn
Do we have a choice on where we come back to ?
Do we have a choice to maybe NOT come back ?

Consider this first...

When being born physically you are leaving the frame of reference that made this decision. You are withdrawing from your oversoul exposure
and are opting for this chance to be limited.

Now you're physical, and your ability to relate is fully wrapped within this context.

It naturally appears to me that we would be missing key components in order to understand why we would bounce from life to life.

The decision to adopt another life isn't made while engaged in this physical perspective.
So I suspect when we do make such a decision we're then much "smarter" than we happen to be while cloaked in this body....

In which case our options would be considerably more clear...

So I figure it's wiser to concern ourselves with such things, when the moment is more aligned toward doing so.... :^)

SandybytheSea 02-10-2010 12:29 PM

With all the past life regressions I've conducted, I have never once had anyone say "oh damn I'm getting reincarnated again, what a pain!" But what I HAVE heard often are words like "well that was a wasted life, I can't wait to do it better next time!"

Everyone chooses whether to incarnate, or not (in other words, to be or not to be, lol) and also chooses how where why when and with whom. With a little help from our friends, of course. And while many people say they wouldn't want to come back and "do it all again", from the perspective of the "other side" it seems we are usually very enthusiastic about doing it all again. Maybe it helps that from "there" an entire lifetime seems like the blink of an eye - hey, no sweat, I'll get it done and be home in a flash!" We forget how emotionally draining a physical incarnation can be.

I like the way you put it, StephenK :when we do make such a decision we're then much "smarter" than we happen to be while cloaked in this body....

We're able to see where we got it right, didn't quite get it right, what we needed to learn/experience/understand, who we hurt, who we lifted up, how much light (or darkness) we spread, what we need to do. None of that is possible from the perspective of the physical, where our focus tends to be on getting through the day, paying the bills, and trying to stay sane.

I liken it to looking at a huge tapestry - when we're incarnate, it's like we're right up close to the tapestry and all we can see are a few threads. We have no idea what the picture or pattern is. But the further back we get, the more the picture reveals itself, and the easier it is to see our mistakes as well as our accomplishments.

Chrysaetos 02-10-2010 12:41 PM


Originally Posted by SandybytheSea
With all the past life regressions I've conducted, I have never once had anyone say "oh damn I'm getting reincarnated again, what a pain!" But what I HAVE heard often are words like "well that was a wasted life, I can't wait to do it better next time!"

Hi SandybytheSea,

What about people that ''choose'' to be born deaf and with incurable disease?
I don't think they were cheering before taking birth.


''Reincarnations Do we have a Choice ?''

I think it depends on individual evolution? Really, I can't give a better explanation..:D If you're lucky and you've been a good boy you might have more choices to make then if you were a baddie.

Reincarnation is scary anyway, you have no control over what will happen.

Bella 02-10-2010 12:50 PM

I believe you have a choice ..
I mean, all I really sense, personally, for me is that .. .. I've known many people that have died, who seem like they would have so much that would make them be reincarnated to finish/complete/evolve from and to me that would relate with the concept/thought of having no choice .... because you would have to personally Finish, at some point...
But, something very strong in me, tells me that those loved ones of mine, who seem like they would have so much that would make them be reincarnated, actually wouldn't be/wouldn't have to because they learned so much inside, even if it seemed like they were completely at loss of the questions they had of so much.
Hopefully I'm making sense here.
Reincarnation .. I believe .. you Do have a choice. I mean put it this way, do you think .. your soul is just thrown around the galaxy and back into this Earth which we all can say at some point or all in all is our own personal hell (where we create our own heaven, to expand that into Changing the world)

Hopefully I'm making some sense..

Maybe you do have a choice and may you don't have a choice, but either way whichever it is, it most likely has a very very good reason behind it.

Summerland 02-10-2010 01:26 PM

I absolutely believe that we have a choice to reincarnate. And I agree with Sandy; we choose our circumstances, not only to help ourselves to grow and learn but to help those that we love to learn and grow. It is so hard to understand why souls decide to incarnate as a person who will be blind or handicapped or to live in a impoverished country. Our souls are much wiser when not in the flesh and do have a fuller view of the tapestry.

Chrysaetos 02-10-2010 02:20 PM


Originally Posted by Summerland
I absolutely believe that we have a choice to reincarnate. And I agree with Sandy; we choose our circumstances, not only to help ourselves to grow and learn but to help those that we love to learn and grow. It is so hard to understand why souls decide to incarnate as a person who will be blind or handicapped or to live in a impoverished country. Our souls are much wiser when not in the flesh and do have a fuller view of the tapestry.

Hi Summerland,

You say ''our souls'' so does that mean we are ''possessed'' somehow by this ''soul'' ?

It's indeed hard to imagine why individuals would choose such circumstances. Where lies the point in experiencing such things?

mei-ling 02-10-2010 02:34 PM

I am not sure if people actually decide to incarnate as a person in an impoverished country...........Actually I find it rather dangerous to think that way..............It gives the ones in the rich west a beautiful excuse to not care at all. You can simply say....; 'you chose to be there..........". This is far too simple in my opinion.............

Miko 02-10-2010 03:14 PM

Most psychics that I've read say that we have a choice. Some souls incarnate once or twice and then decide it's not really for them. I've lived many lives from what I can remember, I think it's an accelerated form of evolving or growing, spiritually.

I remember not having any say in some of my charted lives, and those were decided by a master guide. Even though I was concerned about those lives, I lived them anyway, trusting in my guides. There are lessons we don't even know we need to learn, and those lessons enrich our souls.

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